[Vile] Puppy-Kicking PCs at Work, part 2

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Lydia's eyebrows raise at Alicia's surprisingly effective attack. Turning her attention to the woman in the water, she aims and fires.*

"Well done, ogress!" she calls.

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Guilt Puppy

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Alev's eyebrows raise with interest at the flowering remains of Alicia's victims; then he turns, moves the other way across the bridge, and takes a shot at the unheld archer.

(He will continue advancing and firing on the unheld archer. If he gets within 30 feet of the other archer, and that fellow is still held, he'll take a shot at him -- no point wasting an opportunity for a clean sneak-attack shot at the sweet sweet vitals.)


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Sunedilar al Hazir, Human/Male Fighter

As his newest foes eyes glance away, Sunedilar smiles dourly. He had hoped for a worthy foe, but this one was already showing distraction. But that would change soon.

A prayer chant on his lips, Sundilar slides from the saddle, twisting as he does, sending one end of the chain low in a feinting sweep at the legs of Maximillian, only to pull back that end and send nthe other whirling around the crossguard of his glowing weapon and wrist before twisting away again, attempting to wrench the weapon from his enemies grip.

(Disarm attempt. I really hope I'm remembering right and I took improved disarm, or that I get a good roll!)


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Glind River Bridge

Alev takes a shot at the far archer, but his arrow lands wide. The blink dog whimpers and cringes at Lydia, then disappears from the bridge as suddenly as he had appeared. One archer remains motionless, while the other, ignoring Alev’s attack, aims at the nearer opponent, Sunedilar, who soon finds an arrow in his thigh.

[Alev’s attack rolled 5+6-2(range)=AC 9, missed. Sunedilar was hit by an arrow for 3 points of damage.]

The woman in the river looks incredulously at her now non-glowing dagger, transferring it to her hand as she approaches Gwyn. She yells “Demonic scum! Your death would have served a greater purpose! Recalling to our plane a servant of heaven. Now I’ll have to settle for just my own satisfaction.” But when she reaches Gwyn, the ranger is ready for her, and slashes out with his claws, both tearing away bits of her flesh, her blood mingling with the water. Soon Gwyn’s blood flows into the river as well, as her dagger strikes his claw, the weapon seeming to burn his flesh as it came in contact.

[Gwyn’s attacks roll 15+5=AC 20 and 14+5=AC 19, both hit. Damage is 1+2=3, and 4+2=6. Gwyn takes 6 points of damage from the dagger]

Maximillian moves up to the mounted Sunedilar, eyes red with anger. But at the last minute he seems to check himself and strike at the warrior with the flat of his blade, which hits Sunedilar soundly against the side of his head. “Leave here, fool, so I can go give that ogre the death she deserves!” Sunedilar jumps off his horse and tries to wrap his chain around his enemy’s wrist, but Max manages to keep hold of his weapon in two strong hands.

[Sunedilar takes 8 nonlethal damage. On disarm attempt, Sunedilar rolls 5+9+4=18. Max rolls total 24]

Lydia fires her crossbow at the woman in the river, careful not to hit Gwyn, but the bolt misses her by a few inches. Meanwhile, Girdra the dwarf steps out on the ledge of the bridge, and easily swings herself around underneath it, providing herself complete cover from the archers and Max. Gwyn looks up and sees her apparently standing upside down on the underside of the bridge, as she casts a spell. A large ball of fire suddenly appears near the swimming woman, who ducks under the water and rises again a bit to the side to avoid it. A bit of steam comes off where the fire touches the water, but for the most part, the ball of fire remains unaffected by the river, just floating on the surface.

[Lydia rolled 12+5-4(avoiding Gwyn)=AC 13, missed. Woman made a reflex save against Girdra’s spell.]

[Characters by initative, damage:
Alicia, HPs: 21(+4 NL)/38, poisoned (-3 Dex)
Alev, unhurt
Blink Dog, unhurt, afraid
Archer 1, unhurt, held
Archer 2, unhurt
Man in white robes, dead
Gwyn, HP:15(+3 NL)/26
Woman in leather armor, hurt
Maximillian, unhurt
Lydia, HP:21/26
Girdra, unhurt
Sunedilar, HP: 35(+8 NL)/38]

Fangor the Fierce

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Aligor looks for some healing potions, as his recent events do not have him in the best of shape. Making his way to Rusty's, he goes for a much needed beer, before heading home to rest the night away and get up early to kill some more of Hex's men.


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General store

Aligor has no trouble making his purchases, but as he walks out, he sees an unusual sight. The man he just barely met at Boone’s, the crimson robed shadowy figure who called himself Fury, is across the street, standing over a fallen female figure, a young elf by the look of her. The woman’s legs are wrapped with some kind of cord with weights attached, a bola by the looks of it, while Fury has his foot on the girl’s neck. Fury is saying something to her, but at this distance, the dwarf can’t make it out. At the moment, no one else is on the street to notice this.
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Telsar said:
Glind River Bridge

Alicia yells her counter-challenge to the handsome fighter, then leaps over the side of bridge, falling 50 feet. Her huge mass slams into the robed man hard, hurting her quite a bit, but nearly killing him. In seconds, Alicia swings her greatsword at the man, cutting him down and leaving him dead on the rocky ledge. As his voice dies with him, the dagger of the woman approaching Gwyn quits glowing.

[Alicia rolled Jump 15+6=21, which took 1D6 off of damage for fall, and deliberately jumping and landing on a yielding surface (the robed man) converts some damage to nonlethal. She takes 2D6=11 normal damage and 2D6=4 nonlethal damage from the fall. The robed man takes 6D6=24 damage, nearly all his HPs in one attack. Alicia’s attack rolled 8+9=AC17, hit. Damage rolled 3D6=4+12=16. Man fails a Fortitude check and is dead. And I gave this guy a huge Concentration roll, just so he could keep the spell going while attacked. Didn’t expect him to be pummeled with falling half-ogres, though :) ]

Alicia, HPs: 21(+4 NL)/38, poisoned (-3 Dex)

Alicia bends down to rub a sore ancle, grinning to herself. "Splat, splat! Stupic cleric-man. Hehe."

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Lydia's eyebrows raise at Alicia's surprisingly effective attack. Turning her attention to the woman in the water, she aims and fires.*

"Well done, ogress!" she calls.

She waves in reply to her nice companion, still with a big grin on her face. Then she takes her time searching the dead cleric for anything of apparent value.

Quentin’s Cubbyhole

Telsar said:
The next day, after a good night’s rest and bad experience trying to meet with the dwarf, T’aria finds herself in the common room at the Cubbyhole. Like her room, and unlike the lobby, this area is very nice, with elegant couches, half a dozen tables, nice carpeting, and a roaring fireplace. As she enters, a young female elf approaches and asks if there’s anything she’d like to be brought for lunch. She’s handed a list of what they have available, the fairly typical things an inn might serve, as well as a few house specialties, such as Quentin’s Rare Meat Pie, which no basic persuasion seems capable of convincing the elf to tell her what animal the meat comes from; and Masque’s Mead, which the elf says is quite intoxicating.

There are half a dozen other people in here already, probably due to it being lunch time. A gnomish couple sits at one table, two human males are talking together on one couch, an elderly looking halfling in some really tattered clothing is sitting by the fireplace, and a middle-aged human woman is sitting at large, beautifully engraved, and probably expensive harp. She’s strumming a bit on it, not playing any one tune for long, just bits and pieces of different songs. Shadow doesn’t appear to have arrived yet.

She orders the Rare Meat Pie, rather intrigued by the fact that the elf won’t divulge what the meat is, as well as a good deal of Masque’s Mead. T’aria locates an out-of-the-way table, and sits facing the room with her back to the wall. No sense not being careful.

While she awaits her food, she savors her drink, and watches for the arrival of Shadow… although she keeps a close eye on the elderly Halfling by the fireplace, wondering idly if Shadow would arrive disguised….

[OOC: Sorry about how long I was gone, I was on vacation up north for about a week, and it’s taken me some time to get caught back up….]


First Post
Sunedilar al Hazir, Human/Male Fighter

Sunedilar's eyes narrow as he feels the impact of the sword against his skull. It is one thing to be injured, it is another to be mocked.

A scream rises to his lips as he whirls the chain again, turning it into a blinding flash of silver in the at the warrior who has decided he has bigger problems. He launches the weapon in a vicious series of arcs, lashing at Maximilian's face and torso.

(full attack on Maxie)

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