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Warhammer, The Darkness Within, Intro


Hans leans around a tree to take a look.

"Couple o' dog-boys. Thought I smelled somethin. Look, dey's not to bright, fought em up in the waste a couple o' times." he gestures towards Ravandil " Poncy boy, get dat fancy bow o' yours out," then Felix "and you get that great crossbow o' yours loaded..."

He pauses to check the wind direction

"Now, dey's dumb as rocks, but can smell ya from a mile off though, so we should circle round so da wind is blowin da other way. then you folks who know how to shoot, hang back wit da beanpole while me and everyone else gets as close as we can before we charge. When I shout, you put one between da big'uns eyes then we charge and clean up. We take the big'uns head back to his baronship and ask for more coin, simple as dat." At that he spits on his palms and pulls his sword free of his sheath.

a| |t| | | | | | | |t|
b|t| | |t| |t| |t| | |
c| | |t| |T| |T| |W|W|
d|t| | | | | | | |W|W|
e| |t| |b|f|G|T| | | |
f| | | | |b| | | |L| |
g|t| |T| | | | |L| |t|
h| | | |T| | |L| | | |
i|t|t| | | | | | |t| |
j| | |t| | |t| |t| | |
k|t| | | | |t| | | |t|
l| |t| | |t| |t| |t| |
m| |J| | |t| |N| | | |
n|t| | |t|[color=blue]H[/color]|t| |t| |t|
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
W= Woodpile (cover, must climb to move through)
G= Large Beastman
b= Small Beatsman
T= Tent (difficult terrain)
t= Tree (cover, impassible terrain)
L= Fallen Tree (cover, difficult terrain)
f= Firepit (difficult terrain, 1d3 wound damage)
-10% on BS more than 5 squares away)
Characters start on rows m or n
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Felix Brecht

Felix, with a nod moves up to j-9 (He waits till the party moves), then takes a round to aim before releasing his bolt at F5.

a| |t| | | | | | | |t|
b|t| | |t| |t| |t| | |
c| | |t| |T| |T| |W|W|
d|t| | | | | | | |W|W|
e| |t| |b|f|G|T| | | |
f| | | | |b| | | |L| |
g|t| |T| | | | |L| |t|
h| | | |T| | |L| | | |
i|t|t| | | | | | |t| |
j| | |t| | |t| |t|F| |
k|t| | | | |t| | | |t|
l| |t| | |t| |t| |t| |
m| |J| | |t| |N| | | |
n|t| | |t|H|t| |t| |t|
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

W= Woodpile (cover, must climb to move through)
G= Large Beastman
b= Small Beatsman
T= Tent (difficult terrain)
t= Tree (cover, impassible terrain)
L= Fallen Tree (cover, difficult terrain)
f= Firepit (difficult terrain, 1d3 wound damage)
-10% on BS more than 5 squares away)
Characters start on rows m or n

OOC: I don't mind if you make my dice rolls for me. Sometimes I answer on my phone, and its tough to use Inviible castle from there.
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First Post
OOC: Scranford, a couple things:

We're supposed to start on rows n or m.

Enclose the map in code tags, like this:

map goes here


Cool. Thanks, I was wondering how to do that. I was assuming my first action was to move closer, but I could just shoot from where I am.


First Post
Orwin kneels down behind the dwarf as the smell of burning flesh assails his nose. As the movements of his new companions brush his periphery he stares intently upon the beastmen trying to recall if he had come upon these beasts in his readings.

A cold sweat engulfs his body.....monsters!

a| |t| | | | | | | |t|
b|t| | |t| |t| |t| | |
c| | |t| |T| |T| |W|W|
d|t| | | | | | | |W|W|
e| |t| |b|f|G|T| | | |
f| | | | |b| | | |L| |
g|t| |T| | | | |L| |t|
h| | | |T| | |L| | | |
i|t|t| | | | | | |t| |
j| | |t| | |t| |t|F| |
k|t| | | | |t| | | |t|
l| |t| | |t| |t| |t| |
m| |J| | |t| |N| | | |
n|t|[COLOR=Purple]O[/COLOR]| |t|H|t| |t| |t|
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If possible can we get an OOC and Rogues Gallery thread for this game?

HAH and just to be more of a princess can we get the maps in a better format?


Ravandil, unused to humans (and previously chained humans) giving him orders, gaves Hans an annoyed look. Still, the plan was a good one. He darted to a tree, next to Nicklaas, and notched an arrow to his bow. He gave Nicklaas a grin as he raised it and sighted down the arrow at the large beastman's head.
"Time to hunt, youngling"

(OOC: Sorry about not posting to regularly...it's exam week. I'll be free on Friday)

a| |t| | | | | | | |t|
b|t| | |t| |t| |t| | |
c| | |t| |T| |T| |W|W|
d|t| | | | | | | |W|W|
e| |t| |b|f|G|T| | | |
f| | | | |b| | | |L| |
g|t| |T| | | | |L| |t|
h| | | |T| | |L| | | |
i|t|t| | | | | | |t| |
j| | |t| | |t| |t|F| |
k|t| | | | |t| | | |t|
l| |t| | |t| |t| |t| |
m| |J| | |t| |N|R| | |
n|t|O | |t|H|t| |t| |t|
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

W= Woodpile (cover, must climb to move through)
G= Large Beastman
b= Small Beatsman
T= Tent (difficult terrain)
t= Tree (cover, impassible terrain)
L= Fallen Tree (cover, difficult terrain)
f= Firepit (difficult terrain, 1d3 wound damage)
-10% on BS more than 5 squares away)
Characters start on rows m or n


OOC: 1d10 40=42 Initiative Roll
1d100=45 Agility Roll (agility score 40) to move quietly
Trying to anticipate what you want me to roll here. Just assume that he does this as soon as he comes up in the initiative order.

Hans ducks low to the ground and begins stalking towards the beastmen, hoping they are distracted by the fire and whoever they are eating. After a few steps a wayward twig snaps under his foot and...


First Post
OCC: Hey yeah I know the maps are uglier than a pig, anybody got any suggestions for some killer lookin maps, I'm game. As for the OCC thread we are just using the original recruitment thread found here...OCC Thread
a| |t| | | | | | | |t|
b|t| | |t| |t| |t| | |
c| | |t| |T| |T| |W|W|
d|t| | | | | | | |W|W|
e| |t| |b|f|G|T| | | |
f| | | | |b| | | |L| |
g|t| |T| | | | |L| |t|
h| | | |T| | |L| | | |
i|t|t| | | | | | |t| |
j| | |t| | |t| |t|F| |
k|t| | | | |t| | | |t|
l| |t| | |t| |t| |t| |
m| |J| | |t| |N|R| | |
n|t|O| |t|H|t| |t| |t|
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

W= Woodpile (cover, must climb to move through)
G= Large Beastman (Init = 32)
b= Small Beatsman (Init = 44)
T= Tent (difficult terrain)
t= Tree (cover, impassible terrain)
L= Fallen Tree (cover, difficult terrain)
f= Firepit (difficult terrain, 1d3 wound damage)
H=Hans (Init 32)
R=Ravandil (Init 48)
-10% on BS more than 5 squares away)
Characters start on rows m or n

The beastmen turn around from their spit...and snarl at the party, they draw their weapons, two of them wield rusty hand axes and crude wooden shields, but the larger almost emaciated looking beastman hefts a wicked lookin great axe.

OCC: Okay give me your init roll, and if you have a fairly high number go ahead and post your action as well.

edit: I forgot about medium armor too.
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See amended actions below

Hans shouts "Well ****! Time to die pig-****ers!", and charges towards the largest beastman screaming further obscenities in Kesvillian. He makes a beeline towards him trying to present a large and noisy target so that his companions can hopefully get the drop on the others. He weaves around the trees and tents, if one of the smaller beastmen step between him and his target his swings at it instead.

OOC: Initiative roll: 1d10 40=42 *edit* forgot to factor his Medium armour in, Hans' init is actually 32.
Attack Roll: 1d100=21 vs 50+10 (charge) = 60.
hitting the: 1d100=29 Right Arm
For: 1d10 3=9, 1d10 3=9 (d10+3) 9 damage

Hans continues howling like a banshee as he leaps across the last few feet hammering his sword into the beastmans hide putting the weight of his body into the blow.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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