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TPK Your Entire Party


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Karinsdad's position is why our evil parties have codes of conduct and are LE, and not CE. One doesnt simply murder ones associates, friends, and lovers for no reason, if one has morals and scruples.

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He's not concerned with friends...

They already let him play out of pity, so he really wants to ear their undying fear and respect, which will get resolved as undying loathing and hatred...


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XO said:
He's not concerned with friends...

They already let him play out of pity, so he really wants to ear their undying fear and respect, which will get resolved as undying loathing and hatred...

I am talking about friends who play evil parties together. They dont TPK their friends, because it ruins the game. I have always thought KD's group has bizarre dynamics, and I wouldnt be surprised if they'd all kill each other in a heartbeat, which would make me leery of playing evil too.

Also, the OP smacks to me of "immature evil". 3 1-2 HD skeletons are useless to a level 11 wizard. He doesnt need, or want, 2 hd minions. What he probably can use, is 3 level 11 friends, to help him consummate his plans. Any mook can be animated as a 2 hd skeleton.


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Coup de grace, not coup de gras. (And you pronouce the C.)

Coup de gras would mean something like "fat blow" instead of "death blow", which is probably something entirely different, and possibly inappropriate!


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The only times (regretably, it's plural) I've encountered a player-initiated TPK is at game conventions. Both time the player had to leave in the middle of the game, so instead of politely excusing himself he decides to kill the whole party first. The first was in D&D, the player fireballed us all. The second time (different convention, different player) was in gamma world, and the guy used grenades.

And both times the DM let it happen and the game ended. What a waste of time and money.

Space Coyote

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You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target.

I can picture an Arnold Scharz (cant spell his last name) type of character with a crossbow aimed at the sleeping characters head, saying, "Hasta la vista. Baby." :] :p


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I've played an evil "plant" character in collusion with the DM before, but it is important when that happens, I think, to understand that your role as the evil player is to betray them dramatically but for the heroes to still win. I would have felt really guilty if my betrayal had *actually* killed the party. (As it happens I died in a monster encounter before we ever got to have the big reveal.) Now, killing one or two of the other people as part of the final betrayal makes for good drama.

That's really the only situation I'm comfortable with evil characters when I myself am the DM - just one, and he has to be on good behavior when the rest of the party is there, and ultimately the character is probably doomed. There are only certain players I would trust to pull this role off well, too. Anyone who is inclined to tend towards BoVD behavior with an evil character is out of the question. (That's what NPCs are for, I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of not controlling the exact amount of that sort of content in my games. It can be used, sparingly, to shock the characters into action, but should never become commonplace, lest it become mundane.)


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I have played in a campaign that way very high pvp, and it was quite entertaining. The trick to such a campaign is to make sure everyone understands well ahead of time that their character's lifespan would not be enviable. Such games tend to have a few wipes until a few characters get togeather to create a protective cabal, and then slowly bring in other reliable characters, and kill off unreliable ones. It actually makes for a pretty entertaining campaign, but ABSOLUTELY relies on everyone knowing what they are getting into, and being ok with it.


Seeten said:
I am talking about friends who play evil parties together. They dont TPK their friends, because it ruins the game.

Being friends outside of character influences actions inside character?

So much for roleplaying in your group. It's better to set up in group dynamics that motivate Evil PCs to not kill each other than to just not do it "because it ruins the game".

Seeten said:
I have always thought KD's group has bizarre dynamics, and I wouldnt be surprised if they'd all kill each other in a heartbeat, which would make me leery of playing evil too.

Until you actually play in our group, you really are talking out of your butt here.

In the example I gave earlier, the Evil PC was killing innocent villagers in order to make Blood Wine for his Imp familiar. If my Good PC would have caught him at it, his PC would have been a smear on the trail. Since my Good PC did not catch him at it (or any of the other hideous acts his PC did), my PC did nothing to his PC.

But, I wouldn't let that slide due to a real world friendship if I had caught him in character.

You appear to have fragile real world friendships if you would.

Even an Evil PC might not want the heat of local authorities in such a case and might take matters into his own hands to make life easier for himself. That's called roleplaying. Sorry you and your friends never heard of the concept.

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