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Flavor is a good thing. :)

Between Ceru and Ayla, there is quite a bit of info to be had.

Gnolls tend to be a little tougher than many other humanoids. If you took an equal number of hobgoblins and gnolls, the gnolls would likely win out.

They can see a short distance (60') in the dark, but their night vision is no better than an average human.

Their pelt makes it a little harder to hurt them, and they are also known to use arms and armor. For some reason, they tend to favor axes. Ayla speculates that this is because axes can be used as tools as well as weapons. When attacking other humanoids that live in structures (like humans) an axe can effectively break down a door.

Gnolls cutting down trees and making fires is unusual. They tend to eat their food raw and they favor warm plains. They don't need fire for warmth. The fact that they are using fire seems odd.
Oceas can contribute that some primitive, barbaric cults treat fire as a mystical force of destruction. It is also a social center. Perhaps the fire has some sort of ritual significance to the gnolls. Sucking the marrow from bones could be ritualistic as well. He never studied much on ritual carnivism/cannibalism, so this is mostly speculation.

Gnoll organization is very chaotic and loose. Sometimes gnolls will form bands and tribes, but mostly they operate as packs. Judging by the size of the group near you, it would qualify as a band, or a tribe. If that is the case, several of the gnolls should be non-combatants. You didn't happen to see any little gnolls running around did you?

Ceru passed through this general area on his way to Stormhaven. When talking with the cat people as he passed through, he can confirm that the gnolls were mostly small packs. The cat people viewed them as dangerous scavengers, but they were too disorganized to be a serious threat.

Gnolls prefer to attack when they have overwhelming numbers, or from ambush. There is generally very little rhyme or reason to their tactics. On occasion, they will be led by a powerful leader that can keep them together and disciplined.

Ayla will add a little more information in that most gnoll leaders are good rangers and often favor humans are their enemy.

However, nobody has ever heard of gnolls acting in this coordinated a manner. So, it is hard to say how much of this information is relevant to _these_ gnolls. Something odd is definitely going on here. (But what?)

Hyenas are tough canine-like animals. Like many animals, they have excellent night vision and they have scent. They can detect creatures that pass nearby, even if they cannot hear or see them. If they are in grass, or other undergrowth, they are difficult to spot.

They tend to travel in packs and can be fairly dangerous if they decide to attack. However, Hyenas that belong to Gnoll packs are a more serious threat.

The average hyena is at least as tough as the average gnoll. Hyenas bite and try to bring you prone. Coupled with gnoll handlers, they become very dangerous because most gnolls are skilled at wildly powerful attacks when they don't need to worry about hitting their target. Prone targets are easier to hit and since gnolls prefer to attack with overwhelming force, a prone opponent is set upon by the nearest gnolls.

Gnolls tend to treat hyenas that have joined their packs as full-fledged (if somewhat dumber) pack members. A gnoll pack, by itself, is bad enough. But a gnoll pack with hyena members is even worse. What a coordinated company of gnolls and hyenas can do is a good question.

One thing is sure though, while gnolls are often not as smart as most humans, they are certainly as clever. They are far more likely to react intelligently to any threat than your average ogre. The biggest factor that has kept them in check has always been their apparent inability to work together for very long.

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I've been crunching numbers, and, at least for Li, we don't stand a chance.

Without any buffs, by my assesments of the probabilities (keep in mind, I barely passed probability, but I'm pretty sure I'm right), Li will last 5 rounds, and take down 3-4 gnolls in that time. THat's assuming ONLY 4 gnolls attack him, without flanking.

Basically, we're screwed.

So here's my latest idea:

First, could we get Ceru's seishin Skye to move among the gnolls more, with the aim of finding our more about their religion? Perhaps Felix could also sneak near by and try to get an idea as to what they worship, and why.

Then we create, using our weapons and what little wood we can scrounge, a huge human-ish form, as demonic as can be. It would have space inside for a single human to 'wear' it, and it would be cool if it was slightly moveable. We put dried grass on the outside of it. Then, in the middle of the night, Li gets inside, and we set fire to the outside. Li stays inside as long as possible, intimidating the gnolls by acting as some kind of demonic spirit. Li will try to make the gnolls run away, but make them leave the survivors.

Basically, we play off of the gnoll's religious reverance of fire and Li's intimidate skill to make them run away. It's crazy, but with a good intimidate check and some decent construction it just might work...


First Post
Further ideas to go with the above: Have Eagle's Splendor cast on Li

Have li drain the leader's Wisdom, makinf him more likely to be afraid, making him more likely to order them to run away.
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Oceas is fairly simple and doesn't care to fight creatures large and dangerous. Couldn't we just start fires on three sides of them and try to get them to run away. While they may worship or at least use fire, an uncontrolled prairie fire shouldn't be to their liking any more than it would be to ours. Oceas doesn't have much in the way of offensive spells anyway and I've already used bless to help Li and spiritual weapon to attack the golem so I'm pretty much tapped out except for some healing. I'll fight if need be or my life is at risk but I can't say for sure how effective I'll be. Other than oil and flint and steel to make a fire there is not a lot in my inventory that can be of any help although I do have a shitload of rocks with runes on them if it comes to a rock throwing affair.


First Post
Macbeth said:
So here's my latest idea:

First, could we get Ceru's seishin Skye to move among the gnolls more, with the aim of finding our more about their religion? Perhaps Felix could also sneak near by and try to get an idea as to what they worship, and why.

Then we create, using our weapons and what little wood we can scrounge, a huge human-ish form, as demonic as can be. It would have space inside for a single human to 'wear' it, and it would be cool if it was slightly moveable. We put dried grass on the outside of it. Then, in the middle of the night, Li gets inside, and we set fire to the outside. Li stays inside as long as possible, intimidating the gnolls by acting as some kind of demonic spirit. Li will try to make the gnolls run away, but make them leave the survivors.

Basically, we play off of the gnoll's religious reverance of fire and Li's intimidate skill to make them run away. It's crazy, but with a good intimidate check and some decent construction it just might work...

I've been thinking for a while of a plan along these same lines. There's one major problem with my plan though - I'm all out of spells. With that in mind though, here's what I was thinking: I am pretty sure, that if I got my spells back I could probably enter the dreams of one of the gnolls (preferably the leader if we can determine who that is). This would be much more effective if we can get something from him, such as some of his hair, or some personal item. Once in his dreams, I could attempt to create a vision that might instill fear into the gnoll, perhaps something like a huge human-ish form as demonic as can be, with lots of fire and stuff. Then I tell him that these captives are cursed and that they must be set free - alive - right away. Then the gnoll wakes up to find the fields around him on fire and everything going crazy. It might just scare him enough to set the captives free!

Here's some interesting things Ceru can do in dreams:
Make major changes to personal appearance
Mimic spell effects
Know the race, gender, and name of the host
Know the current emotional mood of the host
Analyze dream images of the host
See recent events of the host

This will be tricky since Ceru is still fairly limited in how much he can accomplish in a dream, but hey, as long as we're throwing options out there...


First Post
Well I tried to reply but it doesn't look like it took so here goes again.

Oceas likes simple responses and doesn't like the idea of having to fight large and dangerous beastsif he can avoid it. Can't we just set fires on three sides of them and try to get them to run away. While they may worship or use fire, the idea of an uncontrolled prairie fire can't be any more appealing to them than it would be to us. If they will panic and run, we can rush in and get the hostages. Or set fires on three sides and ambush them when they run out the fourth side. As far as spells go, I've used my magical weapon on the golem and my bless on Li so I really don't have any offensive spell capability. I'm pretty much down to healing. While I prefer not to go toe to toe with a 7 foot tall creature unless I have to or my life is on the line, I would be willing to do what I can to save the hostages, I just don't know how effective I would be. I don't see much in my inventory to help other than oil and flint/steel for making fires.


A fire on the plain isn't a bad idea as it is harvest season and most of the grass is dry. The biggest issue is trying to control it and to keep it going long enough to move rather than just burn itself out in a few yards. A steady wind would be a great thing for you guys in this case.

I hadn't thought _that_ closely about weather. Let me check into it and get back to you.


First Post
My concern with a prarie fire is that we will not be able to control it, and that without some meaning added to it the gnolls are just as likely to leave the survivors in the flames, or drag them along.

I do like the idea of getting into the leader's dreams. What about those potions? We could have Ceru walk a ways away with Tormal as a guard, then down a potion and get into the leader's dreams. Once Ceru's been messing around in his head for a while, Tormal gives a signal to Li, who would be all set up in the burning suit stuff. That way, the leaders wakes up from horrible dreams abouy a demon wanting to set the survivors free, only to find the 'demon' standing on a hill, intimidating his people.

Could Oceas give us any information on demons/devils/evil outsiders he knows of? Especially powerful ones tied to fire?


I think Ceru knows more about those sort of things actually. Though Oceas might know some specifically tied to certain religions. Ceru would know more about generalities of outsiders.

I will have to doublecheck knowledge skills to be sure I remember correctly though.


First Post
Brother Oceas again. If Ceru thinks he can have an impact by entering the gnoll chieftain dreams and Li wants to try his scarecrow giant, I could try to use my "cause fear" spell on the chief also and see if a little reinforcement could help him decide to run.

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