The Training Room (Discussion)


I aim to misbehave
I'm still gathering my thoughts on this one . . . though everyone has made some good points. I firmly agree with no experience points for the training room unless its a mission that involves the training room in some way (holodeck accidents dance in my head :))


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The man with the probe
Ok, I'm going to FINALY get this hammered out so we can get it out there, particularly if we have a willing judge for it.


First Post
Bront said:
Revised rules for the Training room. Any coments? Ideas? Votes?
I really don't have any other suggestions than the ones I've made. My feeling was that we would have various people GM little "training battles" for new characters or potential GMs waiting on missions. That way they could get some experience with something small before taking on a whole mission.

Bront said:
Ok, I'm going to FINALY get this hammered out so we can get it out there, particularly if we have a willing judge for it.
I'd be willing to Judge this, but I was planning on GMing some in there myself. Not sure how that would work.


The man with the probe
Assuming people use invisable castle, it shouldn't be too bad, but perhaps it might be best to wait till we get a larger group of people in here.


First Post
Can an official proposal be written for this proposal and put in the first post of this thread or in another thread... or the proposer have lost interest in it?


The man with the probe
The final revision was in the top post. I asked for comments or votes, and no one said anything :(


First Post
Just wanted to make sure I understand how it will work before I vote. Will there be a GM and players? Or is everything player driven. My original idea was that we'd give people a chance to practice GMing and players who are waiting to play a chance to test thier powers, or maybe even their builds before they get approved. I like everything I see though.


The man with the probe
Probably just monitored by you and other judges, with all rolls done on IC. A Judge will be needed for any simulation anyway though. Quake's stats aren't going to be put out there for the public, though H4H can probably guess at many of them.

Also, I am going to put a rider that you need to be approved first.

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