The Training Room (Discussion)


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I suggest that any opponent that is capture have there stats put in a thread for use for the training room. i think anyone that end in prison will have his power classified and thus, easily accessed for teh training room. Quake, who has escape, isn't in that siituation. A threda could be added for NPCs stats (and also, if the master allow other master to use it for a mission, in case he escape. Villain like to escape prison).

Does the 8 persons are in 8 separate training room, or there will be only 1 training room?

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First Post
Velmont said:
I suggest that any opponent that is capture have there stats put in a thread for use for the training room. i think anyone that end in prison will have his power classified and thus, easily accessed for teh training room. Quake, who has escape, isn't in that siituation. A threda could be added for NPCs stats (and also, if the master allow other master to use it for a mission, in case he escape. Villain like to escape prison).

Does the 8 persons are in 8 separate training room, or there will be only 1 training room?
I have wanted to set up a thread for some time called for GM eyes only. Each Gm could have a post and sblock any characters they are willing to share, whether they are bad guys or good guy NPCs.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Salix said:
I have wanted to set up a thread for some time called for GM eyes only. Each Gm could have a post and sblock any characters they are willing to share, whether they are bad guys or good guy NPCs.
I'd say the problem with that is that a lot of GMs are in other GM's games. Also, who knows if the NPC becomes a recurring villain and then someone who read all the info because they weren't in the original issue with that villain winds up fighting the recurring villain in the sequel.


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
I'd say the problem with that is that a lot of GMs are in other GM's games. Also, who knows if the NPC becomes a recurring villain and then someone who read all the info because they weren't in the original issue with that villain winds up fighting the recurring villain in the sequel.

Very true. I guess I don't worry about it too much. After 1 adventure, most of the character's powers are going to be revealed. For the most part we probably won't use each others characters too much, but one of the nice things about a shared world is that it would be possible.


The man with the probe
Velmont said:
I suggest that any opponent that is capture have there stats put in a thread for use for the training room. i think anyone that end in prison will have his power classified and thus, easily accessed for teh training room. Quake, who has escape, isn't in that siituation. A threda could be added for NPCs stats (and also, if the master allow other master to use it for a mission, in case he escape. Villain like to escape prison).

Does the 8 persons are in 8 separate training room, or there will be only 1 training room?
1 Room.

We can create a publicly known database on baddies. And then have "For further information, contact x person" so that the stats aren't public.

El Jefe

First Post
Salix said:
After 1 adventure, most of the character's powers are going to be revealed. For the most part we probably won't use each others characters too much, but one of the nice things about a shared world is that it would be possible.
I don't see why NPC villains can't also grow from experience and gain new powers, or at least augment old powers in ways that PC's don't expect.


First Post
Bront said:
1 Room.

We can create a publicly known database on baddies. And then have "For further information, contact x person" so that the stats aren't public.
We could post known powers in the first post. I like that idea. I guess with me, I wanted to get my characters out there for someone down the road. Maybe a new GM would want to use one of them.


First Post
I'm seeing why Bront didn't want to do NPCs initially. When I brought up a training room idea I assumed there would be a GM. Basically a new GM could could learn the mechanics of the game without having to come up with a complete adventure. If there isn't a GM it makes sense to have more sparring between PCs. I definitely think it'll still be fun, especially for any PCs who are waiting for a mission for a while (Gremlin comes to mind).


Solicited thoughts on the Training Room . . .

Without a GM, it seems like it's just run your own combat simulations. Which, if one is so inclined, is easier to do alone, rather than with PbP. I suppose it could be useful for learning teamwork between characters. But that implies a foe who needs more than one person to take him down, as opposed to just sparring with each other.

Perhaps, to start, a few simple opponents could be designed, and others could be added as time progressed (inspired or not by existing villains). I could probably find the time to stat up Giant Robot X and a handful of Oddly Themed Villains.

On the subject of damage, I don't think anything should be doing lethal damage in there. If you want to encourage people to use it, then it needs to not penalize them when a mission finally comes up. In PbP, combats can take a long time, and you never know when a new mission will arive. So, all non-real combat for non-real rewards = non-real damage.

I did have one final thought, that it was fairly limited to combat skills. For example, I doubt Handsome could use the Danger Room to practice seducing women . . . or if he could he would never leave the darn thing :cool: But that fermented a different idea in my head, which I presume requires a new proposal . . . so I'll get to work on that.

Rystil Arden

First Post
hafrogman said:
Solicited thoughts on the Training Room . . .

Without a GM, it seems like it's just run your own combat simulations. Which, if one is so inclined, is easier to do alone, rather than with PbP. I suppose it could be useful for learning teamwork between characters. But that implies a foe who needs more than one person to take him down, as opposed to just sparring with each other.

Perhaps, to start, a few simple opponents could be designed, and others could be added as time progressed (inspired or not by existing villains). I could probably find the time to stat up Giant Robot X and a handful of Oddly Themed Villains.

On the subject of damage, I don't think anything should be doing lethal damage in there. If you want to encourage people to use it, then it needs to not penalize them when a mission finally comes up. In PbP, combats can take a long time, and you never know when a new mission will arive. So, all non-real combat for non-real rewards = non-real damage.

I did have one final thought, that it was fairly limited to combat skills. For example, I doubt Handsome could use the Danger Room to practice seducing women . . . or if he could he would never leave the darn thing :cool: But that fermented a different idea in my head, which I presume requires a new proposal . . . so I'll get to work on that.
Sierra is all about a training room for seducing people--even if it is just prisoners who we want to convince to talk. Eventually, they will become fanatically devoted to her, and they never realise they are being manipulated by mental effects, even if they make saves :]

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