• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Ultimate Dungeon


First Post
Sek, sensing that Xuxgu is in dire straits quickly springing into action.. she lets her healing energies flow into Xuxgu... allowing her companion to heal some of it's wounds... her healings also allow the only member of her party next to her spirit companion... Nyjry to heal a bit as well

Move Action: Move to C5
Standard Action: Healing Spirit Encounter Special (Healing, Primal)
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. If the target
does so, one ally adjacent to your spirit companion, other
than the target, regains 1d6 hit points.
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. I will use this on Xuxgu allowing a use of a healing surge.. and Nyjry regains 1d6=1HP[/sblock]

Sek yells to Buna... "Move against the Bear friend warrior... it will provide cover and help heal you!" she yells over the sounds of desperate combat....

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First Post
OOC: Son of A..... that's the SECOND time I've done that.... grrrrr... yea.... my bear will tell S2 he can latch onto this as the bear will give it a paw not soon forgotten...

Protecting Strike (Implement, Primal, Spirit)
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: +4 (Wis+Feat) vs. Will
Hit: 1d8+3 damage, and each ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. 1d20+4=14 vs. Will, 1d8+3=6 and if that hits Sq gains 3 more Temp. HP's. My bear will then shift to E6 Putting it right next to S2 as well once the attack is over.,


In order for this to work, this needs to happen:

Move Action: Sek moves to C5, next to Xuxgu, Buna, and Scorpion 1, provoking an opportunity attack from the crawling claw, which misses. The bear moves to F7 in order to be adjacent to Nyjry.

Minor Action: Healing Spirit, healing Xuxgu to 11 and Nyjry to 13.

Standard Action: Protecting Strike, hitting the scorpion 2 and causing it to shudder with agony. Nyjry and Sekoqa gain 3 temp hp.

You can't have the spirit move after that, but I think that's okay.[sblock=Initiative and Map]Starting with who's next; Nyjry: 15, Wil: 11, Kobold Skirmisher: 10, Xuxgu: 10, Buna: 6, Crawling Claw: 22, Scorpions: 20, Sekoqa: 15, Sek: 15.
. . .A B C D E F G H
. . . . .x.D.x.x
1 . . .x. . . . .x
2 . .x. . .d.d. . .x

3 .x.d. . . . . . . .x
4 .x. .d.S1 .d. . .W.x
5 .x. .X.Skd.K. . .d.x
6 .x. . .d.d. .S2d.d.x
7 . .x.d.B.C. .ScN.x
8 . . .x.d.d.Sq .x
. . . . .x.x.D.x[/sblock]


First Post
Nyjry, feeling pain from external attacks and the internal spread of poison, does what she does best. She keeps whacking away with her axe. Sadly, the pain and disorientation of the poison coursing through her blood is enough to make her attempted assault little more than an uncontrolled spasm.
[sblock=ooc] Howling Strike vs. Scorp, not 1[/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

The black wolf that is Wil stalks closer to the scorpion clamped on to Nyjry. As he reaches the giant arachnid he explodes into a flurry of snapping teeth and flashing claws, attempting to push the scorpion away from Nyjry.
[sblock=Actions]Move: to G6
Standard: Savage Rend vs. S2: 1d20+3=16 vs. Ref, 1d8+3=11 damage, and if that hits slide the target to E6, breaking the grab on Nyjry.
Minor: none.[/sblock]


Nyjry fumbles, granting combat advantage to all foes until the start of her next turn. However, she did gain 2 hp from the regeneration, bringing her up to 15.

Wil, in his beast form, stalks over to the scorpion and savagely rends it apart, finally killing it. Nyjry breaks free from its claw and gasps with relief as she begins to feel healthy again.

The kobold stabs at Buna and does 7 damage, ridding the elf of her one temporary hp and bringing her to 18 hp.

[sblock=Initiative and Map]Xuxgu: 10, Buna: 6, Crawling Claw: 22, Scorpion: 20, Sekoqa: 15, Sek: 15, Nyjry: 15, Wil: 11, Kobold Skirmisher: 10.
. . .A B C D E F G H
. . . . .x.D.x.x
1 . . .x. . . . .x
2 . .x. . .d.d. . .x
3 .x.d. . . . . . . .x

4 .x. .d.S1 .d. . . .x
5 .x. .X.Skd.K. . .d.x
6 .x. . .d.B. .d.W.d.x
7 . .x.d. .C. .ScN.x
8 . . .x.d.d.Sq .x
. . . . .x.x.D.x
There seems to have been a mistake with the last map; Buna was where she is in this map, not that one.[/sblock]


First Post
Buna maneuvers around the Kobold, moving closer to the comforting presence of Sek's spirit companion (OOC: shift one square SE), before lashing out again with her scourges (OOC: dual strike on Kobold again, +6 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage each attack - DM please roll for me as invisible castle appears to be down at the moment)

[sblock=Buna Stat Block]
Buna, Elf Fighter 1
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 14
AC 17, Fort 15, Reflex 14, Will 12
HP 18/27, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6, Surges 12/12
Speed 7, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1

Encounter Resources
Spinning Sweep
Elven Accuracy
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Tempest Dance

Voidrunner's Codex

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