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W2: The Search For Tomas Quinn (Rae Judging)

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Round Five

Pendrake: 23
Goblin Shaman: 15
Solange: 14
Goblin: 13
Cepheus: 10
Aiken: 5

Pendrake furiously dispatches the remaining hound, which yelps in pain as Pendrake's blade cleaves the beast in twain.

The goblin from the south raises her staff, and starts banging the butt end down against the ground loudly, chanting in an ancient goblin tongue. She points a finger at Pendrake while she chants.

Solange realizes that a Lesser Confusion spell is being cast upon Pendrake.

(OOC: Will save, Pendrake?)

Solange draws her scroll, and chants. Hukk grabs her leg at the last minute, distracting her for a moment, ruining much of the scroll's effect. At least the bleeding has stopped.

The goblin on Aiken jumps around quickly, and seems too hesitant to step in and take a proper swing.

Cepheus draws his crossbow, and gets ready to pull of a shot (target?)

Aiken is unable to get a swing in on the goblin - it's just moving too fast. But he is able to block the northern hallway. Those goblins, while hesitant to enter the fray, are getting ready to rush in. Aiken is going to be in some serious trouble in a few seconds...


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Wik said:
Pendrake: 23
Goblin Shaman: 15
Solange: 14
Goblin: 13
Cepheus: 10
Aiken: 5

Solange realizes that a Lesser Confusion spell is being cast upon Pendrake.

(OOC: Will save, Pendrake?)


er...um...will save , eh? (yuch!)

Will: +0(this is the worst thing! AAARRRRGGGHHH) (1d20=5)
EDIT: actuall a 6 with the bless, but still a miss no matter what!

er...um...what's a will save.?..where am i? ...who am i ...?

IC: Pendrake stands still for a second after sliceing open the dog then looses all concentration as to the fight around him . He stands with a blank look on his face and an echoing "nuttin in my head" sound eminating from his ears.

(edit to show results of d 100 roll)
effects of confusion spell (1d100=91)

suddenly the blankly staring northerner turs to the nearest creature and takes a whack with his sword...he seems to either not notice or not care if the target is friend of foe!!


long Sword +5 1d8+3 19-20x2 (1d20+6=13, 1d8+3=10)

OOC: yee gads, i hope that is a miss on a friend!
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First Post
Aiken will continue to block the northern entrance. And he will start with taking out the one goblin pestering him. If he's dead the attack will be on the one in the corridor.

Attack (1d20+4=8)

Aiken snarls as the goblin dances away from his blade!!


First Post
Round Six

Pendrake is standing next to both Hukk and Solange when he becomes confused, and suddenly seems to be surrounded by foes!

Roll to Attain random target. 1=Hukk, 2=Solange (1d2=1)

He advances on the small child. Hukk, not paying attention to the northman, looks up at the last moment as Pendrake brings down his blade! As the blade connects with the small child, Pendrake snaps out of the haze, and realizes he's almost murdered the child! Hukk has been slashed from neck to leg, and lies on the ground unconscious, bleeding heavily from the wound.

The goblin woman laughs. (so does the DM!)

OOC: Hukk is currently at -7 hit points.

She begins to drum her staff on the floor, and begins to sing loudly in a vaguely familiar goblin warsong...

Solange isn't in a fight, as both goblin dogs near her are dead. She can take a different action, which will be inserted in this slot. Solange? EDIT - Solange takes out her Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, and heals Hukk. However, the wounds only partially close up, and stop the bleeding. Hukk is still quite wounded (he is now at -4).

(To reiterate, there is currently a goblin in the main room that is fighting Aiken, and three more goblins coming in from the north passage. There is also a lone goblin woman in the south passage, currently not in a fight. Solange, Hukk, and Pendrake stand near the West Passage, while Cepheus stands closer to the East. The entire room is lit by Ceph's Dancing Lights spell)

The goblin fighting Aiken keeps dancing around the human's blade, and is able to step in underneath the weapon and slice Aiken's armour. While the cut barely cracks the leather, it does leave a minor wound (1 hit point of damage!)

Cepheus moves to fire at the goblins already emerging from the northern hallway, but the shot goes wild and ricochets off the damp stone walls before being swallowed up by darkness.

The goblins emerge from the hallway, and promptly surround Aiken - however, only one is able to get an attack in, as the others have to move very quickly (double move action) to get into position. The attack misses

Aiken, surrounded, is unable to get a hit.


(OOC: Trying something new, here, because it works so well in Phoenix's game. Bear with me.)

Condition Summary
Initiative: 23. Pendrake Utherman. (HP 7/12)
Initiative: 15. Goblin Shaman.. Damage Taken: 0 hp.
Initiative: 14. Solange Shepherd.(HP 3/9)
Initiative: 14. Hukk.. (HP: -4/3). Dying.
Initiative: 13. Goblin from East Halls.. Damage Taken: 0 hp.
Initiative: 10. Cepheus Boomhill. (HP 14/14)
Initiative: 9. Goblins from the North Hall (3). Damage Taken: #1 - 0 HP. #2 - 0 HP. #3 - 0 HP.
Initiative: 5. Aiken. (HP 8/10)
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The northerner knows that someth8ng very wrong just happened, and having been from a combative warriors he has seen the chaos of combat, just never seen a mishap as what just happened to him. He hears the wicked cackling of the goblin witch and turns to looker her in the eyes.

"Solange, fix huck, please," he says without lookeing to the priestess and then advancese on othe staff wielding shaman with murder in his eyes.

hp 7 of 12

move action: move to shaman

std action: slice shaman to little bitty pieces

long Sword +6 1d8+3 crit 19-20x2 (1d20+6=10, 1d8+3=6)

ooc: ...or not. looks as if invisible castle has been playing with me as a cat does a mouse, or a dm does players....perhaps the dm actually contros the dice roller?...hmmmm... :uhoh:


First Post

Aiken stabs the goblin he has been fighting hoping to bring down the count.

Unfortunately he is distracted by the other goblins and doesn't get a good swing in.


I do believe you are right Scott the castle isn't loving me any more. :uhoh:

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