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[Vile] Puppy-Kicking PCs at Work, part 2

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
If that thing can beat the ogre bitch senseless, going against it in melee would be madness. Better keep my distance.

Gwyn nocks an arrow and looses it at the figure, for once actually making the effort not to hit Alicia.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Lydia narrows her eyes at the ogress, before moving forward a bit and firing her crossbow at the stick-thing.*

I doubt she would make a good subject...

[OOC - Moving up 20 feet and firing with the crossbow.]


First Post
Telsar said:
The half-ogre swings as hard as she can at the walking pile of dead branches, but her attack goes wide, missing. The silent, smiling thing again brings down it’s almost tree-like limbs, and when one solidly connects over Alicia’s head, the force of it causes blood to gush from her ears, and she almost drops. Alicia is in more pain than she’s ever been, as she considers if this is what Madame Brie meant by when she should run away.
Alicia, disabled

Alicia snarls at the creature who defeated her, a sound of pure animal rage and fear. She pulls back from the creature, trying to force her failing limbs to move.

ooc: Withdraw from combat, back towards the camp, standard action.
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Sunedilar al Hazir, Human/Male Fighter

Sunedilar, his chain whirling, debates his options. His chain is unlikely to do very much against a living plant, especially one the thickness of this. His gauntlets are even less likely to be of use. For the moment, he circles, looking for eyes or some other weak point to strike at.

(Holding, looking for an Opportunity attack if it presents)


First Post
Lydia approaches closer, aims her crossbow, fires, and hits it dead on. Unfortunately, the bolt passes right through the openings between the branches that make up the creature. Sunedilar watches it, seeing nothing on it that looks like it consists of anything other than dry wood, but at this distance, it’s hard to be sure. Alicia slowly, and painfully, backs away from her adversary, towards the party, while Gwyn wonders if his arrow would be any more effective than Lydia’s crossbow bolt..

[Lydia’s crossbow attack rolled 18+4-4(assuming she’d avoid hitting Alicia)=AC 18, hit, but did no damage. Sunedilar and Alev are delaying and still 100 feet away from it (as is Gwyn); Lydia is 80 feet, Alicia is 30 feet. I stopped on Gwyn in case he changes his mind about the bow attack.

Characters by initiative, damage:
Gwyn, HPs: 6/18
‘Stick Puppet’, hurt
Lydia: HPs: 12/20
Sunedilar, unhurt
Alev, HPs: 13/19
Alicia, disabled]

Upstairs at Madame Brie’s, Loni smiles and escorts Accalon out of the room, first looking down the hallway to see that no one is around. As they pass one of the voyeur closets on the way to the stairs, Loni whispers “Um, I don’t know if you’d want to know, but since I guess it involved you now… Valasia’s in there. Brie said she had to stay in the closet till she was sure the authorities wouldn’t come back.”

[Note-if Accalon would want to stop and converse with Valasia for some reason, we can do some backtrack roleplaying. Otherwise…]

A short trip further upstairs, to the third story, Loni opens one door, steps inside, and motions for Accalon to follow. Inside, Accalon sees that this bedroom isn’t as nice as the ones on the second floor, with more typical (and cheap) bedding instead of the ultra soft and comfortable stuff the clients expect. There are two beds, a single and a double, a wide wardrobe closet, and two large dressers with small mirrors and make up, brushes, and other grooming tools. There’s a window facing the east wall, and standing in front of it, looking out, is a young woman of striking beauty, with almost black hair and dark eyes. She turns to see who has entered, and Accalon senses that she was very startled by their arrival for some reason. Upon looking at Accalon, she says “Loni! What’s going on now? Brie will have herself a fit if she finds a man in one of our bedrooms!”

Loni says to her “Clara, it’s OK. Accalon just needs to, um, rest here for a bit. A nosy jerk is downstairs, and Brie wouldn’t want Accalon found here. There’s already been enough fighting in the house today.” Loni looks at Accalon, clearly not knowing what all he wants Clara to know. Clara says “What jerk? Who’s here now? Jovana said the fight was with some monster. Maybe I should just go downstairs and see for myself.” Accalon gets the distinct impression Clara doesn’t want to be here now that he is too, and is just looking for an excuse to leave.

[Accalon rolled Sense Motive 16+6=22.]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon gives Clara a friendly smile as he slides through the door, gathering the details of the small room with a quick glance Accalon address the new girl, “Actually Clara could you do me a favor? Madame Brie wants Loni to keep Valasia company in one of the voyeur closets but I would rather she stuck around here in case Brie found me here… I’m willing to make it worth your while, off the clock, no John, and no Madame to garnish from your earnings and all you have to do is keep one of your friends company for a while… Sound fair?”

OOC: If she accepts he’ll want her to agree to keep why she’s in the closet with Valasia a secret. Oh and he would want her to send Beatrice up if she runs into her. Accalon would rather have another girl around, for scouting, distraction, stuff, and he trusts Beatrice far more than Clara. Beatrice has been helpful so far and probably has a better, and friendly, reaction to him.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn hisses angrily, dropping the bow and scooping up one of his healing potions. He shouts to Lydia "Priestess, can you heal the ogress? We'll need her if we're to stop that thing."

T'aria curses angrily, but quietly. Stuck between a rock and a hard place... damn, if I go out the back way, it's obvious something is up, if I go out the front, I risk getting shot at. Well, I blow any cover I might have if I go out the back... and the boy didn't recognize me, nor do the authorities know anything about Shadow....

Steeling herself, she follows the boy, walking on the other side of the horse from where she saw the crossbow.

[OOC: She tries to be very casual about the whole thing - a.k.a. 'act in character' as if she didn't see anything nor has done anything wrong. She will swing abroad Shadow and bolt at the first sign of trouble, though.]
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First Post
Telsar said:
Lydia approaches closer, aims her crossbow, fires, and hits it dead on. Unfortunately, the bolt passes right through the openings between the branches that make up the creature. Sunedilar watches it, seeing nothing on it that looks like it consists of anything other than dry wood, but at this distance, it’s hard to be sure. Alicia slowly, and painfully, backs away from her adversary, towards the party, while Gwyn wonders if his arrow would be any more effective than Lydia’s crossbow bolt..

[Lydia’s crossbow attack rolled 18+4-4(assuming she’d avoid hitting Alicia)=AC 18, hit, but did no damage. Sunedilar and Alev are delaying and still 100 feet away from it (as is Gwyn); Lydia is 80 feet, Alicia is 30 feet. I stopped on Gwyn in case he changes his mind about the bow attack.

Characters by initiative, damage:
Gwyn, HPs: 6/18
‘Stick Puppet’, hurt
Lydia: HPs: 12/20
Sunedilar, unhurt
Alev, HPs: 13/19
Alicia, disabled]

Alicia keeps stumbling towards the group in a daze of pain, her eyes begin to fill up with blood from the wound on her head and her sword makes a deep furrow in the ground when she drags it behind her.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor, attacked by this large bat, quickly tries to regroup himself. Seeing the fire in Bane's eyes, while barking and growling at the bat, Aligor takes a chance on Boone. He runs towards Boones shop, yelling while entering the doors, "Shut the doors behind me! Keep that beast at bay until I can think clearly!" Not too sure if Boone is even there to respond, Aligor curses his luck. "Shoulda gone wit the others. Better safety in numbers!" While entering the shop, Aligor will try and move to a place that the bat, i it comes after him, would not be able to get at him easily.

OOC - Withdraw, moving only 30 feet with this gunk on me, into Boones shop. If he can move to where he puts something in between himself and the bat, then good. If he walks in and there is nothing really to put in between himself and the bat, then he will move as far as he can, towards the rear/side entrance. R7 is the spot he is aiming for.

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