To Catch a Crimelord, or Down the Rabbit Hole (garyh judging)


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After seeing the dwarf's unusual attack on Grim, Kruk shouts: "I'm going after the dwarf! I can reach him now! I'll keep him occupied! Take care of the others!" With that call Kruk attacks driving forward he swings his axe.

minor: none
movement: move to f2
attack: brash strike: 1d20+11=28 for 1d10+8=14

mark the dwarf

combat advantage is granted to the dwarf if he decides to attack me

free action: thundering power of the weapon: 1d8=7 No push though

As the dwarf feels the effect of the vicious cut of Kruk's axe as it strikes true, and the lightning blows through the foe's body, Kruk laughs loudly and states "Greeting from my axe! I'm glad I finally had a chance to introduce him to you!"

Kruk, please with his first attack, swings again....

[sblock=action point]
basic melee attack: 1d20+9=23 for 1d10+5 = 13

" axe seems to like you dwarf. Stick around and I'll have it sing to you...AHHHA HAA HAAA!" Kruk is obviously having fun as he repeatedly takes chunks of flesh from the dwarfs body.

[sblock=kruk's stats]

Adverse Condition: none
Initiative: +1
Kruk- Male Dwarf Fighter Level 3
*Passive Insight 13
*Passive Perception 13
*Senses low light vision
*HP 48
*Bloodied 24 Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 12
*AC =22
*Fortitude 18 Reflex 14 Will 14 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
+armor bonuses: resist 5 fire & resist 5 necrotic
*action Points: USED
*Second Wind: 1
basic attack:+1 Thundering Battleaxe: To Hit: +9: Damage 1d10+5: additional 1d6 for a crit
*At will:
Brash Strike
Tide of Iron
Passing Attack
Parry and Riptose
Comeback Strike
Thundering Weapon power USED
Cloak Power
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Georg looks around him, trying to take in the confusing scene. His eyes focus on the paladin. Raiyek, move further away from the gnome!

[sblock=Everyone Read] Georg delays until after Raiyek. If he uses Lily's spirit to shift out of the grease and into F10 I can move the flaming sphere to attack the halberd wielder and put it between him and the gnome without hitting any allies.

renau1g, are any of the three remaining enemies bloodied? Some have taken automatic damage from my sphere.

Lord Sessadore

Still dazed from the gnome's spell, the paladin takes a moment to catch his breath and set his defenses.
[sblock=Actions]Free at start of turn: shift to F10. Assuming I'm allowed to shift there - ren?
If you want it: Athletics (1d20=20) *facepalm* Why couldn't I have that for an attack roll?

Standard: Second Wind. Regain 9 hp, +2 to defenses til start of next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 3
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:23(25), Fort:16(18), Reflex:17(19), Will:16(18) -- Speed:6
HP: 18/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges Left:9/11
Resist 1 all, Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands (3/3)

Piercing Smite
Strength from Valor
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry

Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]
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First Post
*Sorry, no luck, you can't shift while prone per PHB errata

Prone [Addition]
Player’s Handbook, page 277
Add “You can’t move from your space, although you can teleport, crawl, or be forced to move by
a pull, a push, or a slide.”


First Post
Who wants to take a turn controlling the rogue?

I would, but I don't know what TENT stands for :erm: Nevermind, I figured it out. Duh.

Carolina, dazed and confused collects her wits the best she can as she manages to lift her crossbow, level it, and aim towards the head of the human with the greataxe. She fires. "Yessss!" she whispers under her breath as the bolt is a direct hit.

attack: sly flourish: 1d20+7 = 27 crit! for 14 points damage!
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First Post
Not sure if it affects anyone's actions, but Kruk kills the other dwarf with his AP. I think we need an action from Georg and one from Grim then we can move forward.

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