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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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First Post
The Durance Vile - Chapter 2

OOC Notes:
Exp is 3150, assuming that’s not a net negative for you. The question is do we press on or retreat?

Adamantite war axe (+2 due to the material)
+4 longsword (market 32,315gp)
+2 dagger (market 8,305gp)
+2 leather armor (Bolo for now)
Large Steel Absorbing Shield (market 50,170gp)

This Week’s Adventure:
True to his word, the Prince found what information he could on the Durance Vile. He was able to give us directions to the Burning Gate. The Gate itself was a portal on an island of rock that floated in a river of lava and was usually under the lava. Every few hours the island surfaces however, to allow less fire-attuned creatures to enter or leave. But our true desire was to enter by some other way, and here the Prince could not help. If there was another entrance, it did not connect to the Plane of Fire. Since we had no idea where to start looking, we decided to risk the Burning Gate. A choice we would come to regret.

Before we left the city, Dravot completed an ancient prayer, and summoned a solar to help in our efforts. Such a summoning is only a first step – he then had to bargain with the entity for what he desired. The solar that appeared was named Aylwyn and Dravot seemed quite familiar with him. They spoke briefly about the Staff of Eringlin and Aylwyn agreed to help us in exchange for returning the staff to him. As it was an artifact of the Church that we would have very likely returned anyway, it seemed reasonable enough.

With that done, we made sure to check out of the city, and headed for the Burning Gate. It was about a four hour trip and our arrival was roughly timed with an expected surfacing of the isle. I looked back several times and I’m reasonably sure we were not being followed by the Burning Skin or anyone else.

On the way, we ran into a firestorm. Scorch realized it was coming before it was on us and we had some time to seek shelter in some lava tubes below us. The winds were intense and during the descent I got blown off but was able to get a fly spell off and land on my own. We holed up in some very old lava tubes which were of fair size so fitting the dragons was not an issue. The molten lava had dripped and cooled forming many long tendrils of rock in the tube.

Or were they? For a moment I could have sworn I saw one of the tendrils move. Some observation revealed that they were indeed reaching towards us, and they seemed to lead towards two main clumps of stone. Scattered on the main masses were brightly colored orange and red balls, about the size of a fist. Of course it seemed inevitable that we’d find something inhabiting these caves so none of us were particularly startled. Just the way these things seem to go. Rather than deal with them, I suggested a wall of something to just hold them off til the storm passed. A wall of stone was obligingly provided by Dravot, and I hoped that would be the end of it. But of course it wasn’t. There was loud slashing, and the wall began cracking as the creatures worked their way through. About the same time the wall caved, we saw it was only one of the creatures, and that the other one had circled around to the entrance of the tube.

So much for being nice. I shrugged and opened fire on the one at the entrance. As the arrows hit, the small balls burst into flames and gas and Bolo said it was a burnflower. Apparently they had encountered something in the city about the buds as a drug. The arrows bit hard and there was a shriek like steam escaping. Hammer loosed a jet of acid on the injured one, and it fell apart. Meanwhile Aylwyn flew over to the other one and imprisoned it. With that done we waited out the storm and then continued on.

We were flying over a wide river of lava and fire when the island started rising up ahead of us. First the thin spire of a tower showed up, rising over 200 feet before the rock of the island became visible. As the liquid fire receeded, we could see several creatures on the island, apparently the guards. One was a beholder, but larger than ones we’d seen. We were over two thousand feet away but still worried about being seen and circled the island wide to continue looking. We saw several efreet, the beholder, and an ettin wielding flaming scimitars. As we watched, we could see the ettin speaking, and Valanthe thought it was making wishes.

Well so much for surprise.

We began closing fast, but it was a long distance. One efreet pulled out a large bow and waited, while another one closed towards us. Scorch made a bold move and teleported himself, Valanthe, Thorkeld, Bolo and Dravot (who were all riding Hammer) onto the top of the spire. Dravot looked over the edge and believed the beholder knew they were there but was trying to act like it didn’t. Scorch tried to dominate it but it failed.

And then Bolo did something… unusual. I can’t help but think that the name “Bolo” is one that water elemental mothers say to their children to get them to behave – “Eat all your seaweed or Bolo will get you!” The last water elemental that he called, he forced to swallow a great deal of acid. And now he brought one on to the Plane of Fire. The elemental was not pleased or comfortable and immediately began steaming from the heat.

One efreet was closing on the dragons, which still carried Aethramyr and myself but as fast as he was, it would be a while before he got close. Another efreet was trying to sneak up the tower, but Valanthe was also skulking around and easily out-sneaked him and injured him badly. The beholder gazed up at the water elemental descending in free fall towards it, and disintegrated it. By this point another efreet, who we thought was in a berserker rage, had come up the spire and attacked Thorkeld but missed. Aylwyn was soaring towards the tower and tried to charm one of the closing efreet but that too failed. Since it was now in range, I started firing at it, and landed a few shots. As a follow up, I dropped an obscuring mist on the tower base, so that the efreet archer could not see to fire.

On the tower, Bolo threw a thunderball at the beholder but it just ignored the spell completely. Scorch on the other hand decided if he couldn’t dominate the beholder, he would dominate the berserker efreet and successfully put him under control, intending to send him against the beholder. The beholder countered by disintegrating him as well. The beholder also shot a death ray at Thorkeld, who collapsed into a crumpled heap. It also shot a ray at Dravot but it was reflected off his shield. Valanthe disposed of the one she was dealing with and it was becoming clear that the beholder was the true terror of this gate. The beholder fired ray after ray at Dravot who’s divine grace let him resist one after the next. At some point, the ettin must have decided that it was a bad thing to be around, and marched into the lava and left. Scorch was dropping spells but the beholder was ignoring most of them and the ones it didn’t were still blunted.

Farther away, we had continued closing on the tower but it was taking a long time. On his way in, Aylwyn finished with the efreet who had been coming towards us and got to the tower. But it was taking a very long time to close in. Finally Hammer came round the side of the tower, but his cone of cold was resisted. On the other side, I came into a line of fire finally, and while several arrows hit the beholder, they all just bounced off. Fortunately I had told Tongs to keep us a few hundred feet away so that we could avoid the eye rays.

At this point everyone converged on the beholder except Valanthe and myself, neither of whom could do anything to it. Of course those in close were having no better luck, and there was a long series of ineffectual spells and attacks, all the while the beholder’s rays lancing out striking at people. A green beam shot towards Bolo, and he dissolved into dust. I just started in dumb silence as Tongs slowly circled.

Finally Aylwyn reached out and imprisoned the beholder, and it was over. We had won, but at great cost. And then it hit us – we realized that one of the efreet had escaped through the portal during the fight. If he alerted forces on the other side of the gate, this could get a great deal worse.

But first we had our fallen to attend to. Dravot used the Staff of Eringlin to resurrect the two fallen. But while Thorkeld returned to life, Bolo did not. At least not exactly. Apparently his constant talk of reincarnation had not gone unnoticed by his goddess, and rather than the dust returning to the form of a halfling, he was reborn in a new form.

An elven form.

As he stood, he almost tipped over from the vertigo and extra height. And as he looked at his hands and arms saying “I’m an elf! I’m an elf? I’m an elf!” I just looked at Aethramyr. And Aethramyr sighed heavily, and handed me the flask, but not before taking a long draw on it himself.

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First Post
Bolo's Return (posted on Bolo's behalf)

They say that when you die you see your life flash in front of you. I didn't see that. What I did see was a colossal Beholder made from magma. It turned one of its eyes and a green ray shot at me. I remember feeling my body expand and explode into tiny particles.

My luck had finally run out. I was dead and going to the Beastlands for more than a vacation. I was traveling the roots and then I heard Dravot's voice. Now I love the big guy but I was more than disappointed to find him in the Beastlands waiting for me. Thankfully He wasn't there but back on the Elemental plane of fire where we were attacked. Poor Thorkeld, He had died as well. I could hear Dravot petitioning Pelor for aid and the activation of that staff He had been carrying. Dravot asked me if I wanted to return. I explained that that was not the way of the followers of the green path. But the fact was that the others needed me. I would return.

I could feel the face of Pelor turn and shine on me but the warmth of the sun gave way to the cool of a forest glade and the smell of pine and the sound of Unicorns. Ehlonna had made her presence known. The warmth and coolness entwined and I was made whole.

The first thing I remember of my new life was opening my eyes and realizing the light had more depth and sharpness. I stood and for the first time looked my friends in the eyes. Ehlonna had decided to grace me once again. I was now a member of her chosen people. Bolo Brandybuck Halfling and Druid had become an Elf. She had reincarnated me and I had a brand new fresh young elfin body. I admit to a bit of vanity for a moment and said to Valenthe, "Well? Am I handsome?" She almost blushed and tossed me a set of leather armor that had been taken from one of the Efreets and helped me into it. Dravot gave me back my gloves of storing and some one passed me a dagger that glowed faintly. I can tell that I have long wavy chestnut brown hair and fair skin and as a parting reminder of who I was/am my lady left the tufts of fur on top of my feet. I will have to be tattooed over again my totems dictate it.

Aethramyr says to me one thing that sets me to the dread that I am experiencing "What are you going to tell your mother?" That was when I saw my life flash before my eyes!
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First Post
As we recovered from the fight, I spoke to Hammer and to Aylwyn. I was very troubled by the creatures that had we had been fighting of late. We all knew of creatures that were nearly immune to normal weapons, or those not highly enchanted. But the weapons we carried (or in my case, made) were as powerful as could be made and yet two creatures we have fought simply ignored them. Could these things only be killed by magic? Is there any weapon that can harm them? I was most disturbed.

Aylwyn simply shrugged. He stated plainly that he knew nothing of such matters. He is the sword arm of justice but even he has rarely been called on to face such such fearsome creatures, though he knew they existed. So much for divine enlightenment.

The Hammer had a different opinion however. "Tha best? Tha best that I could forge, aye, but not tha best that can be found. There a' ways that greater weapons can be forged, but they require searchin' an' sacrifice, and only a handful on the prime or elsewheres ha' e'er been able to muster such power. Ya need to expose weapons such as yours ta a raw power source of great energy, and forge it there, or bring such a thing to place in tha' weapon."

"These thangs ye've been fighting, and that thing we jus' slain...they stink of the power o' the Primals. Acid, Fire and Ice...somethin's loosened their prisons, I'm guessin'...and someone's found a way ta' tap that power and change these beasts. Ya either needs to empower yuir weapons, avoids 'em, or find they're weakness. I'm nae expert, but such power always comes at a price. A blade or bow 'll bring 'em down, if you know where to strike, and
what with, I always say. But yuir friends know more about that than I do."

If someone is using the power of the Primals to turn these creatures into something… else, then we’ll have to find a means to access the same powers if we want any chance of defeating them. This rescue just got a whole lot more complicated. Do we stop the rescue now and try and find new weapons? Do we give up entirely because the things that guard Gelban are too powerful for us to defeat? This is the choice we face now.

So far, most of the group seems inclined to either press on and try to avoid a fight, or enter the Durance Vile and rest. With an alarm being spread, it seems foolish to delay and allow them to raise a defense, but I’m at a loss. I fear we are overmatched.


Lava bubbled up through the surfaced of the caldera below. The air was filled with smoke and ash, a result of the fierce magical wind that drove the reverse waterfall of molten rock rising up out of the volcano.

The paladin locked eyes with the enormous dragon. Each stood a hair's breadth away from death. The solar had tried to help the paladin, but the dragon swatted him back, the spell lost. Now it was down to these two. It was will against will, and all others were now merely viewers to the battle. No golems, no dragons, no hydras...and certainly not that....kobold.

And then one of them blinked.


First Post
The Durance Vile - Chapter 3

The Durance Vile - Chapter 3

OOC Notes:
Experience is 6,450. Levels for most of the party making most folks 19th.

+4 unholy long sword
Boots of haste
Belt of giant strength +6
Cloak of resistance +3
Ring of protection +2
Ring of cold resistance (major)
+4 full plate
Ring of contingency heal, 1 charge
Ring of teleport w/o error, 10 charges
Torc of fire immunity (special item)

This Week’s Adventure:
We decided to move through the portal quickly, and work on a further plan later. As we each went through the portal, a wave of green fire washed over us, removing some of our enchantments. We appeared on a shelf of rock perched over a vast field of lava. The air was filled with ash and burning smoke. Overhead a vast dome of volcanic rock rose into the sky. The ash made it difficult to see but ahead was a series of volcanic rocks and standing stones in the lava. Two huge volcanoes filled the sky – one was active and throwing lava hundreds of feet into the air, while the other was more quiet. To the right we could make out a series of shelves of volcanic rock, while to the left in the distance was a giant spire projecting from the lava like a jagged tooth made entirely from onyx. Behind it was a blot like some kind of giant shadow, and overhead red dragons banked in the skies.

All of this was moot for the time, as there were three figures in front of us. One was the escaped efreet, being held in the air by his throat by a clawed hand. The hand belonged to a beast that I can’t even begin to describe. It was part dragon, and part… something else. It was large but seemed feral. The third figure was…

Well, I hate to even say it. It must have been an illusion or a polymorph or something. Surely it couldn’t have been what we saw.

It was a kobold. It was a sturdy looking kobold, with full plate armor and a wicked sword, but it was still a kobold. He was swearing in draconic at the efreet “… abandoning your post, you worthless mercenary fellow.”

[Ok he didn’t say “fellow” but it started with an F. Eric’s Grandmother and all that.]

Regardless of their own dispute, we were pretty sure that these things wouldn’t be friendly to us. Aylwyn shot forward and cut at the efreet, adding to his already considerable problems, while the rest of us closed in or opened fire. I put several arrows into the kobold, who didn’t look happy. He sneered and triggered his haste boots, but then managed to solidly miss several swings at the solar. The dragon beast – the kobold called him Grizzy – dropped the efreet (who was offering wishes the whole time to anyone who would spare his life) and slashed at Aylwyn, landing some telling blows. Scorch scratched his chin for a moment, and then decided that Grizzy needed some time to reconsider, and put him in a Maze.

The kobold was quickly loosing his smug look, and it was almost completely gone from his face by the time his head hit the floor.

The efreet had turned gaseous and was trying to move farther away, but not getting very far. I told him he could either die, or tell us where the gold dragon was being held, and then leave. He said he did not know where the dragon was. So I told him to get out of here before we changed our minds, and he vanished.

There was some grumbling about wishes but we were so pressed for time that I didn’t think we could come up with good ones, and such magics are notorious in their interpretations. That done we left the area quickly before more reinforcements arrived. The gate was already changing in color, and sealing behind us – Scorch believed it was a precaution – if something was not done regularly, the gate would seal to prevent more breaches. This could be a problem if we needed to leave this way.

There was of course the rumored second exit. But looking across the lava to the pulsing shadow, it seemed clear where that second exit would take us. Provided we didn’t land in the Shadow King’s bedroom, it could represent a viable exit.

We took to the air on the dragons again, and soon took refuge in a tunnel on one of the large rock islands that projected from the lava. There were many such tunnels, and it seemed that they may have been made by a giant thoqqua. From here we discussed what to do next. Scorch was firm in his belief that we should rest and recuperate before pressing on. I was equally convinced we had to go forward – the alarm was raised, and if we didn’t act fast, they might just kill Lord Gelban. This was our once chance, and we could afford no delays. But a part of me knew that Scorch had a good point, and that part worried that we would prove him right with our death or failure. Fortunately my voice is only one – after a discussion, most of us felt we should proceed, and so we did.

We had a hunch that Lord Gelban would be in the inactive volcano. But we had other means at our disposal, and Scorch attempted to scry. What he saw was only lava. Hammer however still had the Fire Eyes spell running, letting him see through such things, and he said that Lord Gelban was indeed in the lava, not over it as we had previously seen. He was chained to the bottom. However overhead, there was another Gelban – this one chained as we had seen previously. It seems that The Infernus had set this ruse to distract rescuers and scry-ers, however Scorch had cut through to the truth of the matter. Having now seen the location, Bolo cast Find the Path and it indeed directed us towards the volcano.

We also took a moment to strip the kobold (who’s body we took with us) and hand over whatever we could to Bolo. [Much discussion of licking ensued, and the tagline “Bolo: the snack that tastes you back!” was created.]

We got back on the dragons and skirted the edge of the demi-plane towards the volcano. Near the center of the rock plate we had just left was a large sinkhole and some growths of crystal – we hadn’t noticed them when we had landed however, and we were worried something was on our trail. Valanthe mentioned that her vitaesis crystal was humming and that usually meant some other vitaesis was nearby. She had sent out her shadows to scout around, and the had escaped into the Plane of Shadow. They reported that they had evaded guards in the form of dragons and some coal golems. Something is causing shadow energy to invade the Durance Vile – on the far side, energy is coming from a long way away into crystals on the Shadow Plane, and from there is being projected, creating a rift to the Durance Vile. On the far side, there are dead bodies of half-draconic creatures.

We weren’t sure what to do about this, so we kept moving. As we got closer to the volcano, Bolo’s skin began to take on a stone-like quality. We wondered if it was something about the magic items he had taken from the kobold but it didn’t seem to be an immediate threat so we ignored it. We quickly closed the distance to the volcano and could now see inside. The interior was inactive, but had been somehow altered so that a stream of lava was shooting upward at high pressure and causing a cascade, like a fountain but with magma. Inside the caldera, there were several stone shelves sticking out partially obscuring what was below. On the top shelf, there were dozens of heads projecting from a few creatures, some wading in a puddle of lava. Hydras.

We dropped quickly into the volcano and closed on them and I launched my first volley. Of course, they had to be pyrohydras, and we were hardly surprised when they let out blue jets of flame at Aylwyn as he closed in. Aethramyr leapt from Tongs and cut hard into one of them, while a second hydra let it’s breath play all over us. The injuries were serious from the fire but not enough to stop us. Scorch used a finger of death to kill one, and I opened fire on another one, which collapsed from the arrows and the ice. The remaining one was quickly cut apart and we moved on.

The bizarre landscaping continued as we descended further, and we could soon see the pool over which the supposed Lord Gelban was suspended. He was struggling against his chains, making a show of it, but he could see the angel with us (who could see his true form – a blue dragon) and we all knew we couldn’t do much to fool the other. Around the pool were four smoking rocks – they seemed innocuous but Valanthe and I were sure these were coal elementals like the ones the shadows told us of.

We quickly droped our act of trying to look like we thought he was Gelban, and he gave up pretending. He cried out “So you have discovered the truth then. Come and kill me if you can. I’ll take some of you with me if I die.”

I was impressed – no blood ticks, no worms – a straightforward challenge. At least he wasn’t heavy on rhetoric.

Aylwyn said there were many enchantments layered on the dragon so Bolo started with a dispelling which took out several of them, and Scorch did the same to remove even more. The dragon, Zephyrin, fired his lightning at Hammer and those riding him.

Aylwyn shrugged, and invoked Pelor’s name, and brought a mass haste on everyone (i.e. miracle) and then a mass heal to negate the breath weapon effects.

Hammer, showing a less refined style, yelled out “Fried any kobolds lately?!?” and let loose a stream of acid. [Ok, he didn’t say “fried”. But it started with an F. See above re: Eric’s grandmother.]

Valanthe closed in on the carpet from behind, and Tongs follwed her in, just saying “I never liked you!”

When we engaged the beholder and efreeti at the gate, we were disjointed, but this time we worked together in perfect unison. Some of us went for the dragon, while others dealt with the elementals, and everything just somehow seemed to work. Dravot and Thorkeld moved to one, while Scorch disintegrated another and held a third. Bolo set about Quench-ing them repeatedly – the poor things never had a chance.

Zephyrim had moved closer, which put him into prime range for me, and I sent a stream of arrows at him. Aethramyr, Valanthe, Aylwyn and Hammer had all closed in and were harrying him from all sides. The dragon, in a move that left me speechless, Banished the solar back to the Elysium fields.

I was in shock. Aylwyn was critical not only to our attempts to release Lord Gelban, but also in getting us home. This was very bad. But all we could do is keep up our attacks on the dragon for now, which we did. Even without most of his spells, he was still a fierce opponent.

Dravot suddenly started glowing with a holy light. The Staff of Eringlin flew up into the air, and blurred and glowed and the shape shifted, and as it disappeared Aylwyn was left in its place. Aylwyn looked exhausted from the effort and I suspect there was some price for his re-entry into the Durance Vile.

Aethramyr cut into the dragon again and again. But this was not to go unanswered. Zephyrim unleashed his full fury on Aethramyr who was staggered and gushing blood from everywhere, barely still on his feet. Aylwyn moved to Aethramyr to heal him, but as he started his spell, a wing buffet from the dragon sent him flying and he lost the spell. Dravot was not going to let death claim anyone else though, and a mass heal brought Aethramyr back to his fighting peak. By now, Zephyrim had absorbed an unbelievable amount of punishment. Surely he was the largest dragon we had ever faced, and the toughest. But despite looking gravely injured, he didn’t seem actually concerned. That meant he probably had something up his sleeve. I was thinking he could cast Heal since we had seen other spells, but once again Valanthe’s instincts and bravery made the difference. She saw two rings on the dragon’s claws. And in an incredible move she swept in on the flying carpet and snatched both of them right off his massive talons.

Zephyrim was shocked, but only for a moment. He then went from shocked to terrified. Aethramyr circled Shatterspike through broad arcs, the sword glowing hot white and in a single motion slid through the blue’s neck, and blood and lightning gushed out. As the beast collapsed onto the ground, it croaked “You have beaten me. My duty is finished. Ashardalon will come. If you wish to survive another day, do your business and leave before the one who shames us all comes.” The light left his eyes and he slumped over.

I now had even more respect for this dragon, even if he was an enemy. We’d heard a lot of talk about Ashardalon, mostly rhetoric. But there was something very real and immediate about this warning. So we worked fast.

Aylwyn was key to the plan. He bowed his head a moment, and then started to glow. He swung his greatsword in several long arcs, each time the sword glowing brighter, and then with a word brought it over his head and drove it into the ground near the lava pool. White cracks shot out in every direction and the ground started heaving and shaking, and massive rents and fissures appeared in the ground, and the lava went pouring into them. Soon the pool was empty, and the bottom half collapsed into some cavernous structure beneath. Revealed by the receding lava was Lord Gelban. The chains still held him, but the rear legs were no longer anchored as the pool had collapsed in that area. The Gilden himself was only barely conscious.

We quickly examined the chains to find a way to free him. They were Green Bator Steel, but had more unusual properties. Hammer believed that they had Mordenkainen’s disjunction powered into them, and they would act to repel any magical attempt to break them. However Dravot had planned for something like this, and the disjunction was in itself magical. He conjured an anti-magic field, and denied of the magics, the chains were vulnerable. Hammer, Tongs and Scorch’s Bigby’s hand were then able to work to break Lord Gelban free.

Dravot cast Heal on Lord Gelban, who immediately seemed better, though still covered in ash and soot. He was disoriented but recovering his wits quickly. We were discussing our means of escape but Lord Gelban said he had a spell that would remove us from this place. We nodded vigorously, and Lord Gelban intoned the spell. In a moment, a huge shimmering arch of mithril thrust up out of the ground, a glowing light all that was visible beyond. We were all hurried through by the coppers who came in right behind us.

We entered a vast, shining place. The sun was high in the sky, with large puffy clouds. Silver and gold dragons floated in the skies above. It was almost like an idealized version of the Prime. Nearby a large white marble temple stood, and a titan was walking out of it. I had the impression that Lord Gelban and the titan were in telepathic contact from the time we had arrived. The Titan bent slightly and welcomed us all. Lord Gelban said this place was The Shining Isles, and was in principle at least similar to the Durance Vile – this was their place. Many things, including the passage of time, were under his control here and we could take our rest here. He lowered his brow for a moment, then again. Then a look of what I can only presume is frustration for a gold dragon.

“At least they were under my control. I shall have to speak to someone about this. For the time being though we can rest here and recover. There is much to discuss, and many matters I need to tend to. I have been away too long. And for my rescue, I thank you. Ashardalon was feeding on my essence, and that is why the reds did not kill me. I am glad to be gone from there.” His gaze flickered cross Bolo and his ever-more stone like skin. “Who are you?” Bolo had forgotten he was now an elf and explained. Lord Gelban nodded. “I see you were near Ashardalon. As a descendant of Dydd, your natural defenses would begin to activate when near that foul creature.” Bolo looked as if he’d been hit by a hammer as he tried to take in the concept of being a descendant of Dydd. He must have been stunned – he didn’t even ask a question.

We floated towards the temple with Lord Gelban, the coppers and the titan. We all were staring at the beauty around us and were just in awe. I’m sure we must look a sight – blackend, charred, covered in soot and ash, and many of us bleeding. But somehow it all felt like it would be all right again.

Of course, the feeling faded soon enough. It was obvious that Lord Gelban was displeased with the current state of affairs and the new Gilden. I felt sure that there would be a lot of fireworks soon, and they might not all be just political. I’m sure we’ll soon see – news like this will travel fast. But for our part, we did as we said we would. We rescued Lord Gelban.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
An EX-Halflings point of view.

Where do I begin! There I am standing in the Elemental plane of Fire with my little Hobbit hanging out (Wait! I'm not a Halfling anymore!) when I'm pulled through the portal. I arrive on the otherside facing a Dire Bear-Dragon cross breed. I take the form of a sparrow and wing out of reach. I see all this happening before me and all I can think about is how I desperatly need to rest and collect my thoughts. I've been calm so far but I want to scream!
Then I noticed the cracking and hissing my skin was making. I was metamorphing without my own concent. I was afraid but somehow could not wait to see the end result. I still want to. but back to the story at hand. There was just no letting up and when we faced the dragon I just assumed I would be meeting Ehlonna again.
But we triumphed like always and Gelban was freed. We travel to this wonderful (if a bit stuffy) pocket dimension and Gelban lets me know off handedly that I'm (even now) a decendant of the great Druidess Dydd. He just drops this bomb on me and the others think I'm just being quiet. They have no idea what is happening to me right now. The problem is neither do I.
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First Post
Commune Time

ShadowTaker Commune Questions

1) Will killing the ShadowTaker remove Zira’s curse?


2) Is there another way to remove the curse?


3) Does the Shadow-Taker know that the Light of Reason resides within his crypts?


4) If yes, is he using it for some purpose?


5) Does the Shadow-Taker know of our group?


6) If yes, has he kept track of us in the past few months?


7) Does the Shadow-Taker have agents or allies in Ekbir?


8) Is he in communication with followers of Tharizdun?


9) Is the Brontal impersonator an agent/lacky/henchman of the Shadow-Taker?


10) Is the ShadowTaker following someone else’s orders?


11) Is there more than one entrance into the crypts?


12) Is the mage known as The Burning Skin working with the Shadow-Taker?


13) Was the ShadowTaker involved in the plot to taint the brand?


14) Is the ShadowTaker working for Chavram?


15) Is the ShadowTaker working for Iuz?


16) Is the ShadowTaker working for Kargoth?


17) Is the ShadowTaker working for the Red Lord?


18) Is the ShadowTaker working for Infernus?


19) Is the ShadowTaker working for Fraz Urb Luu?


20) Is the ShadowTaker working for the Quickie Mart?

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Those non-players/readers so interested are invited to come join in the latest brainstorming session, which can be found right here.

For those who want to backtrack to the start of the current round of talks, you could go right here, instead.

As always, mums the word, and all input is appreciated. As some of you folks can see, I do actually use your input, so join in and have some fun!


The elf stared down at the two halflings, who stared right back. A confused look passed over their faces, as they tried to process the information.

"Fought a beholder once, with some help. Didn't die, though."

"Yes, father, but I don't think it was a paragon fire-elemental beholder."

"Mmm...", was his father's only reply.

A moment passed.

"Well..", his mother began. "I'm sure we can talk to your friend Scorch. He could turn you back in no time."

"Mother...Father....Ehlonna chose this form for me. It is her will."

More silence.

"Well. Well. Hmmm. I see you lost your clothes, too. Not to worry, though, Mother has everything under control. Those musty human clothes stink! Where did you get them from, some stinky old chest? Lucky for you, I made a new robe for you!"

She walked over to a short, low chest, and opened it. She motioned for Bolo to stand next to a stool, which she stood upon, and held a fancy velvet robe with gold filagree agains the elf's body. It dropped down to his waist.

"Well, I'll have to take it out, a bit."

Bolo sighed. It was going to be a long day.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
The Rebuilding. Part 1.

Bolo was home in his grove. Ravenna, The Owl, Haldren, and the others were doing a masterful job of rebuilding the village and with the help of the Brandybuck family they were making faster work of it than Bolo could hope. The Great Rowan was flourishing under the care of Bolo, Ravenna and Rose and Bolo’s initiates. The town was growing by leaps and bounds and there were even a few Blue Bugbears from Gnarledbone’s tribe trading and wandering about. Bolo and Tailcatcher walked the length and breadth of the village, stopping in the market square to find Rogiar.
Rogiar was settling into his new life as a satyr with vigor. From what Haldren has said about him he was always a bit of a letch, but now he had a reason to be. Bolo desperately wanted to talk with him about his experiences adjusting to the new form. Bolo wondered if Rogiar was experiencing the same things Bolo was. After Bolo had time to sleep, well it wasn’t sleep really, its true that Elves don’t sleep, Bolo just sort of fell into a trance like state and when he next opened his eyes 4 hours had past and he was refreshed, in body at least. In his trance state, Aethramyr calls it Reverie; Bolo relived in a way the child hood of his new form. He remembers being trained in the arts of the Long Sword and Archery, He sees his parents as Elves not Halflings, his sisters as Elven Maidens not Halfling girls. Bolo still sometimes even a month later forgets he was ever a Halfling. His companions however don’t let him forget.
“Master Satyr! How are you?” Bolo yelled across the noise of children at play. Rogiar looked up from his accustomed place in front of McPearson’s Trading Post.
“Do I know you Elf?” said Rogiar.
“Ehlonna gave you a new life and I officiated. I’m Bolo, Rogiar I died fighting a Gigantic fire Beholder. Lord Dravot tried to resurrect me but The Lady of the Woods has a long reach and knowing I choose to follow the tenants of the Druids, she turned Pelor’s Resurrection into a Reincarnation into this new body. She reformed me into one of her chosen people.” Bolo sat down with his friend and they chatted a while. Tailcatcher, softly napping at Bolo’s feet, was content just to be with his partner again.
Eventually Bolo had to return to his work of caring for the grove. He and Tailcatcher raced to Bolo’s home among the trees. He did not feel comfortable sleeping in the Great Rowan, that was Ravenna’s home so he had made a Halfling hole for himself a few paces away with an alter to Ehlonna and Beory just outside. Bolo had to shift his form to enter his house now and remaking it was his first priority. Bolo had grown in power and connection to the worlds. He now had access to the shapes of Elementals. Bolo closed his eyes and his form wavered again taking the form of an Earth Elemental. His rock hard hands easily dug into the ground molding the softened earth into a much larger cavern. Bolo stood back for a second admiring his work. He sat on the floor and started an ancient incantation; the words were as old as the oldest trees but as fresh as the new rain. Once the prayer was done bolo waited for his assistants to arrive. First the smaller earth elementals arrived and were put to work creating Bolo’s home. The walls were soon covered in stone and marble, with a mosaic of a Unicorn in opals adorning Bolo’s sanctuary. Bolo was busy shaping stones into chairs of various heights and setting the cushions he had Valenthe purchase in Sigil on them. Soon his home was finished room by room with an access tube for the awakened hawks (Stratos, Cumulos, and Nimbos) to enter and a smaller door for Tailcatcher and the wolves to use. The main door was of a hard wood and engraved with Bolo’s family seal surrounded by rampant unicorns.
He placed the glowing stones he had made into the sconces on the walls and a large “Warmth Stone” in each fireplace. Once he had finished the main parts of the house, he released the elementals back to their world with a thank you and a blessing. Next he cast “Sweet Water” in his kitchen and created a water source for himself with a trickle off pond for the animals to use. His bedchamber was his best room. His mother had brought much of the things he had in storage from when he had first joined Gelban’s champions and he filled the room with his favorite things making a special place for his Scorch doll. He had come to love the cranky old human like a mentor in some ways. He respected and genuinely liked all of the champions but he, Valenthe and Scorch would talk into the night about worlds other than this one and Bolo would sit entranced.
Bolo took off his shoes, something he rarely does now, and walked across the floor thinking how cold it still was. He let out a sigh and fell into his bed finally feeling safe and Tailcatcher jumped up to lay next to his friend. Bolo scratched his friend’s big head and fell into trance.
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