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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
And Then There Were Three

Saemund, Tor and Turtle are still engaged in melee.
[sblock=Fighting Axe]Saemund = 90 + 64(luck) - 110 = 44
Armor = 53: shendyt
Damage = 44% * 20 = 9 - 10(soak) = -1: ineffective[/sblock]
[sblock=NPC]Evipau = 110 + 88 - 90 = 108
Armor = 46: tunic
Damage = 108% * 15 = 16 - 9(soak) = 7 - 8(soak) = -1: ineffective[/sblock]
GM: Saemund and his opponent exchange blows, both being ineffective. Saemund's armor is becoming significantly damaged.

Bolo seeing that Saemund may be in trouble chooses his opponent as her target.
[sblock=Generate Fire]Bolo = 58(bend) + 60(luck) + 30(feather) = 148
Resist = 52 + 32 = 84
Heat = 148 - 84 = 64% * (13 + 3) = 10
Flash = 148 - 90 = 58% * 13 = 8
Body = 10 - 10 = 0: incapacitated
Mind = 10 - 8 = 2: slowed[/sblock]
GM: The Evipau burst into flame. Overcome by the heat and slowed by the flash, he falls, still smoldering. Saemund, too is temporarily effected by the flash, but he will recover from this momentarily.

The Evipau fighting Turtle does not try to regain his footing. Instead, he spins his body on the ground striking out with one of his axes from his prone position.
[sblock=Attack]Evipau = 110 + 33 - 100(prone) - 61(defense) = -18[/sblock]
[sblock=Pounce]Turtle = 61 + 41 + 100(opponent prone) - 110 = 92
Damage = 92% * 6 = 6
Mind = 3 - 6 = -3: unconscious
Body = 10 - 3 = 7: hurt[/sblock]
GM: The Evipau is unable to effectively attack from the ground. Pressing his advantage, Turtle pounces on the man with both paws, knocking the wind from him and cracking his ribs, causing him to lose consciousness. As the man ceases moving, Turtle continues to crush the man's body until all life leaves it.

Tor squares off to face his remaining opponent as both Sheldon and Merin lend aide from their distances. The Evipau has no chance and cannot even complete a swing. Tor uses his sword to quickly make sure all three are fully expired.

This ends combat, which lasted a total of 6 seconds, much longer than any previous combat situation.
Sheldon's Lizardskin Tunic is damaged.
Tor's Lizardskin Vest is significantly damaged.
Merin's Snakeskin Surcoat is damaged.
Sannit's Pigskin Hauberk is damaged.
Bolo's Lizardskin Tunic is damaged.
Turtle is injured: Body = 6.
Saemund is injured: Body = 7.
Saemund's Snakeskin Tunic and Silk Hauberk are both damaged.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund looks around, glad to see that everyone is mostly okay. With the wave of adrenaline ebbing he begins to feel the wound on his side. He finds it with his hand feeling through his hauberk and small clothes.

"Well thats going to need stitching, and this cut most likely will too."

Saemund attempts to use way to find out if any of the Evipau are alive.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Saemund Checks the Fallen

Saemund attempts to use way to find out if any of the Evipau are alive.
GM: Due to Saemund's current skill rating in Collegiate, he must touch fallen victim to check for life. He will need 10 ranks in order to check at a distance.

[sblock=Detect Life]Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Persona + Collegiate + Commercial + ...
Time = [10 / (53(rating) + 73(luck))]1 hour = 4 min, 46 seconds[/sblock]
GM: It takes Saemund about 5 minutes per person to determine that there is no life left in the bodies with the exception of 2 and the life faded from those two as he checked.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund thinks to himself ...Well so much for getting information out of any of them. Ah well, they didn't seem too pleasant anyway. Saemund finishes checking the bodies and is surprised at how well using way worked.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon Engages Saemund

Saemund thinks to himself ...Well so much for getting information out of any of them. Ah well, they didn't seem too pleasant anyway. Saemund finishes checking the bodies and is surprised at how well using way worked.
Sheldon -
"Your thoughts seem heavy, not just in regard to your injury."

Once Saemund conveys his thoughts, Sheldon continues.

"Ah, the dead do indeed speak, we must only learn how to assimilate the information. We can examine them, their gear, and the path from which they arrived to determine much. What is it you wanted to determine?"


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit scans the area still holding his spear ready while the bear is still mauling his kill. Seems only minor wounds with the enemy wiped out and by the end of the day their wounds will be gone. He makes certain no more enemies engage before he turns to help Bolo.

Bolo goes to Turtle's side, putting a hand on his back to ease him. The bear is still pounding up and down on the Evipau. She will link with Sannit and attempt to heal the wound.

Turtle wonders how much of this guy he has to eat in order to take his strength.

After Turtle calms down San-Bolo will help with the bodies, searching them for useful gear or anything interesting.

"Now we know what those scarecrows were about so there's bound to be more of these hostiles." He holds out the crossbow from his back and says, "I thought this thing might be useful, but I don't have time to practice with it. I'm always training with my spear or axe. I also think it would be worth the time to train more in way use. While I'm waiting for one of these goons to charge me I could using way to some advantage." He turns to the ground with a thoughtful expression and says, "Maybe we can practice slowing each other down without doing any damage." He rubs his beard and adds, "Or what if we could use way to speed ourselves up."

OOC: I will probably sell the crossbow next time we are in town but will keep it on the character til then.

Could we activate some speed ability or is speed an automatic progression?
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Sylvar B.

Saemund says, "I wanted to know all of that, but also their purpose in roaming about in such a fashion, they were obviously some sort of raiding party."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit looks down in disdain at the one whose guts he laid open. "These were obviously the scrubs. They'll get tougher the farther in we go."

Bolo holds up the phoenix feather and says to Saemund, "Sorry about the flash. I was not used to the power of this token." She turns and offers the phoenix feather to Merin. "This was a gift to our group, and I think it would be better used in your hands. While the enemy is at range, I will be using my bow, but you will be free to burn them with this before they can reach close combat and possibly injure another Seeker."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin bows deeply to Bolo, and says, "Thank you most kindly, I will use it wisely, to the benefit of the party, and to the detriment of our enemies!"

The first thing that both Merin and Tor do is to help heal all wounded party members.

After that, Merin will check the bodies for herbs, crystals, etc.

Tor will check the weapons and armor, to see if any of it is valuable back in town.

Myth will casually plop down, and nibble on the warm, toasty kill. For him, it's a gourmet dinner.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
To the Victor Go the Spoils

After Turtle calms down San-Bolo will help with the bodies, searching them for useful gear or anything interesting.
GM: Turtle's and Saemund's wounds are successfully patched in short order.

Sheldon and Indigo aide San-Bolo in searching the bodies, also gaging a direction of their travel based on their tracks.
GM: One particular anomaly that piques the Seekers' attention is that the group carries no food or water. This being a war party, they must have a base of operation within a reasonable distance and others for collecting food.

Searching the 10 bodies produces 1 grey rock, 3 talismans of Kite Feathers, 3 ingots of zinc, 1 white rock, 2 Talismans of White Magpie Feathers, 1 Talisman of Boar Tusks, 3 ingots of iron, 1 orange rock, 3 Talismans of Vulture Feathers, 2 green rocks, 3 Rodent Skulls, 1 Cyan Scarab Talisman, 1 burgundy rock, and 3 copper ingots.

Tor is disappointed after examining the weapons and armor. The weaponry is chipped stone, effective against flesh but terrible when contacting resistance. A good blow on Tor's shield would likely shatter one of the axe heads. The armor seems effective enough, but it is not of anything the party would want to repurpose, unless Saemund would like one of the undamaged Hoghide Shendyts to apply over his silk one.

Sheldon discusses his examinations with the party as well. He indicates that their eyes are all clear which means that despite their hostility they seem to be acting of their own free will. He also suggests that the party's armor may have been its saving factor, based on the skill the men showed in movement. Their bodies are dotted with small scars indicating that they are veterans of several battles.

Indigo, having back traced their path some says that the group had been trotting the whole time, not walking. She thinks that only a war party looking to attack other people would do that.

GM: Everyone receives 20 xp for the encounter. Saemund also receives 1 extra xp for his excellent taunt. Tor also receives 1 extra xp for his excellent attack description.
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