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Water Problems [DM: Voda Vosa; Judge: Kalidrev!]


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Myoko sighed as the others seemed content to simply get right to sleep. She had hoped for some time to discuss what tactics they might use, or at least to hear some tales of what each of them had done before, so that she might have some measure of those who were now her companions.

But alas, as she reminded herself, these were not honorable professional warriors, such as those she had trained with. They were beasts, or cursed, or both. And she was one of them...

At the last, she laid out her bedroll close to one of the walls and settled down to sleep. Mindful of the amount of alcohol she had drunk, she was careful to take a solid drink of water from the waterskin in her pack- it might be difficult to replace, but awakening without a hangover would be worth it. There would be time enough for discussion of tactics in the morning.

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Voda Vosa

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The night rest suited great to everyone, and with the first rays of light filtering through a roof window, the group lazily wakes up. After a few minutes, which all use for their own business, Losador walks into the room, followed by five servants, carrying clothes and provisions for the mercenaries.
“Ah, good day to you, I hope you have spend a good night. Here are the traveling clothes along with some goods to carry for the trip, bread, cheese, dry meat and some of our last reserves of water. Use them wisely.”
The party gets on their new clothes, which fit perfectly to most of them. Kavac and Torqua find the traveling gear to be rather small for their oversized frames.
Once the adventurers are all equipped and ready to go, Losador gives them a map and points them which star should they follow during the night, and in which direction should they follow by day. “Follow the setting sun, and the Simbadar star during the night. Be careful, traveling at night might be more hazardous. Now go, and may the stars be with you” Losador makes an elegant bow, and disappears behind the door of his palace.
The group travels to the gates, dodging the conglomerated streets of Asamadar.
The blazing sands desert lies before our brave adventurers, the cursed and gifted sorceress, whose appetite is only surpassed by her arcane might; the goliath Kavac, towering over the others, cast the shadow of a mountain under the desert sun; the intellectually challenged bugbear, with his mighty sword at hand, ready to chop and crush anything in his path; the reserved and honorable Myoko, heir of two bloods, whose calculator mind never cease to analyze everything; and last but not least, the shifter warrior, smiles confidently, patting the sheaths of his twin blades. A group of mercenaries, ready to face the perils of one of the most terrible deserts in the world. Perhaps, they’ll be remembered as a group of heroes, but at the time being, none of them thinks that would be a title to aspire to.

[sblock=Skill Challenge]
Very well, let’s see some dices rolling, shall we? You are facing the perilous desert of Blazing Sands, a place few can endure and live to tell. The group must travel by feet to the oasis, and that will require endurance checks.
The traveling clothes are there to lower the DC of the checks.
Each day, each of you must succeed on 8 endurance rolls before failing 3 rolls. DC is 15. If more than 2 fail the challenge, the group must wait on them, thus reducing their travelling speed.
It takes one day, one night and half of the other day to travel to the oasis. If everyone succeed 3 rolls, the group travels all day at full speed. At 6 succeeds, the groups endures the night travel. At 8 succeeds, the group arrives. If anyone accumulates three failures, the character lose a healing surge, the desert is too much for him/her, but the group helps staying on track. If two accumulates three failures, the entire group is slowed down, that means that they must make an additional group endurance checks. Each rolls a dice, and if at least 3 get a success, they keep going, if not, everyone loses a healing surge (including the ones that already lost their HS).
Is it clear? So roll in sets of 3 rolls at a time, and we’ll see how you do. Let the carnage begins! [/sblock]


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Leaving the palace, Torqua seemed pretty pleased with herself. "This is little adventure is shaping up quite well, we haven't done anything yet and we've already had a dinner with a lord and gotten a free outfit out of it." Torqua says, wearing a new white desert robe, normally meant to be loose fitting but on her was it rather tight. She spins around, showing off her robe, only to accidently rip a hole in it, exposing her belly button and a strange blue tattoo around. "Oh dear, Lord Losador didn't want these back, did he?"

The march through the desert however was fairly unpleasant for Torqua. Her extra bulk was not meant for such heat and the smell of a sweaty Bugbear didn't help any.


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OOC: Tactics [sblock] Given the group we're working with, I think we ought to keep our tactics pretty simple. Right now, we need to key off of Torqua- she has our best ranged damage, and our only real area effect attacks. The way I see things is that she can focus on minion clearing, while the barbarians both go after whatever looks to be the biggest threat (enemy leaders or casters). Myoko will stay with Torqua, to keep people off of her while she does her casting. Frost can stay close to the two of them and act as 'free safety', moving in to target specific threats that the barbarians don't get to, or any sudden change of situation (lurkers, etc.). The idea is not to go 'Strength against Strength'- it is to keep applying our strength to the enemies weakness, and preventing the enemy from applying their strength to our weak spots. [/sblock]


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Myoko was awake well before sunrise, and she took her time going through a regimen of morning exercises. By the time their host returned, she was armored and ready. Adding the new clothing to her gear took a little while- she had never worn this style of clothing, and she had to make sure that her armor and gear all fit together with the new garb.

But soon enough, she was on the road with the others. The desert terrain took some getting used to, but she adapted well enough- while the heat was brutal, the protective clothing worked very well, and she had endured similar deprivations during her military training.

OOC: Endurance at +9, 3 rolls= 28, 16, 29 (3 successes- 1 is a crit); rolls Roll Lookup


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Frost accepted his clothing with relish, layering them on over his undergarments and then carefully putting on his chainmail next. He checks his blades and pack, ensuring the waterskin is sufficiently full.

The shifter takes a place up front, where his keen wolfin eyesight can keep an eye for potential threats. He'd never travelled to the desert before, but despite the intense heat, Frost had learned long ago to travel in less than ideal conditions for long periods of time. He was patient and kept his wits about him, he drank slowly and carefully from his water, rationing it out to maximize its nourishing effects.

We need 8 successes before 3 failures right? Why's everyone rolling 3?
1d20 8=19, 1d20 8=17, 1d20 8=9, 1d20 8=22, 1d20 8=28, 1d20 8=27, 1d20 8=27, 1d20 8=20

Wow...2 19's and a 20, I hope that luck holds for a fight

7 successes, 1 failure

1d20 8=19

8 successes, 1 failure


First Post
Vardaal sleeps late into the next morning and awakes with a crick in his back from the awkward sitting position. Grabbing whatever is left from their meal last night and grabs one last swig of the now stale beer. The bugbear rises, grabs his backpack, straps on his toughened goblinhide armor and the sheathed blade across his back.

Standing out in the sun was tough for the bugbear, his fur added another layer to his clothing and became quite itchy under the heat of the blazing orb. Vardaal looks around for a moment, "I thinks I sees some water over that ridge, ohhh....lookit the pretty womans there too. Yes ladies, hi, ok, yes, Vardaal comes now" he says gesturing and waving to an empty area of the dunes.

Oi, I watched too many cartoons as a kid... I think it was Daffy Duck in the desert seeing all the mirages.

1d20+2=9, 1d20+2=16 1d20+2=10 Vardaal fails :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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