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To Catch a Crimelord, or Down the Rabbit Hole (garyh judging)

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Georg doggedly pursues the gnome, trying to keep up before blasting another wave of thunder towards it. Give up now or there will be nothing left of you!, but the bluster is for naught as the gnome again withstands his blast.

Kruk swings again at the axe wielder. This time however he uses the momentum from his swing to step north after his attack against the axe wielder in order to take a swing at the gnome as well, both the warrior's blows strike true and he leaves deep wounds in both foes.

Grim stands, drawing a javelin as he does so, and loosing it towards the gnome. The gnome is unable to move and the projectile slams into his chest and impales the creature on the wall, he hangs lifelessly off the ground. As the gnome's eyes close for the last time, the shadows around the area dissipate and the grease-covered floor returns to normal.

"Just die already," Carolina mumbles as she drives her blade forward again into the axeman's giant eye. Again the halfling's blade strikes true and the warrior is tottering.

Lily peered over the crates at the melee. Holding the skull tightly in her hands she waited until the warrior with the axe seemed distracted, then whispering a incantation the skulls empty eye sockets flared and she exerted her will over the shadowing thing that hung over the scene. Hooked tentacles formed out the roiling mass of darkness, dropping down onto their unsuspecting prey. A hundred beady hungry eyes glared from the night spirit at the taste of blood. It radiated palpable waves of bloodlust and feral cunning infusing the very air around it, feeding and spurring on the fight to its furious crescendo. The warrior is unable to move as the tentacles tear him apart, leaving him a bloody mess on the ground.

You win! Lily's attack finishes the axe-wielder and Grim's finishes the gnome.

Thoughts on the battle? Room for improvement? I am thinking that I might not use so many daze/prone effects in the future, it slows things down too much and isn't too much fun in PbP. RL isn't so bad if you miss a turn, but here, it's like 2-3 days until you get to do something.

How many surges did Grim and Lily use this fight?

Final HP:
Grim - 22 - 7/30 - x/x surges
Carolina - 20 - 15/24 - 7/7 surges
Lily - 18 - 18/26 -x/x surges
Raiyek - 15 - 15/39 - 7/11 surges
Georg - 11 - 27/31 - 8/9 surges
Kruk - 8 - 48/48 - 11/12 surges


Carolina watches in silent awe as the shadowy tentacles tear at the axe man and finally send him to his maker.

As whatever is left of the human collapses into its lifeless heap, she turns to Lilly with a grim smile. "Neat trick," she says simply, and begins tending to her wounds.

[sblock=OOC]Carolina will spend a healing surge to get back up to speed.[/sblock]


Georg looks about the carnage with distaste, but draws himself up and goes to speak with his comrades. There was something dark about this group, their arts and abilities. None of them seemed to be the enigmatic Mr. X. Perhaps we should search around since they won't be giving us any answers.

[sblock=OOC] Georg could use an extended rest, especially if Renau1g can get us some mid adventure XP and allow us level 1 folks to catch up.

The encounter was pretty fun for me, it just shows how nice Virtue's touch could be (remove daze) or other such things. Forced movement/etc is cool with Maptools and PBP too, since it takes some thinking.


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Searching the room, the group finds on the body of the gnome a small knife is evident, the blade looks plain and simple, but Georg notices that this weapon is definitely not simple.

Also, the dwarf's arcane sense notices that there's a aura emanating from under some crates in the northwest corner of the warehouse.

As you complete your attack, you feel the spirits of the land swirl about and enter into your totem.
ooc - Becomes Hungry Spirits Totem +1

The blade is a Subtle Dagger +1, don't worry about the extended rest right now, your friendly neighborhood DM will look after you, trust me :devil:

One other thing I've realized is not to use much higher level elite soldiers, they're defenses are way too good (He had 22 AC, 18 Fort, 16 Ref, 19 Will)


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Now that the immediate danger had passed a queasy look spread over Lily's face.

I think I overdid it...

The shadowy fluctuating form of Lith dispersed, reforming into a more proper shadow at Lily's feet.

Lily looked unsteadily around at the warehouse, taking it in now that someone wasn't trying to kill them.

Nice way of adding a totem. :)

Lily did not spend any surges during the fight, but once we're able will spend one.

If people want to take the time we can get a couple more d6's worth healing with Lily's healing spirit.

Are there any other rooms apparent in the warehouse, or a second level or anything?


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Kruk says to Greog as he heads to the northwest corner of the room, "Are these the crates your talking about?" After seeing the spell caster nod his head, he begins to search the crates.


If there is a trap, hopefully I'll have enough hp to absorb the damage. :)

Kruk spent one surge

As for the encounter. I loved it. I'm glad that I wasn't in the grease though. I felt terrible for Raiyek and Grim having to fight from their knees. ;)



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"Hmmpf. Glad I stocked up on javelins last time we stopped fighting long enough to go bargain shopping."

Grim crosses to the gnome, jerks the javelin free, and spits on the corpse. [sblock=ooc]
Grim has spent 2 surges, and will need to spend 3 more to reach 28/30 hp.


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As Kruk removes the crates he notices a trap door leading down. A simple iron ring allows you to pull the door open, swinging into the room. A pale blue light is visible in the room below, although from your current vantage point the source of the light is not detectable.

The room below is made from worked stone, and Kruk can tell that it's craftsmanship is very good, perhaps even dwarven made. A set of stairs offers the method down below this time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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