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Vagrant Hearts (Season 1: Complete), The Smuggler's War (Writing: Episode VII)


Once again, the crew of the Vagrant Hear finds themselves standing in the penthouse of the Alderaanian facing an Imperial Moff. This time, they aren’t bound and bruised, but still disarmed. Aids scramble about the room, scowling at the rag tag bunch that only seems to get in the way, packing up belongs, securing data, and preparing for the Imperial departure from Alderaan.

Tam nods to the Wookie and Rowintha displays the bottle of Chateau ‘77. An aid cautiously approaches to retrieve the bottle. The Wookie bears her teeth and Tam chimes in, “Not so fast, I want to see proof that our records will be erased.”

“If you would like to do this the hard way, there are 45 hidden blasters trained on you right now.”

Tam sighs, Imperial deals always seem to get worse. The aid takes the bottle from Rowintha and scurries away.

“Ah, perfect.” The Moff says, admiring the bottle of wine. “I am a man of my word. Your infiltration of the Gala and the theft of the droid will be expunged from all records you have nothing to worry about.”

The crew gets ready to leave when the Moff interjects, “There is one final point to discuss. You have lived up to your reputation. You truly do get the job done. I have uses for such dependable people. People that can bypass red tape and move through the underworld. What would you say about working in secret for me and, of course, for the glory of the Empire?”

Tam pauses, “We’ll think about it, I’ll transmit word before leaving the system.”

Back at the hanger, the crew discusses their future.

“Do you think we can off load the art and wine here?” Tam askes.

“Unlikely. Alderaan’s major exports include art and wine.” Kaldo replies. “I think we need to go to Cloud City.”

“What can we get here to transport to Cloud City?”

“Well, Bespin is always in need of technological goods and foodstuffs.”

“Wait,” Toth jumps in. “Foodstuffs? We’re standing in the middle of a farm.”

“I’ll go talk to someone in charge here.” Tam replies. “What about our job offers?”

“Depends what they pay.” Toth answers.

“I’m not too keen on working for the Empire.” Kaldo pitches in.

Rowintha seconds the idea with a growl; brining the Empire’s treatment of Wookies to light.

“Alright, I’ll see if I can get the front desk and leave the message with one of the Moff’s aids right before we make the jump to light speed.” Tam says ending the discussion.

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Was this the end of your last session or is there more? If there is more, lets have an update! You guys really need to play more often so we can get more frequent updates... ;)


What used to be an unused portion of a Bespin construction platform, an enterprising Ugnaught turned into Cloud City’s best dive bar: The Vapor Room. Of course, the Vapor Room doesn’t show up on any authorized guide to the city and few outside the local Ugnaught population even bother with the place. But it is here Toth and Tam belly up to the bar while Kaldo and Rowintha grab a booth. They wait for their contact.

The contact is Donovan Graw, a coinsurer of many of life’s finer things and middleman between the galaxy’s upper crust and less reputable sorts. And earlier in life, an activist for Wookie rights.

“Ah, Rowintha! How long has it been? Oh, don’t answer that. Too long. Too long.” Donovan greets the Wookie warmly as he waltzes into the bar.

Tam and Toth join the group. Donovan eyes Tam and speaks to Rowintha in jest, “You still flying with that old pirate?”

Rowintha laughs and ask how Donovan’s been doing.

Donovan fills her in on the little operation he’s managed to get going in Cloud City. With the wealth of many of Cloud City’s citizens and the lack of an Imperial presence that brings in the many of the fringe elements, there’s a lot of money to be made for someone with his talents.

“Have you heard?” Donovan continues. “There’s an Ithorian in the promenade that has Dathomiri orchids. Dathomiri orchids, can you believe it? I had a chance to see one in full bloom, it was exquisite!”

Rowintha leans in with interest. She questions Donovan for the details and makes plans to visit this Ithorian.

Meanwhile, Toth stares into his beer, wondering when they can get down to business. As if to answer his silent pleas to the Force, Donovan changes his tone and says, “Ha, well, down to business. You said you have some goods someone with my connections might be able to move.”

Rowintha passes Donovan a datapad with the details of their take. Donovan’s brow creases, “Pretty impressive list. The way I see it you have two options. I can either take each item to my most likely buyers—I’ll get you a fair price—but with a laundry list like this, I say we go for the big score. I can set up an auction, invite all my ‘friends’—it will take some time—but between the generous liquor available and the competition between buyer egos, we’ll bring far more than what I’d normally get. What do you say? You aren’t in any hurry are you?”


The promise of more credits and some time to get out of the cramped cabins of the Vagrant Heart convinces the crew of the light freighter to stick around Cloud City for a few days. Excited by the deal, Donovan Graw has set the crew up with rooms at the Trest Casino and Hotel.

Last night was spent in luxury and leisure. Even the Vagrant Heart got pampered as Cloud City techs resupplied the ship and installed new Hoersch-Kessel Dominator-Class combat thrusters and—thanks to an under the table deal—a couple smuggler’s compartments. But today, the crew and their passengers, split up to experience the sights and sounds of Cloud City, each crew member with one Imperial bar in possession to spend.

Bothans seem to have a natural knack for tracking down the specific information they seek and Toth is no exception. It is still morning when, with Set in tow, he finds a Zabrak gun dealer in the lower reaches of Cloud City. The dealer greets Toth as he walks in and locks the security gate behind him. In a place like this, the dealer only allows one buyer in at a time. Set impatiently waits outside.

“Ah you wield a scoped E-5 blaster carbine, I can tell you have taste. Good, good, I like that.” The dealer begins, “Perhaps you want a customer trigger or overcharging bolt? Maybe I should remove the stun setting for you, yes?”

Rowintha’s search hasn’t been going nearly as well. Most of the citizens and tourists shopping in the promenade try to find something else to distract themselves when the Wookie approaches to ask directions.

But the Cloud City promenade is a sight to behold and not a bad place to get lost for a day. It creates a whole new category for open air markets. Perched above the main platform, one almost walks through the clouds. The winds of Bespin bring a cool breeze and carry the shouts of merchants hawking their wares.

Finally, following Donovan’s lead, she finds an odd looking greenhouse. Inside, an Ithorian stoops over a number of plants hard at work. He doesn’t seem to notice Rowintha until she gives a friendly growl.

“Oh, a customer, delightful! Welcome to my shop. My name is Jooma. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?”

Rowintha mentions the Dathomiri orchids and says she might be interested in seeing what else Jooma has.

The speeders at the rental shop seem to fall into the practical mid-size role with a few larger heavier-duty haulers, but there is one gem on the lot: an older, but well maintained Koro-2 Exodrive. The young Ithochi at the counter is reluctant to hand the command codes over to Kaldo, but he can’t say no to a paying customer.

Kaldo relaxes in the cockpit as he cruises up and out of the city. He puts the Koro-2 through a few maneuvers, testing out the controls. As he does so, a modified T-16 skyhopper pulls up beside him. He hears the pilot throttle the engines up and down making a menacing growl. Kaldo smiles and flashes his bar of currency at the other pilot. The T-16 pilot returns the gesture. With the stakes set, Kaldo looks out the viewscreen and can infer the course: one side of Cloud City to the other, straight through down town.

Kaldo punches it, but the other pilot is faster and knows the course. The two airspeeders burn past midtown traffic as a Cloud Car circles around on patrol. Now, playing catch up to the T-16, Kaldo has the Wing Guard on his tail. He pushes the Koro-2 harder and dives after the T-16 into a construction zone. Both craft dive into huge ventilation shafts, losing the Wing Guard. The two airspeeders emerge from the shafts neck and neck, the city limits just in sight. Kaldo grips the controls, preparing to push the engines past redline, when a cargo shuttle begins landing procedures directly in his path. He pulls up hard. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the T-16 do the same. But the pilot wasn’t quite as quick and had to adopt a steeper climb. It was all the advantage Kaldo needs and he punches it toward the finish line.

The brightly patterned floor of the Trest Casino forces Tam’s eyes up to where the action is. He passes the betting machines and climbs the stairs to the second floor. Here is a true gamblers paradise. Sabacc tables stretch from wall to wall, open for players at all hours of the day.

Tam takes a seat at an empty table and is joined shortly after by another human male.

“You look familiar,” The new comer says as the Chadra-Fan dealer passes out the cards, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

“Nope.” Tam says curtly and goes back to studying his hand.

“Well, the name’s Larno. And if I allow myself one vice in this galaxy, it is sabacc. I love the pure head to head play.”

Tam relaxes a little and says, “Tam Voren.”

“Nice to meet you. Shall we play?”

Lady luck seems to have abandoned Tam and he loses three consecutive hands to Larno. Disgusted, Tam gets up to leave.

“I’ve enjoyed our game, Tam, but perhaps I can get you to play another hand by raising the stakes?”

Tam halts and waits for the offer.

Larno tosses a small holodisk on the table, an image of Xule appears. She doesn’t seem to know someone is filming her as she walks from one boutique to the next, window shopping. “The bet: one life for another. You win and I call my men off the princess and we all part ways like this never really happened. You lose and you surrender and come with me so I can claim the bounty on your head. You don’t play and, well, I don’t think I need to go into the details.”


“A bounty?” Tam shouts. Some of the other patrons look his way and then return to their cards.

“Yes. It’s posted at every bounty hunters guild from here to Nar Shadaa. And it is one I intend to collect.” Larno replies. He motions for Tam to sit back down.

Reluctantly Tam sits back down. He hopes for the hand of his life.

If there is some almighty energy in the universe that connects all living things, for once it didn’t let Tam down. Tam took his cards and smiled to himself, Pure Sabacc. He watched Larno discard and look over his new hand.

The game was over now.

With a flourish Tam lays down his hand. Larno grimaces and accepts defeat, “Win some and lose some I guess, that they way the game is played.” Then into his comm link, “Back off the princess. Repeat. Back off the princess.”

“Good.” Tam replies, “Now, leave before I get angry.”

The galaxy’s largest block of carbonite stands in the galaxy’s largest carbonite chamber. Set seems mesmerized by it. The sign nearby says it was built to showcase carbonite freezing technology for the 234th Galaxy’s Fair. Toth is just glad it is cold enough in there so he can eat his Tautaun Treat without it melting, dripping down the stick, and getting his hands all sticky.

A group of Neimoidian tourist approach Toth, “Will you take our holovid?”

Reluctantly Toth agrees. He uses the recorder to a get a nice holo of the whole family standing in front of the carbonite slab. The father thanks Toth over and over again as he loops the recorder’s strap around his neck. With the family gone, Toth and Set are once again alone in the chamber. Toth finishes his frozen desert and is about to drag Set out of the room, when a group of droids walk into the chamber.

One of the droids approaches Toth, “Are you the Bothan and Jawa that operate a YT-2000 light freighter?”

“No.” Toth lies and swings his blaster around, the new under barrel grenade launch dully shining in the carbonite freezing chamber’s red glow.

Toth watches the lone droid walk back to the others. They confer for a moment and then in precise unison reach around to their backs, pulling out blasters, and level them at the two smugglers.

“Time to go, Set.” Toth yells between a burst of blaster fire. One of the droids drops to the ground a smoking heap.

“Oh dear! My master says something is approaching from behind.” Come the voice of a threepio droid.

Toth turns and watches as the Jawa tosses an ion grenade at the approaching crab droid. Distracted, he feels the heat of a blaster bolt crossing too close to his face. He lays down another barrage, dropping another droid. One more to go, as long as Set took care of that crab droid.

From behind him, Toth hears a cry of pain and the thump of a body hitting the floor. The Bothan finishes off the last droid guarding the exit and turns to see the crab droid poised over the body of Set. He blasts the crab droid at point blank range and pulls the Jawa up and throws him over his shoulder. The crab droid replies by lunging forward. Toth dodges to the side and makes a run for the exit. He slams the door close button behind him and sends a blaster bolt through the controls just to make sure.
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GM Commentary

The normal rules for gambling in Saga Edition just include a wisdom check. That seemed pretty anti-climatic for the situation I wanted to put Tam in. So, I wrote up my own.


Place initial stake into pot

Roll 1d12 this is the strength of your hand

Perception check DC 15 - Win +2, Lose +0 to hand strength

Deception check - Win +2, Lose -5 to hand strength

Place bet into pot or fold hand

Roll 1d6 and add to hand strength

Deception check - Win +2, Lose -5 to hand strength

Place bet into pot or fold hand

Opposed Wisdom check - winner gets +2 to hand strength
Player with the greatest hand strength takes the pot

*Bluffing is optional
The rules work a bit like five card draw and worked fairly well. Unfortunately for Tam's player, he lost the first three hands he played, but won big when it counted.


FYI: I'm not letting this story hour die. Life, work, etc has just eaten up all my writing time. But it looks like I'm past the worst of it and hope to begin regular updates in a couple weeks.


Jooma the Ithorian delicately packs Rowintha’s purchases into a crate. “Now remember, the Dathomiri orchid likes a humid environment, I recommend using a—“

He’s cut short as two Gamorean’s blunder into the shop. One knocks over a table spilling soil to the floor.

“Ah, excuse me gentlemen, but is there something I can help you with?” Jooma attempts.

Rowintha’s Garmorean may be rusty but if she was paying attention, she would have made out the words “Wookie” and “bounty”. But as it was, she was drawn to the Ryyk blade one of the Gamoreans was wielding. That can only mean one thing, slavers.

Rowintha shrugs her force pike of her shoulder catching it in one hand. She lets out a howl and charges the Gamorean with the Ryyk blade. He catches the crackling spear tip and deflects it harmlessly to the side. The other Gamorean throws aside a table to the side and moves to flank the Wookie.

Rowintha turns to take care of the new threat when she feels a sharp pain ripple through her shoulders and down her spine. Then there is nothing.

Kaldo’s flying antics have paid off, a female Duros clings to his arm as they walk back toward the Vagrant Heart. She just has to see the ship.

Kaldo’s heart skips a beat when he enters the hangar bay. An Arcona and Whiphid are looking up and down the ship, a strange device in hand. Kaldo pushes his companion down into the dirt behind a few crates. She looks upset and is about to protest when Kaldo puts his finger to his lips, peers over the crate, and draws his blaster.

Straining, he can barely make out their conversation.

"Are you sure this is it?" Grumbles the Whiphid.

"It matches the description." The Arcona replies.

"Well, let's get on with it then." The Whiphid starts to approach the ship and turns and looks at his companion. "I thought you said this was it. Why are you waiting?"

"I said it matches the description, I didn't say this was it." The Arcona corrects.

"So what's the plan?"

"I'll put a boot lock on one of the landing gears, if it is them, they'll be stuck here. If it isn't, I'll hit the remote disengage and the proprietor of this fine vessel is none the wiser."

"Can't I just wait by the door and bash 'em on the head, Vulk?"

"See this is why I do the thinking, Thid."

The two begin walking toward the Vagrant Heart. Kaldo waits until they are under the YT-2000 and then whispers to his companion, “Stay here.”

He takes a deep breath and then silently sprints across the bay into the Vagrant Heart. His feet don’t stop moving until he’s in the cockpit. He slaps the docking gun controls and swivels the cannon around to point at the two intruders.

“I think you boys need to be taking that off my ship” Kaldo says into the intercom, “before my finger gets too itchy.”

The Arcona slowly puts his hands up, “Ah, Thid. Take the boot lock of this fine man’s ship.”

The Whiphid removes the lock and holds it out so it is clearly visible.

“See, it’s gone now.” The Arcona says, “We’ll just be slowly backing away.”

Kaldo grins to himself as he keeps the cannon trained on them until they leave the docking bay. He then saunters over to the landing ramp and calls out to his female friend, “I live a dangerous life, you know. You still wanna get mixed up with me?” She seems to blush and then runs her hand suggestively across Kaldo's chest as she enters the ship.


The door to Kaldo’s cabin jerks open just as he is about regal his companion with another tale of evading Imperial ships. In its frame looms an angry Wookie and scowling Human.

“Um, company.” Kaldo responds.

Rowintha lets out a low growl while holding a med pack to her shoulder. Tam grabs a pile of clothes and flings it at Kaldo’s company. “Out.”

“Crew meeting. Right now.” Tam growls, “And put some pants on.”

Kaldo wanders out to the common area wondering why everyone is in such a bad mood when he sees Toth pointing a blaster at a bound Gamorean.

“He’s not lying.” Begins the Bothan, “There’s a bounty on all our heads. A big one too. He doesn’t know how it got there, but I think I know who can tell us.”

“Nakko.” Tam replies.

The familiar image of Nakko sparks to life on the holovid. "I've been trying to reach you for days, what are you doing on Cloud City? Forget it. Forget it. I have something important to tell you, kid. Remember that bounty hunter names Modok you asked me to look into for you. Well, he's nobody special, but what I found in the mean time is! There's a bounty on your heads.”

“Yeah, I know.” Tam replies, “What do you know about it?”

“It’s a small fortune for the whole crew and a Jawa." Nakko scowls, "When'd you start runn' with a Jawa, kid? Anyway, anyway, take a look."

The holodisplay changes and the image is replaced with short holovid clips taken from a security camera: A duros looking out the view screen of a YT-2000, a smoking building in the background. A human shouting into a camera while a Wookie bashes against a door. A Bothan with a smoking blaster wound next to a speederbike. A Jawa breaking open a security door and then posing triumphantly.

“Faynor.” Tam says.

"Looks like Faynor had some sort of dead man's switch that just went active.” Nakko explains, “Your profiles are plastered at bounty hunter guilds all over the galaxy. At 50 grand there's going to be a lot of people gunning for you. Well, it was nice working with you, kid. You're in Cloud City, at least you can have some fun before your number comes up."

“Wait a second.” Tam says, “Can’t you get this removed?”

"Last I checked, the only way to get a bounty like this off your head is to have someone collect on it." Nakko ends the transmission.

Tam slumps back in his chair thinking about how to free himself from this death sentence, when Xule enters. She carries a number of shopping bags and is in good spirits. "Hello everyone, I thought I’d fine you here. I had the most wonderful day. Did everyone have fun in Cloud City? We should visit here more often."

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