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TURTLEDOME!: Battle Bone (DM: KenHood, Judge: Lord S.)


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Drivan looks to his party members questioningly, "I would be satisfied with this offer, especially with the offer of discounted writing supplies. I'll leave the decision up to my party members."

Marco nods, politely covering his mouth while he chews a cube of harkarl. He swallows, "Very good."

So before I consider wearing an outfit with...commercials...I'll have to see that magical sword you were talking about..."
Marco nods with vigor. "I understand. We could visit my cousin, if you wish. He can be a handful, but I'm sure we can convince him to make the sacrifice for the good of the family."

"What must do for man? Wear stuff? Also, Vaunea kill rats in sleep. Show Vaunea rats." Vaunea says to Marco. "And sword no good. Need giant magic axe. Got one?"
Marco flinches each time Vaunea ends a sentence. He avoids her gaze and talks to Hadarai in a very, very, very small voice. "Could you please tell your minotaur friend that I--" he gulps "--don't--" he turns quite pale "--know where to find a magic axe."

"One more thing. Vaunea get writing stuff. People teach her?"
Marco laughs.

It is a desperate, strangled sort of laugh.

When he speaks, his voice cracks, "Yes. I'd be more than happy to give you writing stu--implements. I-implements."

What's this about clearing out rats?
"I'm not sure. That fellow is a friend of my cousin, and he's an even odder sort. I think the rats might be in his head, but if you humor him, he may let you borrow his--er--thing."

[sblock=What the heck?!]Somewhere along the way this turned into a short adventure with sub-quests. Hmm. :)[/sblock]
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Ah, very well. answers Hadarai with a calm smile. I see you're a very reasonable man, indeed. Then seeing Marco more and more nervous the Eladrin turns to Vaunea to calm her enthusiasm: Finding a more suitable weapon will be only a matter of time, I'm sure. Let's win the battle at [size=+2]TURTLEDOME![/size] and prizes will be ours together with glory.
Hadarai is surprised at the loud voice with which he pronounced the name of the living arena in the middle of his speech in his usual calm, almost soothing tone. He coughs, a little embarassed.
Shall we arrange these meetings, then, good sir?


Emral rubs his hands together, a small plume of smoke rising from the friction of his anticipation. crazy person rats... sounds good to me. I'm good to go with this. Let's meet your cousin, good sir, and see about those staves, er, rats.


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Again, Marco flinches each time Vaunea speaks.

"Now! We'll leave now! W-whenever you want!"

With a frantic wave, he calls over the waitress and pays the check, all but hurling the money at the table. Almost tumping the table in his haste, he rushes outside and hails a hackney.

Marco seats himself as far away from Vaunea as possible and gives instructions to the driver.


After a lengthy ride, you arrive in an older district of the city. Not a poorer district, just older. The houses are middle class and have a lived-in, but well kept look. The style of architecture is about sixty or seventy years out of date.

The coach pulls up before a small ranch-style home with a well-kept lawn. A variety of windmills and colorful, cute statuary decorate it, as do bird-feeders and flower-beds. A group of elderly halflings sits on the porch in rocking chairs and bench swings. They drink beer from oversized steins and talk in a language that is probably common, but so heavily accented as to be nigh unintelligible.

Marco whispers, "Listen. I'm going to talk to my cousin. You wait in the carriage. If he's interested in speaking to you, I'll call you over. Whatever you do, do not exit the cab unless he wants to talk to you. He...he's a bit eccentric like that. If by eccentric you mean excessively territorial and disturbingly violent."

Marco approaches the porch, stopping at a safe distance until the older halflings call him over. He enters a heated conversation with a grizzled one-armed halfling. After several minutes of what appear to be pleading, begging, praying, and pointing at your party, Marco turns towards your group, wipes the sweat from his brow, smiles, and gives you the thumbs up.

He and the elderly halfling walk to the middle of the lawn. Marco waves for you to approach. "Cousin Eustace has agreed to talk to you!"

As you leave the carriage and draw closer, you get a better look at the one-armed halfling.

He is whipcord thin. His skin has the look of toughened leather, lined with wrinkles and veins. Despite the looseness of his flesh, you can see each muscle and bone in fine relief. The knuckles of his right hand look like walnuts, and there is a bit of dirt under his fingernails, a mark that he is one maintaining this lawn. His wispy hair is grey. His eyes are pale, pale blue, and have that faraway look of one who has survived a thousand bloody conflicts. Even at rest, his expression looks to be a snarl of disgust.

[sblock=In other words...]He's a one-armed halfling Clint Eastwood.[/sblock]

"Cousin Eustace, this is..." Marco begins, introducing each of you in turn. "Group, this is Cousin Eustace. He used to an adventurer, just like you."

Eustace sips from his mug.

"Sahyuirth'baigfkeersm'coozinsaizbaewaitanmeesward," says Eustace. His voice sounds like a wolf's growl after it gargled gravel and broken glass.


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In other words...
He's a one-armed halfling Clint Eastwood.


Yes sir, your cousin has told us that you might be inclined to lend us a sword of great might to aid us in our battle. says Hadarai, nodding slightly as a sign of respect. Which I'm sure must be a fearsome weapon indeed, looking at his owner. Were you a soldier, sir, or perhaps, shall we say, a freelance?



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[sblock=Wait a second...]You can understand what I'm writing for his dialogue? Hmph.[/sblock]
Cousin Eustace takes another sip from his mug. Then he turns to his friends on the porch, "Laistntath'fointong'nthaispunteeaireddrainkowaiteeer!"

The elderly halflings laugh raucously. "Aye! Shae'mth'whafferE'stus!"

Marco smiles. It is an uncomfortable smile. "Cousin Eustace says that he's pleased to meet you. As do his friends."

"Pfft! Daenbaeputnwaerdsinm'motMaercooo."

Marco nods. Terrified.


Marco's brow furrows. "Really?" he asks Eustace.

Eustace nods. He waves Marco on.

"Cousin Eustace says that he'd be willing to loan you his sword, if you are able to pass a test of his devising."


First Post
[sblock=a moment]uhm... pretty much everything except the first two lines in the last post, actually... :heh: Those are utterly intelligible. Except for some kind of red rain. I infer the halfling is boasting about the blood he used to draw?[/sblock]

Hadarai does his best to listen to the cranky halfling, his eyes narrowed as slits. He coughs after the exchange between the two cousins, and answer: Naturally. So what will this "proving of worth" consist of, if I may ask?


First Post

"M'gladyaearskd," says Eustace.

Surprise Round
Cousin Eustace hurls his mug of ale into Vaunea's face, just before punching Hadarai in the groin. (Vaunea is dazed until the end of her next turn. Hadarai suffers 4 points of damage and is stunned (save ends).)

[sblock=Status and Initiative]
Initiative Rolls Here.

Finnian - Initiative 21, HP: 26/26 <-- YOU'RE UP!
Drivan - Initiative 18, HP: 20/20
Hadarai - Initiative 8, HP: 27/31 - Stunned (save ends)
Vaunea - Initiative 7, HP: 38/38 - Dazed (end of next turn)
Cousin Eustace - Initiative 6, no damage
Emral - Initiative 6, HP: 24/24


Resources Expended
Cousin Eustace - Nut-Cracker
Note: Squares with plants are difficult terrain. Squares with statuary are impassable.


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