Warlords of Pangea: Restart!!


Cedious said:
are we using the same dice roller we used for stats?
or have you got another one in mind?

I am going to let you do your own rolling. If you want to look around, roll a spot check and give me your numbers. Make a attack? Roll your attack and damage. Just put them in ( ).

If something requires a save, I will go ahead and make it for you.

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First Post
i don't know if we lost someone but im still here :)
not sure when the pbp game is gonna get really started its been about a week now or so


First Post
not heard from trilobite in a while maybee he is on vacation......or busy...or sick ohhh well i will check tommorow i guess,

cya all

The Shaman

First Post
trilobite hasn't posted since the second - must be busy with other things.

Blacktail's taking his time walking to the village...



First Post
*as Ernst begins to find accomodation he trips falls rolls along the ground and lands head first into a pile or horse waste* :p

"Well at least im not hungry anymore"

*goes home to wash up and change*

:) lol *wonders if i should post it on the pbp thread*

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