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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Tor Attacks

Tor's intent is simple; he is going to use his shield to brush the spider off him.
[sblock=Shield Bash]Tor = 86 + 100(touching)72 = 258
Spider = 66 + 75 = 141
Damage = 258 - 141 = 117% * 9 = 11 - 8(soak) = 3
Mind = 2 - 3 = -1: unconscious: Time = 1/28 minutes = 2 seconds
Body = 6 - 1 = 5: hurt[/sblock]
GM: Tor ducks his head and slams his shield upward, knocking the spider from its perch upon his shoulder. The spider is relatively unhurt but momentarily stunned.

Sannit and Turtle will react next, though Bolo can react simultaneously with Turtle if manipulating way rather than physically attacking.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will attempt to use way to paralyze the spider so Turtle can squish him.

Turtle will attempt to squish the spider.

Sannit will use his axe to smash the spider by him.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sannit, Turtle, and Spiders

Bolo will attempt to use way to paralyze the spider so Turtle can squish him.

Turtle will attempt to squish the spider.
[sblock=Paralyze]Bolo = 56 + 61 = 117
Spider = 46 + 70 = 116:resisted[/sblock]
GM: Bolo is unable to mentally paralyze the spider.

[sblock=Attack]Turtle = 53 + 97 + 79(luck) = 229
Spider = 66 + 32 = 98
Damage = 229 - 98 = 131% * 5 = 7 - 8(soak) = -1: ineffective[/sblock]
GM: Turtle, in a surprisingly agile move, pounces on the spider, but due to the hardness of its exoskeleton, it pops right out from under his claws and shoots away a few feet like a seed pressed between finger and thumb. The spider, at this point quickly jumps to a tree and begins climbing.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit will use his axe to smash the spider by him.
[sblock=Attack]Sannit = 89 + 72 = 161
Spider = 66 + 53 = 119
Damage = 161 - 119 = 42% * 20 = 8 - 8(soak) = 0[/sblock]
GM: Sannit, like Turtle, is able to hit the spider but unable to penetrate the chitinous covering. As the spider is knocked away by the axe blow, it uses the momentum to continue an attempt to escape.

OOC: The movement rate of the fleeing spiders is such that it makes any last second effort at projectiles or effecting them with way, moot. The two stunned spiders at feet of Merin and Tor are quickly killed. Eight spiders in total attacked. Six were killed.

Indigo cleans and sheathes her swords, asking if anyone was bitten. Learning that Tor, Sannit, and Saemund took wounds she asked how they are feeling. Saemund says it's a mere scratch and feels no ill effects, while Tor and Sannit say that their muscles feel heavy,that movement is like trying to run through deep water.

Indigo suggests that an herb of Stimulation will help counteract that if anyone has any.
OOC: Tor has lost 1 point of Motility.
Sannit has lost 3 points of Motility.
There are 6 Verdant Spider carcasses.

GM: Combat lasted less than 1.5 seconds.
Everyone, except the lynx, receives 14 XP.

State general intentions.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will suggest grouping up to heal Tor and Sannit's lost motility.

Turtle will keep watch, growling up at the trees so that any living spiders know he means business.

While collecting the carapaces, Bolo will also take some of the poison from the spiders.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin does not have any herbs, although after today, stocking up is not a bad idea.

Merin inquires if anyone else (Bolo? Indigo?) thought to buy any?

If not, we'll have to heal ourselves the old fashioned way. If Way is insufficient to heal the ability damage, then Merin suggests traveling several hundred paces from here, and finding a safe place to camp and rest up.

We should definitely collect the chitin from the carcasses, and bring them back to town with us. We could use them to fill the remaining gaps in our armor coverage.

We should also compare them to the jeweled spider chitin, to see which (if either) chitin is strongest.

Last (but not least) we need to heal our physical wounds as well.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund looks around to see if anyone is seriously injured. He squats and cleans the spider guts off his axes. When he stands up he looks at everyone with a gleam in his eyes, and a grin on his face...Well that was fun...I second Merin, we should travel away from here and decide what to do next...or we could stay and see what else pops up


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 41: Moving Forward

Since two of the spider escaped back to the tree canopy and it is not possible to determine if more may be up there, taking Merin's suggestion, the party elects to move away some distance, walking the pack animals around and dragging the spider carcasses before attempting to heal the wounded.

GM: Note: Curing the toxin will need to be handled separately from healing the body. Unlike a disease, once a toxin has done its damage only the damage needs to be repaired. The toxin dissipates after its effectiveness.

Bolo will suggest grouping up to heal Tor and Sannit's lost motility.
Indigo -
Merin, we have been collecting medicinal herbs all along, but I have not located anything suitable to counter-act this toxin. I also do not recall seeing anything in Maeli's shop that would help. We will simply have to try to alleviate it ourselves.
[sblock=Alleviate Lethargy]Time on Tor = [Loss/(Health + Confluence + Healing)]10 days
= [1/(7+4+58+49+52+45+45+54+50)]10
= 40 minutes
Time on Sannit = [3/(7+5+58+49+52+45+45+54+50)]10
= 1 hour + 58 minutes[/sblock]
Indigo offers the Concoction of Mending she was able to make to Saemund, since he sustained the most physical damage.
I do not have anything else that pertains to mending. I will have to hope to find more.
[sblock=Heal Body]Time on Saemund = [4/(8+8+58+49+52+45+45+54+50+54)]10
= 2 hours + 16 minutes
Time on Tor = [3/(7+4+58+49+52+45+45+54+50)]10
= 1 hour + 58 minutes
Time on Sannit = [3/(7+5+58+49+52+45+45+54+50)]10
= 1 hour + 58 minutes[/sblock]
The Seekers are able to alleviate the toxin and speed the process of healing, though it will still take a little over 2 hours for all effects to culminate. It is decided to, indeed, go ahead and make camp to wait for the healing to finish and to prepare the collected spiders.
Kwargrow said:
While collecting the carapaces, Bolo will also take some of the poison from the spiders.
Back at the attack site when everyone was checking injuries and preparing to move, Sheldon went ahead and removed the abdomens and guts from the 6 spiders, leaving them behind. Turtle and Myth both turn up their noses at the ichor hoping for better sustenance later.
Later that afternoon, Sheldon, who eats everything or at least tries to, cooks the spiders pulling the meat from the legs. It reminds everyone of the meat from the crabs that are caught in Asylim. Merin also determines that the hardness of all the chitin is the same. It only varies in color. From all 6 spiders combined, Bolo is able to draw enough of the Lethargy Toxin to collect 1 measure.
OOC: New Collection:
1 Emerald Beetle Carapace 05%
7 Ivory Beetle Carapace 05%
6 Verdant Spider Carcasses 10%
1 Mottled Brown Stone
1 Shiny Yellow Stone
1 Iron Ingot
1 Silver Ingot
80 Bricks of Pork
217 Bricks of Venison
1 Pig Hide 40%
1 Deer Hide 40%
2 Deer Hides 30%

GM: Yes, I am aware that heating chitin of any color makes it all turn red, but as this is a fantasy game, we will pretend that it does not so that the special properties of the particular colors can be utilized.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 41: Hunting for the Haunted Tree, Afternoon, Day 6

In the interim, Sheldon and Indigo decide to go hunting. Since meat is not required, they are mostly looking for medicinal materials.

GM: Tor, Sannit, and Saemund must rest to complete their healing. All others may state intended actions for the evening.

OOC: I am making a vocabulary change. The check for Hunting will be replaced with Nature Lore. There is no change in the algorithm.

[sblock=Nature Lore]Sheldon-Indigo = 126 + 86 = 212
2nd hour = 212 + 54 = 266
3rd hour = 266 + 100 + 98(luck) + 75(luck) = 539
4th hour = 539 + 85 = 624[/sblock]
GM: During the 1st hour, only small varmints are seen but Indigo collects some Bark of Restoration.
During the 2nd hour, they come across some game birds but elect not to take any and Indigo collects some Bark of Dissemble.
During the 3rd hour, considerable luck brings them in contact with a herd of goats, though these too are allowed to depart, and some huge beetles which they avoid for fear they may be more than the 2 can handle alone and more importantly an encampment of other people. Indigo locates some Bark of Coagulation and the fruit of a plant whose seeds can be use to improve self-awareness.
During the 4th hour, they notice a large brown snake, but avoid it. Indigo locates a measure of Leaves of Mending.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will remain by Sannit's side until he is healed. She glares at the treetops, trying not to develop an overall fear of spiders since this is the second time they have surprised her. When she collected the venom she also took one of the talons from the spider that attacked her, taking the time while Sannit rests to fashion a protective charm from it like her mother showed her when she was a child. She attempts to use way to imbue the charm with a compulsion for all spiders in range to show themselves before attacking. "Couldn't hurt," she thinks to herself.

Turtle stays with Bolo, but does try to play with Myth.

Sannit will focus way on his own body, hoping to use the process of fighting off the poison to increase his resistance to further toxins. After an hour he will rise, take out his axes, and go through battle forms. He does not exert himself, but moves slow hoping to burn out the rest of the poison.

Sannit jokes to Saemund, "Sorry we forgot to tell you about the giant spiders when you joined up."

If we are in a new area Sannit will search for metals, gold, silver, and titanium with the complementary minerals once he is well.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 41: Some Tasks in the Down Time

When she collected the venom she also took one of the talons from the spider that attacked her, taking the time while Sannit rests to fashion a protective charm from it like her mother showed her when she was a child. She attempts to use way to imbue the charm with a compulsion for all spiders in range to show themselves before attacking. "Couldn't hurt," she thinks to herself.
[sblock=Imbue Item]Duration is determined in tics
Duration = Luck(d100) + Essence + Adhesion + Invocation +
Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline +
Collegiate + Academic + O'ology...[/sblock]
GM: As Bolo fashions the talisman, she begins to manipulate way in order to, as she hopes, imbue it with her intention. Unfortunately instead of imbuing the item, her manipulation of way expands out from her and the effect is immediate. Spider from within Bolo's range of affect begin crawling toward her. She stands in disgust stepping on the largest that reaches her.

Indigo notices what Bolo is doing, but it is Sheldon who speaks. Spiders come from all over, crawling down trees and from under the straw. It is astounding how many spiders live in such a small area. Bolo has apparently summoned them. The range in size from about a thumb to a fist. As soon as Bolo steps on one, the compulsion is broken and they return from whence they came.

Sheldon -
I still think you have the right idea of. Maybe there is yet some key element we have not yet been able to determine.
[sblock=GM Tip]Don't be discouraged. You need to have 10 ranks in Invocation, Wisdom, Discipline, and O'ology before you can Imbue an item. It is much more complicated than brewing a concoction. I thought this would be a funny way to represent the lack.[/sblock]
Kwargrow said:
Turtle stays with Bolo, but does try to play with Myth.
GM: Turtle and Myth appear to be about the same age, around 2 years. Myth finds playing with Turtle to be highly entertaining.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit will focus way on his own body, hoping to use the process of fighting off the poison to increase his resistance to further toxins.
[sblock=GM Note]I took this for granted when I made the calculations.[/sblock]
Kwargrow said:
If we are in a new area Sannit will search for metals, gold, silver, and titanium with the complementary minerals once he is well.
OOC: The party had traveled for about 4 hours before encountering the spiders. This is indeed a new area.

GM: Later toward evening when Sannit is feeling well. He takes the time to search for his particularly desired metals. He detects no gold and a trivial amount of titanium but is able to locate a single ingot of silver.

OOC: +1 Silver Ingot

+1 XP for all characters and companions for excellent role-play in Kwargrow's last post.
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