Whats your best/coolest names for pc's or BBEG


Most of my PC and NPC names are derived simply from adding, changing, or removing a letter or two from modern names.

Granted, it doesn't ways work with non-humans (My best elf name was a druid named Elmuentheryn, Elm for short), but if making some slight changes to existing names, then Jason can become Dagon, Sylvia, becomes Sylvi, and Arnold can becom Noldar!

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My best character names over the years.

Tanus Sane (Oathsworn)
Sinclair Oscar Bortano X (Paladin, known as the SOB in my games:)
Gratix Estaban (Anti-Magi)
Aradin Halar (Knight)

As far as names in general, I've noticed a trend in my group about what seems to make a "cool name"

1) Its got to be pronounciable. Sure XADHAFDHI XHAFDH is probably the coolest thing ever, but if noone can say it, noone will remember it.

2) Short and to the point. Long names are also hard to remember, and its tiring to say. Short names are catchy, people will say them over and over. 3-5 syllables is a good number.
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Malum said:
looking for some original names for campiagn
So I thought I would ask you for some names .

Whats the top few best names you have come up wityh in your gaming carrier?
Which is your fav?


My favorite PC name: Pharazin Lightbender, Decimator of Plebes and Illusionist of Ill-repute.

He is my Illusionist from 1e. His name is never shortened to just Pharazin.

My favorite NPC BBEG name: Darth Vex

I DM'd a Dark Side campaign the PCs reported to Darth Vex and got their missions from her. She reported to Darth Vader. If she announced that she was accompaning the party on a mission, the players literally turned pale. Not the PCs, the players. She didn't suffer cowardice or lack of success.



First Post
Hypersmurf said:
One of the NPCs in the first Cooperative Dungeon module is Definite D. Multifarious. He's named after a spam email 'From' header :D


I keep a long list of names that I've culled from spam-mail. Let's see who's in the spambox today...

Humphrey Richardson
Ariadne Mignone
Tomas Harwood
Devina Demille
Estrella Lizotte
Dymphna Hempfer
Tevelyan Penniman
Yaa Palomo
Magnus Mungo
Samad Desoto
Mapplethorpe H. Rosily
Galoshe Q. Billet
Thumpin Tones



First Post

Artemis Mourn is the expected villain at present.

Da'krit is the "Right Claw of the King of the Hills", a Kobold Sorcerer.

Tengo is someone they haven't run into yet.

Muuk was a half-Orc non-mook servant of Artemis until the group killed him.

Kandrick (a warlock)

Edgar Thrawn is a multi-employed operative they currently work for.

Sparkehedron is a Wizard and Government Minister.

Janx is a guy on this board....er, not THAT Janx... a rat bastard 'bandit leader' and minion of Artemis who got captured, taken to jail, excaped and was recently killed for good(?)

Bartlebee is a Wereboar (not known by the PCs) Fighter with a bad temper.

Magrathea Lovelace is a Gnome Effigy Master. His cousin Megalito (deliberate mispelling of Miguelito) remains well offstage.

They'll eventually meet Lord Silvern and a host of others. I seldom lack for names.

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