What book/book series would you like to see made into a TV show?


Is that where John Carter of Mars came from? If so, Disney might try to 'ee' in your 'ool' - especially if you do a better job than they did.

They actually did a reasonable job the first time around. The problem is that people generally said it didn't bring anything new to the table, largely because it was such a seminal series of books that so much of it got ripped off along the way. Now if they had introduced Dejah Thoris in the same way they did in the books....
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In theory. The episodic nature of the tales would work perfectly. The magic and monsters are not so outlandish that they would blow the budget. Unfortunately, past efforts did not live up to their potential for Conan. Ralf Mueller’s live action and the two animated series could have been better.

Conan or Salomon Kane could make for a good TV show.


Another that occurred to me, after starting this thread, was the "Gor" series of novels. There are over 30 books in the series and they have enough blood, guts, and nudity to satiate the average hard core "Game of Thrones" fan.


Staff member
Gor is a little radioactive- a movie based on it (called "Outlaw" as I recall) was so bad, it got the MST3K treatment. Jack Palance wears a funny hat in it.


Gor is a little radioactive- a movie based on it (called "Outlaw" as I recall) was so bad, it got the MST3K treatment. Jack Palance wears a funny hat in it.

I vaguely remember seeing that movie straight up, without the MST3K sauce. Palance in a non cowboy hat, alone, makes it worth seeking out.


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