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The Sudden Approach of Unexplainable Power: OOC

Nonlethal Force

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This is the OOC thread for the solo game: The Sudden Approach of Unexplainable Power.

Unleashed, let me spin out a quick possibility for the opening scene:

- - - - - - - -

After being encouraged to go forth into the world by Aekalos' dragon father (for lack of a better name: Sappurapolician, but change it if you come up with a better one). The dragon father gave Aekalos only two directions. One: Explore the world to its fullest. Two: Come back safe to the clan.

After a bit of time, Aekalos finds himself trading stories with a bunch of salty old sea dogs. Perhaps they're pirates, perhaps their just old men who've spent a life out at sea. Either way, they tell the story of how their captain has been caught by the innept captain of Earl Patron's guard. The captain of the guard is claiming that the captain of these sea dogs helped kidnap a local nobleman's daughter one night. They tell of how their captain was framed by a nearby orc tribe. Their story smells like there is more to it than they admit, but the sea dogs are willing to pay quite handsomely if anyone is willing to infiltrate the orc tribe and find any sign of the nobleman's daughter. In particular, the girl was known to always wear a simple locket with a dragon in flight carved in one side and a picture of the sun on the back. The locket opens up and has a message engraved around a black pearl. The sea dogs don't know what the message says. The salty men would go themselves, but they've gotta stay in town to make sure that if the trial (and likely execution) happens before Aekalos gets back they are there to fight for their poor, framed captain. :D

- - - - - - - -

Anyway, that would be the opening scene, so if that sounds more up the alley of a 2nd level rogue/sorcerer (although feel free to change if you've gotten another idea) we'll run with that. I figure this will give Aekalos a change to use his stealth, spells, and probably charm to infiltrate the orc tribe and return with what he finds.

As for background, I'll give you a fairly liberal leash - assuming you don't claim to much glory for a 2nd level character! :) I doubt you will, just saying....

How's that sound?

Oh, and I'll give you an option. If you want an RG thread, I'll leave it to you to manage. I figure that way it could be from your perspective if you want it. If not, could you save your first post here for your character sheet? Thanks. That'll just mean that it is easy to find.

As for character generation ... 32 pt. buy and 75% HP as per my other games sound good?

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Aekalos, Male Drakontos Rogue/Sorcerer

Male Drakontos Rogue 1 / Sorcerer 1
Experience Points (required): 1,300 (3,000 for 3rd level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Bahamut
Homeland: Clan of Sappurapolician on the coast west of Partuss

Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 182 lbs
Hair: Blond with bronze highlights
Eyes: Bronze
Age: 20

Strength 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
Dexterity 12 (+1) [14 base (6 pts), -2 racial]
Constitution 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Intelligence 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Wisdom 14 (+2) [12 base (4 pts), +2 racial]
Charisma 16 (+3) [14 base (6 pts), +2 racial]

Class and Racial Abilities
+2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity; Medium size humanoid (dragonblood); Base speed 30 feet; Draconic Heritage (bronze; Survival is a Sorcerer class skill); 4 extra skill points at 1st level, 1 extra skill point per level thereafter; Low-light vision

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword, light armor, but not with shields; Sneak attack +1d6; Trapfinding; Find familiar

Armour Class: 14 (10 base, +1 Dex, +3 defense bonus) [touch 14, flat-footed 13]
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Hit Dice: 1d6+1d4+4 (6,3)
Hit Points: 13
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 feet

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +0/+1

+1 melee [1d6+1; 18-20/x2; piercing; rapier]
+1 melee [1d4+1; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]
+1 ranged [1d6; 20/x3; 60 ft.; piercing; shortbow]
-- 20 arrows remaining

Draconic Breath (Su) [2d6 x spell level expended; 60 ft. line; electricity; DC 13+spell level (reflex half)]

Fortitude +2 [0 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +3 [2 base, +1 Dex]
Will +4 [2 base, +2 Wis]

+2 save vs. sleep, paralysis, as well as spells and abilities with the electricity descriptor [Draconic Heritage; 2 feats]

Skills [49 points (44/5); max ranks: 5/2.5]
Concentration +4 [2 ranks, +2 Con]
Decipher Script +4 [2 ranks, +2 Int]
Diplomacy +7 [4 ranks, +3 Cha]
Disable Device +7 [4 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 circumstance (tools)]
Disguise +5 [2 ranks, +3 Cha]
Escape Artist +5 [4 ranks, +1 Dex]
Gather Information +5 [2 ranks, +3 Cha]
Hide +3 [2 ranks, +1 Dex]
Knowledge (arcana) +3 [1 rank, +2 Int]
Knowledge (local) +6 [4 ranks, +2 Int]
Listen +4 [2 ranks, +2 Wis]
Move Silently +3 [2 ranks, +1 Dex]
Open Lock +7 [4 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 circumstance (tools)]
Profession (fisher) +4 [2 ranks, +2 Wis]
Profession (sailor) +4 [2 ranks, +2 Wis]
Search +4 [2 ranks, +2 Int]
Spellcraft +3 [1 rank, +2 Int]
Spot +4 [2 ranks, +2 Wis]
Survival +3 [1 rank, +2 Wis]
Swim +3 [2 ranks, +1 Str]
Use Magic Device +5 [2 ranks, +3 Cha]

Feats [Draconic Feats: 2]
Draconic Heritage (bronze) [racial bonus] {Complete Arcane or Dragon Magic}
Draconic Breath (Su) [1st-level] {Complete Arcane}

Common, Draconic, Aquan, Elven

Spells Known
Spells Per Day (5/4); Save DC = 13 + spell level
0-level (4) -- detect magic, mage hand, mending, ray of frost
1st-level (2) -- disguise self, sleep

Weight of Items Worn [8 lb / 13 lb (incl. clothes)]
Rapier [2 lb] {20 gp}
Dagger [1 lb] {2 gp}
Shortbow [2 lb] {30 gp}
-- 20 arrows [3 lb] {1 gp}
Traveller’s Outfit (see description) {free}

Backpack [2 lb / 27 lb (incl. backpack)] {2 gp}
-- Bedroll [5 lb] {1 sp}
-- Case, Scroll [0.5 lb] {1 gp}
-- Everburning Torch [1 lb] {110 gp}
-- Flint & Steel [0 lb] {1 gp}
-- Mirror, Small Steel [0.5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Rations, Trail (4 days) [4 lb] {2 gp}
-- Rope, Silk (50 feet) [5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Peasant’s Outfit (fisher/sailor) [2 lb] {1 sp}
-- Thieves’ Tools, Masterwork [2 lb] {100 gp}
-- Waterskin [4 lb] {1 gp}
-- Whetstone [1 lb] {2 cp}

Pouch, Belt [0.5 lb / 1.6 lb (incl. pouch)] {1 gp}
-- Potion, cure light wounds (1d8+1) [0 lb] {50 gp}
-- Potion, pass without trace [0 lb] {50 gp}
-- Amethyst (3) [100 gp/ea]
-- Blue Quartz (10) [10 gp/ea]
-- 40 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp [1.1 lb]

Pouch, Spell Component [2 lb] {5 gp}

Sailboat “Swiftwind” [100 lb] {50 gp; PH; as Rowboat}
-- Fishing Tackle [5 lb] {20 gp; A&E; +1 circumstance bonus}

Weight Carried: 38.6 lb

Carrying Capacity [12 Strength]
Light: 43 lb. or less; Medium: 44-86 lb.; Heavy: 87-130 lb.;
Lift (over head): 130 lb.; Lift (off ground): 260 lb.; Drag: 650 lb.

440 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp (in gems and coins)

Aekalos is a lean handsome man just over six feet in height, with long blond hair that reaches the middle of his back, highlighted with bronze. His bronze eyes are as changable as the sea, the colour varying to reflect his mood...bright and playful most of the time, they turn dark and stormy when angered. His clothing is well fitted and stylish, suitable for almost any situation.

Aekalos is an inquisitive man who holds justice in high regard. Playful, friendly, and at times humourous, he prefers to confront people with words, backed by his charismatic personality, rather than the bared steel or magic he has at his command...though he’s not afraid to play to those strengths if the situation warrants such force. He has an acquisitive nature, which is not driven by greed, but the draconic desire for power and wealth.

Second child of Lakoren and Cyrenia of the tribe of Sappurapolician, Aekalos was their most inquisitive of their six offspring. Always seeking to learn about everything he tried his hand at most things in his early years, often getting himself into trouble, though he usually managed to talk his way out of the worst punishments. Some even believe he has some copper dragon blood in his lineage, due to his acquisitive nature and fondness for riddles and joke-telling...though the later probably comes from the time he met Galdemtyr, a playful young copper dragon, on one of his sailing trips along the coast west of his own village (west of Partuss). He’s never seen the young copper dragon in that area since, but he still has fond memories of their meeting.

Spending much of his time sailing and fishing, Aekalos’ magical gifts blossomed on one such trip, when one of the fish he’d caught slipped towards the water when his boat tilted. Catching the fish with his mind alone, he lifted it back into the boat, grinning at the new power at his command. Upon returning to his village, he proudly approached the lair of his father dragon to tell him of his feat. Pleased that one of his children had inherited the magic of dragonkind, Sappurapolician began to educate Aekalos about his gift and the skills he would need to learn to make the most of it. During this time, Aekalos found he had a talent for turning the arcane energy at his command into a breath weapon, just like that of the dragon father, which pleased him beyond words and seemed to please the dragon father as well.

Several years after his sorcerous ability manifested and his training at the claws of the dragon father was complete, Sappurapolician encouraged Aekalos to go forth into the world with the following words of guidance...explore the world to its fullest and to come back safe to the clan. With the urging of the dragon father ringing in his ears, he packed his gear and took to the water in his sailboat Swiftwind, sailing east to the nearby coastal city of Partuss, which is where we now find him...

XP Log (started with 1,000 XP)
150 (handily defeating the common thugs); 150 (good RPing in the Bloody Ale and against the dastardly duo on the street)[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Hmm, I'm actually not too sure about that particular class combination with Complete Mage prestige classes being a possibility...some of the names look interesting at least. ;) I like the opening scene as it stands and the little quest is good, and it will probably still be okay with a revised class selection...assuming something in Complete Mage draws me in. There are a couple of Sorcerer PrC in Races of the Dragon too, that interest me a little, but I'll keep them back for the time being.

900 gp starting money as per the DMG?

I'm thinking Aekalos might have a little sailboat (as rowboat PH)...want him to pay for that?

I already have Dragon Magic myself (feel free to ask about it--no multiclass PrC in it, though there's a Cleric one Keryth might take if he doesn't go for Sorcerer--some new draconic feats too :D ), and I'll be getting Complete Mage as soon as it reaches Australia...sight unseen. Then that's how I buy all my D&D books, as there's nowhere local to look at them. :lol:

As you probably guessed from my character sheet placeholder, I won't bother with a RG since it's only me...I always keep a log of everything my characters do and see, so there's little point doubling up. Though if you'd like a hint of Aekalos' perception of the people he meets, I can always post something here. ;)

Read the background for Ischarus, about what I thought for Drakontai...though he seems a little young when he went out into the world (considering adulthood for the race is 75 years).

32 point buy for a solo character...hmm, suppose I could live with that. ;) Damned Dex penalty hurts, especially considering a lowish hp character...ironically though, I seem to be attracted to races with a Dex penalty. :lol:

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Well ... unfortunately I don't particular care for the Races of ____ books, so for these games that option is unfortunately out. [This is also true about the "environment" books. I don't much care for the Stormwrack/Frostburn/etc books] I am anticipating purachsing Complete Mage and Dragon Magic this week, though - so those two should not be a problem.

Regarding the Drakontos and my Story Hour. I wasn't really sure I liked the extended age thing as much as when I originally conceived of the race. So, I am writing the Story Hour as though it were more like a humanoid class as far as age goes. But that's just for the Story Hour, I wanted to try it out and see if I like it better. You can honestly do whichever you'd prefer for the age - that part doesn't come into play very often to be honest. However you perceive your characters age is fine with me. But - very preceptive of you to notice something like that.

Gold as per DMG is good. If the character wants a "rowboat" he'll need to buy it. Let's see, What else?

Feel free to wait until Complete Mage comes if you want to solidify your character ideas. No rush. It'll give me time to get Dragon Magic and COmplete Mage.


First Post
No problem, I have so many WotC books I like to look through them on occasion to see if I can find something interesting. :cool:

Well, I think I'll start out as a Rogue/Sorcerer, and see what Complete Mage has when it arrives. Can always head away from Rogue later, as 3rd level will be Sorcerer unless I need something else.

Okay more character questions...

Mind if I take starting languages outside those in the Drakontos racial listing?

Are you using the defense bonus exactly as written, as it's ripe for abuse in that form? Not that I intend to abuse it...well maybe ;) ...but if you take one level from the best column you get the best defense bonus for your total level no matter if it's only a single level out of twenty.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
unleashed said:
No problem, I have so many WotC books I like to look through them on occasion to see if I can find something interesting. :cool:

Not a problem. I just wanted to be honest up front before you got a massive character idea.

unleashed said:
Well, I think I'll start out as a Rogue/Sorcerer, and see what Complete Mage has when it arrives. Can always head away from Rogue later, as 3rd level will be Sorcerer unless I need something else.

Well, also remember that I do allow for retraining as per the PHB II ... and for an online game (because they move slowrer than table top games) I usually am open to people making 1 drastic change at their first level-up if the chatacter didn't pan out the way they expected. Granted, after that first level-up I figure your character should've come together enough that they have taken a certain direction. [By drastic I mean exchanging 1 level of this class for a level of that. Not rewritting the whole character!]

unleashed said:
Okay more character questions...

Yeah! I like questions.

unleashed said:
Mind if I take starting languages outside those in the Drakontos racial listing?

Naw. Go ahead. I'm assuming with a Drakontos character that if need be we can use the dragon father to be the one to have taught the language. Of course, your character should speak common and Draconic ... but those are pretty much assumed anyway. If you can briefly justify why the character learned them in the background I'm cool with it. [Besides, in a one person adventure the other languages become fairly important and you can rely on others to speak it. Although, I suppose you could buy the services of a linguist.]

unleashed said:
Are you using the defense bonus exactly as written, as it's ripe for abuse in that form? Not that I intend to abuse it...well maybe ;) ...but if you take one level from the best column you get the best defense bonus for your total level no matter if it's only a single level out of twenty.

Yeah, I am aware of that. Not altogether different from the rule that says if you take one level of fighter you can wear heavy armor even if its one level out of twenty. If that's all you are worried about, I won't consider that abuse. There are a few reasons for this:

1. I'm more interested in a good story than perfect mechanics. A difference of 1 or 2 in the AC number shouldn't make or break a good story. As a DM, I can make creatures that can hit you at a given CR regardless of your AC if I feel like the smack needs to be laid down. But knowing you, I'm not worried about it. You'll enjoy the game regardless of what it says under your AC block.

2. That one level can be quite costly in terms of power early on. A spellcaster would really benefit from a level of fighter (or another full armor class) because of the increased AC and the hit points. But that's a level of spells they can't cast and if they want to make up for it as far as caster level goes they need to burn a feat on practised spellcaster, then. Sure, I think the benefits still outweigh to downsides, but if in this case if you are going sorcerer it makes the delay in spells even more drastic as far as power is concerned.

3. Being a solo game, I have the ultiamte ability to negate the class defense if it becomes a problem: A rogue with great Hide skill, average to poor UMD skill, and a simple wand with Ray of Frost and about 4 charges left on it. I realize the class defense as written counts against touch attacks, but a good rogue should be able to hit with a wand from hiding. But as I have said before, I'm not worried about power in this game. I know you're a good gamer and as such are going to autmatically optimize - I try too! But I'd expect nothing less.

4. As a solo game, your character may need to be a bit better than normal - especially in the beginning. So no big deal if your character is a bit more powerful.

5. Finally, I am a believer in the fact that any ruling that seems to at first benefit the players ultimately benefits the DM. I'll give you an example. My Hit Point ruling seems generous at 75%. But that's also the rule I use to generate my enemies. So, while the party gets the benefit - how many more monsters will they be facing who are also getting the benefit? Same with this class defense bonus. Sure, monsters from the MM won't be getting any benefit from this. But a classed humanoid opponent that I have to build up from level 1 will. :) And you better believe that as a DM I'll be building them to challenge the character. [Hopefully not too tough, but challenging.] The BBEG and his minions would likely know just as much the value of a single level of fighter or the like if the character is aware of it.

6. I'm not allowing the sidebar that suggests allowing armor bonused (like fortification, etc) on other equipment. Thus, it is a total choice. If you want any of the armor bonus you'll have to wear armor. If you want the class defense without worrying about armor you'll have to forgo any visions of getting the armor special magical qualities, too. Not only that, but I've found that you typically can have a higher AC by 1 if you go with armor once magical armor becomes an option.

Anyway ... there you go. Probably said more than I needed to when I could have simply summed it up like this: I won't look down at you at all if you take a single level of any class that gets the highest column just because it makes sense to do so. If that isn't your main class, you're going to take a bit of a hit in power most likely. And as the DM, I'm sure I can compensate and still make the game challenging for you. :D


First Post
Nonlethal Force said:
Not a problem. I just wanted to be honest up front before you got a massive character idea.
Too late, I already did when I saw the PrC ;), but I knew when I saw it that it wasn't in the allowed books, so I'm not worried about it.

Nonlethal Force said:
Well, also remember that I do allow for retraining as per the PHB II ... and for an online game (because they move slowrer than table top games) I usually am open to people making 1 drastic change at their first level-up if the chatacter didn't pan out the way they expected. Granted, after that first level-up I figure your character should've come together enough that they have taken a certain direction. [By drastic I mean exchanging 1 level of this class for a level of that. Not rewritting the whole character!]
Well I doubt I'll change it...if I ever settle on something. Currently I've got a rogue/sorcerer all but completed and the beguiler just jumped out at me again as I went to pick spells...damned sneaky beguiler, aaaargh! :lol:


First Post
Well, since I want to play up his draconic heritage with the draconic feats, I doubt it as most require Sorcerer and that pretty much knocks anything else out of the running. :p The PrC I was mainly looking at from the forbidden RotD :uhoh: :eek: was Dragonheart Mage which pushes the draconic feat angle to the fore.

As for the beguiler, it came to mind because the spells I was picking were enchantments and illusions from their list which I'd only looked at the day before. :lol:

So are you limiting feats and spells to the same sourcebooks as the classes? As I think there's a draconic feat in RotD that isn't listed elsewhere...probably doesn't matter too much, but thought I'd ask.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
I would rather prefer to limit basically everything to the above sourcebooks as well. I've found out that it really is wise to limit games stuff to things I have in print before me.

What does the feat do? I'm curious, of course. It isn't so much that I think the stuff is not balanced ... I just didn't particularily like the flavor/angle that the races books take.

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