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What adventures are you thinking about running?


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@Graf: I thought somebody mentioned somewhere that one (or more) judge(s) could get a readers digest version with the very basic outline and another (you I guess Graf) could get/approve the detailed adventure summary when other judges would be part of the PC group.

@Atanatotatos: The adventure should run about 10 encounters and get everybody to 2nd level.

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Yeah. Just make sure there's some space between the spoiler and the main text.

I.e. Summary: The dread pirate roberts hires the party to save his beloved zombie parrot... etc etc etc

Adventure overview.
The parrot -is- actually Roberts; his soul was trapped in the dead body of his beloved pet by a powerful lich. The man hiring the party is just an actor who Roberts (the zombie parrot) hired to play him; naturally he's quite desperate to get his boss back before "his" crew figures out the truth, mutinies and makes him walk the plank...
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Voda Vosa

First Post

I was thinking of running a game.
But, I asked myself, if there was place in the world for a new area in which it could take place.
I had a desert area in mind, with nomad tribes, some cities built around oasis and camels, lots of camels. :p

Here is my "formal" description of these desert zone and an introduction to the short adventure.

With a diameter of 100 kilometers, Blazing Sands is the biggest most hot and dry desert. Precipitations are as rare as an honest Bacarte’s merchant. The undulating dunes are all you can see in these scorching lands. But there are few places without life in this world, and the Blazing Sands are not an exception to this rule; there are several nomad tribes wandering the desert, and a few towns, settled around natural oasis. All these towns are melting pots of races, and commerce flourish like the desert flower Vrassvia when the annual rain waters the hot sands. But with the mix of cultures, there are a huge variety of problems: One of them is intolerance. Tieflings are the most untolerated kin in the desert towns, since the superstitious natives link them with curses and witchcraft. Sometimes, this is true (and not only for a tiefling) but sometimes it’s just irrational prejudice, and it’s dangerous.
Rothang Froxur a noble tiefling is on his way to Abde’Ragma one of the villages in the Blazing sands. His son Morthang sent him an animal messenger two weeks ago, requesting him, since he feared for his life, when after an incidental tavern fight with some locals, started receiving death menaces from an unknown person. Morthang informed that he had bunkered in his house, having provisions for a month and a half.
Desperate, Rothang tried to use his influences to rescue his son, but giving such a signal of weakness would be political suicide. Instead of that, the tiefling noble decided to send an emissary to Daunton in search of capable mercenaries to deal with this problem.



First Post
VV, I think such a land could easily be located on the Allarian continent, and be reachable by a portal that opens once every other full moon during autumn and winter... which just happens to be now! ;)

And I think it looks like a really fun adventure. I'd like to play it, if Hrav is back from the monster pirate adventure (although certainly don't wait for me, I'm sure you'll have plenty of interested folks).

Voda Vosa

First Post
Thanks! I'll wait since I'm quite busy with my pbp campaign, so I think the monster pirate adventure will be close to its end when i get my hands free to dedicate time to this.
I could certainly run it now, but I want to run it with good quality, and frankly with all the stuff I'm in right now, I won't be able to give any quality at all.


First Post
Sounds like a nice addition and interesting adventure VV! I like desert settings because they're usually a bit gritty - water being a scarce ressource, and if you're stranded far from civilization or with no knowledge of your whereabouts you can pretty quickly face a cruel fate.

Voda Vosa

First Post

Well I draw a map for the Blazing sands, here it is:
[sblock=Blazing Sands]
The more dark orange are the Blazing Dunes (often called "The Dunes" by the natives), huge sand dunes, of variable altitude. Temperature in the blazing dunes reach the 60 ºC and at night as low as -10ºC. There is no water, nor life in these dunes, save for some rare exceptions
There is only one safe way to go through the dunes, and its a path in the east, where the dunes are low in altitude, and more scattered.
The rest of the desert features cliffs and oasis (blue stars) with the predominant flora being crassulacean plants and cacti. The fauna is composed largely of arthropods and reptiles, although there are desert adapted rodents too.

Cities names:
1 Admar Pasir: a simple and plain town, it has nothing in particular to note. People of Admar Pasir live from the extraction of calcareous rock, from the nearby quarry.
2 Darnej'Far the Camels' town. A place in near the border of the desert, which flourish with the camel trade. The fines camels comes from Darnej'Far. Fortunes are lost and won in camel races.
3 Jus'Munm the white. Characterized fro it's white painted buildings, Jus'Munm is a trading post for any kind of merchandise to be transported to the interior of the blazing sands desert's towns.
4 Abde'Ragma the first. The first city you find if you are luckier enough to survive the scorching sands of the Dunes. Abde'Ragma lives from the trade, and has the same role Jus'Munm has, but from the other side of the Dunes.
5 and 6 The twin towns of Falzim'Am where founded by the grat local heroe, Falzim'Am a wizard of great power that killed the Giant Desert Ankheg. Some people say that this is a myth, and that such monster never existed. But the clusters of desert ankhegs living underground represent proofs favoring Falzim'Am's deeds.
7 The lost city of Abdu Al'Jadar. Once one of the most prolific towns of the Blazing desert, this city now lies in ruins in the central point of the desert, surrounded by The Dune. Some say it was the Giant Ankheg, that resurrected among it's kin, to bring doom to the seven settlements.
Others say that The Dune shifted and covered the entire town in the scorching sands.
No one knows for certain which was the destiny of the seventh town. Any brave (or fool) soul who ventures beyond the second twin town of Falzim'Am to the lost city never returns.

I have stated up a desert Ankheg for this area, I wasn't sure about it, and its probably unbalanced... I got the stats from the hyperlink and tried to adapt it to 4e following the DM book.

[sblock=Desert Ankheg]


The ankheg is a burrowing monster with a taste for fresh meat. An ankheg has six legs, and some specimens are yellow rather than brown. It is about 10 feet long and weighs about 800 pounds.
An ankheg burrows with legs and mandibles. A burrowing ankheg usually does not make a usable tunnel, but can construct a tunnel; it burrows at half speed when it does so. It often digs a winding tunnel up to 40 feet below the surface in the cooler sands under the Balzing Desert. The tunnel is 5 feet tall and wide, and from 60 to 150 feet long ([1d10 + 5] × 10).
An ankheg usually lies 5 to 10 feet below the surface until its antennae detect the approach of prey. It then burrows up to attack. (Treat this as a charge)
Clusters of ankhegs share the same territory but do not cooperate.

Desert Ankheg Level 4 skirmisher
Vermin large
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +16
HP 65; Bloodied 33
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 12
Speed (land) 6
Speed (tunnel) 4

Low-Light vision
Resist 5 Fire

:bmelee:Bite (melee basic) (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d4 acid damage.

:ranged:Acid spit (standard; encounter)
+7 vs. Relfex; 3d8 acid damage. Hit: target weakened (save ends)
One such attack depletes the ankheg’s acid supply for the rest of the encounter. Once used, the ankheg can’t deal additional acid damage. An ankheg does not use this ability unless it is desperate or frustrated. It most often spits acid when reduced to fewer than half its full normal hit points or when it has not successfully grabbed an opponent.
:melee:Capture (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 damage. Hit: Target is grappled.
If the ankheg is damaged after grabbing its prey, it retreats backward down its tunnel at its land speed (not its burrow speed), dragging the victim with it.

Alignment Neutral
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
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The answer is that it can be wherever you like really, so long as it fits into the setting in some reasonable manner. The PoL type feel works well with Allaria, or it could be it's own "island", or part of a larger unexplored continent or even on another plane.

You could even leave it undefined.... there is this portal, it opens semi-regularly, but nobody is really sure where it goes.


First Post
I am in the initial brainstorming phase of an adventure (although like VV, I need to wait until things wrap up in the PbP world). It would require slightly higher than level 1 adventurers (preferably lvl 2 or 3). I was reading the FRCS book and the earthmotes idea was pretty interesting as a location for an adventure. I would like to incorporate that into an adventure, perhaps it has reappeared out of the mists, over an island, and the group is sent to investigate it. I also like the flying mounts from the AV, which I might use either as a plot device, or potentially as reward for the quest, if the 3 month waiting period & approval process is completed.

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