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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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Assorted meta-game notes:

Scorch did indeed cast Mordnenkainen's Disjunction. It's been regarded as the nuclear weapon of the campaign - as long as we didn't use it on bad guys, Wizardru wouldn't use it on us. But it was a good move here. There was no shortage of personal risk on this one - I think Scorch had to roll percentile dice and get under his caster level, which he did with an 11%. The story doesn't reflect the risk but make no mistake it was there.

Apparently Kayleigh is not so fast that she can't hit herself. When I did only minor damage to myself and my fellow players expressed surprise, I reminded them that I don't take fire damage ;)

Aethramyr's actions, both in "putting the silverring to sleep" and in the monument, were very moving.

The whole thing with the solars was also extremely cool.

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First Post
Hah, so called the spell! That was an excellent update, with lots of dramatic moments. What's next for team Meepo?

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go hassle Dru in his thread on the mechanics of this fight.


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this thread w/the mechanics....where is it? cause i would love to know the mechanics behind this fight cause it was amazing!


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The mechanics of this fight were far more limited than you might think. (Then again I could be wrong but I'll give you my perception.)

The fight with the twisted creatures was pretty routine stuff. The fight with Zinkman was far more cinematic in its quality. His defenses were, as far as we knew, absolute, so we stopped trying. Actions we took had outcomes based on logic and story rather than dice rolls. By the time the Silverring was down and the rift nearly closed, we had moved into what Wizardru called "Cinematic Initiative" for the final attacks and such. It was a wonderful case where the story and role-playing transcended the mundane limitations of dice and rules and it was truly more a communal story than a game with books and cross-references.


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aros said:
this thread w/the mechanics....where is it? cause i would love to know the mechanics behind this fight cause it was amazing!

Lately, the one he's been using is here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=93626&page=1. I don't know if he'll actually post anything on this fight, especially after Zad's comments, but if it ends up anywhere, it'll probably be here. It's also where he gets ideas for storylines or monsters from those outside the campaign. I must've given him around a dozen or more ideas myself, though only 3 made it into the campaign so far as far as I know.


First Post
Zad pretty much has the right of it. WizarDru can give us specific details, but from what he told me after the fact, Der Zinkinator had 3 power sources: the binders, the rift and the Silverring. With all 3 running, he was pretty much invincible (at least, he was to us).

He had 2 specific powers running: bouncing back spells, and bouncing back physical attacks.

I realized that a dimensional lock would probably plug up the rift, but my problem was that it would take like 5 of them to cover the entire rift (and thus another 5 rounds of combat at a minimum). I dropped in the first one and was considering the use of a Miracle to expand out the lock, but the solar posse made it possible much more quickly. That removed one of the 2 remaining powers (we didn't know this at the time, nor did we risk an attack or spell to find out)

Scorch's Disjunction removed the Silverring from Zinkie's grasp, and denied him the other power. It was our guess that he was benefiting from the standard spell-bounceback, which reflects targeted spells, but Disjunction is an area spell, so that's why he risked it.

Without either ability, he was still difficult to defeat in game-world terms, but easy to defeat in game-mechanics terms. Essentially, we all rolled to assist Aethramyr in delivering the killing blow. (We had to do it twice, 'cause Valanthe rolled a 1 on the first assist).

Raging Epistaxis

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That was ...

Cool. Impressive. Cinematic. Inspiring.

Bravo everyone!

Thanks for sharing your game with us. (and don't stop now!)


Argent Silvermage

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Bolo had a really hard time of it during that game. Nothing tried to eat him. I'm sure if the Late Silverring (Long live the Silverring) had been close enough I would have been just the right snack for his psychotic form but Scorch just had to take him out of combat. :mad:

Actually Most of the powerful druid spells are fire based and these creatures were immune to fire. I mainly relied on my Divine Agent of Ehlonna powers (Divine agent is a wonderful PRc) and then in the middle of battle I remembered the ring Beorey had gifted to me and thought maybe if I was able to touch Zinkmann with it it might force him away from the prime. but it was ment for more powerful things than that. :D

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