Vindice, God Jailer


Happy Sunday everyone, today I bring you something juicy. In a universe with all Sidereals sealed, who makes sure the gods follow their oaths? As incomprehensible as it is, the society of the gods has a very rigid structure with strict rules to prevent a second Cosmic War from breaking out and putting the multiverse at risk. Anyone who violates them is ruthlessly hunted by the Vindices, Entities leftovers of couplings of Sidereals with the portfolio of revenge.

A Vindice looks like a smartly dressed human. The Vindices covers their body with bandages. They also wear black top hats and cravats. Otherwise, they also wear subtly different black cloaks and some kind of accessory. Beneath their cloaks, noone knows how they really are.
LN Medium Outsider (entity, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +93 (Always First); Senses blindsight 5.000 ft., darkvision 10.000 ft., divine senses, low-light vision, sense the betrayal (plane), true seeing; Perception +279; Aura divine aura (DC 71, 9.040 ft. radius)
AC 189, touch 115, flat-footed 168 (+29 deflection, +15 Dex, +6 dodge, +32 divine, +23 insight, +74 natural)
hp 27.432 (216d100+5.832) fast healing 105; regeneration 105 (chaotic and epic)
Fort +171, Ref +157, Will +166;
Defensive Abilities apocrypha, cosmic string; DR 80/—; Immune An Entity is unaffected by any magic or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. It can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells. Ability damage or drain, cold, energy drain, massive damage, mind-affecting effects, polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack; Resistance all elements 100; SR 250, any spell which fails to penetrate a Vindice’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.
Speed 300 ft., burrow 150 ft. (30 hardness maximum), fly 300 ft. (perfect), swim 400 ft.
  • damnation +347/+347/+342/+337/+332 (8d20+122 18-20/x4 plus grab) or​
  • against Immortals: damnation +351/+351/+346/+341/+336 (8d20+126 18-20/x4 plus grab and +4d6) or​
  • unarmed strike +286/+281/+276/+271 (4d20+38)​
Special Attacks alter reality, mythic surge 32/day (+20d6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (1.000 ft. with damnation)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 216th, concentration +277)
3/day—summon abomination (1d6 anakim and 1d8 anaxim, 100 %, 22th level spell)
Str 86, Dex 38, Con 64, Int 56, Wis 58, Cha 68
Base Atk +216; CMB +286 (+290 for grapple, +288 for sunder); CMD 369 (373 vs. grapple, 371 vs. sunder)
Skills Acrobatics +263, Appraise +271, Bluff +278, Climb +286, Craft (torture device) +274, Diplomacy +278, Disable Device +263, Disguise +275, Fly +271, Handle Animal +275, Heal +278, Intimidate +316, Knowledge (all) +274, Perception +279, Sense Motive +279, Sleight of Hands +263, Spellcraft +271, Stealth +266, Survival +275, Swim +286, and Use Magic Device +275;
Feats Alertness, Aerial Roll, Body Shield, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Grapple, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Greater Weapon Specialization (spiked chain), Improved Critical (spiked chain), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate Prowess, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Run, Power Attack, Savage Slam, Seize the Opportunity, Signature Skill (intimidate), Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon Specialization (spiked chain), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats Disrupting Attack, Enlarge Attack, Epic Weapon Specialization (spiked chain), Good Fortitude, Greater Critical (spiked chain), Greater Critical Multiplier (spiked chain), Greater Sunder, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Critical Multiplier (spiked chain), Improved Dodge, Improved Power Attack, Legendary Tracker, Light Eradication, Mighty Attack, Obliterating Attack, Pre-Emptive Strike, Second Strike, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Superior Sunder, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Widen Attack, Underwalker
Metamagic Feats Aquatic Spell, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x29, Bouncing Spell, Contingent Spell, Continual Spell, Delayed Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extended Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Freedom [E], Persistent Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Selective Spell, Tenacious Spell, Trap Spell, Widen Spell;
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Terran; telepathy (10.000 ft)
SQ cosmic might, knowledge, magnetar, mystical chains, mythic, transportation, virtual size category +5;
Environment: Any.
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Group (3), Troop (1d8+4)
Treasure: Noone.

Divine Abilities
• Apocrypha (Ex): +50 to save against divination.
• Perfect Initiative (Su): Always First.
• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of any unshielded thing.
• True Seeing (Su): True Seeing constant.

Cosmic Abilities
• Capture the Betrayer (Su): See below.
• Chains of Damnation (Su): See below.
• Chains for Mortal (Su): See below. Feat
• Chains for the Immortals (Su): See below.
• Chains for the Prideful (Su): See below.

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action a Vindice can duplicate any spell of a level equal to 38 with a caster level of 248th. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 291. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Capture the Betrayer (Cosmic Ability) (Su)
A Vindice, when hit a creature with a divine rank between 1 and 16 (include 1 and 16) (even, and mostly with its chain) ignore freedom of movement or similar effects that prevent grapple and gain a bonus on grapple check equal to the victim size bonus to CMD. A Vindice never gains the grappled condition if it is in control of the grapple. A Vindice can grapple creature of any size.

Chains of Damnation (Cosmic Ability) (Su)
A Vindice, when in control of a grapple started with its chains, prevents the use of powers by its victim. This work like the Dead Zone Transcendental Ability with the difference that work only on the creature grappled with its chain and if the victim has less than 17 divine ranks (but not against a creature without a divine rank). This allow the Vindice to use supernatural ability and spell on the creature (mainly Transportation, see below) without that the victim can use hers for counterattack.

Chains for Mortal (Cosmic Ability) (Su)
A Vindice, when in control of a grapple started with its chains, prevents the use of feats abilities by its victim. This work like the Nullification Cosmic Ability with the difference that work only on the creature grappled with its chain and if the victim has less than 17 divine ranks (but not against a creature without a divine rank).

Chains for the Immortals (Cosmic Ability) (Su)
A Vindice, when in control of a grapple started with its chains, prevents the use of Divine abilities by its victim. This work like the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability with the difference that work only on the creature grappled with its chain and if the victim has less than 17 divine ranks (but not against a creature without a divine rank).

Chains for the Prideful (Cosmic Ability) (Su)
A Vindice, when in control of a grapple started with its chains, prevents the use of Cosmic abilities by its victim. This work like the Cosmic Nullification Omnific Ability with the difference that work only on the creature grappled with its chain and if the victim has less than 17 divine ranks (but not against a creature without a divine rank).

Cosmic Might (Ex)
A Vindice deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Cosmic String (Ex)
A Vindice can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or better divine status. If a Vindice is destroyed by a being of a lower divine status it simply rejuvenates within 1d10 minutes in Axis.

Divine Traits (Ex)
As an Entity (Old One), a Vindice gains a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. A Vindice natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An Entity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Knowledge (Ex)
A Vindice add its Intelligence modifier as an insight bonus to AC and saving throws. It count all knowledge skills as class skills.

Magnetar (Ex)
Once a Vindice has identified a target for capture, the two beings are inextricably linked, and the Vindice can follow the target anywhere. Treat this as an infinite-range Spell Stowaway attuned to any magical methods of movement.

Mystical Chains (Su)
A Vindice’s chains function as the damnation weapon (see below). These chains become mundane non-magical iron chains if a Vindice does not carry or wield them, and if a chain is disarmed or destroyed, a Vindice can create a new set of chains as a move action. The chains react almost as a living extension of the Vindice’s will and have the grab ability. A Vindice has a range of 1.000 ft. with its chains.

Mythic (Ex)
A Vindice has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. A Vindice can use any of his Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Sense the Betrayal (Su)
A Vindice automatically know if in the plane where it is currently, a deity violates the cosmic contract. The Vindice automatically know the name and position of the deity and can teleport in his position as a swift action.

Transportation (Su)
When the Vindice maintaining with success a grapple started with its chains as a move action (with its Greater Grapple feat), as a standard action it can force the victim to make a Will save DC 179 or be transported with the Vindice at the Immortal Prison under the Vindices jurisdiction. Usually when a creature is transported to the prison for the deities is never see again. If the victim succeed the saving throw, the effect is negated and the Vindice must wait another round to try again transportation (or lesser if it can maintain the grapple with a move action and immediately after use a standard for use Transportation). The save is Charisma-based.

Damantion is a +57 axiomatic power axiomatic scion divine dread everdancing ghost touch spiked chain of speed. The divine dread is its unique ability obtained while held by a Vindice, obtainig the Dread weapon ability against any creature with a divine rank lower than 17 (but not against a creature without a divine rank). (115 total bonus)


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might want to change the 17 to a 23, the max rank of a Greater god is not 17 but 23 i believe(24 onwards is an elder one).
If I'm not mistaken, a Greater Deity rank is 13-16, 17-24 is an Elder One. As I understand it those marked in IH are the maximum rank.
1 Disciple
2 Prophet
3 Hero Deity
4 Quasi Deity
5-6 Demi-Deity
7-8 Lesser Deity
9-12 Intermediate Deity
13-16 Greater Deity
17-24 Elder One
25-32 Old One
33-48 First One


I see. I've never read it so: how similar is this version to the original?
Little or nothing, in the manga they are human skilled fighters but within the limit of levels 7-16. Their appearance and name was a tribute because when I read them many years ago, their design impressed me enormously.

i dont think so even the normal dnd allows for greater deities up to divine rank 20
Intermediate Deity 12 10,000,000-99,999,999 Horus
Greater Deity 16 100,000,000-999,999,999 Dagda
Elder One 24 1,000,000,000-9,999,999,999 Surtur


i dont think so even the normal dnd allows for greater deities up to divine rank 20
Intermediate Deity 12 10,000,000-99,999,999 Horus
Greater Deity 16 100,000,000-999,999,999 Dagda
Elder One 24 1,000,000,000-9,999,999,999 Surtur
What is written on IH is the maximum rank allowed (the IH use a different progression), but I will ask Upper_Krust for confirmation
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If I'm not mistaken, a Greater Deity rank is 13-16, 17-24 is an Elder One. As I understand it those marked in IH are the maximum rank.
1 Disciple
2 Prophet
3 Hero Deity
4 Quasi Deity
5-6 Demi-Deity
7-8 Lesser Deity
9-12 Intermediate Deity
13-16 Greater Deity
17-24 Elder One
25-32 Old One
33-48 First One
This is correct. However, Deities within a certain status always have the same rank (all greater deities are 16, for example), unlike the official Deities and Demigods book.

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