Immortals Metamagic


First Post
Hey, U_K (and others). :)

I've noticed (or at least perceived) that, unlike the regular game, casters are hugely gimped in higher-level Immortals Handbook play. The sheer synergy of all the physcial abilities gives melee's a huge advantage, or at least it seems that way to me, mostly because there's a dearth of spellcasting focused abilities in Ascension.

With that in mind, I drafted up a bunch of epic feats, divines, cosmics, and transcendentals to attempt to rectify the problem. At first glance some of them look a little on the powerful side, but most of them are things you can do already for other kinds of attacks, so it only seems fair to me. And to me, nothing really competes with Perfect Weapon Focus/Spec, Perfect Crit/Multiplier, Ultimate Power Attack. Can you say 1-round?

They're all very mutable at the moment, prerequisites, tiers, and even effects could be easily changed. Most of the prereqs are just guesses on my part anyway.

So, without further adieu, (my formatting's gone since I had to post it in Notepad first. :( )

Annihilating Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic obliterates those it strikes.
Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranks
Benefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Permanent Damage.
Special: A spell modified by Annihilating Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.

Cataclysmic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic strikes with all elemental fury.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 38 ranks, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)
Benefit: Any spell that deals elemental damage deals damage of all four elements instead. i.e. a Cataclysmic Fireball would deal 10d6 points of Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire damage.
Special: A spell modified by Cataclysmic Spell occupies a slot 5 levels higher.

Dire Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your spells are terribly powerful.
Prerequisites: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Spellcraft 28 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric components of the spell have their die-size increased by two categories to a maximum of d12s.
Special: A Dire Spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher.

Theurgic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic is infused with divine power.
Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranks
Benefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Divine Damage.
Special: A spell modified by Theurgic Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.

Unbound Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic surpasses its own limits.
Prerequisites: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Widen Spell Spellcraft 33 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are doubled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +8 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +10 to Natural Armor, a +10 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 2 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 3 levels higher.

Dolorous Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your spells are grievously powerful.
Prerequisites: Dire Spell, Spellcraft 63 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d20s.
Special: A Dolorous Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher.

Quintessential Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your spells are especially effective against Immortals.
Prerequisites: Theurgic Spell, Spellcraft 78 ranks
Benefit: For every 4 points of Divine Bonus possessed by the spell’s target, the all numeric components of the spell double. i.e. a Quintessential Fireball cast at a Greater Deity would deal 40d6 damage.
Special: A Quintessential Spell takes up a slot 5 levels higher than normal.

Resonating Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic resounds through all that you perceive.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 73 ranks
Benefit: The spell effects every creature within the caster’s Divine Aura.
Special: A spell modified by Resonating Spell occupies a slot 7 levels higher.
Special: If the caster does not possess a Divine Aura, the spell effects everything within 100 ft. + 10 ft. per Caster Level.

Supreme Metamagic [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your mastery of your art is unequalled.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 68 ranks
Benefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is doubled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 20d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment.
Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

Telluric Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic intensifies with each use.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranks
Benefit: The spell’s effect is doubled each time it is cast against the same target.
Special: A spell modified by Telluric Spell occupies a slot 8 levels higher.
Special: This feat uses Double-Double=Quadruple rather than Double-Double=Triple multiplication.
Special: The same spell must be cast at the same target for the feat to take effect. i.e. if a Telluric Fireball is cast three times at the same target, it would deal 40d6 damage on the third casting, whereas if the caster instead cast a Telluric Fireball, a Telluric Lightning Bolt, and a Telluric Polar Ray, each spell would only have its normal effect.

Transient Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic warps space and time.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranks
Benefit: The spell strikes three times simultaneously, once in the present, once in the immediate past, and once in the immediate future.
Special: A spell modified by Transient Spell occupies a slot 9 levels higher.

Unfettered Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic defies all limits.
Prerequisites: Unbound Spell, Spellcraft 73 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are quadrupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +16 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +20 to Natural Armor, a +20 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 4 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher.

Devastating Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your spells are catastrophically powerful.
Prerequisites: Dolorous Spell, Spellcraft 123 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d100s.
Special: A Devastating Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher

Immediate Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your spell is cast faster than thought.
Prerequisites: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 148 ranks
Benefit: The spell is cast as an Immediate Action, allowing it to be used on another character’s turn.
Special: An Immediate Spell takes up a slot 10 levels higher.

Ultimate Metamagic [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your mastery of your art is beyond teckoning.
Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 143 ranks
Benefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is quadrupled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 30d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment.
Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

Ultima Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your magic knows no limits.
Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 183 ranks
Benefit: The spell recasts itself for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s Caster Level.
Special: A spell modified by Ultima Spell occupies a slot 18 levels higher.

Untrammeled Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your magic is unsurpassable.
Prerequisites: Unfettered Spell, Spellcraft 133 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are octupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +32 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +40 to Natural Armor, a +40 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 8 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher.

Doomsday Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your spells are impossibly powerful.
Prerequisites: Devastating Spell, Spellcraft 243 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d1000s.
Special: A Doomsday Spell takes up a slot 24 levels higher

Omega Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your magic is absolute.
Prerequisites: 48 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 263 ranks
Benefit: The effects of the spell are permanent and cannot be undone by any means. i.e. a target slain by an Omega Finger of Death cannot be returned to life by any means.
Special: A spell modified by Omega Spell occupies a slot 32 levels higher.

Unreal Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your magic is irresistible.
Prerequisites: 64 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 343 ranks
Benefit: The spell allows no Spell Resistance, no Saving Throw, and ignores any resistance or immunity.
Special: An Unreal Spell takes up a slot 48 levels higher.
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Ultimate Metamagic [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your mastery of your art is beyond teckoning.
Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 143 ranks
Benefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is quadruppled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 40d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment.
Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

Isn't that 30d6 (10+5*4)? Anyway, nice work.

Belzamus said:
Hey, U_K (and others). :)

Howdy Belzamus matey! :)

I've noticed (or at least perceived) that, unlike the regular game, casters are hugely gimped in higher-level Immortals Handbook play.

Well, there are a number of reasons for that:

1. I was planning most of the spells for Grimoire
2. Martial Types are notably weaker in 3/3.5E so they needed a bigger boost anyway.
3. I was never sure the DDQ route was the way to go for magic.
4. Multiclasing is far more prevalent the higher you ascend.

The sheer synergy of all the physcial abilities gives melee's a huge advantage, or at least it seems that way to me, mostly because there's a dearth of spellcasting focused abilities in Ascension.

See above.

With that in mind, I drafted up a bunch of epic feats, divines, cosmics, and transcendentals to attempt to rectify the problem. At first glance some of them look a little on the powerful side, but most of them are things you can do already for other kinds of attacks, so it only seems fair to me. And to me, nothing really competes with Perfect Weapon Focus/Spec, Perfect Crit/Multiplier, Ultimate Power Attack. Can you say 1-round?


They're all very mutable at the moment, prerequisites, tiers, and even effects could be easily changed. Most of the prereqs are just guesses on my part anyway.

So, without further adieu, (my formatting's gone since I had to post it in Notepad first. :( )

I don't have the 3.5E mojo I used to, but I'll take a look and see if I can spy any flaws.

Annihilating Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic obliterates those it strikes.
Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranks
Benefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Permanent Damage.
Special: A spell modified by Annihilating Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.

Okay, while it was never released. I did have planned a number of new metamagic feats for Grimoire. One of which was for a permanent effect (others involved no saves, no spell resistance etc.) However, one difference I had for these effects was that instead of requiring a flat bonus, instead ome required multipliers.

So, for instance a Permenant Spell Metamagic Feat would have been a multiplier of about x5 (IIRC).

eg. A Permanent Wall of Fire would be a Level 20 spell.

I'm sure I have the multipliers for this stuff listed somewhere *goes and has a look through the Grimoire pages*

Deadly (Heighten) Spell = +2
Remote Spell = +4
Sacrifice Spell = x2
Teleport Spell = +8
Permanent Spell = x6
'No Save' Spell = x8
Rune Spell (penetrates Anti-Magic) = x6
'No Spell Resistance' Spell = x3
Contingency Spell = x2
Sentient Spell = x4

Those were just my early eyeballing of the multipliers (as its written down on these pages).

Cataclysmic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic strikes with all elemental fury.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 38 ranks, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)
Benefit: Any spell that deals elemental damage deals damage of all four elements instead. i.e. a Cataclysmic Fireball would deal 10d6 points of Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire damage.
Special: A spell modified by Cataclysmic Spell occupies a slot 5 levels higher.

I like it.

Dire Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your spells are terribly powerful.
Prerequisites: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Spellcraft 28 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric components of the spell have their die-size increased by two categories to a maximum of d12s.
Special: A Dire Spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher.

I wouldn't make this Metamagic at all, simply a Divine Ability.

Theurgic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic is infused with divine power.
Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranks
Benefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Divine Damage.
Special: A spell modified by Theurgic Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.


Unbound Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your magic surpasses its own limits.
Prerequisites: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Widen Spell Spellcraft 33 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are doubled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +8 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +10 to Natural Armor, a +10 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 2 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 3 levels higher.

Again, I would have just allowed this with Empower anyway.

Dolorous Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your spells are grievously powerful.
Prerequisites: Dire Spell, Spellcraft 63 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d20s.
Special: A Dolorous Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher.

I wouldn't make this Metamagic at all, simply a Divine ability.

Quintessential Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your spells are especially effective against Immortals.
Prerequisites: Theurgic Spell, Spellcraft 78 ranks
Benefit: For every 4 points of Divine Bonus possessed by the spell’s target, the all numeric components of the spell double. i.e. a Quintessential Fireball cast at a Greater Deity would deal 40d6 damage.
Special: A Quintessential Spell takes up a slot 5 levels higher than normal.

This is a real can of worms.

Resonating Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic resounds through all that you perceive.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 73 ranks
Benefit: The spell effects every creature within the caster’s Divine Aura.
Special: A spell modified by Resonating Spell occupies a slot 7 levels higher.
Special: If the caster does not possess a Divine Aura, the spell effects everything within 100 ft. + 10 ft. per Caster Level.


Supreme Metamagic [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your mastery of your art is unequalled.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 68 ranks
Benefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is doubled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 20d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment.
Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

A metamagic feat that multiplies metamagic feats...might be a layer of confusion too many.

Telluric Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic intensifies with each use.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranks
Benefit: The spell’s effect is doubled each time it is cast against the same target.
Special: A spell modified by Telluric Spell occupies a slot 8 levels higher.
Special: This feat uses Double-Double=Quadruple rather than Double-Double=Triple multiplication.
Special: The same spell must be cast at the same target for the feat to take effect. i.e. if a Telluric Fireball is cast three times at the same target, it would deal 40d6 damage on the third casting, whereas if the caster instead cast a Telluric Fireball, a Telluric Lightning Bolt, and a Telluric Polar Ray, each spell would only have its normal effect.


Transient Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic warps space and time.
Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranks
Benefit: The spell strikes three times simultaneously, once in the present, once in the immediate past, and once in the immediate future.
Special: A spell modified by Transient Spell occupies a slot 9 levels higher.

Should only be 8 lots higher, maybe even only 6...?

Unfettered Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]
Your magic defies all limits.
Prerequisites: Unbound Spell, Spellcraft 73 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are quadrupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +16 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +20 to Natural Armor, a +20 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 4 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher.


Devastating Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your spells are catastrophically powerful.
Prerequisites: Dolorous Spell, Spellcraft 123 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d100s.
Special: A Devastating Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher

I wouldn't make this Metamagic at all, simply a Cosmic ability.

Immediate Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your spell is cast faster than thought.
Prerequisites: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 148 ranks
Benefit: The spell is cast as an Immediate Action, allowing it to be used on another character’s turn.
Special: An Immediate Spell takes up a slot 10 levels higher.

Very cool. Although at best I'd say +8 slots.

Ultimate Metamagic [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your mastery of your art is beyond teckoning.
Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 143 ranks
Benefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is quadrupled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 30d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment.
Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.


Ultima Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your magic knows no limits.
Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 183 ranks
Benefit: The spell recasts itself for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s Caster Level.
Special: A spell modified by Ultima Spell occupies a slot 18 levels higher.


Untrammeled Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]
Your magic is unsurpassable.
Prerequisites: Unfettered Spell, Spellcraft 133 ranks
Benefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are octupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +32 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +40 to Natural Armor, a +40 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 8 rounds/Caster Level.
Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher.


Doomsday Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your spells are impossibly powerful.
Prerequisites: Devastating Spell, Spellcraft 243 ranks
Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d1000s.
Special: A Doomsday Spell takes up a slot 24 levels higher

I wouldn't make this Metamagic at all, simply a Transcendental ability.

Omega Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your magic is absolute.
Prerequisites: 48 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 263 ranks
Benefit: The effects of the spell are permanent and cannot be undone by any means. i.e. a target slain by an Omega Finger of Death cannot be returned to life by any means.
Special: A spell modified by Omega Spell occupies a slot 32 levels higher.


Unreal Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]
Your magic is irresistible.
Prerequisites: 64 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 343 ranks
Benefit: The spell allows no Spell Resistance, no Saving Throw, and ignores any resistance or immunity.
Special: An Unreal Spell takes up a slot 48 levels higher.



First Post
Hey, U_K.

I fully understand why it happened that way and I don't really fault you for it, I just thought I'd take a stab at it myself. :)

I like the idea of expanding Empower to cover that enire chain of feats, so I think I'll cut those.

I also like the idea of the Dire>Deadly>Dolorous>Doomsday Spells becoming flat abilities, so I'll change that.

Also, like I said the level adjustments were guesses, so I'll defer to you on that quite readily and make those changes as well.

Now, for the multipliers, how about x6 for Ultima Spell, x8 for Unreal Spell, and x10 for Omega Spell sound? Maybe x12 for Omega?

I can also see how Quintessential Spell could be a little broken as it gets stronger as your opponent does. Maybe it should be a multiplier as well? I'm thinking of a variable multiplier but that might be a little complex.

Last, do you think Theurgic Spell is overpriced at +6? I doesn't actually make the spell any more powerful, just gets it around most resistances/immunities.


First Post
Hey, U_K.

I fully understand why it happened that way and I don't really fault you for it, I just thought I'd take a stab at it myself. :)

I like the idea of expanding Empower to cover that enire chain of feats, so I think I'll cut those.

I also like the idea of the Dire>Deadly>Dolorous>Doomsday Spells becoming flat abilities, so I'll change that.

Also, like I said the level adjustments were guesses, so I'll defer to you on that quite readily and make those changes as well.

Now, for the multipliers, how about x6 for Ultima Spell, x8 for Unreal Spell, and x10 for Omega Spell sound? Maybe x12 for Omega?

I can also see how Quintessential Spell could be a little broken as it gets stronger as your opponent does. Maybe it should be a multiplier as well? I'm thinking of a variable multiplier but that might be a little complex.

Last, do you think Theurgic Spell is overpriced at +6? I doesn't actually make the spell any more powerful, just gets it around most resistances/immunities.

Anyway, thanks a lot for looking through, U_K, I appreciate it! :)

Belzamus said:
Hey, U_K.

Howdy Belzamus dude! :)

I fully understand why it happened that way and I don't really fault you for it, I just thought I'd take a stab at it myself. :)


I like the idea of expanding Empower to cover that enire chain of feats, so I think I'll cut those.

I think elements of 3.5 are complicated enough without introducing

I also like the idea of the Dire>Deadly>Dolorous>Doomsday Spells becoming flat abilities, so I'll change that.

Yes there is simply no need turning those into

Also, like I said the level adjustments were guesses, so I'll defer to you on that quite readily and make those changes as well.

Its a hard thing to do and there is no right or wrong answer, just shades of grey.

Now, for the multipliers, how about x6 for Ultima Spell, x8 for Unreal Spell, and x10 for Omega Spell sound? Maybe x12 for Omega?

I think x6 for Omega, probably x6 for Ultima as well and Unreal spell should be based on multiplying its component parts: Maybe x9 for no Save and x3 for no Spell Resistance (so x27 when combined).

I can also see how Quintessential Spell could be a little broken as it gets stronger as your opponent does. Maybe it should be a multiplier as well? I'm thinking of a variable multiplier but that might be a little complex.

Its never a good idea to have abilities getting double-bumped. I'd really shelve that idea until you can get it balanced.

Last, do you think Theurgic Spell is overpriced at +6? I doesn't actually make the spell any more powerful, just gets it around most resistances/immunities.

I wouldn't make it Metamagic based. Just make it a Divine Ability for 1/2 divine damage (like the monsters in the Epic Bestiary) and a second Divine Ability for full Divine Damage.

Anyway, thanks a lot for looking through, U_K, I appreciate it!

Always happy to help. ;)

Howdy Omeganian mate! :)

Omeganian said:
How does Telluric spell respond to Learned Spell Immunity?

Off the top of my head I'd say Learned Spell Immunity trumps it - assuming you were to cast the same spell second time around. If Telluric spell doubles any spell on the same target then as long as you kept using a different spell each time it could still work.


First Post
Actually, the way it's written now, Telluric has no effect unless the same spell is used twice, so, since you're technically casting the same spell (Telluric Fireball or whatever) rather than Telluricx2 Fireball or somesuch, then, yeah, LSI would likely work against it.

Also, I assume it's obvious Telluric spell is a lot beneficial to spontaeneous casters or those with Alter Reality (especially), since who in their right mind prepares dozens of the same spell? (Though that would get awfully powerful since you could Quicken them all.

Hmm...I never even thought of that. Telluric might be a little underpriced.

Also, should Telluric Spell be just an ability rather than a Metamagic? (Can't remember if we talked about it above.) Seems like that might streamline it, a bit.

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