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Why is the Mule considered a Game Breaker?


First Post
Would other things besides a donkey/horse be considered a mule?

How about a donkey/dragon - I actually had a player want one, and he was quite indignant when I said I wouldn't do that to the poor female donkey. To which he replied, it was the dragon that was female, so I let him have it.

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Vyvyan Basterd

Would other things besides a donkey/horse be considered a mule?

How about a donkey/dragon - I actually had a player want one, and he was quite indignant when I said I wouldn't do that to the poor female donkey. To which he replied, it was the dragon that was female, so I let him have it.

Someone's been watching too much Shrek.


First Post
I don't know why , for example if you were fighting a war, you wouldn't have every soldier mounted on a mule, they cost 8 gp, they are cover, they carry all his stuff, fight and are generally good at everything. for that matter, why wouldn't you have an army of only mules? 100 of them only would cost 800 gp, they can eat grass, and don't need much pay, it seems like the perfect idea, come to a town, maybe have some soldiers to hide behind the mules and take it over. perfect plan.

The United States has never lost a war in which mules were used. It's a fact.

In the 70's and 80's, we supplied the freedom fighters of Afghanistan with mules to help them combat Russia. Mules could climb trails and move through terrain that is simply impossible for jeeps, tanks, and helicopters.

Maybe it's just too inhumane of a weapon to use. The enemy would be horribly muletilated.


going off of an earlier idea they can stack to get over city walls and such. they make a ramp, no need for siege towers, but they still look kind of cool.
I'm starting to have second thoughts about letting donkeyhorses stack.
Reason: they have the same keyword, "Don." (It's a Don-key word.)
Since things having the same keyword don't stack, Donkeyhorses probably don't, either.

(Too bad -- that would have made a great rump-ramp!)


I always like to equip my mules with twin-linked vulcan machine guns in a turret, a ram plate, and a three spike droppers (one on each side and one in the back).

Of course...we play a strange CarWars/D&D crossover.


PS True Story: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away a player created a WEG Star Wars character who owned "Pedro the Wonder Burro)".


Good News Everyone! 5e has the return of mules! It's listed in the Starter Box equipment for 8 gold ! We can now start working on Mule-ified munchkined game breaking characters! Best Edition Ever!


Holy thread necromancy batman!

After their release after long imprisonment, won't they have the [Embittered] trait? You know, be stubborn and angry?

Oh wait, how could you tell ...



* I know that's not exactly what Embittered implies. Roll with it folks, roll with it.

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