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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Lydia curses mentally as she misses, then turns to find the warrior with a potion for her. If she can discern that it indeed is something non-lethal, she will step back and drink it.*

"Here, do something with this," Lydia says, passing over her mace. Someone might as well continue to destroy that hound.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

As he hands the potion to Lydia he takes the mace from her, a small smile on his face, “Seems like a fair trade milady.”

He quickly offers his blade to dark haired cleric before turning and wading back into the fray now with the mace in hand.

OOC: If Lydia isn’t interested in the spatha he will drop it to the floor as a free action.

T'aria, female half-fiend rogue

Telsar said:
The doorman in Brie’s room looks to T’aria and says “You have the key? Then you know where Brie is. Good, she’s safe then.” He rushes past her, through the dining room, and past the curtain into the foyer, where he sees Ezuvial in his true form for the first time. Meanwhile, T’aria goes to work on the chest, but it’s lock, at first, resists her efforts to pick it. After a few more seconds, however, she hears it click open. Suddenly, a flash of fire erupts from the inside of the chest, burning the half-demon over most of her body.

The fire, naturally, hurt like hell, but now the chest is open and within T’aria sees 12 vials, each labeled in a language she doesn’t understand, an open, good-sized bag with hundreds of platinum coins in it, a small pouch, and three scroll tubes. None of these items were touched by the fire.

[“Saved” round rolled Open Locks 6+11=17, this round rolled 16+11=27. No mention was made of taking a round to search for traps so, um… boom. :) Reflex save rolled 3+7=10, failed. T’aria took 12 points of fire damage.]

T'aria swears long and hard in abyssal, cursing Madam Brie and her forebearers up to the third generation for the trap.
Damn it, that hurt! How could I be so stupid? Take your time and think, T'aria, or you won't have to worry about that thrice-cursed dog in the other room. She takes a glance into the chest, rummaging through the potions and scrolls. I can't even read these! And I used my last healing potion two weeks ago when we got into that little scape at the docks...

Still grumbling, she will carefully inspect the pouch, grab an armful of potions (a handful of coins get absent-mindedly secreted into her clothing), and leave the room headed back towards the battle.

Maybe one of those people can read these... and tell me which one is a healing potion!

[OOC: D'oh! Can't believe I forgot to search for traps. *grr* :\ ]


First Post
Telsar said:
Lydia tries to bring her mace down on Ezuvial’s leg again, but he easily avoids it. Alicia, finally with an opening, sticks her greatsword at her enemy’s stomach, cutting deeply. The success cures the half-ogre of the fear she was feeling.

[Lydia rolled 2+3+1=AC 6, missed. Alicia rolled 17+10-2=AC 25, hit. Damage rolled 13+9=22 (minus DR, of course).

Ezuvial looks at his wound for a moment, then says to Alicia through gritted teeth “You will never harm another being.” He takes a step towards her, away from Gwyn and Aligor, and swings his sword and bites at Alicia with all his fury. Fortunately for her, only the sword strikes her, once, but it cuts her very deeply through her stomach, matching his own wound.

[Alicia was critically hit by one sword strike. Did 15 points of damage]

Alicia cries out, in pain, fear and rage. "I will harm you, Dog! Bad, bad Dog!" Her sword descends down towards the Archon, a monstrous overhand blow just narrowly avoiding the ceiling. (ooc: Full PA, full RA (+0 to hit, +4 to damage, -2 to AC) Without taking her concentration away from the battle she takes a step backwards (ooc: 5ft) and yells at her allies, "Heal me! Or Bad Dog eats you all."

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Paxus Asclepius said:
Gwyn staggers back, pulls a healing potion from his belt, and downs it thirstily. "I'll have you for a rug for this!"
Seeing the opening, Aligor sneers at Sunedilar. "Now's the chance lad! Our turn!" He takes a 5 step move to move behind the Archon, and hopes that Sunedilar distracts the creature long enough for another attack, but more deadly this time.

OOC - The +9 AttBon was for flanking, as I knew I would get that bonus, but the AID was still to be rolled.


First Post
T’aria open the pouch and gives a quick look inside, finding a number of different colored gemstones of varying value. She grabs half of the potions (six of them) as well as a few coins, and heads back for the dining room.

Meanwhile, Sunedilar, again hoping to distract the archon realizes that he’ll need to be on the other side of the foyer to give Aligor room to come in. He maneuvers around Gwyn and Lydia, passing close to Ezuvial, who takes little note of him. Getting to the side of Alicia, ‘Sunny’ again swings his chain towards Ezuvial’s face, as Aligor steps up to Ezuvial and swings his war axe, just barely getting a solid blow… that still fails to penetrate the archon’s skin.

[Ezuvial would have got an attack of opportunity on Sunedilar if he hadn’t used it already on Gwyn, or if he had Combat Reflexes. Sunedilar rolled 11+8-4=AC 15 on Aid Another. Aligor rolled 10+7+2+2=AC 21, just hit. Damage rolled 3+3=6, didn’t exceed DR.]

Lydia trades her mace for Accalon’s potion, steps back, and drinks it, feeling only a little better, while Alicia puts all of her might into one powerful sword thrust. The sword hits Ezuvial in the chest, where so many weapons have failed to penetrate. This time, however, the chest yields to the force of the blow, as the sword passes entirely through the archon’s heart.

Ezuvial looks completely stunned, unbelieving, as celestial blood gushes out all over the floor. He collapses as Alicia withdraws her sword from his body, the amount of blood lost assuring he doesn’t have long to live.

[Cure Light Wounds rolled 1+1, healed 2 points of damage. Alicia rolled 12+8+2(flank)=AC 22, hit. Damage rolled… geez… 18+13=31 (rolled maximum for 3D6) Drops below 0 HPs. He just fails a Fortitude check, and so is dying. Any damage to him now will kill him… and he may die on his own anyway.]

Algernon looks stunned as well, surprised that the creature fell. He starts to raise his dagger, to finish him off, but stops… apparently thinking someone else may want the honor.

[Characters by initiative, damage, condition:
Gwyn, HPs: 4/18
Accalon, HPs: 20(8 NL)/32, magic weapon, shield of faith
T’aria, HPs: 1/13
Sunedilar, unhurt, “feeling shaky”
Alev, HPs: 9/19
Aligor, unhurt
Madame Brie, hurt
Lydia, HPs: 9/20, aligned magic weapon & divine favor
Alicia, HPs: 7/26
Ezuvial, dying
Algernon, hurt.

I only included the initiative list to show everyone how hurt they still are. The fight’s over, unless someone wants to give the poor archon a healing potion. :) ]
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Accalon, if you'd be so kind," Lydia says, exchanging Accalon's spatha for her mace. Stepping over to the archon, she will bring the mace down on the archon's neck. "Would someone find Brie? She'll want to know the danger is past."
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Before Lydia can reach his side, Gwyn bends downwards and plunges his claws into the gaping wound, attempting to tear Ezuvial's heart out.

OOC: Coup-de-grace. At last, I might beat his DR.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon nods happily as he exchanges weapons with Lydia, “Of course my dear.”

After stabbing the Ezuvial one more time he walks off calling over his shoulder as he beings to look for Brie, “See you later my friend.”

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