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Thieves' World d20 [Jubal's Hawkmasks] Full-- Alts welcome


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I know I'm late, but I'd like to join as an alternate if the option is still open.
I'm new to Sanctuary, but I recently ordered the Thieves' World PHB and should get it in the next day or so. I'm going to do a one-on-one game with my wife and would love some inspiration. Just let me know!

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Here is my draft character sheet. Pls. give it the once over. Thanks!

Male Human Assassin 6
Representing WargamerX
Age: 23
Rep: +1
Ethnic Background: Wrigglie/Sanctan (Maze Savvy, Will save +1)
Character Background: Criminal (+2 Spot vs. thievery, disable device, sleight of
Diety: Shelpa

Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 14 (+2)

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 145 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond; filthy, shoulder length; 2 day shadow

Total Hit Points: 35

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 15 = 10 +3 [dexterity] +2 [leather armor]
Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 12

Initiative modifier: +7 = +3 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]

Fortitude save: +5 (+7) = 5 [base] (+2 vs. poisin)
Reflex save: +8 = 5 [base] +3 [dexterity]
Will save: +3 = 2 [base] +1 [Ethnicity bonus]
{Special: +2 resistance to spells/magic/supernatural when holding Enkido}

Attack (Enkido): +7 = 4 [base] +2 [strength] +1 [masterwork]
Attack (handheld): +6 = 4 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +6 = 4 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (missile): +7(+8) = 4 [base] +3 [dexterity] (+1 <30' PBS)
Grapple check: +6 = 4 [base] +2 [strength]

Light load: 58 lb. or less
Medium load: 59-116 lb.
Heavy load: 117-175 lb.
Lift over head: 175 lb.
Lift off ground: 350 lb.
Push or drag: 875 lb.

Languages: Sanctan, Rankene, Ilsigi


Leather jerkin and leggings


"Enkido" Elnibar masterwork longsword [+1 Attack, 1d8+2, crit 19-20/x2 piercing
or slashing, reduce hardness of target when cutting by 10]

Dagger [1d4+2, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]

Punching Dagger [1d4+2, crit x3, 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing]

Light Crossbow [1d8+1<30', 1d8>30', 19-20/x2]


Combat Reflexes (4 AoO)
Improved Initiative
Point Blank Shot
Streetwise (+1 sense motive and local Knowledge check, +2 diplomacy when dealing
with street folk)

Maze Savvy (+2 Local Knowledge check)
Criminal (+2 Spot Thievery)

Class Features:
Sneak Attack +2d6
Poisin Use (+2 Craft Poisin & +2 Fort save vs. poisin)
Killing Strike (+2 to DC for Fortitude Save of victim)

Skill/Ability/Total/Ability Modifier/Ranks/Misc. Modifier (54 points)

Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 5 = +3 +2
Bluff Cha 4 = +2 +2
Climb Str* 6 = +2 +2
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Craft(poisin) Int 6 = +2 +2 +2 [craft poisin]
Diplomacy Cha 4{6} = +2 +2 [sense motive] +2 {streetwise}
Disable Device Int 4 = +2 +2
Disguise Cha 4 = +2 +2
Escape Artist Dex* 5 = +3 +2
Forgery Int 4 = +2 +2
Gather Information Cha 7 = +2 +5
Heal Wis 0 = +0
Hide Dex* 7 = +3 +4
Intimidate Cha 4 = +2 +2
Jump Str* 6 = +2 +2
Knowledge (local) Int 9 = +2 +4 +2 [Maze Savvy] +1 [Streetwise]
Listen Wis 4 = +0 +2 +2 [alertness]
Move Silently Dex* 8 = +3 +5
Perform_1 Cha 2 = +2
Ride Dex 3 = +3
Search Int 2 = +2
Sense Motive Wis 7 = +0 +6 +1 [Streetwise]
Sleight of Hand Dex* 5 = +3 +2
Spot Wis 6 (8) = +0 +4 +2 [alertness] (+2 vs. thievery)
Survival Wis 0 = +0
Swim Str** 2 = +2
Use Rope Dex 5 = +3 +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Assassin 8
Level 2: Assassin 7
Level 3: Assassin 8
Level 4: Assassin 4 +1 to dexterity
Level 5: Assassin 3
Level 6: Assassin 5

Stick's HP


Dark brown hooded cloak
Bandolier with pouches and crossbow quiver (20 bolts)
Large pouch
grappling hook
4 doses of krrf
vial of scorpian venom
a scarf (for face)


Stick looks like a typical inhabitant of the Maze; a filthy, unkept, Wrigglie
sitting off a krrf high or hang-over. His shoulder length dirty blond hair is
unkept, and rarely combed - usually only when he is on a "job". Then it is tied
back with a bit of cord. Although beardless, Stick is not too particular about
shaving so there is ussually a one to three day growth on his rough face. He
tries to dress as "normal" as possible, avoiding the "sinister" man in black
look that many assassins seem to adopt. By adopting the persona of a typical
Maze cutpurse, Stick effects a camoflage both of his identity and true talents.

Background: Stick was born and raised in the dark alleys of the Maze. His
mother was a street whore and his father was a petty criminal. Both died young,
leaving Stick to the tender care of a child gang (ala Oliver Twist). He earned
his name by beating another child to death with a bat at age 8. By the time the
gang broke apart, or was rubbed out by a rival, Stick had become a fair burgler
and pickpocket, with a predisposition to violence. At 14 he was "apprenticed"
by older (mid 20s) assassin, who needed Stick's thieving skills. When Stick
saved the older assassin's life during the job by killing a wandering gaurd, the
assassin took him under his wing in earnest. Stick learned well, and continued
his learning after the older assassin was caught and hung three years ago. Two
years ago, while assassinating a merchant, Stick was almost fired by a
sorceress. Although he escaped (barely) Stick became obcessed with finding a
way to neutralize magic. This led to him taking a chancey job roughly a year ago for a
wizard of all things, to assassinate a rival (wizard). The payment, in advance,
was Enkido, an ancient Elnibar longsword. {The assassination BTW went off
flawlessly - Stick buddied up to the wizard at the Vulgar Unicorn, got him VERY
drunk, they staggered into the alley together and Stick stabbed him over 100 times with
a very poisined dagger (clutching Enkido's pommel the whole time).}

Personality and motivations: In a single word, Stick is a ruthless pragmatist. He does
what he does for a solid practical reason. He has his demons, but is aware of
them. He continues to fight his addiction to krrf (which he takes the Wrigglie
way - like dip or Skoal in the modern world), his predisposition to anger and violence, and his fear of magic. Stick does not remember his original name - if he ever had one. His reckoning is that if he ever needs a "real" name, he'll make it up. Beneath his exterior lays an unnurtured intellect that he has only begun to explore. While he has never known love or been nurtured and despite his violent past, Stick is not a sociopath and does possesses a vague moral code, although one filled with caveats (loyalty to gang, tries not to lie to freinds, etc). Stick has only recently (last year) determined to raise above the common thug. He has a fear of what he does not understand, and so seeks to minimize whatever that is. This was his motivation for taking a job from a mage in order to get Enkido, an
ancient Enlibar steel sword that has become Stick's prized possession. To Stick, assassination is a thinking man's game. Stick has recently become facinated by the Rankan version of chess; and its relation to warfare.

Why Hawkmasks? Stick has realized that an independent in Sactuary can only rize
so far. He sees the Hawkmasks as opening two doors to him; continued
advancement and a possible way out of Thieves World.

Rath Lorien

First Post
Carleone "Carlo" di'Vodacce
Rogue[3], Fighter[2], Gladiator[1]

Cultural Feat: Persuasive
Haggler: +2 bonus on buy/sell transactions
Languages: Caronnese, Trade Tongue

Bonus Skills: Bluff, Sense Motive
+2 Diplomacy among those who recognize or value good manners

STR 1 12
DEX 4 16(+2)
CON 2 14
INT 2 14
WIS 0 10
CHA 1 12

Level 1: Rogue[1] 6 hitPts 44 skillPts Combat Expertise
Level 2: Fighter[1] 10 hitPts 5 skillPts Weapon Finesse
Level 3: Rogue[2] 5 hitPts 11 skillPts Improved Feint
Level 4: Fighter[2] 4 hitPts 5 skillPts Weapon Focus[Rapier]
Level 5: Rogue[3] 2 hitPts 11 skillPts
Level 6: Gladiator[1] 8 hitPts 5 skillPts Dodge

BAB: 5
Hit Points: 47
Skill Points: 81

Gather Information[5]
Knowledge, Local[5]
Perform, Dance[4]
Sense Motive[9]
Sleight of Hand[1]
Extra Language[1] (cross-class cost=2 skill points)

Carronese (S/W)
Trade Tongue (S)
Ilsigi (S/W)

Expensive clothes, jewelry
Mithral Chain Shirt
Buckler (often not carried)
Sangre (+1 Rapier, Beautiful workmanship)
Fine Dagger (Beautiful workmanship, not masterwork)
Guantes de Maestra Villanova (see below)
Concealed throwing Dagger in boot

Carleone “Carlo” di’Vodacce was born to a wealthy merchant family in Caronne with Machiavellian influences on all sides. Grave misfortune befell his family and he now finds himself in Sanctuary, fighting to make a name for himself.

Like many of his countrymen, Carlo is tall and slender with thick dark hair and dark eyes. Carlo is rakishly handsome, well spoken, and stylishly dressed. But few mistake his appearance and manner with inexperience. It is clear that this bravo can take care of himself. He has a reputation both with the ladies and with his blade. He does not look for trouble but trouble is never far away and he is quick to challenge the slightest offence.

Dueling is a popular pastime in Caronne and as a young man Carlo trained with fencing masters at the infamous Villanova school. (The following text on the Villanova style is "borrowed and adapted" from 7th Sea by AEG).

The sinister Villanova family in Caronne has long used political machinations to enforce their will, but they are also deadly swordsmen. The Villanova school developed as a way to quickly return blows, as well as incorporating all number of dirty tricks into its fighting style. It is whispered that all graduates must swear fealty to the Villanova family.

The greatest strength of the Villanova school is its ability to turn opponents' attacks back on themselves. It uses a move called a stop-thrust, which slides the blade up the foes' to deal devastating damage. It also makes extensive use of feints and other deceptive moves, allowing the swordsman to conceal his true intent from his foe.

[Note: The rules used to reflect this fighting style are included in his skills, feats, and class features. No special rules are used]

The intrigues of his upbringing prepared him well for life in Sanctuary. Carlo quickly became familiar with the ways of the city while also learning to respect its dangers. But even a man with skills can get lost in Sanctuary and Carlo is still working to establish a name for himself. He has worked as a bodyguard, hired blade, thug, and has even appeared in some of the illegal fighting clubs that can be found around town. Lately he came to the attention of Jubal and was invited to join the Hawkwings.

Guantes de Maestra Villanova

His gloves (Guantes de Maestra Villanova) are a symbol of his status in the Villanova school. The gloves are black and decorated along the back with silver in a distinctive pattern. The gloves are made of an unusual material that feels similar to soft leather, but the gloves are surprisingly durable and tenaciously resist scuffs and tears. Talented graduates of the school are given the coveted gloves as a testament to their skills and to demonstrate affiliation with the Villanova family. Many pairs of these gloves exist and their wearers have earned the respect of swordsmen throughout the empires. It is rumored that the gloves are enchanted and impart some of the speed that is the hallmark of the Villanova swordsman. The reputation of the gloves serve as a warning, not only as to the ability of the wearer, but also to possible retribution from other graduates of the Villanova school if not the Villanova family itself. But in the back alleys of Sanctuary the gloves more often than not serve as a magnet, drawing challengers of all sorts to test the famed skill of the Villanova duelist. To win the gloves in a fair duel would be an accomplishment to which many would aspire.

Very few outside the senior members of the Villanova family know the true history of the gloves. Years ago Caronne was brutally occupied by the Wizards of Enlibar. The wizards have long since left Caronne, but at that time the Villanova family provided protection and security services to the wizards that had enslaved their people. The gloves were given to members of the family and their trusted retainers as a badge of authority in recognition of their services. The magical gloves enhance the dexterity of the wearer, making them a valuable asset indeed, but one with a dark secret. The wizards were ever suspicious of their bodyguards (as well they should have been) and to help ensure their control, they embedded an additional feature into the gloves that made the wearer more susceptible to their mind-controlling magic. Those few who do know these secrets are generally motivated to keep the secrets well hidden.

Game attributes of the Guantes de Maestra Villanova
Gloves of Dexterity +2
-2 Will save vs. Magic
Roleplaying factors: Challengers are often looking to prove themselves against the reputation of a Villanova swordsman. Also, Carlo is not aware of the magic or history of the gloves.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, corrections, or adjustments.



First Post
Great characters! Stick and Carlo are looking good.

Got a few finishing touches to put on the pre-generated characters, and working through Borson's character as well. Still slated to start that holiday week, although if we get everyone's characters done sooner, we could go earlier. No hurry or worry though.

Thanks guys, will be in touch over the weekend!!


First Post
Below is my character submision, as I don't have the Thieves World PHB I will need some help to fully complete my character.

Drake Natal[sblock]
Male Human Fighter 4 / Sorcerer 1 / Dragon Disciple 1
Deity: ?
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Base Speed: 30' (20')

Str: 17 +3 10pts +1 level
Dex: 12 +1 4pts
Con: 14 +2 6pts
Int: 12 +1 4pts
Wis: 10 +0 2pts
Cha: 12 +1 4pts

HP: 53/53 (4d10 + 1d4 + 1d12 + 12Con)

AC: 17 (10Base +1 Dex +5 Arm +1 Nat Arm)

Fortitude: +8 (6 base +2 Con)
Reflex: +2 (2 base)
Will: +5 (5 base)

Init: +5

BAB: +4

Spiked Chain: +8 2d4+4 x2
Disarm: +18 (+4 BAB, +1 WF, +3 Str, +4 Feat, +4 Large Weap, +2 Spiked Chain)

Climb 6 (3 ranks +3 Str)
Intimidate 8 (7 ranks +1 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) 9 (8 ranks + 1 Int)
Knowledge (History) 3 (2 ranks +1 Int)
Ride 5 (4 ranks +1 Dex)
Speak Language 2 (Draconic, ?)
Swim 7 (4 ranks +3 Str)

Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Prof(Spiked Chain), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain), Weapon Spec.(Spiked Chain)

Languages: Rankene, ?, Draconic, ?

Spiked Chain 10lbs
Dagger 1lb
Breastplate 30lbs
Backpack 2lb
-Blanket(Winter) 3lb
-Bedroll 5lb
-Silk Sack 0.5
-Waterskin 4lbs

Belt Pouch 0.5 lbs
-Flint and Steel
-Whetstone 1lb

Dragon Shaped Signal Whistle (worn around neck)

Equipment In vault
Large Metal Shield
Battle Axe
Two Handed Sword
(5) Spears
(2) 50' Hemp Rope
Grappling Hook
(2) Bullseye Lantern
(5) Oil
(2) Water Barrel (full)
(2) Ink
(4) Quills
(10) Parchment
Sealing Wax
Signet Ring
(10) Trail Rations
(5) Sacks

Cold weather outfit
Explorers outfit
Nobles outfit
Travellers outfit

Special Equipment[sblock]
Amulet of Draconic Might: (Minor Power Item)

This amulet was created eons ago by a now long forgotten race of humanoids (Dralings) who
possessed the blood of dragons in their veins, primarily amulets of this type were 'gifted'
(either voluntarily or via force) to worthy ones to slowly transform these ones from their
mundane forms into that of a Draling, during the transformation process this amulet would
subtly influence and modify the wearers behaviour, over time this would bring the wearers
goals, motivations and desires into line with the Dralings. To enable the transformation
process to proceed undetected, the Amulet has the ability to disguise the physical
appearance of it's possesor. Other powers become manifest as the transformation process

Int14 Wis10 Cha14 Ego10

Disguise Self, Item has 10 ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate & Sense Motive, Speach,
Read Languages Ability, 120' vision & hearing, allows access to sorcerer and dragon disciple

Bracers of the Silver Vault (Medium Power Item)
This bracer grants access to an extradimensional vault in which the wearer can store and
retrieve any item therein, to place an item within the vault the wearer needs to touch the
item and speak the command word (standard action, reflex save to avoid) this causes the
item to fade from sight, to retrieve an item the wearer needs to mearly visualise the item
in question (move action), this will then cause the item to either appear in the wearers
hand or adjacent to him.

Use of the vault is physically draining, everytime an item is stored within the vault, the
wearer takes 1 point of non-lethal damage per 50 pounds of weight, however retrieval of an
item doesn't cause non-lethal damage to the wearer.

Once per week the wearer is able to physically transport himself and any others he chooses
into the vault (5 points of non-lethal damage per person, reflex save to avoid). The vault
itself can be any shape the wearer imagines to a maximum of one 10'cubic feet for every
two character levels the wearer has, also the wearer is able to create any number of
storage containers/rooms or basic furnishings that he/she desires.

Treasure: 100 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp (In Vault)
Weight Carried: 57 lbs

Spells Known (4/2)
0st- Acid Splash, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation.
1st- Feather Fall, True Strike.

Spells per Day (5/5)

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Skin: Tanned

Drake Natal is an imposing man at 6'6" tall, due to his many years of vigourous exercise
Drakes heavily muscled body looks like it's carved out of marble by the finest sculpter,
while not gifted with beautiful looks, Drake is handsome nonetheless in a coldly chiselled
rough edged way.

Drake was born in tha capital of Ranke to minor nobles who had a penchant for archeology, in
particular that of 'lost' civilisations. It was during such a dig that some unusual artifacts
were recovered from an ancient burial site.

While Drakes parents were good archeologist they proved to be poor businessman, straped for
cash Drakes Father went to a local moneylender to further fund the excavation of the vast
ancient site, as Drakes Father was short of cash and collaterial , he offered up his title
and the family estate as insurance.

As the moneylender greatly desired the Natal's title and estates, it was relatively easy to
arrange an 'accident' to befall Drakes parents, being the only son the debt become the
obligation of the 15 year old Drake, thus at the tender age of 15 Drake was sold into slavery
to a gladitorial school, little did the moneylender think that the boy would survive.

Drake not only survived his years as a gladiator, he also managed to gain his freedom from the
kindly manager of the school, who looked upon Drake as a son. Vowing revenge Drake made his way
to his ancenstral home, using the many secret passages Drake was able to confront the wealthy
moneylender, after gaining a full written confession Drake turned over the badly beaten
moneylender to the tender mercies of the authorities.

Upon searching his home, Drake discovered that much of his family possesions and artifacts had
long been sold, a search of the secret family vault turned up a strangly wrought dragon-like
amulet as well as a pair of silver bracers, both of which were from the fateful last dig which
resulted in the death of his parents.

Shortly after donning the Dragon-like Amulet Drake discovered that the amulet was alive in some
fashion, after many months in which Drake began to notice his body undergoing a subtly change,
Drake finally managed to learn the strange tongue that the amulet spoke, since then Drake has
made it his goal to complete what his parents had started by recovering the remaining artifacts.

Drakes search has lead him to the 'City' of Santuary, where he had discovered that a number of
items were sold.[/sblock]


First Post
Some notes on Lord Raven's character

[sblock]Lord Raven... interesting character. I have to admit at first glance I wasn't sure he would fit, but, the more I thought about it, the more I like the concept. We'll need to tweak a few things to make him suitable for Thieves' World. For one thing, there are not dragons in the world at this time, however, the idea that there may have been at some past time is intriguing. There are dragon-like creatures that live on other planes that may be summoned as well (for example, the Flying Knives from one of the stories) so it's not out of the question. I will say that I think there may be some interesting complications from your transformation. For example, you would certainly attract attention in Sanctuary so you'll get a reputation bonus of +1...

Also, in Thieves' World, Sorcerers are called Initiates and have a bit more limited powers. At first level, you can have one known spell and one familiar spell. Known spells can be cast without preparation. Familiar spells require some prep (1 standard action for 1st level spells, more for higher level). Casting spells will cause some damage to your character. If it's a known spell of safe level (1-3rd for a 1st level caster) it only does 1 pt of non-lethal damage per level (you can freely cast a number of cantrips equal to your key spellcaster attribute modifier, in your case intelligence or charisma, whichever you choose). You could potentially be familiar with a higher level spell, but the damage from casting that spell would be in lethal damage equal to twice the spell level. In addition, to cast spells in TW, you need to draw on mana, which requires rolls over a mana threshold. Basically you can't be certain a spell will go off immediately (unless you are high level casting a low level spell, or have a spell focus). There is also chance of a spectacular success or failure depending on the roll. So, for this character, I'd want you to select one spell that is your known spell and one that is your familiar spell. Initiates can select spells from the Mage and Witch lists in the book. All the ones you have listed are allowable from the Mage list. Witch spells seem somewhat similar to Druid spells. Let me know if you want more information on this. Bascially I don't want to get weighted down with the rules details, suffice to say you have enough hit points to cast some spells and not worry about a little extra damage, and the spells you have listed here are not so powerful that I'm worried about unbalancing things.

Unfortunately I don't own the Dragonomicon, which I believe the Dragon Disciple class comes from, so I'll need to get that from the library again to read up on it. (The class is allowed in TW.)

Can you tell me where you got the magic items from? I'd like to get some additional information to evaluate them. In particular, gold piece value...

Overall I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with everyone's character ideas so far. Each has a great backstory and personality that should make this very fun. In fact I am going to have to adjust some of the adventure as you are going to be a bit more notorious than I first thought. The famous characters of the TW series will still be of higher level but you are not far behind them and are almost worthy of your own stories! :) In fact, I am having a hard time thinking you'd be working for Jubal. More likely you'd be either his allies or trying to take him out! ....


First Post
MummyKitty said:
Some notes on Lord Raven's character

[sblock]Lord Raven... interesting character. I have to admit at first glance I wasn't sure he would fit, but, the more I thought about it, the more I like the concept. We'll need to tweak a few things to make him suitable for Thieves' World. For one thing, there are not dragons in the world at this time, however, the idea that there may have been at some past time is intriguing. There are dragon-like creatures that live on other planes that may be summoned as well (for example, the Flying Knives from one of the stories) so it's not out of the question. I will say that I think there may be some interesting complications from your transformation. For example, you would certainly attract attention in Sanctuary so you'll get a reputation bonus of +1...

Also, in Thieves' World, Sorcerers are called Initiates and have a bit more limited powers. At first level, you can have one known spell and one familiar spell. Known spells can be cast without preparation. Familiar spells require some prep (1 standard action for 1st level spells, more for higher level). Casting spells will cause some damage to your character. If it's a known spell of safe level (1-3rd for a 1st level caster) it only does 1 pt of non-lethal damage per level (you can freely cast a number of cantrips equal to your key spellcaster attribute modifier, in your case intelligence or charisma, whichever you choose). You could potentially be familiar with a higher level spell, but the damage from casting that spell would be in lethal damage equal to twice the spell level. In addition, to cast spells in TW, you need to draw on mana, which requires rolls over a mana threshold. Basically you can't be certain a spell will go off immediately (unless you are high level casting a low level spell, or have a spell focus). There is also chance of a spectacular success or failure depending on the roll. So, for this character, I'd want you to select one spell that is your known spell and one that is your familiar spell. Initiates can select spells from the Mage and Witch lists in the book. All the ones you have listed are allowable from the Mage list. Witch spells seem somewhat similar to Druid spells. Let me know if you want more information on this. Bascially I don't want to get weighted down with the rules details, suffice to say you have enough hit points to cast some spells and not worry about a little extra damage, and the spells you have listed here are not so powerful that I'm worried about unbalancing things.

Unfortunately I don't own the Dragonomicon, which I believe the Dragon Disciple class comes from, so I'll need to get that from the library again to read up on it. (The class is allowed in TW.)

Can you tell me where you got the magic items from? I'd like to get some additional information to evaluate them. In particular, gold piece value...

Overall I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with everyone's character ideas so far. Each has a great backstory and personality that should make this very fun. In fact I am going to have to adjust some of the adventure as you are going to be a bit more notorious than I first thought. The famous characters of the TW series will still be of higher level but you are not far behind them and are almost worthy of your own stories! :) In fact, I am having a hard time thinking you'd be working for Jubal. More likely you'd be either his allies or trying to take him out! ....
For Mummykitty
Hi, I'm glad you like the concept. The concept stems from a city based D&D game I played where I had a character who was a fighter who discovered an unusual dragon shaped amulet
which had the ability to talk, so all I've done is expand on that basic idea.

In regards to the Dragon Disciple here is all the info you need from the SRD. In regards to the concept I wasn't sure how it would fit either, particularily because I don't have any of the Thieves Worlds RPG books, but from the little I've read in the Thieves World novel it seemed possible mainly because not much is said about the past or other places outside of santuary.

In regards to the magical items, I made them up :D Firstly I wanted to have a talking Dragon Shaped Amulet, since the thing is intelligent I thought wouldn't it be cool if the amulet had some way of influencing/controlling my character thus I added the social skills to the amulet, this of course increased it's Ego to a level, that it could possibly take control of Drake for short periods of time, I then added the Disguise Self ability as this would aid Drake at remaining untedected while he continued to undergo the transformation process. So all in all the Disguise Self ability is the only useful ability for Drake, and the other abilities mearly make it easier for the amulet to control Drake. I also wanted to leave it open ended so that over time you could add/change the powers of the amulet (hint hint)

As a guideline I used the DMG's section on Intelligent Items to work out the items Ego, Speach, reading ability and lesser powers (social skills).

Secondly: Regarding the Bracers of the Silver Vault, I created that as a combination Handy Haversack/Portable Hole, since having access to an extradimensional space for storage purposes can be rather handy, I decided to limit it's size and make it physically draining to limit the amount of stuff put in there, since your the DM it's up to you to decide wether I'm allowed to have either of these items, or if you want to further tweak them.

Thridly: Drake will choose Truestrike as his known spell, and Featherfall as his familiar spell

Forthly: Is there anything that I should be aware of concerning Drakes background and place of birth.[/sblock]


First Post
Further Comments:

[sblock]Thanks for the pointer to the SRD, wasn't sure that class would be in there as open content.

The Dragon Amulet will be interesting, so I'm fairly OK with it as is.... the disguise self ability being an illusion based ability will only disguise your appearance, so it won't fool the senses of smell or mask sounds. Such a thing as a talking amulet would be highly unusual, and would probably frighten or provide some negative reaction mods for some inhabitants of Sanctuary (those that didn't want to steal it from you).

The Bracers are a cool concept and I like the idea of having them inflict some light damage with heavy use, that fits the TW world pretty well. I'm a little concerned about the immediacy of them though... I'd almost rather make them work as a ritual casting item, so it would take a little bit of time to open the planar gate to this other realm. I can also say that any thief finding out about these items would be highly interested in obtaining them. :)

Spell choice sounds good. Thanks.

If you are Rankan, which I think is a good fit, you will get a bonus feat. You'll also get some skills and languages from your background. I'll send you some additional info soon.



First Post
MummyKitty said:
Further Comments:

[sblock]Thanks for the pointer to the SRD, wasn't sure that class would be in there as open content.

The Dragon Amulet will be interesting, so I'm fairly OK with it as is.... the disguise self ability being an illusion based ability will only disguise your appearance, so it won't fool the senses of smell or mask sounds. Such a thing as a talking amulet would be highly unusual, and would probably frighten or provide some negative reaction mods for some inhabitants of Sanctuary (those that didn't want to steal it from you).

The Bracers are a cool concept and I like the idea of having them inflict some light damage with heavy use, that fits the TW world pretty well. I'm a little concerned about the immediacy of them though... I'd almost rather make them work as a ritual casting item, so it would take a little bit of time to open the planar gate to this other realm. I can also say that any thief finding out about these items would be highly interested in obtaining them. :)

Spell choice sounds good. Thanks.

If you are Rankan, which I think is a good fit, you will get a bonus feat. You'll also get some skills and languages from your background. I'll send you some additional info soon.

Regarding the Amulet it has both the abilty to talk verbal and mentally with the wearer (this is outlined in the DMG under the speach ability for intelligent items) so most of the time I'd assume it speaks telepathically, I'm assuming that the amulet at least speak Draconic (Drake learn't Draconic from the amulet after all) plus 'ancient common' and one other language. So since it's so old I doubt it can speak any language which is commonly spoken today, thus it would have to rely on Drake to tell it what is going on, unfortuanetly for Drake the Amulet has Sense Motives +10, so it'll be pretty hard to lie to it :(

Regarding the disguise self ability, you're right that it won't fool anyone who get up close and personal with Drake (particularly when Drake grows fangs and claws :eek: ), which is part of the fun.

In regards to the Bracers, just let me know how long it will take to transfer the item to the vault, I hope that I can still summon items back as a Move Action though, that way I'll be able to make use of the weapons stored in the vault, also I have planned a bit of mummery to disguise the nature of the Bracers. :) either way let me know what you decide, if the bracers are abit too good then I have some alternative ideas regarding this, along the lines of gloves of storing.[/sblock]


First Post
MummyKitty said:
Overall I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with everyone's character ideas so far.

Thanks! I agree, not your average Hawkmask leg-breakers.

MummyKitty said:
In fact I am going to have to adjust some of the adventure as you are going to be a bit more notorious than I first thought. ....


MummyKitty said:
In fact, I am having a hard time thinking you'd be working for Jubal.

If Jubal sends us after a big guy on a red Tros horse, Stick is outta there. :eek:

MummyKitty said:
More likely you'd be either his allies or trying to take him out! ....

Negative on the later...because of his surviving aformentioned big guy on a Tros horse... ;)

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