Mother of the Mesopotamia, the Childhood's End, Old One, Tiamat [Fate Franchise]


Good day sir, today I bring you something juicy. Tiamat from D&D has always disappointed me very much: a five-headed dragon goddess is certainly cool certainly, but her background has always left me quite disappointed. She is literally bad because she is bad. Because yes. Flat. I saw Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia. Tiamat is an amazing thing. And today I bring it to you.
For the my creation i use the Alternate Size Penalties to Attack and AC past Titanic of Beefermatic (Alternate Size Penalties to Attack and AC past Titanic) and Immortals Metamagic of Belzamus (Immortals Metamagic). The Life portfolio and the Creator class are my homebrews and i will post them below.
Tiamat’s Manifestation stands 1,024 feet tall and weighs 19,695,066,687 tons.
Manifestation of Tiamat
Old One of life and sea (Divine Rank 32)
Beyond Alignment Macro-Diminutive Outsider (aquatic, dragon, extraplanar)
Init +145 (Always First); Senses blindsense, cosmic consciousness (plane), darkvision, dragon sense, true seeing; Perception +286
Aura divine (DC 176, 18.080 ft. radius)
AC 518, touch 212, flat-footed 454 (+32 competence, +34 deflection, +32 Dex, +32 dodge, +32 divine, +32 luck, +32 insight, +306 natural, -24 size)
hp 453.600 (216d100+54.000) x6 regeneration 618 (fire, acid)
Fort +711, Ref +491, Will +492; +10 against poison 217
Defensive Abilities anarchic messiah, aquatic messiah, balance messiah, cosmic firmament, cosmic string (1d10 rounds), life messiah, sixth sense (cannot be caught flat-footed except by opponents who are four levels or more higher); DR 80/—; Immune An old one is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; acid, aligned effect, fire, paralysis, sleep, transmutation; Resistance all elements 20; SR 258, any spell which fails to penetrate Tiamat spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster
Weakness fire, lawful
Speed 4140 ft., burrow 2070 (ground with maximum hardness of 66), swim 4140 ft., fly 12.420 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slam touch +618 (40d10+73 plus strike [anarchic, sea or withering]/16-20x5)
Space 685 ft.; Reach 1020 (divine aura with Unearthly Reach) ft.
Special Attacks Alter reality, destruct life (living creature within 1.080 ft. Will DC 279 or be destroyed, 864 damage if successful), mythic surge 32/day (+20d6), uncanny anarchic mastery, uncanny cold mastery, uncanny withering (Cos.) mastery
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 248th, concentration +314)
At will—acid fogS , animate objectsC, bear’s enduranceL, chaos hammer (DC 177)C, cloak of chaosC, cone of cold (DC 178)S, control waterS , cure critical woundsL, cure critical wounds (mass)L, cure light woundsL, cure serious woundsL, dispel lawC, elemental swarm (water elementals only)S, fog cloudS , healL, horrid wilting (DC 181)S, ice stormS , magic circle against lawC, obscuring mistS , protection from lawC, raise deadL, resurrectionL, shatter (DC 175)C, summon monster IX (chaotic creatures only)C, true resurrectionL, water breathingS, word of chaos (DC 180)C
C Chaos Portfolio; L Life Portfolio; S Sea Portfolio
Str 157, Dex 74, Con 510, Int 77, Wis 76, Cha 78
Base Atk +216; CMB +385 (+389 for sunder); CMD 579 (583 vs. sunder)
Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 248 + ability modifier
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (slam), Greater Weapon Specialization (slam), Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Run, Power Attack, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Superior Initiative, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Weapon Specialization (slam), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats Blinding Speed, Cats Fall, Double Standards, Epic Weapon Specialization (slam), Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Greater Critical (slam), Greater Critical Multiplier (slam), Greater Sunder, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Critical Multiplier (slam), Improved Dodge, Improved Power Attack, Incorruptible Body, Light Eradication, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Metamagic Freedom, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Pre-Emptive Strike, Prehensile Hair, Second Strike, Shadow Strike, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Superior Sunder, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker
Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x30, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized Spell, Widen Spell, Unbound Spell [E]
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Old Tongue, other 243 (GM’s discretion);
SQ chaos portfolio traits (Old One), cosmic might, divine traits (Old One), double life portfolio traits (Old One), integrate class feature (apotheosis, create minion, destruct life, detonate creation, enhance creation, major creation, master crafter, mental link, minor creation, recall to creation, regeneration, summon creation, true crafter), massive, sea portfolio traits (Old One), integrated class feature (creator), mythic virtual size category +5;
Environment: Elemental Plane of Water (binded in the fabric of reality)
Organization: Unique
Treasure: Noone.
Tiamat has given up her four Artifact slots to gain quintuple the allotted Divine Abilities.

Divine Abilities
• Acid Immunity (Ex): Immune to acid
• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 432 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 140)
• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Cos as circumstance to attack rolls
• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Cos as circumstance to saving throw
• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die
• Dire Spell (Metamagic): Any variable numeric component of the spell has its die-size increased by two categories to a maximum of d12s. Level +4
• Dolorous Spell (Metamagic): Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d20s. Level +6
• Enlarge Aura (Su): Aura is doubled
• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. You are also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.
• Fire Immunity (Ex): Immune to fire
• Goetic Blood (Su): Each time you are injured summoned monsters grow from your wounds. The severity of the wound determines the power of the monster(s) summoned. Every ten points of damage (rounded down) equates to one spell level of the summon monster spell. Injuries of less than 10 hit points damage do not summon any monsters. Injuries greater than 100 damage transcend summon monster IX. In such cases you can summon a monster with a Challenge Rating equal to the spell level x1.33. Regardless of the amount of damage suffered the summon monster spell level cannot be greater than ½ the immortal’s hit die
• Greater Aura: Can use sleep, pain or greater heroism effects with its aura
• Heavenly Body (Ex): Divine Rank as luck to AC
• Heavenly Mind (Ex): Cha as luck to attack rolls
• Heavenly Soul (Ex): Cha as luck to saving throw
• Heavenly Spirit (Ex): Divine Rank as luck to DC
• Intellectual Body (Ex): Divine Rank as competence to AC
• Intellectual Spirit (Ex): Divine Rank as competence to DC
• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits
• Mercurial (Ex): You gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided you keep attacking the same opponent.
• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Successful attacks also count as sunder attempts
• Perfect Sunder (Ex): Successful attacks also count as sunder attempts
• Postcognition (Su): Will (DC 246) or the Immortal know the past of the target
• Precognition (Su): Will (DC 246) or the Immortal know the possible future of the target
• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced
• Quickness (Su): A constant effect of haste
• Regeneration (Su): Gain regeneration equal to ½ your hit die (acid or fire)
• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment.
• Sevent Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank. When you replay a round, everyone else uses the same actions, whereas you can change your actions based on the knowledge of what they are going to do. You can only replay a given round once before the time stream becomes too muddied and confused.
• Squamous (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to ¾ your hit die
• Superior Critical (slam) (Ex): Critical threat quadruple.
• Superior Critical Multiplier (slam) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased.
• Superior Aura (Su): Can use stunning, weakness or superior heroism effects with its aura.
• Superior Power Attack (Ex): For every -1, add 4 points of damage
• True Seeing (Su): A constant effect of true seeing
• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex as dodge bonus to AC
• Uncanny Weapon Focus (slam) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks
• Unknowing Body (Ex): Divine Rank as insight to AC
• Unknowing Mind (Ex): Wis as insight to attack rolls
• Unknowing Soul (Ex): Wis as insight to saving throw
• Unknowing Spirit (Ex): Divine Rank as insight to DC
• Weaponbreaking (Su): Weapons that don’t penetrate your damage reduction take sunder damage equal to the difference

Cosmic Abilities
• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score (reduced to 10) or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.)
• Apostasy (Su): Tiamat cannot be affected by any alignment based attacks or effects. For all intents and purposes Tiamat is beyond alignment. This applies even if the alignment based attack comes from an immortal of higher divine status
• Author of Divinity (Su): You can imbue lesser creatures with godhood at a whim.
• Degeneration (Su): All opponents within Tiamat divine aura suffer an amount of damage each round equal to her regeneration score
• Dominance (Su): Opponents with less than 1/3 than Tiamat hit die (72) automatically fail their saving throws against any of her attacks
• Extra Portfolio (Chaos) (Ex): Tiamat gains the Chaos Portfolio
• Great Breat (Su): Tiamat can create natural creatures who can themselves reproduce (The creation of any races mimics the creation of outsiders, see Table 1-17 on page 17, but remember that the transfer of quintessence is only 10% effective thus to create a 21 Hit Dice being will cost 10,000 QP, not merely 1000 QP)
• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits
• Inner Eye (Ex): Tiamat always gain the best dice rolls in any given situation. However, a natural 20 is not an automatic success when using this ability.
• Slipstream (Su): Tiamat is unaffected by temporal effects (such as slow or temporal stasis), she cannot be undermined by time travel (someone cannot go back to her past and simply kill her as an infant for instance). If she is within the area of a time stop spell then she gains access to the additional rounds.
• Time Dilatation (Ex): Tiamat can take twice as many actions during the round than usual
• Unearthly Effect (Su): Tiamat effect power ranges are equal to her Divine Aura. Line, Gaze and Ray attacks have a range equal to her line of sight. Special: With Cosmic Consciousness, it will allow Ray, Gaze and Line Effect powers to reach across the universe
• Unearthly Power Attack (Ex): For every -1, add 6 points of damage
• Unearthly Reach (Su): Tiamat reach equals her divine Aura
• Unearthly Weapon Focus (slam) (Ex): Only touch attack for slam attack

Transcendental Abilities
• Transmortality (Ex): Tiamat cannot be permanently destroyed, even by those of higher divine rank. (Esoteric Ability)

Double Life Portfolio Traits (Old One)
Hostile Environment (Death): Tiamat take a competence penalty (equal to double her divine rank) on all die rolls while there is no living entity (even a plant) in the area of her divine aura (excluding herself)
Cosmic Imperfection (Death): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat Tiamat cosmic string ability (the Scythe of Death)
• Shield of Life: Tiamat is immune to constitution damage/drain
• Life Ward (Su): Allies within Tiamat aura are immune to constitution damage/drain
• Greater Scion of Life: Competence bonus to constitution equal to double Tiamat divine rank.
• Life Brethren (Su): Those summoned by Tiamat gain Con. bonus equal to her divine rank x2.
• Instrument of Life: Immunities against Tiamat constitution damage/drain totally ineffective
• Uncanny Withering (Cos.) Mastery (x2 HD): Tiamat assault her enemies with constitution draining attacks.
• Greath Breath: Tiamat can create life.
• Life Soul: Tiamat add constitution score to Fast Healing or Regeneration.
• Life Messiah (Su): Tiamat cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by living creatures of lower divine rank.
• Total Constitution: Tiamat can choose any single opponent within sight and gain a bonus to constitution equal to their constitution. This ability is not incremented by Legendary [Ability Score].
• Legendary Constitution (Ex): Tiamat constitution score is tripled.

Sea Portfolio Traits (Old One)
Hostile Environment (Arid/Fire): Tiamat take a competence penalty (equal to double her divine rank) on all die rolls while either within an arid (desert) or a fiery environment
Fire Vulnerability: Tiamat suffer 50% extra damage from fire based attacks and spells.
Cosmic Imperfection (Arid/Fire): One artifact in the universe can defeat Tiamat cosmic string ability.
• Aquatic: Tiamat has the aquatic subtype.
• Scion of the Sea (Su): Competence bonus (equal to Tiamat divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while she and her opponent are in the water.
• Improved Summoning (Aquatic): Aquatic creatures summoned by Tiamat have 50% more HD.
• Divine Cold (Su): Tiamat cold damage is treated as 50% divine damage.
• Uncanny Cold Mastery (Su): Tiamat assault her enemies with cold based attacks.
• Aquatic Regeneration (Su): Tiamat gains regeneration equal to ½ HD while in the water.
• Aquatic Messiah (Su): Tiamat cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by aquatic creatures of lower divine rank.
• Fiery Pariah (Su): Fire based spells/effects cease to function in Tiamat divine realm.

Chaos Portfolio Traits (Old One)
Hostile Environment (lawful): Tiamat take a competence penalty (equal to her divine rank) on all die rolls while in a lawful aligned environment (ignored with Apostasy ability)
Axiomatic Vulnerability: Tiamat suffer 50% extra damage from lawful based attacks and spells (ignored with Apostasy ability)
Cosmic Imperfection (Lawful): One artifact in the universe can defeat Tiamat cosmic string ability.
• Transmutation Immunity: Tiamat is immune to transmutation based attacks.
• Scion of Chaos (Su): Competence bonus (equal to Tiamat divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while she is within a chaos aligned locale.
• Improved Summoning (Chaos): Chaotic creatures summoned by Tiamat have 50% more HD
• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against Tiamat damage 50% effective except in lawful aligned locale.
• Uncanny Anarchic Mastery (Su): Tiamat assault her enemies with chaos based attacks
• Anarchic Regeneration (Su): Tiamat gains regeneration equal to ½ HD while she is within a chaos aligned locale.
• Chaos Messiah (Su): Tiamat cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by chaotic creatures of lower divine rank
• Aximatic Pariah (Su): Lawful based spells/effects cease to function in Tiamat divine realm
All effects below has already the Quantum Effect calculated with Inner Eye and critical hit (Ray) and (Hand)

Uncanny Withering (Cos) Mastery (x2 HD)
Beam (Ray) 172; plane
Blast 86; 18.080 ft./1.105 ft. Standard action Ref 182/half
Blood 43; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 398/negate
Breath* 172; 18.080 ft. (cone) plane (line) Standard Ref 398/half
Hand 516; Melee Touch
Immolation 258; 18.080 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 398/half
Storm 43; 18.080 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 182/half
Strike 43; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 86; all creature in the plane Will 182/negate

Uncanny Cold Mastery
Beam (Ray) 216d6 (10.368); plane
Blast 108d6 (2.592); 18.080 ft./565 ft. Standard action Ref 182/half
Blood 54d6 (1.296); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 398/negate
Breath* 216d6 (5.184); 18.080 ft. (cone) plane (line) Standard Ref 398/half
Hand 324d6 (15.552); Melee Touch
Immolation 324d6 (7.776); 18.080 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 398/half
Storm 54d6 (1.296); 18.080 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 182/half
Strike 54d6 (1.296); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 108d6 (2.592); all creature in the plane Will 182/negate

Uncanny Anarchic Mastery
Beam (Ray) 216d8 (13.824); plane
Blast 108d8 (3.456); 18.080 ft./565 ft. Standard action Ref 182/half
Blood 54d8 (1.728); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 398/negate
Breath* 216d8 (6.912); 18.080 ft. (cone) plane (line) Standard Ref 398/half
Hand 324d8 (20.736); Melee Touch
Immolation 324d8 (10.368); 18.080 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 398/half
Storm 54d8 (1.728); 18.080 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 182/half
Strike 54d8 (1.728); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 108d8 (3.456); all creature in the plane Will 182/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Tiamat can duplicate any spell of 39th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 304 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Tiamat deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and her damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than her HD.

Divine Traits (Old One) (Ex)
As an old one, Tiamat gains a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Tiamat’s natural attacks or any weapons she wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An old one does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Massive (Ex)
Because Tiamat is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to her movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Tiamat (GM’s discretion). A Titanic or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Tiamat, or vice-versa. Tiamat can be flanked only by Titanic or larger foes. Tiamat gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if her entire space is on higher ground than that of her target. It’s possible for a Titanic or smaller creature to climb Tiamat—this generally requires a successful DC equal to her CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Tiamat body provokes an attack of opportunity from her

Mythic (Ex)
Tiamat has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. Tiamat can use any of her Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. She can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.
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Life Portfolio
Constitution, Endurance, New Life
Opposed Portfolio: Death
Examples: Tiamat (Mesopotamic)
Favored Animal: Nightingale (natural) or butterfly (familiar)
Favored Class: Cleric
Favored Place: Area with life emanating from all sides
Favored Sacrifice: Crops
Favored Time: Spring equinox
Favored Weapon: Sap
Portfolio Trial: Bringing new life to a place where death and desolation reigned
Prerequisites: Must be a living creatures
Symbol: A beating heart
Typical Quote: “Life always wins.”

Granted Power: You cast conjuration (healing) spells at +1 level.
1 Cure Light Wounds: Cure 1d8 + caster level (maximum +5) damage.
2 Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
3 Cure Serious Wounds: Cure 3d8 + caster level (maximum +15) damage.
4 Cure Critical Wounds: Cure 4d8 + caster level (maximum +20) damage.
5 Raise Dead: Raise a dead character.
6 Heal: Cure 10 damage per caster level (maximum 150) and remove most harmful conditions.
7 Resurrection: Resurrect a dead character.
8 Cure Critical Wounds (mass): Cure 4d8 + caster level (maximum +40) damage to multiple creatures.
9 True Resurrection: As resurrection, plus remains aren’t needed.

You create a realm of luxuriant life, wherever you look there is a symbol of life (flowers blooming, people dancing showing joie de vivre, etc.)
Hazards: There are no intrinsic hazards in such realms, however, the natives will all have fast healing equal to the immortal’s divine rank (at the very least) and thus may prove harder to defeat.
Inhabitants: As well as clerics, those creatures with the innate ability to heal will be attracted to these realms.

Life Template (Single Portfolio)​
Appearance: The immortal’s manifestation appears bursting with life from all pores and is often in constant motion.
NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.
Demeanor: These deities are often cheerful and look to the best side of things.

Life Template (Double Portfolio)​
Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s manifestation seems perpetually excited.
Demeanor: Such immortals’ cheerful and optimism are led to excess.

(Single) Life Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Death)
Use any life domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while there is no living entity (even a plant) in the area of your divine aura (excluding yourself)

Always Active
Shield of Life​
You are immune to constitution damage/drain​
Always Active​
Scion of Life​
Competence bonus to constitution equal to your divine rank​
Always Active​
Life Brethren​
Those summoned gain Con. bonus equal to your divine rank​
Always Active​
Instrument of Life​
Immunities against your constitution damage/drain only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Withering (Cos.) [Effect]​
Assault your enemies with constitution draining attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Withering (Cos.) Mastery​
Assault your enemies with constitution draining attacks​
Greater Deity​
Great Breath​
The deity can create life​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Life Messiah
Cosmic Imperfection (Death)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by living creatures
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Total Constitution​
Temporarily add single opponent’s constitution score to your ow​

(Double) Life Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Death)
Use two life domain spell as spell-like abilities each round
Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while there is no living entity (even a plant) in the area of your divine aura (excluding yourself)

Always Active
Life Ward​
Allies within your aura are immune to constitution damage/drain​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Life​
Competence bonus to constitution equal to double your divine rank​
Always Active​
Life Brethren​
Those summoned gain Con. bonus equal to your divine rank x2​
Always Active​
Instrument of Life​
Immunities against your constitution damage/drain totally ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Withering (Cos.) [Effect] (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with constitution draining attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Withering (Cos.) Mastery (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with constitution draining attacks​
Greater Deity​
Life Soul​
Add constitution score to Fast Healing or Regeneration​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Legendary Constitution
Cosmic Imperfection (Death)
Your constitution score is doubled
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Legendary Constitution​
Your constitution score is tripled​
First One​
You cannot be killed​
Always Active​
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The Creator class i created is totally broken: i build it with Tiamat in mind. This is not made to be used by played. You can use it anyway but I take no responsibility if your game explodes inundated with spawned stuff.


Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills

The Creator’s class skills are Apprise (Int), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Table: Creator

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Mental Link, Minor Creation​
Recall to Creation, Summon Creation​
Enhance Creation​
Detonate Creature​
Major Creation, Regeneration​
Create Minion​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Creator.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Creators are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield.

Mental Link (Su)
The creator can, as a standard action, share the senses of his life-form, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the life-form does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his creator level. There is no range to this effect, but the life-form and the creator must be on the same plane. The creator can end this effect as a free action.

Minor Creation (Su)
The Creator has attuned himself to the powers of the gods over life. He becomes capable of, once per day with one hour of concentration, creating a lifeform equal to his creator’s level in HD or lower (minimum 1), with 48 attribute points to distribute. No attribute can exceed 16 points, and mental attributes cannot exceed that of their creator. So, if the creator has 13 intelligence, intelligence cannot exceed 13. No score can be lower than 1. All creations have the type of aberration (good Will save, skill points 4 + Int modifier per Hit Die), use the long entry for reach, they have a natural armor of +1 per 2 HD (minimum 1), and base land speed 30 ft. The creator must have access to all organs and body parts necessary to make the essence of his creation. The creation is formed when the creator succeed on a DC 10 + 1 per HD Heal check to correctly assemble and attach the life-forms parts, and then imbues it with life. The creator decides their skills and feats.
Creatures fall into 3 types; Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, and Support. These types determine HD and powers available. Minor creations cannot exceed large size and cannto go below small size.
  • Melee combat life-forms have d10 for each HD and full BaB. Their attacks are based off of any appendages they can use, be they claws, teeth (bite) or tentacles (slam). Refer to Natural Weapons for damage types. Small creatures deal 1d4, medium 1d6, and large 1d8. These life-forms can have no more than 2 attacking appendages.
  • Ranged combat life-forms are capable of ranged attacks, through growth of numerous spines (piercing damage) or using acidic spit (acid damage). They use d8 per HD for determining HP and BaB ¾ like a cleric. Their range is 20 ft. times the Dexterity modifier (max 60 ft). Small creatures deal 1d4, medium 1d6, and large 1d8. These life-forms can have no more than 1 attacking appendage.
  • Support life-forms are the most advanced of the life-forms, capable of using magical powers. They can have 1 spell-like ability that is taken from any divine spell-caster list per 2 HD (minimum 1) which can be used 3/time per day, and it can be no higher that a spell that can be cast of an equivalent leveled cleric. So, at 1 HD, it can cast one first-level spell 3/day. At 4 HD, it can cast any spell up to second. At 6 HD, it can cast one up to third, so on and so forth. Support life-forms use a d6 per HD to determine hp and BaB ½ like a wizard. Their powers are wisdom-based. These life-forms do not have attacking appendages.

Recall to Creation (Sp)
At 4th level, the creator can recall himself as a full-round action to any of his creation within 1 mile of himself, +1 mile/level. At 15th level he can recall to any creation no matter the distance. This does not work for planar travel.

Summon Creation (Sp)
At 4th level, the creator can summon any of his creations to himself as a full-round action that are within 1 mile + 1 mile/level, with the exception of planar travel. At 15th level he can summon his creation from any distance.

Enhance Creation (Su)
At 8th level, the creator can add unique abilities to his creatures. The player should work with his Game Master to decide what ability to give. Abilities are limited only by the player's fantasies and game balance and Master's approval. Furthermore, the life-form cannot have any powers greater than that of a creature of similar HD. Melee combat and ranged combat life-form cannot have any supernatural or magical powers and are limited to extraordinary ability. The abilities added cannot cause the creature to have a CR higher than the creator's level.

Detonate Creation (Su)
At 10th level, the creator can detonate any numbers of his creations under his controll as a standard action by flooding them with life energy. The life-form explode, killing itself and deal 1d4 untyped energy per HD within 5 ft. + 5 ft. per HD (maximum 50 ft.). A Reflex save DC 10 + ½ life-form’s HD + creator’s Wisdom half the damage.

Major Creation (Su)
At 11th level, the creator ability to create a creature improved. As minor creation, with the following adjustments. Size category creatable increases to Huge, at 15th level increases to Gargantuan, and at 20th level to Colossal. Huge creatures require 2 days to create and must have a minimum of 6 HD, Gargantuan creatures require 4 days to create and must have a minimum of 12 HD, and Colossal creatures must have a minimum of 16 HD. Creatures can now have any attribute max out at his level + 5, with the exception that mental attributes cannot exceed the creators. Creatures can have up to 55 + 1 per 2 HD ability points to distribute. So, a level 20 creator can create creatures with a maximum of 25 points in an attribute.
  • Melee Combat Life-forms can gain an extra attacking appendage per 6 HD. Medium creatures are limited to 2 appendages, Large can have up to 3, Huge can have 4, Gargantuan 5, and Colossal 6.
  • Ranged life-forms can fire an extra projectile per 6 HD, and can add their dexterity modifier as damage. Their range is 20 ft. times the Dexterity modifier (max 120 ft.).
  • Support life-forms are enhanced to be able to multi-cast. At 10 HD, and for every 3 HD afterwards, they can use an extra spell-like ability at the same time as another. However, the quickened ability must be two spell levels lower than the highest spell-level available, and each successive quickening must be two levels below the prior.

Regeneration (Su)
At 11th level, creators, becoming flooded with energy, gain the ability to regenerate any lost limbs or organs. He gains regeneration of 1/magic or spell.

Create Minion (Su)
At 14th level, the most powerful creation available in the creator's repertoire, the creator is capable of channeling enough divine energy to make only one. The minion does not require any parts to make, but a months meditation. The minion work like the cohort granted in the leadership feat, with the exception of absolute loyalty to its creator, can go above the 17th level and its always 2 level below the creator regardless of his leadership score. The minion type is aberration, with the human subtype. The minion rolls stats and takes levels like a normal character, with its starting level being 2 less than the creators level (for semplicity create it as a human but instead of having the type humanoid [human] is has aberration [human]). The minion cannot take class levels in the creator class. The minion, outwardly, he is equal in appearance to a human. If the cohort dies, the creator can recreate it with a month of work and 20.000 gp.

At 20th level, a creator type changes to outsider (native). The creator's energy now makes him immune to all natural disease, gains energy resistance 20 to all energy types, and a +10 to all saves against poison effects. Furthermore, he can use Minor/Major Creation as a standard action at will.

Destruct Life (Sp)
At 21th level, a creator can target a single creature within 10 ft. per creator’s level as a standard action, and the creature is istantly annihilated and destroyed. On a successful Will save DC 10 + ½ creator’s level + his Wisdom modifier, the enemy instead takes 1d8 damage per creator level. A creature that succeeds its save is immune to destruct life of that creator for 24 hours.

Master Crafter
At 30th level, a creator can creater life-forms of sizes bigger that Colossal. At 30th he can create Titanic life-forms, and every 20 levels thereafter increase by 1 the size of life-forms he can create.

True Crafter
At 60th level, a creator can use Minor/Major Creation without the need of making a Heal check or body part for crafting it and as well, without the need to wait days for creating Huge or bigger creatures. The creator can has an unlimited number of HD of life-forms under his control and does no longer needs to free them.

This is really cool, I really like this!
Agreed. This site needs more awesome stuff like this. It actually inspires me to create again. I might just do a bit of that this weekend. Maybe a horrid monster of some kind. ...or a new race of fiends. Something truly vile and wicked. Possibly illithid based fiends. I know way back in the days of 1st Edition there was a mindflayer demon lord that most people have either completely forgotten about or never learned about.

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