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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 121, “Dinner Dates”, Monday, March 20th, 1882, 5:00 P.M.

After her bath Minerva returns to her room. She still has a gleam in her eye as she rifles through her armoire looking for the perfect gown. Ah, this one will do nicely she says pulling out a gown the color of pale buttercups. She takes her time dressing and stands before the mirror inspecting her handiwork. Her olive skin and midnight hair are a striking contrast to the soft yellow of the gown. It’s snug fitting bodice, and square cut neckline, reveals much more than the Vigilance committee would approve of she thinks wickedly. She pays special attention to her hair, brushing it until it shines and softly curls about her face and down her back.

She places a dab of sweet smelling perfume behind each ear and in the cleavage of her bodice for good measure. She turns to the icon’s of her gods, and says “You know that I am not a patient woman. Whatever you have in mind I would appreciate it if you didn’t take your time about it.”
She still has time before Chester arrives to pick her up. As she looks about the room for something to occupy her, she notices the piccolo that Jake gave her two night ago. He said that it was magic. I wonder what it does? she thinks. She examines it closely and realizes that although it is not a flute it is quite similar. Overcome by curiosity She sits on the bed and begins to play a soft tune.

Kate went back to her room and got the envelope that held the money to pay for her school building. She tucked it in her handbag and went down to wait for Conrad Booth to come for dinner. Conrad arrives shortly there after with a warm smile on his face as he approaches Kate and asks her to join him for dinner. He points out Cole Rixton, the neighbor who owns the furniture store and says "I'm told that he was the one who suggested Chester for lawman. You may want to talk to him soon about furnishings for your new school and home in town."

"And the house on the ranch," she reminded him lightly. "I'm not sure how much farther my money is going to stretch. Speaking of..." Kate reached into her handbag and handed him the envelope. "No more money between us.

Chester seems very proud, and he's taking his new position very seriously. I think he likes having work where he's helping people. Mr. Rixon made a good choice. I'll speak to him tomorrow. There is so much to do, I'm also to help Miss Florencia with her festival. I'm not going to have time to breathe."

Chester gets a fresh bath at Gilson's. After his bath, Chester picks some spring flowers outside of town. He goes back to his room and changes into the suit the others bought him while he was in jail. Under his coat he wears just his Remington. A lawman has got to be ready for anything. Around 5:30 he walks to Minerva's boarding house and asks if she's in.

Minerva is just tucking her derringer in the little pocket of her gown when Bea knocks on the door. "Miss Florencia, Your date has arrived." Minerva slides her feet into soft yellow slippers and opens the door. Bea's eyes widen as she takes in the sight. "My don't you look beautiful this evening. That is one lucky young man waiting in our parlor."

Minerva laughs in response, "No Bea, I am only just the chaperone. Seems our new Debuty Marshall needs some guarding this evening. Me a duena, If the gods had told me that this would be my purpose in Promise City I would not have believed them! She twirls in her gown, I did not want to feel too matronly." Bea laughs well, you certainly don't look like any nanny that I have ever seen!" The two women descend the stairs to meet Chester in the parlor.

"Buenas Tardes, Deputy. My, my you DO look handsome this evening. Miss Townsend is a very lucky young lady!" Chester doffs his hat. "Good evening ladies. You look especially pretty tonight, Minerva." She walks up to him and in an Uncharacteristically maternal gesture adjusts his tie. "Shall we go then? We don't want to keep your date waiting." "Oh, I hope you don't mind, I invited Senor Nanuet to join us this evening. We can sit at another table if you wish. This will provide you with a little privacy and Miss Townsend should still feel that she is being properly chaperoned."

He replies, "Nanuet's welcome to join us. If you don't mind being at another table, it'd be good. Thank you again for doing this. Let's go." The two walk to the Promise City Hotel to wait for Clarisse. It isn't long before she comes down the stairs in a dark blue dress. Chester tips his hat to her. "Evening Miss Townsend. You look dreadfully nice tonight. These are for you." He hands her the bouquet of flowers. "I believe you've met Miss Florencia before. She's our chaperone tonight."

Clarisse says, "It's nice to see you again Sister Florencia. It looks to be cool this evening. You may want to wear a shawl." To Chester she says, "Thank you, Mr. Martin. I'll put these in water." She brings the flowers up to her room and comes back down to the parlor. Chester holds out his arm and says, "Let's go. I heard the Alhambra is a good place to eat."

Dinner is served simultaneously to three couples at the two different eating establishments At the Alhambra Chester and Clairesse are served a roasted chicken breasts with a mixed bean salad, side of buttered carrots and fresh baked corn bread. Nanuet and Minerva are served beef tenderloins over rice with a side of mixed bean salad and fresh baked corn bread. And at the El Parador,

Nanuet pulls the chair out for Minerva and waits for her to be seated before sitting down himself. He thanks the server for the food and then addresses Minerva. "Well Senorita, I must say that you look especially nice tonight. I am honored and humbled to be sharing a table with such a beauty. I am sure Chester appreciates you doing this service for him and I am unquestionably glad that I was invited to accompany you."

Minerva laughs lightly, "It is I who am honored Senor Nanuet. And I must say that you look quite lovely this evening also. I am most grateful that you could join me. It would have been rather uncomfortable to sit at that table," she nods her head toward Chester and Clarisse "don't you agree?"

At the El Parador, Katherine and Conrad are served beef and bean enchiladas topped with two types of cheese with Spanish rice, refried beans, and a spicy chicken vegetable soup. There was a bit of an awkward silence as Dorita brought them plates piled with the spicy Mexican food Kate had learned to enjoy. Kate twisted her napkin in her lap before she laid it over her skirt.
"I'm very sorry, about yesterday. I... Would you believe I have more secrets than I did the last time we talked?" she said, trying for light and failing.

Conrad replies, "There is no need to apologize, you lead a very busy life these days. I was just concerned that your absence is because of your new occupation, not wanting the school teacher to be seen cavorting with gamblers." He says that in a joking manner and with a smile on his face, but Kate senses that there is some degree of truth behind his words.

"Conrad, no," she said, laying her hand briefly on his arm. "You have met my other friends, haven't you? You know, the singer and the gambler? And yesterday I told Mrs. King just what I thought of her, so our friendship is probably at the bottom of her list of my faults. If parents have trouble with who my friends are, they can keep their children at home.

Ever since that night when everyone thought Ruby had been killed, things have been crazy. Johnny Ringo showed up at the Lucky Lady the next night, and it only got worse from there. Apparently our business with the Cowboys isn't finished." He exclaims, "Isn't finished....in what way? Should I be armed?"

"Perhaps. I don't know." Kate looked around the room. She had been staying at the El Parador long enough to recognize the regulars. There was no one there who shouldn't be. Kate sighed and asked Conrad to light the candle on the table. She pulled a pinch of powder out of her handbag and checked to make sure no one was paying attention before she made their table private.

"Johnny Ringo wants a reckoning with the Earps, and he wanted us on his side." Kate then began to explain the events of the last few days, starting with the kidnapping of Nanuet and Chester, through Ringo's bluff regarding Ginnie and the shooting yesterday, and up to the Shaw's bringing the new stock over to the ranch and helping them out that day.

"First Ringo tried to bring me to his side by offering me Morgan Earp and playing on the fact that he knew Tom. He tried to trade me Nanuet and Chester, then he threatened Ginnie because he knew I couldn't risk her, even if I didn't believe him. He wants those books desperately, and we can't let him have them. I don't know if they would try to use you. We've made ourselves enemies to the Cowboys. Perhaps it's you who shouldn't be seen with me, rather than the other way around."

Conrad says, "I'm not that worried. Arcade's Gang has returned and are staying there so I doubt that the Cowboy's are dumb enough to risk making enemies of them. And if what he really wants are those books then there's no risk of him trying to burn this place down, as they would be destroyed in the process.

But just the same, after dinner I think I'll head back to home and strap on my sidearm. I usually don't bother since I'd have to check it at the Long Branch anyway, but I should probably keep it near me for the indefinite future." Noting the candle he says, "But since we're sharing secrets and have privacy I'll point out that I'm actually not unarmed right now. I have a single-shot derringer and throwing dagger both where I can get at them in an emergency. My employer Kate Higgins doesn't know about those and I'd like to keep it that way, but you should know just in case."

Kate says, "I don't check my derringer at the Lucky Lady either. Jake doesn't think where I keep it is a good place, obvious when I draw it. But really, if I need it, does it matter who sees?" I'm sorry to bring this trouble to you, I hope it's as you say and they'll have no reason to trouble you. I feel rather trapped myself, I have so much to do, and I can't go anywhere alone.

Kate was quiet for a moment. There was one other thing he should know, but she hadn't planned on telling anyone else until the time when her body told her it was true. But if she told him now, so early before anyone could really know, perhaps the truth would be easier to believe. She twisted her napkin again. "This will seem like a strange question, but what do you believe about gods?"

Conrad replies, "Ah yes, I knew that would come up eventually. You recall my telling Reverend Anson Haggler that I would attend church some time, and now you've gone and made friends with the new Priestess. Honestly, I don't know whether they exist or not. Never really gave it that much thought. I suppose if I did believe I would worship a god of good luck."

She replies, "I don't attend church either, Conrad. I do believe in the exsistance of the gods, but I have never believed in their worthiness to be worshipped. I just...." Kate looked away nervously. "I have seen much since I came here to tell me just how little I understood the world. There are some things I have not told you, because I wasn't sure you could believe them, and I wouldn't want you to think I'd finally gone crazy."

He replies, "Well, if you are going to try to convince me that the gods exist you'd best do that another time, I'd prefer to enjoy my dinner without engaging in a debate about religion." "I'm not going to try to convince you. As I said, I'm not a religious woman." Kate swallowed. He will never believe the truth about this baby, she thought sadly. Perhaps she overestimated his affection; perhaps it wouldn't hurt him as much as she thought. Regardless, now wasn't the time.

Dorita comes out of the kitchen with Ginnie tagging behind her babbling at high speeds about the plants and spices in the kitchen. Dorita sits Ginnie down at a table with a huge plate of food. "Talk, talk, talk, question, question, question! You give me no peace since you come back! You eat and wait for Ma'am Kate here no more questions you sit and stay!" With that she waves down Kate points to Ginnie and makes sure on no uncertain terms by giving Kate the look that the girl is to stay out of the kitchen. Kate gave Ginnie a long look and watched for a moment to make sure she stayed put.

Kate tells Conrad "I'm only helping Miss Florencia as a favor. I'd far rather stay away from this festival." There was an uncomfortable silence as they both ate. "I'm sorry, I've ruined our nice dinner. Perhaps I should go. I... thank you, for your help with the school building," she finished and began collecting her things.

Even as Kate picked up her handbag she felt it gently but firmly plucked from her hands and set back on the table. "Nonsense. The only way to ruin dinner is to leave me to finish it alone. I get lonesome eating by myself these days. Besides, I have strict orders from Dorita to make sure you eat," he finished and handed her the fork she had abandoned. "So you finally met Mrs. King. What did you say to her?" Conrad asked, changing the subject.

Kate began slowly, still uncomfortable and worried. But soon enough the story of her encounter with Mrs. King got her riled up again, and they had a pleasant enough time discussing the failings of those Kate had soon dubbed the "Morality Police." She was still out of sorts, but hoped Conrad would attribute that to the difficult days she'd had. After dinner he gave her the same warm good-bye he always did, saying as usual that he hoped to see her the next day, then went to his work.

At the Alhambra, Minverva continues to make small talk about their new horses and the trip to the ranch. She tells him of Mr. Gonzales and Kate's masquerade. "I do not like being deceived and when I mentioned to Kate that perhaps she could have just stayed home that night instead, She got quite insulted and stomped away. She tends to overreact where I am concerned but perhaps in time she will stop thinking of me as "the preacher who's come to judge her" and recognize me for the friend that I am . After all, It was not I who was pretending to be someone who I am not. I should not let it bother me, but I have not had much luck with wizards in the past." she says knowing that Nanuet understands.

She goes on to tell Nanuet of Mr. Gonzales gifts of the Minerva and Jupiter icons. "When I laid my eyes on them they took my breath away. They are absolutely splendid. I am sure they are priceless artifacts. I could not help but wonder why he would bestow such a gift on me.
He has something that he is hiding and I do not know if I can trust him. Katherine seems too, but her heart is much kinder than mine. What do you know of him?"

He replies, "I have not spent much time with him, but the girls have, they both seem to trust him. I have spent time among his family though, especially when I first came here and they are good people. I can see with your past why you might have issues, but remember the others do not know what I know." Nanuet then lowers his voice before continuing, "And please keep the talk of wizards in private, it may cause more trouble than we need."

Nanuet has a bite of his supper and glances over at the other couple before continuing. "Miss Kate does not put her faith in the Gods right now, perhaps she never will. From my understanding she believes that they exist but not that they are beings worthy of our worship." Nanuet can see that the last comment has irked Minerva and he places his hand on her arm to calm her. "Not everybody has the same beliefs, that is how this world works. The Gods though, they work in strange ways and perhaps someday she will see that they watch over her and have sway in her life whether she puts her faith in them or not."

"About your other comments, just take the treasures that Mr. Gonzalez offers as gifts, as that is how they are presented. We will see his motives later as they are revealed. And yes, I do believe it would have been uncomfortable for you to be seated at the other table, so I am glad that I was able to save you from that."

"It seems so odd to me that they should hide the fact that they are wizards. Where I come from Wizards were the oppressors " Minerva says in a confidential tone. "You are a very wise man, and I would do well to remember that I once walked in their shoes. I know what a terrifying position it is to be in. What it is like to hide who you are." She shakes her dark curls "It is no wonder that she does not trust me. I will try and be more patient with her. Perhaps we can learn from each other." She grasps his hands in hers and looks into his eyes. "Thank you for listening to me, Nanuet. It means a lot to me to have someone that I can confide in. Someone that I can trust."

Nanuet's eyes meet Minerva's and he falters for a moment, unable to speak for a brief period. He smiles and pulls his gaze away, then talks. "When you spend a lot of time alone, listening is something that you become very good at." Nanet says solemnly. "In my long life I will have many tales to listen to and I hope I can take some wisdom from each one."

At the next table over, Chester asks Clarisse, "Mmm. How do you like the chicken, Miss Townsend? The corn bread's good, too. How have you been? I haven't seen you lately and I've missed you." She replies, "It's only been a few days. And you've been rather busy yourself Marshall Martin."

Chester replies, "I guess I have Mr. Rixton to thank for that. I haven't had much to do yet. Just transferring a prisoner to the stagecoach. I'll be busy until the Earps get back. The Cowboy Gang is having a power struggle. That's why they're causing more trouble these days. Try to be careful. Don't go around alone. The cowboys may try to go after me and my friends. But enough of such grim talk. Tell me what songs you're singing tonight."

She rattles off the names of a dozen songs, only two or three of which Chester recognizes. She then tells him about growing up back east and how much she disliked the girls boarding school that he father had sent her to. That was where she learned about being a proper lady, but from what she's seen in Promise City, the west doesn't appear to have the same value system as what she learned in school. She then lowers her voice and tells Chester of some of the more scandalous things she's heard his cousin mention that go on at the Gay Lady.

He says with a wink, "Oh really. Nothing illegal, I hope. Why didn't you like the boarding school? Not many people have such a chance to get a good education." She replies, "Oh, the book learning was fine. I just didn't care for the headmistress that much." She pauses and then says, "I guess the main think I disliked was that it kept me away from my father during his final years. I would have liked to have spent that time with him." Chester states, "That's a shame. You must have loved him very much. He sounds like a nice man. I would have liked to meet him."

Minerva notices Nanuet's discomfort and keeps the conversation light for the remainder of the meal, while keeping a casual eye on Chester and Clarisse. "I believe that Clarisse is working at the Lucky Lady this evening. Chester will let us know when our duties are over. If you wish we can join them there or perhaps we could go for an after dinner stroll if you have no where else that you must be." "I should check in on things at the Lucky Lady, especially with Jake and Ruby away, but I think I would like a stroll, that would be nice, besides I think I owe you a story."

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Silver Moon

Chapter 122, “Dinner and a Play”, Monday, March 20th, 1882, 5:00 P.M.

Ruby declares "No more being serious. I'm just not very relaxed with this bad week that's why I needed to come here with you. I'll try to do better." Ruby kisses Jake back, just as hard as he kissed her. "How's that?" she smiles, "Better?" "Now, let's get some ice and then we can go see Mr. Clum. What else do we HAVE to do today? I like shopping," she says, her smile growing wider. "Let's figure it out on the way." Jake says pushing her towards her shoes, "It will do good to move around."

"Ok, ok." Ruby puts her stockings and shoes on quickly. She checks herself out in the mirror, trying to push down her fluffy hair. "Too much brushing," she says to reflection, shaking her hair around her. "Ready!" she says cheerfully, pushing her arm though Jake's.

They make their way downstairs and stop at the desk for directions to the newspaper office, to see Mr. Clum. They walk over slowly, with every step Ruby felt better. Once at the office they knock and enter. "Hello? We're looking for Mr. Clum..." A tall, handsome man with a receeding hairline wearing a nice suit and with a brushy mustache walks over towards them. "Hello, I am John Clum. How can I help you?"

Ruby stands up tall and reaches out her hand, flashing a dazzling smile. "Mr. Clum, we meet at last. My name is Ruby West, this is Jake Cook. We own the Lucky Lady Saloon in Promise City. We're friends of Chumbley's." He states, "Ah yes, the young lady who forced a reprint of my paper by not being dead! Not that I'm complaining, you're good paying customers. Now what can I do for you?" "Yes, that was a rather unfortunate incident," she laughs. "I'm also not complaining."

"Well, we are here in town for personal reasons and we figured we'd stop in and tell you what a wonderful reporter Chumbley is. Truth be told, the other newspaper man is a drunk and gets all the stories wrong, constantly printing false facts and such. But Mr. Chumbley always strives to get all facts correct, down to the smallest detail. But all this traveling is killing the poor halfling! It's very difficult for him to keep current on all the news. Perhaps you would consider opening an office for him in Promise City? He'd be wonderful, I know it. I mean, we weren't going to put an ad in the paper," she turns momentarily to Jake, "Right darling?" She flips her hair back to Clum, "But Chumbley convinced us and we are very glad we did. Our Grand Opening was very successful."

"Anyway, I just felt you should know he's a very valuable asset to you and I hope you realize it, and don't let someone else snatch him away!" Clum replies, "Oh, I appreciate the hard work the little guy does, and he's well paid for this efforts. I don't think the riding back bothers him that much, it gives him a chance to chat with the other folks on the stage. Nice of you to speak well of him though. Well, if there's nothing else I need to get back to work. With all of the Cowboy Gang goings on we're putting out a paper a day!"

"You're quite welcome. But just to add, you might make more money in Promise City if the news was slightly more current." She continues quickly with a smile, "Of course, you don't need me to tell you that Yes, we've had some Cowboy Gang run ins ourselves as of late. They seem to have taken a liking to us. What's the latest news? Or should I buy a paper?" Ruby laughs.

He states, You should buy a paper, but I'll tell you the top story. Reliable witnesses to the shooting of Morgan Earp confirm that Frank Stilwell was one of those responsible and Ike Clanton is also suspected as being invovled." She states, "That certainly IS a big story. Where do you think this Stilwell fellow is? Here in Tombstone?" Clum replies, "He and the Clantons haven't been seen since Saturday night. Marshall Williams rode out to the Clanton Ranch this morning and neither Ike or Billy Clanton were around."

Jake states, "I'll be a big spender and purchase one, it only seems fair." "Well, good to know we shouldn't be in much danger here. Thank you Mr. Clum and it was a pleasure meeting you. Jake will take a paper for us and I'll leave the two of you to your other business.. But I do hope if you're ever in Promise City you'll come and hear me sing. Then I can get an official review!" She turns on her heel and gives him a smile over her shoulder before bouncing outside to wait for Jake.

Before they leave Jake inquires about purchasing for a nominal fee any large stacks of unsold papers they may have. He explains he wants them for packing material. Jake also inquires about purchasing some blank paper for hand making books for a friend of his. Clum says, "Sorry, but we sell any unsold newspapers to the dynamite factory. They use them as packing material too."

While outside there Ruby glances around the street watching the days interactions, relaxing as every moment passes. After saying goodbye to Mr. Clum Jake takes Ruby by the arm and says, "Let's see if Deputy Marshall Williams wants to talk to us and then do some shopping." "Alright baby. I feel better already." She lets Jake lead the way to the Marshal.

Jake and Ruby arrive at the jail looking for Marshall Williams. They arrive to find the jail door locked. Looking through the window Williams appears to be inside, holding a shotgun in his lap. Jake raps on the door. William's looks out before unlocking the door. He ushers Jake and Ruby inside. "Just being careful," he states adding "I'll feel better when another Deputy gets back."

"Sure, I can understand that. Does that mean you'd rather not talk then? It's not for his ears." Jake says gesturing towards Gifford. Marshall replies, "I don't think it matters much if we talk in front of him or not . My guess is that as soon as Wyatt returns he'll shoot and kill Gifford within a few moments." "They have certainly sped up the court system here in Tombstone." Jake comments dryly. Williams says, "The circuit judge won't be back for a few weeks. Wyatt is not inclined to wait in his current mood."

Jake continues, "Gifford may know something Wyatt does not, you might try and slow him down a tad.” Willaim’s says, "I'm not sure that he has anything Wyatt doesn't already been told. Two of the Cowboy Gang, , Sherm MacMasters, and Turkey Creek Johnson, didn't go along with what happened to Morgan and have decided to switch sides. They've told the Earp brothers everything they knew and are now with them."

Jake says, “I was hoping you were more willing to trade information on the Cowboy gang since the last we spoke." William’s replies, "What do you want to know?" Jake states, "What can you tell me about Johnny Ringo? I think he's trying to kill me and I'd like to stop him." "You think?" Ruby cuts in, "He IS trying to kill us. And he wanted us to try to help kill the Earps too. Bastard. And look what Billy Claibourne did!" She shows her bruised shoulder and scar. "So I returned the favor but he wasn't as lucky as me."

"Yes, I was going to tell you Billy Claibourne is dead and therefore the fight over who will lead the gang gets narrower." Jake looks at Ruby and sighs. She furrows her brows at him curiously but says nothing.

Williams lowers his voice and glances back to the cell. He says, "Maybe we shouldn't be speaking in front of Gifford. According to MacMasters and Johnson both Stilwell and Ringo think the Earps were responsible for what happened out at the farmhouse, not you. They killed Morgan as revenge for what happened to their friends."

"Yes, perhaps we better talk another time." Jake says. "If any of the gang speaks to Gifford, would you let me know? It may be important, you understand." Williams replies, "Yeah, according to MacMasters and Williams there were three pairs all seeking to be the top leader. They were involved in a game of one-upmanship. One of those groups was Billy Claibourne with Joshua Ramsey as his second. Both of them were killed out at the farmhouse. The next pair is Silwell with Ike Clanton as his second. The final pair are Ringo with Pony Deal as his second.

Each of those three pairs apparently had their own financial backing too. We suspect Silwell and Clanton are backed by Ike's brother Phineas. We're not sure of who was financing Ringo and Deal but we think it's somebody further east, from either Galeyville or Promise City. Claibourne and Ramsey we think were back were backed by somebody further north, from either the town of Dos Cabezas or Willcox, but I guess now we'll never know with them and their followers all dead."

Jake says, "You heard that the new deputy in Promise City killed Pony Deal?" Williams replies, "No I hadn't. That's news to me. I don't think that the Earps have heard that yet either. Good, one less Cowboy to worry about, although that may just make Ringo angry. Seems to me that he'd be going after that Deputy instead of you. We'd better keep a close eye on Buckskin Frank Leslie then. He's always tried to distance himself from the Cowboys, even works as a bartender at the Earp's Oriental Saloon. According to MacMasters he's in thick with Ringo's faction. With Deal gone Ringo may look to making Leslie his new second."

Jake says, "That's good to know. Look we have more to talk about, just not here. One more thing before we leave today, which faction was Gifford in? I assume Ringo’s? I bet he knows who is financing that group." William’s replies, "I can't say, I'm not that familiar with him, just heard his name before. He's not from Tombstone. Ringo's main base of operation was Galeyville so if Gifford was from the eastern part of the county then he was one of Ringo's boys."

Jake states, "Good enough. Good luck until the Earps get back, and keep your head down. We can talk tomorrow out of earshot of him if Earps get back. I'll be leaving on the Wednesday stage."

Once outside Jake says to Ruby, "Darling, treasure of my eye, if that fat smelly no account Gifford tells the gang that Ruby West wiped out the farm house and the others they probably won't be sending you a thank you card. I assume we can trust Williams but I don't really know that yet. He did tell us useful things, but that doesn't mean he is not connected for sure. Please try not to put a target on your back, it doesn't match your outfit." Jake takes her hands and accidentally bumps the ring. "Let's go shopping."

Ruby considers Jake's words for a moment before speaking. "If that fat smelly no account tells them that they'll all laugh at him. No one would believe that little ol' me wiped out the entire farmhouse and all those Cowboys. But you're right, I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe you could remind me from now on? I seem to forget." Ruby kisses Jake gently while looking him in the eyes, "Thank you for looking out for me. No one really ever has." With that she grabs his hand and they take off for a whirl wind shopping spree.

They casually walk up and down the streets, entering many stores, having most of their packages delivered to their hotel. Jake notices Ruby's stress seems to be melting away. Any comments about the ring on her finger she just smiles and says nothing. Ruby happily models dresses for Jake and he chooses one for the next night and a couple more to bring home. Jake also chooses some new outfits and he surprisingly doesn't mind getting them fitted and tailored. They buy Chester a cigar as a congratulations for becoming the new Deputy Marshal.

They look in the Gun shop for anything unique or interesting. Ruby drags Jake into the jewelry store but she doesn't find anything she likes as much as the ruby ring she has her eye on in Promise City. They stop in Fly's photo shop and introduce themselves. Of course while they are out they buy chocolates. After an afternoon of shopping they head back to their room to get ready for dinner.

Ruby dons Jake's favorite green dress and wears only her silver heart earrings and a simple black choker. She makes sure to take a shawl to cover her bruise. Jake gets dressed in one of his new outfits and Ruby helps him with his matching spade cufflinks. Once they are ready they head downstairs to have dinner.

Jake holds the chair for Ruby at their table. He orders two whiskeys and a pitcher of ice water. "I don't even know what the menu is," He chuckles, "I told the chef to make it special." He flexes his arms a bit, still testing the fit of his new ash grey waist coat. The thought crosses his mind to have some more unnoticable pockets sewn into both the inside and out. He folds his hands on the table and just watches Ruby's eyes.

She is looking about the room and back to her dress to make sure it is resting flawlessly on her. It isn't, he notes to himself, and it shouldn't be. Jake always thought she looked better with something a little out of place, it was truer to her nature. Besides, she'd be beautiful in a feed sack. Ruby catches him staring at her but as she is going to speak, the waiter brings the whiskey and ice water.

Jake just nods as thanks and reaches across for her left hand. He takes it up to his lips and gives her fingers a slow and simple kiss. Instead of letting her hand go he plunges it into the ice water. Ruby gives a little gasp but Jake just smiles at her and stares into her eyes. It seems like she wants to speak but Jake with his overpowering smile stares her down.

After what is probably longer than necessary, he removes her hand from the water and gently twists the ring off. She pulls her hand back leaving the ring in Jake's fingers. While she is drying her hand with the pale linen napkin he is drying the ring on the reddish brown scarf that tops his white linen shirt. He then takes some time admiring the stone in the lamp light before speaking. "Pretty. I can see why you were tempted to put it on."

"It is VERY pretty," Ruby replies, "But you've saved me from the evil curse of it, yet again you are my knight in shining armor," she teases then continues softly, "What would I do without you?" Those words come out of Ruby's mouth as serious as anything she has ever said. "Why don't you put that away before it ensnares me again. So are you going to tell me how much you like your green dress this time before it has to come off?" she smiles, her eyes glittering in the candlelight. She throws her shoulders back and gives a little wiggle.

Jake puts the ring over the first knuckle of the smallest finger of his left hand with the stone facing his palm. "That is a wonderful color on you, contending inadequately with your eyes and hair for attention. It does wrap you nicely, like a holiday present. A delight to behold and me eager to unwrap it. I must be the envy of every man in Promise City."

He then starts turning the ring back and forth on his finger while his eyes travel over her shoulders, up her neck, lips, eyes, hair and back again. A crooked smile creeps on to his face and he reaches for his whiskey. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he drinks nearly all the whiskey in his glass and places it down in the center of the table, leaving only about one quarter of an inch of liquid in the bottom. "Cursed, huh. That won't do. No self respecting knight should let that stand. Curses have to be lifted before the rental armor goes back." He carelessly drops the ring into his glass with a plop and clink. "Know any good magic words from that fairy tale book?"

”I know quite a few magic words… Kentucky Bourbon… Dancing…. Green dresses…Take me to bed…They all work,” Ruby giggles. “Oh you want REAL magic words? Ok then, how about…. Magus Addictio … That should do the trick for whatever you’ve got in mind.”

Jake swirls the whiskey and ring around in glass, the ring clinks faintly as it goes around, and holds the glass at an angle over the candle flame. Ruby looks on curiously, her eyebrows furrowed. When he is satisfied that it has warmed up sufficiently he tilts it a little more and lets some whiskey drip down the side of the glass. In a quick sweeping move he passes the side of the glass through the flame, lighting the dripping whiskey and leading the flame into the glass. He replaces the glass in the center of the table, the whiskey burning brightly. Ruby watches both mesmerized and amused. Jake wiggles his fingers over the glass and says “Magus Addictio!” Grinning he places his hand completely over the glass and the flame goes out. He fishes out the ring with two fingers and dips it and shakes it in the ice water. He picks up the whiskey glass in his other hand and finishes it off. "Good knights are not wasteful,” he says with a wink. Finally he dries the ring on his neck scarf again.

Extending the ring out in front of Ruby, he turns is slowly back and forth letting the candle light reflect and shine on it almost mesmerizing. "Look carefully. Can you feel anything? Do you have a strong desire to marry George Eastman? Are you feeling ensnared or enslaved?"

Ruby carefully and thoroughly gazes at the ring. She squints her eyes and moves her head back and forth looking at every angle, letting her long hair caress her shoulders as she does. Suddenly she blurts out, “Nope, no desire whatsoever. As a matter of fact I have no desire to even talk to or see George Eastman ever again. I’m amazed by how proficient my knight is. Although, wait a minute, I think I do feel something…” Ruby furrows her brows playfully, “I am feeling a bit spellbound at the moment…yes, it’s this funny tingly feeling inside… I think it’s coming from…you.” One of the corners of her lips slowly rises turning into a half smile. “Yes, you’ve got me. Now the question is, what are you going to do with me?”

Jake closes one eye and scratches his beard several times, "That is quite a conundrum. I'll have do ponder that... but for now," he reaches out and takes her right hand, "why don't you wear this." He pushes the ring onto her finger. "It's perfectly safe now, and I'm sure my friend won't mind you borrowing it for our evening out. Seems a shame to hide it in a box when it looks perfectly lovely all sparkly and bright there on your hand." Jake releases her hand as the waiter arrives and serves them. While the waiter is pouring the wine, Jake says, "I can suffer through what other people think, as long as I am sure of what you think."

Ruby and Jake are served a dinner consisting of a walnut salad with dried tomatoes, an onion soup, and a venison loin with mushroom gravy, baked rolls. A fine bottle of wine accompanies the meal. Jake nods to the waiter as he finishes pouring and departs, "I thought you might be telling me you were having doubts, or worse." He raises his glass to her and waits for her to do the same. "No doubts." He says with a smile, "to no doubts."

Ruby raises her glass with one hand and rests the other on Jake's thigh. She flashes him a dazzling smile, the one she has just for him. "No doubts." They both breathe a sigh of relief as they clink their glasses together and sip their wine. "Very nice," Ruby comments and takes another sip. During the dinner the hotel clerk delivers the ticket to the table, commenting "Best two seats in the house." They proceed to Schieffelin Hall, built the previous year and named after Ed Schieffelin, Tombstone's founder when he first discovered silver there a mere five years earlier.

This evening's performance is by Pauline Markham's entertainment troupe, with Josephine Marcus in the lead performance. They dedicate this night's show to Morgan Earp, who had been in attendance at the premiere on Saturday night. The show itself is a three act summary of dramas, with excepts from various Shakespearian plays and Italian operas. While both Ruby and Jake had witnessed better performances before it is certainly above-average for what one might expect in a rural mining town.

Ruby sits in awe at the show. The seats actually were the best in the house and it had been a long time since she could enjoy a performance and it was even more special to be sharing it with Jake. After the show is over Ruby gives Jake a passionate kiss. "Thank you baby for taking me here. I'm having a great time," and Jake can tell by the smile on her face that she means it.

Silver Moon

Chapter 123, “Star Gazing”, Monday, March 20th, 1882, 6:30 P.M.

When the meal at the Alhambra is finished Chester arrives at their table and they go over to the Lucky Lady together. Nanuet smiles and lightly squeezes Minerva's hand as they get up to leave. He says, "I am sorry if I seem nervous this evening. I have a few things to sort out and... well I just can't seem to think straight around you. You are a captivating woman in many ways."

Minerva lowers her lashes in what appears to be modesty, as she attempts to hide her own vulnerable feelings. ‘Captivating‘ Minerva thinks. What an appropriate word for how I feel. I do feel like a prisoner, for these are not feelings that I would choose freely. I have never felt this fluttering before and I can not seem to reason clearly. I do not care to be led by emotion or by the gods for that matter, and would feel much better if I could be sure that these feelings were true and not brought on by circumstance."

She looks back up at Nanuet and her eyes soften in affection as she smiles demurely and murmurs,” Yes, It seems that I have a few things to sort out also."

They arrive at the Lucky Lady. Nanuet checks in and tends to any chores that need to be done. Before doing so he makes sure that Minerva is comfortable and gets her a drink. Nanuet tries to be brisk in his duties and finds himself going out of his way to keep an eye on Minerva. As his work is nearly done he calls out to Chester that he needs a hand with something quickly.

Minerva sits at the table sipping her drink, perhaps a little to quickly, and attempts to strike up a conversation with Clarisse. She talks about Chester, putting in a good word or two for him, telling Clarisse how dependable and thoughtful he is "He is such a gentleman to have brought you flowers.... and doesn't he look handsome this evening, all gussied up in his suit." They discuss his new position as Deputy Marshall, which Clarisse seems much impressed with, and go on to talk about more neutral topics such as the new church and the festival coming up.

It seems like Minerva is doing most of the talking and eventually the conversation tapers off. Minerva keeps looking toward the back room where Chester and Nanuet have disappeared and finally getting too fidgety to sit any longer she makes her excuses to Clarisse and goes outside to stand on the porch and gaze at the stars. As she does so Luna spots her and swoops down to keep her company.

Nanuet says, "Chet, come here for a minute please, I need a hand with something." "Sure, be right there. Excuse me for just a moment Clarisse, I am sure this won't take long." Nanuet walks to the stock room and Chester follows. Nanuet waits for Chester before lifting a large crate. "Thanks for the hand, I really just wanted to ask you how things were going with Clarisse."

Chester replies "Well, we have only been on a few dates, but I think it is going well. She is a young girl looking for a respectable man and me being deputy now should work in my favor. Thanks for helping me out with the chaperoning tonight. So what's going on with you and Minerva, you seem to be spending quite a bit of time together. I saw you looking at her at dinner. And what about Sonoma?"

"What about Sonoma?" Nanuet snapped, then sighed. "Sorry Chet, forgive me. It's been a long day." Nanuet begins to unpack the crate and organize his thoughts before continuing. "The way I saw it, nothing between Sonoma and I never really evolved. She has her mind on many other things, or so I thought. I had thought that it wasn't working out between us and had been keeping my distance to not cause problems, she however had just been doing what she thought I wanted and working hard on the ranch.

You should take a ride out sometime, it is really something to see now. Anyways, she still has feelings for me, or at least she did earlier today. I didn't know what to expect, but certainly not that. I, well I think I have some sort of bond with Minerva. I like her, we seem to complement each other well. Not sure where it will lead, but I think I would like to explore the options. If it is OK with you and your date is over I think Minerva and I are going to go for a stroll now. Thanks for the help."

Nanuet returns out of the back room to see Clarisse sitting alone and Minerva nowhere to be found. "She went outside, on the porch I think, to get some air." Clarisse says in a sweet voice.
"Thanks, I know you have to sing tonight so Minerva and I are going to go catch up on some things. I hope you and Chester had a nice evening." Nanuet straightens his clothes and grabs a flower from a vase on the bar. "Ruby's touch I am sure he thinks. He breaks the stem off so that it is only a few inches long and then heads out to the porch. Nanuet watches Minerva through the door way for a moment then steps outside.

Following her set of songs Clarisse returns to Chester's table. Before they engage in conversation Harry Rote, who had been the accompanist on piano comes over. He says to Clarisse "That was wonderful. I'm sorry that you were so limited by having to sing the few songs that I can play." She smiles back at him and says, "There is nothing to apologize for Harry, you're new at this, and you've great expanded your repertoire considerably in just the past week." He replies, "Just the past few days actually. With Helen Barker out of town Stanley has been able to spend most of yesterday and today teaching these to me. I've only been able to pay him for my regular one-hour lesson but he doesn't mind spending the extra time. I think he's feeling more than a little guilty about not being able to play here anymore."

"We won't tell Mrs. Barker about any of that will we, Miss Townsend?" Chester says to Harry, "Your secret is safe with us, Harry. She's not someone to have mad at you." Harry chuckles, "You're right about that, Chester. Or should I say, Deputy Martin." Chester replies, "Hey. We've known each other long enough not to be formal."

Clarisse says, "Have you asked Mrs. Kale for some lessons? She knows quite a lot about music. She favors classical music, but some of the customers like the change of pace." "I'll ask her the next time I see her." Harry goes back on stage to play some lively bar songs. Chester leans closer to Clarisse. "Have I ever told you that your singing was first thing that got me to notice you?"
She replies, "No, you haven't. It seems like being a Marshall agrees with you, Mr. Martin. You look happier and more sure of yourself."

"I do? Hmm. Must be because I can do some good here in town. The Cowboys are getting more and more dangerous. I need to see that my friends will be safe. Are you going to sing some more? I could spend the whole night listening to you." Clarisse giggles, "You're too kind. I'll go back up, but for now let's just talk."

Outside, Nanuet approaches Minerva and says, "Here, I thought this might go well with your dress, you can put it in your hair." He reaches to tuck the flower behind her hair. "Ready for that walk we talked about earlier?" Minerva reaches up and gently touches the flower in her hair. "Oh! How sweet." she says, surprised by the gesture. "No one has ever given me a flower. Gracias." She tucks her arm companionably in his and they set out on their stroll through the streets of Promise City‘s music and laughter can be heard through the swinging doors of the saloons as they head for the edge of town.

Nanuet states, "So, today has been an eventful day. This is a good way to end it. A stroll through a peaceful town with a beautiful woman on my arm. The stars are always out around here and seem so close. Sometimes I feel as though I could reach out and grab one."

Minerva gives Nanuet an amused look, "Since this is one of the few days since I've moved here that I haven't been involved in a gunfight or a rescue mission or had to calm a hysterical cowboy while we searched for his missing lover I would say that today has been pleasantly un-eventful."
She looks up at the twinkling stars of the night sky. "If you look at the constellations you can see the gods sitting among the stars. Is it true that in your culture your ancestors watch you from above also?"

He replies, "It is my personal belief that they do watch from above, yes. Can you show me any constellations? I have used the stars to guide me on several occasions, but I have never seen the Gods among them."

Mineva stops walking and positions Nanuet in the direction that she wants him to look. She lays one hand on his back and leans her head in close beside his so that they are looking at the same spot in the sky. She looks to the heavens and begins pointing out the most obvious objects.
"Do you see that bright object up there? That is Mercury, he is the speedy messenger god and moves very fast through the sky delivering his messages. He is the one that Senor Jake honors as Hermes. And sitting in the heavens over there, the big blood-red one, that is Mars. He is the god of war. I'm sure that he is having himself a grand time with the cowboy gang and the Earps." She says without humor.

"And way up there, do you see it? "She tilts her head way back, exposing her slender neck, and stretching upwards points high in the sky. "The one that shines most brightly of all?" She leans in closer to guide him, causing his head to angle in the direction that she is pointing. She is unaware of the affect that she is having as, her soft, fragrant hair brushes his face.

Her voice takes on a soft reverent tone. "She is Venus, The goddess of love and beauty. Of all the gods and goddesses in the heavens, she is the most powerful for she is never distracted from her duties and thinks of nothing but love..." Almost to herself, Mineva continues "and the one to be feared most.. for the quickest way to the soul is through the heart.” She says unconsciously, placing her hand over her heart.. "You can be certain that if she should instruct her son, Cupid, to target you with his arrow, that his aim will be true."

Minerva grows silent, suddenly aware of the darkness and Nanuet's closeness, but she does not move away. Instead she stands silently under the desert stars and as she gazes up at the goddess of love, she ponders the power of her gods and the man who stands beside her. Nanuet lowers his head and turns around slowly, his face only inches from Minerva's. He looks into her eyes and he speaks softly, barely above a whisper. "So the Gods control even who we love? Is it possible to fall in love without the Gods intervention?"

Minerva turns into his embrace and with a tremor in her voice whispers uncertainly, "I do not know." She holds his eyes with her own. "For I have never loved before..." she almost says "now." but catches herself before the thought escapes. She shakes her head and with more conviction softly continues, "No, I will not believe it. The gods can not force me to love, they are only allowed to show me the love that is before me."

"Do you not believe in fate, Nanuet? The gods are. We cannot change their will anymore than we can breath without air. We can only choose to accept or deny the path that they place before us."
"I do believe in fate, yes." Nanuet says, then turns his head to the side. "I... I just am a little overwhelmed at the moment. Let's not kid ourselves, there is definitely something growing between us, and I do want to explore the possibilities, believe me. It's just that you made me think with what you said about the Gods and Cupid's arrow. Let's keep walking and I can try and explain."

Nanuet offers his hand to Minerva before he begins walking. "When I first came to this town I was lonely. I came here to take care of something, something that I had been pursuing for a long time.” Minerva notices the haunted look in his eyes.

He continues, “Then once the task was completed, I realized how empty my life really was and how alone I was. I sought companionship with Sonoma, the young wood elf that resides at the ranch now and works at the Lucky Lady sometimes. I courted her, and while it all started out OK, it soon withered, or so I thought. She seemed preoccupied with working on the ranch and I thought that the relationship just didn't work out. I moved on and filled my time with helping my new friends and with our adventures."

Nanuet stops and glances at Minerva, "Are you with me so far?" Minerva nods so Nanuet continues. "With the recent events between us, the healing you performed on me, your dream, and the sharing of your past I know a bond is forming between us.” She states, "But, I felt the bond when I first saw you, before everything that happened. It is why I followed you to the cowboy ranch. It's what caused me to cure you beyond my abilities.”

He says, “Earlier today I went to speak with Sonoma, just a friendly gesture. It did not go as planned. She still has feelings for me and I was surprised to find that out, as she have never before displayed them that I could recall. I let her know that I wanted to remain friends but not pursue anything else romantically."

Nanuet stops his steps and again looks into Minerva's eyes. "So, it is your comment about the Gods and Cupid's aim being true that has sent my head spinning a bit. I do not want to anger the Gods or fight against their will, but at the same time I think I have moved on and no longer have a romantic interest in Sonoma. My change in feelings had occurred before we had even met and today was just a chance to express that to her, although the timing seems interesting, perhaps just a coincidence. I am just not sure what to do at this point. I know I am blabbering on now."

She sighs in confusion and growing frustration as she tries to explain, "So much has happened so quickly. . I am so confused...I have never felt this way and I do not like or recognize these feelings that I have for you. They are so strange and quite unsettling to me," she says turning away, clenching her fists as she talks into the empty sky.

"I did not come to Promise City in search of romance. I was content with my own company. I knew my purpose. And now the goddess has led me here, I do not know for what purpose.” She turns and looks at him, the uncertainty apparent in her eyes. "Don't you see, I know that I must trust her, but she's not being very clear, and well, damn it! I have no experience in these matters and I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with these feelings!"

Minerva turns away again and stares into the night struggling to regain her composure. "By the goddess I am blathering like an idiot! she thinks. Embarrassed by her outburst she turns back to Nanuet and attempts to lighten the situation. " I am fairly certain that the gods will not punish you for no longer having a romantic interest in Sonoma. I do not think that Romantic interests are the same as love are they? "As I said, I have no experience in this area. Perhaps we should seek council from Ruby when she returns from Tombstone. I am sure she would know the answer."

Nanuet stands, shocked by Minerva's outburst. He tries to react, to answer and respond to the questions and comments as they come flying from the woman's lips, but she keeps going, even clenching her fists at points. Finally she calms and turns back to him. Nanuet refrains from moving to comfort her, not wanting to confuse things more. Instead he tries to keep the mood light and talks.

"No, certainly not the same as love. That is something I have yet to experience as well. It scares me to think that Ruby may be the one that we should seek council from but I suppose you are right, she may have some insight into this. In the meantime, I see nothing wrong with enjoying each other's company. Shall we walk?"

Minerva, nods relieved that Nanuet did not come right out and call her a crazy woman. Gods, what had come over her? Well perhaps, she was crazy, but with everything that happened in the last few days it was certainly understandable if she was losing her mind! She takes the arm that Nanuet offers and walks beside him in silence.

Nanuet and Minerva walk together arm in arm in a comfortable silence for quite some time.

"Well, I am not sure I have ever really been over in this area before. Time to head back I think, I'll walk you back to the boarding house." They continue to walk leisurely, sharing some light conversations, discussing Minerva's plan for the upcoming festival, Nanuet's lack of plans for his future, and other goings on.

"Well, we're here. Another day gone by. Have a pleasant sleep Miss Florencia, perhaps we can share a meal tomorrow? I have to visit Miss Kate, have a favor to ask her, but other than that don't really have any plans. Keep an eye on things for Jake and Ruby I guess, nothing too taxing."
Minerva smiles up at Nanuet and bids him a good night reassuring him that she had a lovely evening and will see him tomorrow.

She climbs the stairs to her room and shutting the door behind her with a fire in her eyes stomps over to the icons on the dresser and demands "I don't know what you have in mind for me goddess, but I have made an utter fool of myself this evening and am none the wiser for it. I do not understand these turbulent feelings. nor do I like them! I would appreciate a little more clarity from you." She sighs heavily and plops down on the bed. "It's times like this that I wish I had a mother to talk to." she moans.

She strips off her dress and crawls under the covers but She soon realizes that with all this self pity and confusion running around her head that sleep is impossible. She gets back up and throwing on a loose fitting robe sneaks back down the stairs and into the yard, where she practices with her rapier until the goddess Aurora arrives to puts out the stars. She pushes herself hard, clearing her mind of all thought as she focuses on the fencing positions. 1st, 2nd, ....Finally, exhausted and panting, beads of sweat shimmering on her brow she drags herself back up the stairs, drops her clothes to the floor and falls into the bed.

After escorting Minerva home, Nanuet passes by the Lucky Lady to make sure things are OK. Once that is done he decides to spend the night at the grove. He calls to Maska, preferring not to be alone. "So girl, what do you think? I think I am crazy too. I got kissed by someone I didn't expect to today, and didn't kiss the one I really wanted to. Irony." Nanuet talks with Maska at some length, trying to sort out his thoughts before doing his usual reverie.

At the Lucky Lady, Chester and Clarisse chat for a half-hour, mostly upon his and her reflections of the town and the people living in it. She appears to be immensely proud to be seen with the new Sheriff. She says, "I have one more set to sing here then have to head over to the Comique. I had tonight off but Al asked me to sing a few songs there to finish up the night."

He says, "I'll be glad to escort you over there. I can think of no better place than to be with you." Clarisse sings to loud and boisterous applause. She thanks Harry for accompanying her and leaves the stage. "That was great. They really like you out there. Take a breath before you go over to the Comique." She sits for a while. "I'm alright now. Let's go. I don't want to keep them waiting."

Chester takes her arm in his. "What a wonderful night. A beautiful woman at my side who sings her heart out. A job I can feel proud of. It can't get any better than this." Clarisse sings a larger set of songs at the Comique. At her break Chester walks over to the stage with a glass of water. "Here you go, Miss Townsend." She takes a long drink. "Thank you Mr. Martin. I can't wait until Harry can play these tunes. A variety is more interesting for me and the customers." "Well I think they're plenty interested. I'll see you back to the Hotel when you're done."

When Clarisse finishes performing, Chester walks her home. They stop at the front door. "I had a lovely evening. Can I call you Clarisse? Miss Townsend is so formal. You can call me Chester, but my friends call me Chet." "I had a wonderful time, too... Chet. Good night." "When I find out my schedule, then I can set up another date. Would you be interested?" "Yes, I would. Try not to get tangled up with those Cowboys again."

"I can't make any promises, but I'll try." Chester leans in and kisses her. he wraps her in his arms and they stand there for a minute. Finally she pulls away. "I hope I wasn't being too forward." "Oh no. No one's ever kissed me like that before. It felt very nice. If I can't feel safe with a Deputy Marshall, who can I feel safe with? I must go before my cousin wonders where I am." She reluctantly lets go of Chester's hand before going inside. Chester goes home to sleep with a big grin on his face.

Silver Moon

Chapter 124, “Poker in Tombstone”, Monday, March 20th, 1882, 6:45 P.M.

Some seventy miles to the northwest of Tombstone is the town of Tucson. The Earp Brothers have just loaded Morgan’s Casket on the westbound train to California. James Earp is saying goodbye to his brothers as he prepares to board the train. His wife and stepdaughter are already on board and Wyatt is saying his goodbyes when he spots somebody familiar further down the tracks peering out from behind another parked train.

Wyatt instructs Virgil and James to remain talking on the platform while he heads onto the train and then slips out the door on the opposite side. He grabs his brother Warren and new allies Sherm MacMasters and Turkey Creek Johnson. The four of them make their way around the long way where they manage to spy Ike Clanton and Frank Stilwell carrying rifles and watching Virgil and James. Wyatt deduces that they are waiting for him to exit the train and rejoin his brothers.

Just as the train is about to leave at 7:00pm James Earp climbs on board, leaving Virgil standing alone on the tracks. There is some hurried conversation between the Clantons and Stilwell. Stillwell then raises his rifle towards Virgil while Ike continues to argue. “Let’s do it,” Wyatt exclaims as he and his companions step forward. A voice from somewhere further over that sounds very much like Billy Clanton’s yells, “Look out Ike.”

Ike Clanton drops his gun and manages to roll beneath the nearest train while Stilwell starts to turn. He is partially turned around and now facing the Wyatt and his three companions when his body gets riddled with bullets and buckshot. They briefly look for the two Clanton brothers but both seem to have high tailed it out of there.

Warren reminds Wyatt that they have no formal jurisdiction in Tucson or Pima County for that matter. “Good point,” Wyatt says, commenting that nobody has come to investigate the shots. MacMasters says “May not have heard it, the train was just pulling out then.” They four collect Virgil and head back to their hotel, leaving Stilwell’s body lying beside the train tracks.

Back in Tombstone, Ruby loops her arm through Jake's and they head over to Neil Cassidy's Saloon to play cards. Standing outside Jake retrieves his pocket watch from his new vest, which causes him to admire the vest again. "I have to admit," he says running his thumb over a lapel of dark brown silk, "at first I wasn't sure this looked good on me, but as usual you were correct."

He checks the time and deposits the watch back, tracing a finger over one of the flowers in the thick pattern of woven roses, dusty rose in color over deep brown background. He brushes his the wool pants with his hands, the fabric dark brown like the lapels of his vest but with a tight and fine golden plaid. Satisfied he is presentable, he takes Ruby's hands and turns her one way and then the other. "Perfect," he nods and smiles. "Let us go in. Something about the name of this saloon is familiar....."

Ruby gives a little curtsey at the compliment then takes Jake's hand to enter the saloon. "Yes, Silver Jake Cook, it does have a ring to it," she giggles. She stops suddenly in the doorway and looks at Jake with a grin, "Have I ever told you how handsome you are? How irresistible you are?"

"You may have once, but my memory is a bit faulty." He squeezes her hand, "Feel free to remind me." Ruby laughs and says, "You are the most handsome and sexy man I've ever known! How is that?" She giggles, gives him a quick kiss and they continue inside.

The saloon isn't very crowded, it is a Monday night and they spot Cassidy right away. They approach him and Ruby notices Jake's eyes darting around looking for anything or anyone out of place. She squeezes his hand and smiles brightly at Cassidy, reaching out her right hand to him, "Good evening Neil." He takes her hand and kisses it, "Good evening Ruby," he nods, then extends his hand to Jake, "Jake. Glad the two of you decided to take me up on my offer. What can I get you?"

"I'm feeling adventurous, why don't you serve us something, that isn't beer, you reserve for your favorite customers," Jake answers as he shakes Neil’s hand warmly. When Cassidy leaves them to have his bartender get the drinks Jake says to Ruby, "Are we going to play at different tables tonight, or are you going to clean me out?"

"Oh I don't want to not play with you baby..." Then she realizes Jake is kidding with her and she gives him a playful pinch on the arm. "Just for that I AM going to clean you out!" Cassidy brings them some drinks and after a few more minutes of chat they all head to a table.

Cassidy introduces Jake and Ruby two his partners, "This is Mike Liberty, he owns half of this place, and Finn O'Connor who owns the other quarter. Gentlemen, this is Jake Cook and Ruby West, they own half of the place that I gamble at in Promise City." Finn acts as dealer, as Cassidy, Ruby and Jake are dealt in. The other two players at the table are introduced as Charlie Johnson and Paul Rivera. Roger Fly comes in shortly thereafter for a bit to eat.

Between hands Jake asks Charlie in a amicable tone, "A bunch of Johnsons around these parts. Are you related to the Johnsons that own the barber shop in Promise City or a guy around here who goes by the name Turkey Creek?" He replies "Neither, I'm related to the Johnsons of Rock Ridge."

The game starts with some friendly conversation, everyone being taken by Ruby's charms. However, soon enough the hands start getting large and the men start thinking about their cards instead of how much cleavage she is showing each time she wins a hand. The experienced card players very quickly determine that neither Johnson or Rivera are any good at poker.

When they stop briefly to refresh drinks, Rivera has already lost over $50. The dealer Finn seems to be saddled with terrible luck tonight. He loses a big hand to Jakes three tens with three nines and another big hand to Ruby's ten high straight with an eight high straight. When they stop for the first break Rivera has lost around $90 and says he won't be joining them when they start back up. He mumbles something about being out classed and needing enough money left for a couple of drinks and a cheap whore at the cribs. Ruby giggles out loud at this despite trying to hold it in. The dealer is down over $100, having lost another big hand to Ruby who is up nearly $90 and ahead of everyone. Johnson, despite his lack of poker skills is about even, while Jake and Neil are both up.

Finn starts the game back aggressively when the break is over, determined to change his luck. Unfortunately he is dead wrong, losing one hand after another to Jake, and suckering Ruby in as well. Halfway to the next break he has lost another $100 and Jake covers him on his last bet that he was sure he was going to win. Although he seems angry, Finn apologizes and says he rather not play anymore tonight. Neil seems surprised, knowing that Finn has more cash reserves than that but doesn't say anything to him. Jake at this point is up over $200 and Johnson is still about even, periodically drawing good cards.

"Jake," Neil says, "Why don't you deal? It would be my honor." Jake answers, "Oh, no, Neil. This is your joint and I'm on holiday. I trust you, go ahead and lead us." Jake pushes him the cards Ruby has nearly lost everything she won before the first break and starts to pout. Jake catches her eye and shakes his head slightly, taking a slow deep breath. She nods, takes a breath and gets back to the game. The cards go quickly and at the second break Ruby is up over $100 including taking $50 from Jake in a big hand, Neil has lost all his winnings and is about even, Jake is still ahead but by less than $200 and Johnson to everyone's amazement is still about even.

During the break Ruby is positively giddy, "This is so much fun! Winning is definitely better than losing," she says smiling from ear to ear. "Those sayings about being a good sport and enjoying the game are a load of crap." Jake laughs, clicks his glass on hers and says, "You have discovered the truth of the matter, Ruby West."

Jake stops to see Finn, chats with him for a minute. Finn confesses that his mind was elsewhere, having some personal trouble. Jake nods and pretends to listen for a bit with the appropriate sincerity, satisfied that Finn isn't angry with him he excuses himself to go back to the game.

They settle in after the break just the four of them; Cassidy, Cook, Johnson and West. Before very long Ruby and Jake are winning hand after hand from Neil Cassidy, and in no time he is down over $140 dollars split evenly between them. Johnson continues to keep about even, still not playing well but drawing just the right cards here and there. There drinks are refreshed and they continue at it.

"Neil," Ruby say with a charming smile and a little forward lean towards him, "I feel bad that we are taking all your money tonight. Well, maybe just a little bad." She says with a laugh. "No don't feel bad Ruby, I am about to win it all back."

Neil, however is quite wrong. Because out of the blue in a really big hand Johnson calls when Jake was sure the man would drop and won with a full house cleaning out Neil's table stake. Johnson now was nearly $90 over where he started, Ruby was up over $150 and Jake had amassed $275 over where he started.

"That's enough for me tonight folks," Neil says all around and then to Johnson, "I suppose you are ready to take your winnings and go?" "I think my luck is just getting hot if we can still play?" He replies and Neil looks surprised. "Fine by me, if you would like to see if you can win my money from Jake Cook. Jake would you deal after the break.?" Jake, who was also surprised says, "Uh, sure. I'd be happy to."

"Jake, It's getting late and I still want to dance. Why don't you just tell him no?" Ruby rubs her body suggestively against Jake. "Now stop that, that's not fair." He says but doesn't stop her. "We've cleaned out both owners and it would be bad to blow off one of his customers. We'll play a little longer to make him happy. You could always pretend to be yawning and give us an excuse to not do this all night long." "So just clean him out and be done with it."

"If it were just that easy." He replies and guides her back to the table. First hand back into the game everyone has very good cards, but Johnson was right his luck was good and with four sevens he took the largest pot of the night. Jake deals again and it is obvious that once again everyone has good cards. Jake calls him and Johnson lays a full house, threes over tens, and starts to pull in another good size pot when Ruby says, "Tut, tut Mr. Johnson I believe this one is mine" She demurely lays down her cards to reveal a full house queens over sixes. Behind her Neil Cassidy is chuckling.

Charlie Johnson recovers himself and apologizes to Ruby. He looks at the stack of money in front of him, the predatory look on Jake's face, and finally at Neil Cassidy mouthing silently, 'Take it home, you fool'. Johnson suddenly yawns, and says, "It is very late. I wouldn't want to keep you tied up any longer Miss West." He bids goodnight and pulls the $223 over his starting stake into his pockets. He finishes his drink at the bar and is out the door.

Ruby is just about bouncing in her seat and clapping her hands. "That was sooooo much fun. Did you see the look on his face?" She giggles and then laughs. "Yah, I did." Though he is still ahead for the evening, Jake calculates he lost $200 in the last two hands. "I'm up almost $80, but you my dear Ruby took away around as much Charlie Johnson for the evening. Congratulations." "Can we do this tomorrow?" She says giddily. Before Jake can answer she says, "Let's go dancing."

Jake replies, “Let me just finish up here.” Ruby slips a few bills deep down her bodice, getting a raised eyebrow from Jake then asks him to hold onto the rest for her. She bids everyone goodnight, kisses Jake and heads outside. Jake also says goodnight then takes care of the bill, which is fairly small considering what they drank. Jake makes sure to thank Cassidy again for his hospitality then meets up with Ruby outside.

They wander around Tombstone until they hear some lively music and they follow the sound to a saloon that is still mobbed with people. They head inside to the sight of a bawdy scene, girls dancing on stage, people dancing in various spots around the saloon, some respectably, some not, drinks being spilled everywhere, poker playing, fights, drunks passed out in the corners and everything in between. Ruby smiles and takes Jake by the hand pulling him inside.

Jake and Ruby follow what they believe are dance hall sounds, finding themselves at the Bird Cage Theater. They very quickly discover that they have wandered into a brothel, with music and dancing taking place by women attired in low cut and revealing clothing. The dancing is rather poor but the man at the piano is playing rather well. Ruby and Jake look over to recognize the man as Roger Fly, who had slipped out of the Silver Dollar Saloon earlier when they were playing poker.

Ruby looks about, finally recognizing the place for what it is and shrugs. Jake smiles and says, "Hold on a minute." He heads over to Roger Fly and drops a dollar in his cup. "Fine piano playing." A couple of girls come up behind Jake; one starts running her hand through his hair and the other grabs his arm and puts it around her.

Roger looks up and his face turns red with embarrassment. He sheepishly comments, "I...er....didn't expect to see any of you here. Please don't tell my wife Janet. She's very active with the Vigilance Committee and won't even let me set foot in the saloons back in town." "Never saw a thing. Not to worry Mr. Smith." Jake nods a couple of times. "Too bad though, I was going to ask you if you wanted to play at the Lucky Lady some time. Keep it in mind."

"Uh ladies, not tonight thanks." He tries to untangle himself and they resist and laugh. Jake points to Ruby, "See that woman over there? The one with the mighty evil expression on her face? I think she is about to come over here and remove your livers and feed them back to you. Trust me, you don't want that she is an awful cook." The ladies laugh nervously and let go of him, one mutters 'your loss'. Jake winds his way back through the crowd to Ruby, "Let's try another spot."
"If you want to..." She replies.

Ruby and Jake let their ears guide them to another location, looking for music, drink and dancing. "They all can't be whore houses." Jake comments. "At this hour, they could be." Ruby replies with a serious expression and then laughs and pulls on his arm towards the sounds of music. After walking around the town for a bit they finally find a suitable dance hall. Once inside they grab a small table in a corner and order a round of drinks.

As soon as they finish enjoying their fine whiskey Ruby laughs, “Well, aren’t you going to ask me to dance?” Jake chuckles in return, “So impatient, Miss West,” while shaking his head. “Of course, will you honor me by being my dance partner this very fine evening? I’d like to be the envy of every man in here.” Ruby smiles and takes Jake’s hand leading him out to the dance floor. Jake starts spinning Ruby before they are even there and she grabs on tight while he swings her around.

They continue to dance and drink for a couple of hours, turning down anyone who asks either of them for dances. By the end of the evening, which is actually morning, Ruby and Jake are satisfied they are drunk enough so they sloppily head back to their room. Even in his drunken state Jake continues to be paranoid looking around and Ruby laughs at him every time she sees his eyes dart to the side.

Once back at the Grand they try to pretend like they aren’t drunk as they pass the desk clerk and stumble up the steps. They get back to their room and Ruby says, “Tomorrow, Mr. Cook, we are going to finish that bath we started!” She takes off her clothes giggling and with exaggerating motions and falls into the bed. Jake fumbles with his buttons for a minute before he gets his clothes off, then dives into the bed too. "Well, this night is certainly going better than the day went..." she says as Jake pulls her under the blankets...

Silver Moon

Chapter 125, “Magical Rings and Spoons”, Monday, March 20th, 1882, 7:30 P.M.

At the El Parador Kate stopped at Ginnie's table on her way upstairs and said "Please stay out of Dorita's kitchen for the night. I'm just going upstairs for a few minutes, and after you've finished your dinner I have something to show you." Kate warned Mr. Gonzales, and a few minutes later she brought Ginnie into the wizard's public rooms and through the door that was now exposed for the girl to see.

Ginnie walks through the door of room, her face goes through many very subtle changes while Kate watches starting with surprise, then confusion, realization, and then analysis the entire event takes less than five seconds and only because Kate knows Ginnie well can she see the changes at all. As Kate watched Ginnie, she remembered how she had rediscovered happiness here. "This is our safe place, Ginnie dear. In more ways than one."

Gonzales gives Kate a smile and says "Perhaps you would like to give your ward a tour my little Sandpiper?" "Of course," she answered, a genuine smile on her face even though a shadow still hung over it. Kate laid her hand on Ginnie's shoulder and guided her through the long front room with it's plain table and fountain of an elven figure. "This is where I study. We often sit out here when we just want to talk about something. In here," she said opening another door, "is the workshop. I haven't done anything in here yet, but this is where we would make magical potions and such things. Not a place for anyone with clumsy fingers."

The door to Mr. Gonzales bedroom was open, so Kate let Ginnie peek inside. "This is my teacher's real room. It's rare to find him actually in the outside room. Now, here is the room that I think you will really be interested in," Kate said, leading the girl over to the library. She looked down at Ginnie and opened the door, revealing the shelves lined with volume after volume, with room for a great many more. The rest of the furniture consisted of a desk and a couple comfortable chairs. "We took most of these books from Johnny Ringo. They aren't all about magic, many are just ordinary books which are treasures in and of themselves." Kate waited a moment. "What do you think, Ginnie?"

She watched as Ginnie took the few short steps to the shelves and began devouring the titles with her eyes. Kate leaned against the doorframe and sighed. How could it be that a few months ago she thought children would never be a part of her life? Kate heard her teacher approach from behind. "I'm not sure I'm ready for all this," she said to him, her hands clasped over her stomach.

Gonzales says, "But she is. Come Ginne." They walk over to a desk that has two stacks of books piled on it. He says, "I haven't had a chance to check these yet. They're all in Latin. I'd like you to start reading them, as you did for those other eight books. This is a very important responsibility and I would normally not entrust this to one as young as you. But you are old beyond your years and I trust you. Katherine and I will be over in my workshop." She begins to devour the texts as Gonzales leads Kate into the workshop.

He tells her "It is alright. I have alarms that will alert me if she tries to venture where she shouldn't, although I suspect she will do exactly as I have instructed her." "I think it's a case of telling her to do just what she wanted to anyway. She has a good head on her shoulders, if she can control her excitement she'll be fine. I've seen her try a couple simple spells, one right in the Lucky Lady. That's mostly what I'm afraid of, that she will think she is unseen when she isn't. I brought her here, anything that happens to her....." Kate stopped and shook her head. "There's no use worrying about that. So, what is our lesson for the night?"

He replies, "Tonight we will work on the spells of Nystrul. He was a great wizard in the Fourth Century. He came from Milan, the same Italian city that our new friend Joseppi is originally from." He goes to his desk and removes many pieces of paper. He says, "But it is equally important that we also work on your scribing skills. If you can create a scroll of a spell then you can maximize the number of spells available to you. A scroll could also be used by one trained to read them, which would include your friends Ruby and Sonoma, and Ginnie soon I would imagine."

Ginnie begins reading the text that were assigned to her translating and transcribing them into English as she reads. On a second piece of paper she writes down anything she can hear from Ma'am Kate's lessons which she will tuck into the small pocket she has made under her sash if she hears anyone coming from the other room.

Gonzales and Kate spend the next two hours with him teaching her the basic mechanics of magical writing, explaining the variations of ink and paper and how those can make subtle influences on the spell's effect. He also explains the importance of the setting in which the scroll is scribed, as places with heavier magical ley lines make the magical writings less susceptible to becoming damanged.

It was odd to see the lines of strange writing across the page, still distinctly in her own hand. The details were important, and it felt strong here in these rooms. "It seems to me using scrolls would be fairly obvious. The times when you would need them most would be when you could not, when others could see you. Or is it rather like using a derringer? If you need it that badly, it doesn't matter who sees? Is a scroll magically protected somehow. For example, it won't burn easily? What happens after you've read the words?"

Gonzales lets out a loud belly laugh "Like a derringer! What an analogy. Katherine, you always have to be careful. Scrolls are one of he easiest things to deal with. They could be left in a book, under a plate on a table, better yet, fastened to the bottom of a plate. The art of being subtle is very important. The art of misdirection is also valuable, which is the purpose of these spells.
So, let me now teach you those spells. You've actually now written most of them with my help, you're just missing a few key words."

He spends the next hour training her in the first spells, Nystul's Magical Aura. He explains, "What the spell does is create a false magical aura around an item. The spell itself is easy to cast but requires passing a small square of silk over the item, which can be obvious. But if you use the component at the time of spell creation then you don't need it at the time of casting."

He then teaches her the second spell, Nystul's Undetectable Aura. He explains how the spell is the opposite of the other, it allows a genuine magical item to be masked so that the magic cannot be detected." When they are done he says, "Using these wisely will help with Ringo. You're biggest asset now is that he is unaware of the power that You and Ruby can control. If you can misdirect him, make him think the magic is coming from somewhere other than you, then you'll have an advantage."

She replies, "Something like what I did in buying the leathers, so when I use the protection spell my appearance will change as little as possible. But you have to be prepared then, and have scrolls in places where you are likely to be. And the right scroll at that. A bit complicated. From what I saw, Ringo isn't far behind you in skill. Can Ruby and I really match him in any way?"

Gonzales replies, "It is best not to try. A one-on-one match with him and either of you would not be wise. Best to stick with your friends. But in the mean while you should take this again." He hands her the Wand of Magic Missiles that he had loaned her for the stagecoach ride in January.

"Thank you. There are a few things we collected from the Cowboys; I tucked them away in here for safe keeping." Kate turned the wand over in her hands. "I used this spell at the farmhouse. We were concealed in the trees. The look of terror on the man's face when they struck him...." She shivered slightly.

She went and fetched the wand and spoon. "There are some other things as well, but they've been dispersed among the others. I was able to glean some information about them, enough to get an idea of what they did.” He replies, "Ah, excellent. I'll take a look at these items and let you know by tomorrow."

She asks, “The rings the Pepita and Angelica wear, how do they work?" He says, "Well, it's complicated but basically they create an invulnerable protective shell around the baby. Diseases, spells and physical objects are unable to break through, so the baby itself will not come to any harm. It also gives added strength to the mother, essentially stabilizing the body. So you would not have to deal with things like morning sickness or extreme fatigue that normally accompanies pregnancies."

She replies, "So the only thing that can hurt the baby is... well... if I should be killed. I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen. There are a few other things we collected, I might still have some. I'll dig them up for you. I do have a few of these," she said, taking out the patches she had kept for herself. "They do some healing, but we aren't sure how much. The others have some bullets, Chester has a jacket.... I think I'm forgetting something. I'll remember.

I think it's time I was in bed, and Ginnie too. We'll see you tomorrow morning, I know you have that errand you wanted to run, so we'll get out of your hair early. We'll talk about these objects and I can get the ring? Who should I expect to understand what it means?"

He states, “The Rings? Well lets see, Pedro, Dorita and Sonoma of course. Obviously Pepita and Angelica will know, and Maria of course. And Maria's brother Estaban. Possibly Grant. I don't think that Carlos or Jose know what the rings do, but they will recognize it as one that belonged to one of the girls. I guess that's it. Oh, and Conrad Booth will probably also figure out where the ring came from, based upon what you said nothing escapes his notice."

"That's quite a few people. I'll make sure to ask Maria to keep it to herself." She sighed. "That's the price of safety, I suppose. As for Mr. Booth, knowing where they came from and why are two very different things. I guess we will soon see just how observant he is."

Kate spent another half-hour chatting with her teacher, glad of this time to relax. She always missed him when he was gone, his rooms were always here to refuge in, but it wasn't the same without him inside. After a while she got Ginnie and they went off to bed, waking bright and early and refreshed the next day.

Chester wakes up with the sun. He washes his face and dresses for work, whistling one of the songs Clarisse sang the previous night. Finally he straps on his gun belt and puts on his hat. The Deputy Marshall goes over to the EL Parador to eat breakfast. He says, "Good morning, Dorita. How are you today?" as he sits down.

She replies, "Good. Good. Better if you eat. Can't catch thieves on empty stomach." Chester waves his hands in mock surrender. "You don't have to convince me. I'll have some eggs and a glass of buttermilk, please." "Still don't know why you drink that. It's better for making flapjacks."
"It's something I picked up in the Army. Lots of cavalry troopers drink it."

An hour later, Katherine and Ginnie join Gonzales for breakfast downstairs. The candle is lit and Ginnie then gives a short summary to both of the volumes she read the night before. Four look to only be histories. A fifth is an translation of speeches by a 12th century French diplomat, but there are some handwritten notes in the side margin that might be nothing or might be some of code.

Gonzales says that today he will be making the side trip down to the city of Chihuahua, Mexico with a few members of Arcade's gang. He expects to be back by mid-afternoon at the latest. He also hands Kate the magical spoon, telling her that it is a Spoon of Purity. He explains that the item was created originally for Kings back in the middle ages, who feared that their food might be poisoned. By using the spoon to stir any liquid up to a gallon in volume it makes it drinkable, negating any poisons or diseases. He adds "This is a handy item to have in the wilderness, as you can't always find drinkable water. Sailors also value the item, as it enables seawater to transform into fresh drinkable water."

Kate answers, "We guessed it was something to do with changing food in some way. Or perhaps creating it if you didn't have any. This is one of things you'll never think of until you really need it." She tucked the spoon away in her purse.

Ginnie begins reading the text that were assigned to her translating and transcribing them into English as she reads. On a second piece of paper she writes down anything she can hear from Ma'am Kate's lessons which she will tuck into the small pocket she has made under her sash if she hears anyone coming from the other room.

She says, "I hope your errand will go well today, and I'm glad it won't be a long one. I should probably head over to the Lucky Lady and check in with Nanuet and Miss Florencia, see if there is anything we want to do today. But before I do, I should probably get that ring and then run before your Granddaughter sees it. I'm not sure I'm ready to handle her just yet."
He replies, "Okay, I'll go talk to Pepita. Meet me on the porch swing in a few minutes and I'll pass it to you discretely."

Morning arrives to soon for Minerva, she is tired and sore from over exertion and a sleepless night. Sensing that Luna is watching her she cracks open a gritty eye and mumbles "Aren't owls supposed to sleep during the day?" Luna responds with a soft hoot and flutters over to her perch where she can watch the cranky priestess from a safe distance.

Minerva pulls herself out of bed and gives grudging thanks to the goddess and Jupiter, apologizing for her impatience of the night before but at the same time reminding them that "I could use a little more guidance, here". She dresses quickly and thinking that a hearty breakfast might be just the thing to clear the cobwebs from her head, descends the stairs in search of Bea and to see if the miners have left any breakfast crumbs uneaten.

She enters the kitchen and is greeted by the comforting scent of sausage and bacon frying and the clatter of dishes. Bea is busy at the stove "I heard you out in the yard last night. Sounds like you had some trouble sleeping. I thought you could use a good start to your day" Minerva hugs Bea in appreciation of her maternal instincts. "The goddess Diana has surely smiled down upon me today! Bless you, Bea. I feel better already." She smiles and takes a seat at the table.
Bea pours them each a cup of coffee and Minerva eats her meal as she listens to Bea chatter on about the bake off.

"Oh, my yes, It's all very exciting. Almost all of the ladies in town are entering their best jams and pies. Well, except for that Mrs. King woman." she says waving her hand dismissively.
"And we've decided to hold a raffle and use the money to help purchase books for the church. Don't you think that's a marvelous idea?" Not waiting for an answer she continues "Oh, and you'll never believe what we're offering as a prize to the winners! A chance to go to Tombstone to see that performance by Pauline Markham's entertainment troupe. You know the one with Josephine Marcus in the lead performance. I heard it was absolutely wonderful! ... Bea chats on unaware that Minerva isn't listening, oblivious to faraway look in her eye.

"So what do you think? Isn't it coming along nicely? Bea says. Minerva snaps out of her reverie "What? Oh yes, You are doing a splendid job Bea. It sounds like you have everything under control. Um, I have to go now." Minerva says and hugging the woman again strolls over to the Lucky Lady in search of Chester.

She enters the saloon to find Jeff Mills cleaning up from the night before. "Buenas Dias, Senor Mills. How are you today?" She is soon sorry that she asked as she is forced to listen politely and make appropriate sounds of sympathy as he tells her how much work it is running the place when two of it’s owners are out of town and "Chester is too busy flashing that shiny tin badge of his and that Indian hasn't shown up yet today. How am I supposed to run the place without any help?" She says, “I am looking for Senor Chester, do you know where I might find him?"

Nanuet comes out of his reverie shortly after sunrise. Maska has already left him, probably long ago. He stretches and yawns, stands and begins to slowly limber up his body. "Now I know why most people sleep indoors" he chuckles as he works the knots out. "Time to head over to the Lady and see how she is this morning."

Nanuet makes his way through town to the Lucky Lady saloon just in time to hear a comment about the Indian who didn't show up yet. He waits a moment outside to hear if anything else would be said about him, but then he hears Minerva's sympathetic voice replying to Jeff. He pushes open the doors and announces his presence.

"Hey Jeff, didn't realize you needed help this morning or I would have been here already. And good morning Miss Minerva, I trust you slept well last night?" Nanuet makes his way past her and over to Jeff so that he can receive instructions for the work that needed to be done.

She replies, "Buenas Dias to you also Nanuet. Yes I slept fine. I trust you did also?" And without waiting for a response she turns to Jeff. Well, Senor Mills, it looks like your help has arrived. I'll be on my way then. If Senor Martin arrives please tell him that I would like to speak with him. I will go check and see if he is at the jail." Minerva says and departs.

Nanuet is half listening to Jeff Mills as he rattles of the work that needs to be done around the Lucky Lady as he sees Minerva leave. She seems like she was mad, hmm... should have done more than say hello I guess. "Yup, I hear ya Jeff, I'll be right back to give you hand, I uh I need to check on someone." Nanuet hustles out the back entrance and makes his way behind the saloon and heads to a spot where can head off Minerva.

Silver Moon

Chapter 126, “Being watched”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 10:00 A.M.

After breakfast, Chester makes his way to the office. "Morning, Eduardo. Anything happening?" "You see me sitting here reading the newspaper? Of course there's nothing going on. I don't know what you plan on finding out about the shooting. You got Pony Deal." Chester replies, "Yeah, but I heard there was a second shooter. I'm going to Papago's to ask around. OK?" Eddie replies, "Just be careful. You don't know who might sympathize with the cowboys." Chet says, "Will do. I'll see you later."

A short distance away, Nanuet steps out in front of the priestess and says "Sorry Minerva, I didn't expect to see you there and I just felt bad that Jeff was left with all that work, especially with Jake and Ruby away. You're not mad are you?"

"No, I am not angry" she sighs in exasperation. "But I did not sleep well last night and I did find it irritating that you would trust that I had." Her face reddens in embarrassment as she sees the shocked expression on his face and realizes that she has once again lost her temper.

She places her hand on his arm, "I am sorry Nanuet, I did not mean to snap at you, but I am tired and confused and have just spent the better part of my morning listening to mindless chatter. I have no patience for it today. Please accept my apologies. I am not usually so volatile. I am on my way to find Chester. I was hoping that he had found out something about the magic bullets that he gave me. Will I be seeing you later, perhaps?"

"I had my hopes set on it." Nanuet says with a smile. "I apologize for my comments, they did not intend to offend. Why did you not sleep well? What is troubling you? Are you in pain of any sort or ailing in any way?" Minerva looks at Nanuet. She opens her mouth , but before the sarcasm can escape she shuts it again in exasperation and just shakes her head. "No, I am fine, Senor.

As Minerva is walking toward the jail she sees Chester stepping out the door. "Buena Dias, Marshall!" She calls. I would like to have a word with you if you have a moment in your busy schedule." he makes a bit of small talk, asking him how he and Senorita Townsend are getting along.” He replies, "We're doing just fine. Thank you again for acting as duena for us. I noticed you and Nanuet hit it off as well."

She asks if he had found out anything about the magic bullets. What they do, how they work, duration of the magic... Chester takes her aside. "The revolver bullet with the red stripe will burn whatever it hits. The other will improve your aim. And the rifle bullets paralyze whoever you hit with them for a short time. Amazing what you can do with magic

She leans in close and in a whisper, confides "Sometimes, when I am in great need the gods will grant me the ability to improve a weapon's aim like that but my prayer request is only granted for a short time. Do these bullets work like that or do they retain their power? I don't really know all that much about wizard magic." He says, "I think it just works for that particular bullet. Too bad the cowboy we got them from didn't have more on him."

Minerva eyes light with excitement. "Do You mean that one type of those bullets keeps it's magic? Which one? Did Senor Pierre tell you how or why? What did he say? iIf this is true than maybe I or Senorita Ruby or Senora Kate could learn how to do this to other bullets."

As far as I know, the rifle bullets and the fire bullet hold their sorcery. The person I talked to told me that the other bullet only holds its spell as long as it's in this area." Nanuet sees that Minerva is engaged in conversation with Chester so he takes his leave. Before he does so he says to Minerva "I'm heading back to the Lucky Lady then, perhaps you want to meet me there for lunch." She replies, “I should be done my business around noon. I shall meet you at the Lucky Lady then." she says and turns away to talk to Chester before she says something that she will surly regret.”

Minerva tells Chester, “I am happy for you Senor, or should I say Deputy Marshal? Miss Townsend seems like a lovely young lady." she winks and says "I put in a few good words for you last night I am glad that she took them to heart. You are a fine man. As for Senor Nanuet and I, well he has been a very good friend to me and I do enjoy his company." He replies, "Call me Chester, please. Or Chet if you want. All the others do. And thanks for putting in a good word for me."

Nanuet returns to the Lucky Lady and helps Jeff get things sorted out. He spends the remainder of the morning working, but takes a moment to head into the kitchen and speak with Maria. "Maria, I need a favor. Could you cook something extra nice for lunch today? I am having lunch with some special company and would like it to be memorable for her." Maria giggles and bats her eyes "You are having lunch with that priestess woman aren't you? I will make you special food. You will like, you'll see." Nanuet answers, "Thank you Maria, I appreciate it."

Nanuet returns to his work, but as hard as puts himself to task on his chores he cannot get the shapely Spainard out of his mind. He catches himself several times daydreaming about the entrancing smell of her hair, the smooth touch of her skin, the sultry tone to her voice, and the soul captivating enchantment of her dark eyes. "Nanuet, are you working' or daydreaming?" says Jeff in a mocking tone "C'mon buddy I want this place looking good for when Jake and Ruby get back." "Sorry, got a few things on my mind, but it looks like I still got more work done than you slowpoke!" Nanuet says laughing and returning to his work.

A block away, Chester says to Minerva, “I guess Kate can learn this. Whoa. What do you mean Ruby can learn this? I didn't know she could use sorcery." Minerva quickly responds, “Did I not hear you ask Katherine to teach you some magic, also? I’m not sure how all this magic works, But if Katherine can teach you to do this surely she can teach others as well. Are you a wizard?”

Chester chuckles "Oh. I asked if she could teach me some things about magic. I'm not cut out for flinging spells. Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one around who doesn't though."
"Yes," Minerva agrees, " It does seem that way at times doesn't it? I shall see you later. Please feel free to call on me if you need a chaperone for Senorita Townsend. You do make a lovely couple." Minerva bids Chet a good day and walks to the El Parador in the hopes of finding Katherine and finishing their discussion.

After talking to Minerva, Chester continues on his way to Papago's Cash Shop. He greets Ike Sherman. "Good morning, Mr. Sherman. How are you?" "Fine thanks, Deputy. Here on business?" "Yep. When Johnny Ringo was in here the day of the shooting at the Marshall's Office, was there anyone wit' him?" Ike says, "He rode in with Thad Gormley, why?"

Chester replies, "I wanted to talk to some witnesses to Ringo's shooting. See if they have something to share. So you know where Mr. Gormley is?" Sherman replies, "No, but he's probably around town somewhere, his horse is still being boarded here. He said he was looking for some mining work, you may want to check with the Breakheart Mine, I hear they're hiring."

"Great. Thank you." Chester walks across town to the Silverbell Mining Offices. He pushes open the door. "Good morning, Mr. Hogan." Hogan looks up in surprise. "Martin! What are you doing back here. Lose another job?" Chester says, "No. As a matter of fact, I'm the new Deputy Marshall. Now, I was told that Thad Gormley came here looking for work. Is he at the mine?"

Hogan replies, "Never heard of him. They made you a Deputy? Zeus and Hercules, what is this world coming to!" Chester answers, "Yes, they did. Has anyone come in looking for work in the past couple days?" Hogan replies, "Shamus O'Hara who works up at the stamping mill has a nephew coming in who has been promised a job. That's about it as far as I know." Chester scratches his head. "OK. I'll be going then. Thanks."

Chester makes his way to the Breakheart mine head. He walks over to the foreman. "Morning. I'm Deputy Marshall Martin. Is there a Thad Gormley working here?" Mine foreman 'Boston' Harker replies, "You mean Ajax Gormley? Yeah, he's up at the stamping mill today. Why?" Chester replies, "I don't think so. I was told that this Thad came looking for work here in the past couple days. I remember Ajax. Maybe they're related. I'll go to the mill and ask him myself."

Five minutes later Ajax is talking to the Deputy. "Yeah, we're related. He my good-for-nothing nephew," Ajax comments. "Wanted to get him a job here but it sounded like too much work to suit him. He wouldn't even come for an interview with Hogan."

Chester asks, "You haven't seen him around recently, have you?" Ajax shakes his head in response and replies, "No idea. Haven't seen the lad in weeks, spends most of his time over in Galeyville drinking his life away. Chip off the old block that one, my brother was never worth a damn either." "OK. Looks like a dead end. Thanks for the information."

Chester leaves the mill and goes back to the Office. "Any word from the Marshall or the guys that went to get him?" Eduardo says, "Nope. Not a peep. They better get the Marshall back soon. Those cowboys are planning something. I can feel it."

At the El Parador, Kate and Ginnie went outside and sat quietly on the porch swing, watching the citizens of Promise City go about their day. She was nervous for a moment, sitting so exposed, but it was unlikely that the Cowboys would be lying in wait for them. After all, they had the Earps to worry about first. The two chatted for a few minutes until Mr. Gonzales came out and sat down with them.

Gonzales sits down and chats with Kate and Ginnie for a few minutes. Kate then notices him suddenly tense up. "Ginnie, please go back inside and spend a few minutes with Dorita. We'll be along in a minute." Ginnie hesitates, then gets up and heads inside.

Kate sensed her teacher's tension and tried to sharpen her senses. She knew a spell that would let her see magical auras, but she couldn't cast it here in sight of anyone looking. Her hand slipped down to the folds of her skirt and wrapped around the handle of her pistol. "What's the matter?" she asked quietly. As Minerva arrives at the El Parador she notices Ginny going back inside while Kate and Gonzales are sitting outside.

He replies, "Don't panic. I just saw a glint of light where there shouldn't be one. Here comes Minerva, you can turn your head to talk to her without making your movement obvious. Across the street and around 125 feet down. Corner window on the second story of the Promise City Hotel. The window is up so it isn't the glass and the curtain moved before and after I saw the reflection. Could just be somebody's eyeglasses, but it might be a rifle sight. Not too many people use them, but sharpshooters often do."

Kate didn't nod, although her breathing quickened. She put on a smile and turned her head saying "Good morning, Miss Florencia. I was just coming to see you." Meanwhile, her eyes go past the priestess to look in the window of the Promise City Hotel, her hand still wrapped around the pistol.

Minerva notices the stiffness of Katherine’s response and that she is looking past her. She replies Yes I wanted to discuss something with you. as she slips her hand into the secret pocket of her gown. She steps out of Kate’s line of sight and turns slowly toward the street. Kate notices the curtain move again and there is indeed light reflecting. She thankfully doesn't see a rifle barrel but there are two hands holding some-type of scope.

Gonzales uses the opportunity to also give Minerva a warm smile and hearty laugh moving his head around. He then says in Spanish "Priestess, please head into the Cantina." Minerva smiles brightly and continues talking as she enters the Cantina.

He then lowers his voice and softly tells Kate in French "I see it too. A bit big in diameter for a rifle scope. Probably a magnifying telescope and definitely watching us." Kate also switched to French. "My husband's "friend" might suspect my abilities. Whoever it is might be watching for that. Or just keeping on eye on the El Parador, knowing that we frequent the Cantina. Is there any way to discover who it is?"

He replies, “Yes. I'm afraid that if we all leave then he or she might too. But I'm not making you a target. I need you to get some things from my sanctuary, get Ginnie to help you, time is of the essence.

Head inside and hurry up to my workshop. On the third shelf in the far corner is a blue jar with a clear powder. Let Ginnie get that one. Have her take it to the stables and coat a front horseshoe of two horses with it, preferably after first coating the hooves with honey so the powder will stick. while you go into my bedroom. The wardrobe closet has a false bottom. Find a scroll with blue and silver stripes painted on the end. Get two of the men inside to ride the horses around and hitch them to the railings on both ends of the porch. You then cast the scroll spell from the window behind me. Keep the curtains drawn, your voice will still carry. It will then be safe for you and Minerva to come back out here."

"I understand," she said, then switched back to English. "I'll just go ask Dorita for you," she said and went inside. Once the door closed behind her she went over to Ginnie and Minerva. "I apologize, Miss Florencia. Someone was watching us from across the street, concealed inside the hotel. Ginnie, I need you to come with me. We'll be back down in a moment and then Miss Florencia and I can go back outside and speak with Mr. Gonzales."

Kate stopped and had a word with Grant Keebler and Maria's brother Estaban, asking them to accompany Ginnie into the stables when she came back down, and then ride the horses out front and tie them as Mr. Gonzales had instructed.

They then dashed up the stairs and Kate spoke the words to open the door despite Ginnie's presence. The girls ears were pricked up; Kate was sure she was paying close attention to how this door opened. Kate explained to her about the jar and what to do with it, including the honey. "Don't wait for me, go when you've found it. Quickly now."

Kate went into the bedroom and worked up the floor. There were several scrolls secreted away down here, and it took Kate a few moments to find the one with the blue and silver stripes. She grabbed a book from the library to tuck it inside. She had heard Ginnie leave a few moments ago. Kate followed, going quickly but not running. Once she was downstairs she went to the window and waited for the horses to be in place.

A few moments after Ginnie reentered the Cantina, Kate saw Grant and Estaban casually ride around to the front of the Cantina and tie the horses at opposite ends. They gave a friendly greeting to Mr. Gonzales and came back inside.

Kate flipped open the book to where she had hidden the scroll. She took a moment to concentrate, then read the words clearly. She made certain to not touch the curtains, trying not to give away her presence. The words on the paper blurred and disappeared after she read them. The curtains kept her from seeing whatever might have happened, but she felt the magic release.

She stood up and turned to the priestess. "Miss Florencia, would you care to join us outside?" Kate handed Ginnie the book she had taken, a French volume, then went outside with Minerva and took her seat again next to her teacher. "Did everything work alright?" she asked in French.

Gonzales replies, "Yes, perfectly. We're now safe. An invisible barrier, as strong as a brick wall, is now erected between the horses and rising up ten feet in the air. You two may want to sit on the porch steps and persuade anybody who comes by to enter not too, or they'll walk right into it."

Kate also switched back to English. "Dorita won't like that," she said, settling on the stairs so she could see the hotel. "Chasing all her business away. How are we supposed to convince people they don't want her breakfast?" He replies, "Well, we're between meal times. Think of any excuse, say that they're cleaning inside or something."

She looked up toward the window and caught a flash of light. "Still there, we must be fascinating." Kate tried to see inside the window without being obvious. "Who is that up there?" He replies, "I have no idea, but we can take our time to figure this out on our own and what to do next. We can even move the barrier if we want, that's the advantage to casting it on horse hooves. Ladies, any suggestions?"

Minerva states, “Perhaps it would be best just to go inside. I wished to speak to you in private Senora but it does not seem that this is a good time to talk. I will return later." Kate states, "There is no reason to leave, Miss Florencia. We are safe now, and we may be able to get some information from this. And I was going to come to the Lady anyway. This way I don't have to break Jake's commandment and go out alone."

Well, if we go right over, it's going to be obvious to our watcher what's going on. We could go back inside and come out the back, come to the street a little farther down so we could go in, but then we would lose the barrier. Or I could go over wearing a different face. A spell could blow back the curtain to that room so we could see better, but casting it would be a bit obvious, I'd have to go inside to do it. What do you think, Miss Florencia?"

Senorita Florencia replies, "The kind of power that the gods grant me does not allow for becoming invisible or creating falsehoods or have I yet attained the prowess to hold a man immobile." She winks at Katherine, "So Senora, if we are to learn who is up there we must use our more mundane talents the gods have bestowed upon us to fool whomever is spying upon us."

Kate states, "Well, I'll start with the simplest then. I'll use a spell from inside to push that curtain aside, little a fluttering breeze. Both of you keep your eyes open. I'll bring drinks back out, so I'll have a reason to go in.

After that, we can try some more mundane options." Kate stood up and went back into the Cantina and behind the window again, then cast a cantrip, hoping to flutter the curtain in the window across the way. The spell does not work. Kate returns outside and Gonzales says, "I suspected that would be the case. You are too far away from the Promise City Hotel. Perhaps somebody from the Cantina should go get the Deputy Marshalls to help with this predicament."

"It was worth a try," she said, and handed each of the others a glass of water. "I don't know why I didn't think to send someone for a Marshall, I seem to look for the absolute most complicated way to do something lately. I suppose I'm used to the Marshall's being Earps, and we know how much they would have been willing to help me.

Kate went inside to get the last glass of water and asked Grant Keebler if he would run over to the Marshall's office and bring someone over. She wrote a quick note, then went back out and joined the others. "Grant will go, he'll bring the Marshall in the back way. I sent a note along with him, so he might decide to check out the hotel first."

Minerva stands with her back to the window and says, "Well there is no law against looking out the window so I'm not sure that Deputy Rodriquez will intervene and Senor Chet is not there. I heard him say he was going up to the mill. While Grant is going to get Deputy Rodriguez, I will go back to the Lucky Lady and get some other assistance. Senor Mills and Nanuet are there. Who ever is doing the watching is watching you and Katherine. If you two remain here they are likely to stay and watch you. This will afford us the opportunity to go over to the Hotel and see who it is. I will go out the back door. It will be safer that way."

Minerva casually goes back into the Cantina and then lifts her skirts and rushes out the back door to the Lucky Lady. Kate watched as Minerva went casually back into the Cantina. "I wonder what she wanted to talk about? I asked her about how to thank Diana, and I think she suspected I wasn't telling her everything." Kate sighed. "Now we wait."
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Silver Moon

Chapter 127, “Gifford’s Fate”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 9:00 A.M.

Ruby and Jake are awakened with a knock on the door. They hear Big Nose Kate's voice outside the door saying "Mr. Cook, Deputy Marshall Williams needs to speak to you at your earliest convenience. He's asked that you join him and your friends over at Fly's Boarding House on Fremont Street."

"Damn," Jake mutters, "it ought to be illegal to wake folks up in a fancy hotel." He rolls over a little too far and falls to the floor with a thud. He sits there for a minute before Ruby groggily asks, "Jake, what are you doing?" "I'm trying to remember where I left my head." He slowly rises off the floor, "I guess I'll just go on without it." He meanders around the room for a moment before he locates some clothes and starts to put them on. A

s the fog starts to lift from his head he comments out loud, "Meet with my friends at Fly's? Mierda, he wants to talk to me with Cassidy and Fly. It must be about Gifford." While pulling on his pants he stumbles over to the bed to talk to Ruby. She's pulled the blankets over her head and Jake has to feel around with his hands to find her. He peels the blankets back to expose her face, which elicits from Ruby a low moan and some clawing around at the air looking for the missing blanket. "Why don't you come with me? Something feels wrong. I'd rather you weren't here alone anyway, and you might have some insight to what we hear from Williams." She stuffs her head under the pillow and Jake can't understand her muffled reply. He lifts the pillow off her head. "What?"

Ruby moans again before peeking her eyes open. Suddenly, “We’re on vacation!” she shouts at him. “No business!” She pulls the pillow out from Jake’s hands and deposits it back over her head. “Damn it woman, why are you yelling?” Jake cringes. “Come on, get up. I don’t want to go anywhere without your beautiful face in view.”

Ruby knows Jake is waiting and staring at her, so she slowly pulls the pillow down, and as it moves it takes her knotty red hair with it, covering her face. “Whatever happened to breakfast in bed…getting brought eggs and bacon and chocolate cake and coffee without having to get up…” she sighs, “Oh how I long for those days sometimes…” Ruby sits up in bed. “You’re going to owe me, Mr. Cook.”

"Yes, yes, Jake is going to pay." He sits on the wooden high backed chair and starts pulling his boots on, thinking that chocolate cake is not what his stomach needs at this particular moment. He finally gets one boot on and cradles his head in his hands for a few moments before working on the other. "Coffee. I think I need coffee." He finally pushes this other foot into the boot with a groan, and starts slowly strapping on his weapons followed by his duster and hat. He sits back down on the high backed chair and leans his head way back which causes his hat to fall off. He waits quietly and motionless for Ruby to finish, wishing he didn't have to bend down to pick up his hat.

Ruby gives a long exaggerated stretch before letting her feet hit the floor. She stretches her arms over her head again and catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she does. The corners of her mouth turn upwards as she admires herself, turning back and forth slightly to get a better view. Finally she breaks her stare, and with the same smile on her face she gets dressed. She was already feeling much better than the past week, her old self quickly returning.

With a small bounce in her step she heads over to where Jake is sitting and picks up his hat off the floor. She lifts her skirts and straddles Jake, landing with a plop on his lap. She gently places his hat on his head and adjusting it she says, “Come on, we both need some coffee.” She pauses, “And kisses, they are always good for breakfast too.” She leans in and kisses him passionately. “Wake up!”

Jake stands and leans on Ruby, "You're too blasted cheerful. And loud, you're too blasted cheerful and loud." He yawns and mutters, "Take me to the coffee." Ruby laughs, "We're on vacation, what's not to be happy about?" Jake raises an eyebrow, but Ruby continues before he can comment, "You've never complained about me being loud before baby," with a mischievous smile. "Now let's go."

They make their way down stairs to find some coffee and something to eat on the way. The serving person is new and a bit flustered and says they need to sit down to get service. Jake gets a foul look on his face and opens the flap on the right side of his duster but Ruby pushes it back before the waiter can see Jake's Colt.

Ruby leans Jake against the wall and takes the waiter aside. Jake watches her bat her eyes, touch his shoulder and give him a dazzling smile. He still seems uncertain to Jake. Ruby then shrugs her shoulder, points to Jake and whispers in the man's ear. His eyes get big and he rushes into the kitchen. Two minutes later he comes back with two mugs of coffee and a large strudel. He goes back to the kitchen without making eye contact with Jake.

As they leave the Grand Hotel Jake says, "Alright, what did you say to him?" Ruby smiles, "Nothing that isn't true. Oh wait, I forgot something!" Ruby hurries back inside and heads to the desk. She asks for paper and a pen, and scrawls a quick note, handing it back to the desk clerk.
She makes it clear that the note is specifically for Mr. George Eastman and George Eastman alone with very specific instructions given that it is only to be given to him. It reads.

Dear George,

As I am sure you've heard by now, I am currently in Tombstone. I came to attend the theater but as I've been told you are not returning to Promise City I would also like to return something to you that belongs to you. I had an unfortunate incident with Helen and I'm not sure she can be relied on to give you my message. She refused to tell me if you were ok.

Please try to see me George. I would very much like to know that you are alright after that dreadful night. I am asking that you meet me alone, so just the two of us can talk. I will be here until Wednesday's stage. Leave me a note with the clerk and I'll be sure to get it.


She then heads to meet back up with Jake. Walking slowly they make their way to Fly's boarding house. Once there they go right in and ask after Deputy Marshall Williams.

Roger's brother greets them at the door. Once Jake introduces himself the man says "Go right on into the dining room, they're waiting." Jake and Ruby enter. Williams is in the room, standing by himself. Fly and Cassidy are both seated at the table drinking coffee and chatting among themselves. Williams turns and says, "Okay, you're all here now. I have some bad news to tell you, Lane Gifford is dead." "What happened?" Ruby asks. "Not that I'm surprised..."

Williams says, "A little after 7:00 AM Deputy Sheriff Breckenridge came by the Marshall's Office and Jail. He had picked me up some breakfast for me since I was tied to the office with the prisoner. I didn't think anything of it, as he's always been a stand up guy. He left, I locked the door, and then sat down and ate the food. When I woke up a half-hour later the door was still locked but Gifford was lying dead in his cell with a bullet hole in his forehead."

"Have you previously had any suspicions about Breckenridge?" Ruby asks while glancing at Jake, desperately trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.. "Where is he now?" Williams replies, "I caught up with Breckenridge at his house a few minutes ago. He was shocked when I told him what happened. I've learned to tell when a person is lying and I'd say he was genuinely surprised. He told me that it was his boss, Sheriff Behan, had instructed him to bring me the food and even told him what restaurant to get it from. I've asked Breckenridge to not discuss this with Behan."

Jake yawns again, "Does Breckenridge understand how much trouble he could be in if Behan blames him? How loyal is this guy to Behan?" "Which restaurant was it? I'd rather not eat there." Williams replies, "Breckenridge takes his job as a Deputy seriously, which includes chain of command. I doubt Behan will do anything to harm him. The restaurant was the Raging Steer over on Third Street."

Ruby says, "I don't suppose you got any information out of him before his untimely death?" Williams replies, "No, he was still closed lip. Was worried about the Earps though, not that it matters much now." Ruby glances around to make sure no others are in the area. "He did tell us he knew these supposed 'moneymen' who are backing the Cowboys. Perhaps it's Behan? Or Behan also knows who it is?"

Jake's eyes start to focus and he looks at Williams and the others while rubbing his beard. "I have some questions.... Who has a key to the office? Did anyone hear the gunshot? Who knows Gifford is dead? Is it few enough people to control it and see who knows who shouldn't know yet?"

Williams answers, "The keys only belong to the Marshall and Deputy Marshalls. With Virgil, Wyatt out of town and Morgan dead that just leaves myself and Deputy Marshall Collins. But Collins is out of town at the moment. I don't know about the gunshot, somebody probably heard it but I haven't had the time to check yet. After locking the office up I went directly to Breckenridge, then to the Grand Hotel and here to alert you all. As far as I know that's all who know about it so far, and Breckenridge agreed to keep this quiet."

Jake states, "Someone could have Morgan's keys, but they couldn't have known Gifford was coming to town." Williams says, "Actually, Warren has Morgan's set." Jake says, "I didn't mean to imply before that Behan was going to go after Breckenridge. Somebody is going to get blamed for this. Right now you and Breckenridge would be the major suspects if someone was looking into this. If Behan is a part of it, you can be sure he isn't going to let the blame reach him if he can help it."

Jake looks around at everyone again. "Keep it quiet until the Earps get back. No one talks to anyone about it. Later, if we find out someone is talking it could lead us back to who is involved. I'm sure you can make it so it looks like Gifford is just sleeping or something if folks come by." He nods at Williams. "Oh, where is Collins by the way?" Williams replies, "Wyatt sent him out on an assignment. I'm not at liberty to discuss the details."

"Fine. Just wondering if he is a suspect." Jake shrugs and then rubs his eyes. "I can't think of anything else right now, can any of you? If not then Ruby and I are going to get lost for a few hours and let Williams pretend to guard Gifford and see what happens." Williams says "Be careful." He turns to Fly and Cassidy and says, "Not sure which train Wyatt will be on." Cassidy says, "If he's on the first one we'll head straight to the office and jail."

"Be careful? Do you think there is a reason we are in danger?" Ruby asks with furrowed brows, some stress creeping back in. "Please let us know if the Earps are on that train. If we're not back leave a note at the Grand for us? Or would you prefer we just check in?" Williams tells them he will leave them a note at their hotel or send a messenger. Jake and Ruby bid them farewell.
As they walk back to the Grand Jake chuckles darkly and Ruby asks, "What's funny" "I was still waiting for Williams to tell us the bad news." Jake replies with a smirk.

"Funny," Ruby replies but her thoughts are elsewhere. Finally she speaks up, “Why did you want to leave the Bird Cage last night?” "When we were there, the only women inside were whores. I didn't feel like telling every guy that came over to you all night to get lost." Jake shrugs, "Fly's piano playing wasn't bad. I told him let me know if he wanted to play at the lady." Jake tells Ruby what Roger Fly told him about Fly's wife Janet.

Ruby starts to comment about the Bird Cage, but realizes Jake has a good point. Although it would be likely she would be approached anywhere they went, a whorehouse could lead to trouble. “You so very smart, Mr. Cook, about the Bird Cage and about Mr. Fly. We will be seeing him at the end of the week for our photograph. Maybe we can convince him then of playing at the Lucky Lady. But I also think Mr. Rote has been trying to learn how to play. I think Kate is under too much stress and we’re going to have to fire her for her own good,” Ruby laughs. “But we’ll have to keep her on the payroll until that school or the ranch is up and running. Then she could come when she felt like it. But let’s not talk about that now, ok? And we’ll find somewhere else to go dancing tonight. Somewhere better than where we went last night. Now let's go have our picnic."

They arrive back at the Grand and approach the front desk, inquiring about their lunch and horses. The clerk tells them the lunch is already packed on one of the horses and the horses are out front waiting for them. He also describes a route to a nice area, with a stream and shade. They thank the friendly boy and head outside, with Jake making a quick trip to grab his weapons.

When they get there they notice the horses are of extremely fine quality, well groomed and trained. Jake helps Ruby climb up and realizes that she is wearing a dress and not her riding gear. She smiles down at Jake and waits for him before they ride out together. Jake straps his weapon pack on the back of his horse and tries not to dwell on the reason he is dragging it around.

They follow the boy’s directions and even though it is easy to find it doesn’t look like it is a very used area. The hop off their horses and Jake ties them down as Ruby starts investigating.

It is a perfectly beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and a comfortable temperature. The ground is filled with patches of wildflowers in all colors and the stream is crystal clear. “It almost seems to perfect to be true, doesn’t it?” Ruby calls out as she continues to glance around. Jake makes a tripod out of the two rifles and a dead tree branch on which he hangs his duster and tops with his hat. He leaves his pack next to the tripod and begins put out the packed lunch.

Finally Ruby’s gaze falls on Jake, who is finishing putting out the blanket and lunch. She meanders her way back over to him, taking in the scenery along the way. Before Jake knows it Ruby is pulling her dress off her shoulders and sliding out of it. What’s left is her white underclothes, skirt hanging low and top off her shoulders, both edged delicately in eyelet lace. “Aahhh that is soooo much better, don’t you agree? It’s too nice out to be hidden in a stuffy dress.”

Jake smiles a simple and warm smile. "Hidden? There is no way to hide you Ruby West. When you rode into this glade even the flowers got jealous. That does look more comfortable." “It is,” she says simply, returning the smile. Without warning she takes a couple more steps towards Jake and in one swift move unbuttons and removes his shirt. “There, that wasn’t so hard now was it? Of course now I will be completely and utterly distracted from eating my lunch,” she says playfully as she plops down onto the soft blanket. She leisurely pulls off her boots then pulls her skirt to the top of her thighs, starting to remove her stockings. She glances up at Jake staring and laughs, “You want to help?”

"Just enjoying the show. If I help, lunch will be over before we begin. Part of a picnic is enjoying the view." Jake sits down and pulls off his boots. Laying down he sighs contentedly and turns facing Ruby.

Ruby reaches over to Jake and tussles his hair before finishing her show. She stretches out her long legs daring the sun to warm them. She looks up into the sky and enjoys the mild breeze, her hair moving gently around her. Moments pass before either of them speak. “You know, one of life’s little pleasures is a day like this. I’m really glad we made it here, I wasn’t sure we would have time.” Her eyes move to the horses and an idea comes to mind. “Baby, do you like to ride? I know you asked Kate for lessons, are you good?”

"She's taught me some. I'm probably equal parts taught and a knack for learning stuff like that. I'm not as good as Katherine, but I can ride. What did you have in mind?"

“What do you think I have in mind? A ride of course…” Ruby stands and grabbing Jake’s hands pulls him up. She nears her horse, petting the dark brown stallion gently as she looks into his eyes. She smiles mischievously, apparently getting an unspoken question answered. She hops up and immediately spurs him forward. Answering the challenge, his front legs rise off the ground in a jump and he races off. He comments, "So much for a lazy lunch."

Silver Moon

Chapter 128, “Gormley”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 11:00 A.M.

When Minerva arrives at the Lucky Lady she explains the situation to Nanuet and Jeff. "They do not know who is watching them. It could be one of those cowboys. I have my pistol in my skirts but perhaps we should have something more powerful in case it is that Ringo person. She takes Nanuet aside and tells him what the various "magic" bullets do. "Do you have any of the hold person bullets? Maybe we could hit who ever it is with one of those. They are busy watching Katherine and her friend, so perhaps we could surprise who ever it is. What do you think?"

"Well I will get my rifle and head back with you. I don't think I have any of those magic bullets that you speak of, but I'm also not keen on shooting at someone when I don't know who I am shooting at. Has anyone tried entering the hotel? Is there a back entrance? A way we could get inside without being seen by our mysterious spy? Jeff, you've lived around here longer than I have, is there another way in that you know of?"

Jeff replies, "Yes, there's a back door for people who want to get to their rooms without having to travel through the restaurant. Goes up a back staircase. The hallway runs square down the center of the second floor, with rooms on either side. Should be able to reach the corner room without a problem. Let's go."

Kate chatted about inconsequential things with Mr. Gonzales, hoping it was entertaining their watcher. The minutes that passed before they could see Minerva coming down the street seemed long, but eventually she came down the street with Nanuet and Jeff.

Grant rushes into the Marshall's Office. "Deputies. Mrs. Kale wanted me to come get you both. Here's a note." Chester reads the note and shows it to Eduardo. "Kate says that someone is watching the El Parador from the Promise City Hotel. She says to come in from the kitchen door to avoid being seen. I wonder if this is related to the shooting." Eduardo says, "OK, Chester. Let's go and find out what's happening. Senor Keebler, lead the way."

Grant brings them into the El Parador kitchen. "Wait here. I'll get Mrs. Kale." He goes out onto the porch. "Mrs. Kale, the deputies are here in the kitchen." Kate walks back inside. "Chester, Deputy Rodriguez, I'm glad you both could make it. there's somebody spying on the El Parador from across the street. Could you look into it?" Eduardo says, "How can you tell?" She replies,
"The person is using a spyglass. Not an everyday occurrence, don't you think?"

"I guess you're right. Chester you go in the back door of the Hotel and I'll go in the front. Then we'll go upstairs. Don't draw your weapon, unless someone draws on you. OK?" "Sounds good to me. Hopefully there's a good explanation behind this." Kate says, "I'll go back out onto the front porch. Who ever it is, they are probably watching me and Mr. Gonzalez."

She adds, "I saw the others from the Lucky Lady heading down the street, you might not be alone when you go inside. Gentlemen, Pony Deal pointed that rifle at me from the top of the town hall, I don't know why he didn't shoot when I ducked inside. I don't like the idea of someone watching the place where I live. Whatever you can find out, I'd appreciate. Better to stay unseen if you can. Thank you." Kate stepped back outside and sat down again on the stairs.

Jeff, Nanuet and Minerva are making their way towards the hotel when they see Deputy Rodriguez entering the front of the building. "Well there goes the idea of surprise I guess." says Nanuet in an agitated tone. "Let's make our way around back anyways before they see us so at least they won't know how many of us there are." Nanuet and Minerva follow Jeff around the back of the hotel.

Minerva whispers. "Perhaps we should ask the clerk who is staying that room before we go up and make a scene. We should probably cover all the exits as well. It wouldn't do to sneak in the back and have them waltz out the front door. "

Chester and Eduardo go out the back way of the El Parador. There they split up. Chester goes north on the east side of the El Parador, heads west behind the Great Western and his new Office, until he reaches the back of the Hotel. Eduardo goes west behind the buildings on South St., come up north on Allen to the front door. Ask they agreed, He gives a whistle then he goes inside. Chester hearing the whistle goes in the back door.

Jeff, Minerva and Nanuet are now walking south down Allen street between the Rio Grande and the cooper shop when they notice Eduardo Rodriguez enter the Promise City Hotel front door. Well, unless there is a third exit then I think we have all the exits covered and it looks like the two deputies have it under control. Perhaps one of us should go out front in case he manages to slip past and makes his way out there. Which do you prefer Jeff?"

Jeff replies "I'll stay here and you two can watch the front. Just holler if you need help." Nanuet and Minerva split up and each walk up a different side of the hotel and meet at the front waiting for something to happen. "Never a dull day in these parts is there? I wonder if Jake and Ruby are having as much excitement."

Minerva comments, Oh, You know Jake and Ruby! Something exciting always pops up to get those two in trouble. Let's just hope it has nothing to do with the cowboy gang or the Earps" Nanuet answers, "Yes, let's hope. I also hope this doesn't ruin our lunch, I asked Maria to cook up something extra nice for us today."

Katherine was careful not to let her expression change as the Marshalls moved into the back of the hotel and her friends covered the door. Instead she kept talking to her teacher, babbling on about the ranch and the school; hoping to give nothing to their watcher. Her hand was in her skirts, close to the pistol. Even with the wall there, she was nervous. She hated being stuck here playing bait, not able to help or know what was happening, just waiting for the sound of gunfire and hoping it wouldn't come.

Chester surprises the cook in the kitchen. "Sorry, ma'am. I'm here on official business. Just passing through." He reaches the front desk after Eduardo does. The half-elf asks Melissa Smith the innkeeper, "Mrs. Smith, who's staying in the room overlooking the southeast corner?" "A Mr. Gormley rented it," She replies. "Is there some trouble?"
Armed with that information, Eduardo quickly communicates it to Chester, Minerva, Jeff and Nanuet. Chester says, "That's the guy I was looking for, came into town with Ringo and stayed." Jeff interjects, "Well, there's only one staircase up to the second floor, but one of the windows to his room is right above the front porch, so he could try escaping out that way if we spook him. How should we handle this?"

Nanuet states, "Well you two are deputies and one should probably go up and the other should stay here, that way either way he decides to go there will be a lawman. Up to you who wants to go up to the room. I am willing to go up if someone wants to stay down here in case he does try to escape."

Chester says to his fellow deputy, "Nanuet and I can go up to the room." To Minerva and Jeff, he says, "Are you two heeled?" He receives nods. "How about Jeff and Eduardo, you wait out front incase he tries to jump out the window. Minerva? Can you wait here in the lobby, in case he gets past me and Nanuet? Everyone be careful and we don't know if he's done anything wrong yet."

"Si, Senor Chet, I can stay here and keep him from leaving, but I do not know what this man looks like. I shall stand here and visit with Senora Smith." She notices that the woman is pale, with a fearful look in her eyes and so smiles her brightest and most reassuring smile and pats her arm. "I am sure this nice lady will be kind enough to tell me If Senor Gormley is descending the stairs. Is that agreeable with you Senora?" She says to the innkeeper. Minerva keeps her free hand on her gun, which is tucked in her skirts. She chats with the woman about the hot weather and the festival to keep her calm while she watches the stairs.

"Now Senora, do not be so nervous. There is no need. I am sure that all is well. The deputy just wants to ask Mr. Gormley some questions. Now if you could watch the stairs while we talk and just place your hand on mine if he begins to descend the stairs I shall keep him occupied until the Deputy arrives."

Nanuet checks his rifle to make sure it is all set to go. He gives Minerva a serious look and says "Be careful, these guys are dangerous as we all know too well by now." He turns to Chester "Lead the way lawman." Chester and Nanuet arrive at the door to the room. A quick check of the doorknob shows the door to be locked. They do not hear any sounds inside.

Nanuet asks, "Do we break the door down or do we get a key from the front desk? I would imagine that they would have a key that opens all the doors right?" Chester replies, "We could try knocking first. I'm sure they have a key downstairs in case Gormley doesn't open the door." Nanuet says, "See Chet that is why we keep you around! I would have never thought of that!" Nanuet laughs and shakes his head at his own inability to see the obvious solution.

Chester motions Nanuet to the left side of the door. "Ready? Here goes." Chester pounds on the door. "Mr. Gormley? This is Deputy Marshall Martin. Please open the door, I want to talk to you." He then stands to the right of the door and waits for a response. The door does not immediately open and there is no response.

Meanwhile, some 140 feet to the east, Kate and Manuel watch as the man and telescope move back into the room and away from the east facing window. No more than fifteen seconds later they see a scruffy looking young man holding a telescope and a revolver climb out of the south facing window of the same room and out onto the front porch roof of the Promise City Hotel.

"Damn," Kate muttered as she estimated the distance. "He's too far away for anything but something flashy, and I don't want to be in jail with him." She stood up casually. "How far apart can the horses go?" she asked, pulling herself up on one as if a ride was what she had intended all morning. Gonzales hops onto the other and says, "Let's find out. And with a wide grin says, "I guess all that riding practice will come in handy."

Kate got herself settled on the horse, sitting uncomfortably sideways in a saddle not made for it. She clicked her tongue and moved forward at a brisk pace, purposeful but not hurried, careful to keep the man in sight. "A bit of slippery ground should slow him down when we're close enough. Otherwise we cut him off. This wall is impenetrable, yes? Might be amusing to see him run into it. We'll signal Jeff and Marshall Rodriguez when we pass by."

Back upstairs, Chester pounds on their door again. "Gormley, open up." Still no response. "Hmm. We don't have a warrant or anything. I'll go get the key. No sense in busting down the door. Keep watch, but he may turn invisible." Chester comes down the stairs. "Mrs. Smith? Can I have the key for Mr. Gormley's room?"

She says in a wavering voice, "I can't let you have the key, but I can go upstairs. Is he dangerous?" Chester says, "I don't think so, ma'am. I just want to ask him some questions." Mrs. Smith knocks on the door, "Mr. Gormley, it's Mrs. Smith. I'm opening the door." She turns the key in the lock. Chester gently moves her aside and opens the door. Nobody is inside but the window is open.

Below, Gonzales is doing his best to keep pace with Kate. The man has left the window and is moving across the roof towards the northwest corner, where there is a gutter drain that he may attempt to slide down. Gonzales comments, "Notice how he scurries across the roof, must be awkward footing. Do you have that wand handy?"

Kate slipped her hand down to her skirts where the want was nestled with her pistol. "I have it. Considering the situation lately, it would be foolish not to carry it. It's rather flashy though, are you sure we'd want to use it?" He replies, "The streets aren't that crowded, I don't think anybody is looking. A single bolt to the back of the knees should do the trick."

Kate took a casual look around as she pulled the slender rod from her skirt. She kept it down close to her leg so it wouldn't be seen. She pulled her horse closer to Mr. Gonzales', shielding herself from as many eyes as she could, then pointed the wand and spoke the command word, focusing on hitting the man behind his knees.

The beam of light shoots out and flies upward. Kate and Gonzales had reached the Hotel so the beam only has thirty-five feet to travel. Gormley was already moving too quickly across a roof that was at a thirty degree slant, and his leg bends in on him as the leg collapses. He tumbles down and falls from the roof but manages to grab onto the edge with both hands, dangling there.

Kate put on a shocked face, or as close as she could come, and pulled the horse up short. "Sir! However did you manage to do that?" She nudged the horse forward again, with Mr. Gonzales going to the other side, blocking the man from having a clear escape route. She looked around and let her eyes light on Marshall Rodriguez and Jeff standing at the hotel's front door.

"Marshall! We need some help here!" she said moving close as if to get the horse under the man. Gonzales moves his horse forward too, essentially pushing an invisible wall into him. When pushed he looses his grip and falls, landing at the feet of Rodriguez and Mills.

Kate slid down off the horse and feigned concern. "Are you hurt?" She picked up the weapon and telescope the man had dropped when he fell off the roof. "Interesting items you have here. Not many who carry a telescope. What in the world were you doing on the roof?" Gormley looks up at Kate and says, "I'm an astronomer!"

Kate states, "The suns been up for hours, and it will be many more before there are any stars to be seen. Unless it was a different kind of star you were interested in." Kate looked up at Jeff. "I believe we have some astronomically minded friends nearby. I'm sure they would be interested in talking to...I'm sorry, how rude. I didn't ask your name. Who might you be?" He replies, "I'm...Jones...Mark Jones."

Mrs. Smith is now standing at the doorstep alongside Chester and Nanuet and interjects "Actually I believe your name is Thaddeus Gormley. And I prefer my patrons to leave through the doors instead of the windows. You'd better find yourself somewhere else to stay than here." Rodriguez says, "I believe that I know just the place."

Kate states, "Mr. Gormley, how unkind to conceal your real name. It seems Marshall Rodriguez here has a comfortable place for you to reconsider that, and some other statements you might want to make. Marshall, might you need me for anything?" Eduardo replies, "Not that I can think of. I believe we have this under control." He and Chester grab Gormley and march him off to the jail. Gonzales makes a gesture to cancel the scroll spell on the horses.

Chester thanks everyone for helping. Once they get to the jail, Eduardo pushes Gormley into an empty cell. Chester says, "I've been looking all over for you Thad. You're a hard man to pin down." He motions to the items Gormley had on him. "So what were you planning to do with these? Doing a little hunting, maybe?"

He says, "No, I'm an astronomer. I thought that there was supposed to be a eclipse during the day today but I must have gotten my dates wrong. It'll probably come tomorrow." Chester says, "A lunar eclipse, huh. What's with the weapon? Don't know too many stars that shoot at you. And how do you know Johnny Ringo?" Gormley replies, "Ringo? I've played cards before with him in Galeyville. Don't know him other than that. And most people in this town have a gun of some sort, why are you picking on me?"

Rodriguez says, "Because I think you're a liar. Give me a few minutes and I'll prove it." He opens the front door and calls out to one of Juan Tulucca's children. They have a short exchange in Spanish and the boy runs off.

A few minutes later the boy returns and talks to Eduardo in Spanish. The Deputy Marshall turns to Gormley with a big smile and says, "Okay Mr. Astronomy, according to Old Mother Jiminez the next lunar eclipse isn't scheduled to occur until June 1st of this year." Gormley starts to ask nervous and then says, "I need to see my Uncle Ajax. He works over at the big mine in town."

Chester replies, "I just saw him earlier today. He's mighty disappointed in you. Said he told you his mine was looking for workers, but you didn't want to work hard. Isn't that right? I can still go get him if you want, but how about you tell us just what you were doing spying on that saloon." Gormley looks flustered. He then says to Chester "Is there a law in this town that you can't look out a window?"

Chester answers, "Nope. But there is one about shooting at a town Marshall. There were two men shooting at this office a couple days ago. One of them is dead and I think you are the other. I heard you were seen with Johnny Ringo the day of the shooting." Gormley answers, "Yeah, so what? He was the guy who got shot, not the shooter. What makes you think that I was the other guy in the Great Western?"

Chester states, "That's interesting. How did you know the shots came from the Great Western? It's not like it was published in the newspaper or anything." He answers, "Half the town knew that 'cause of all the burning stuff that they threw out the window. Not like that was any secret." Chester sighs. "All right. I'll get your uncle. I sure hope that your talking to us won't get back to the Cowboys." Chester opens the door and pauses, before leaving for the mine.

Kate looked at Minerva, Nanuet, and Jeff after Chester and Marshall Rodriguez took the man away. "I'm willing to bet there's someone watching the Lucky Lady too. Maybe we should go take a look?" After watching the scene unfold outside the building Nanuet smiles at Minerva and says "I always seem to be late to the party." He then turns to Kate and says "Yeah, that is a good idea. Maybe we should stop at the jail first and grab Chester so we have a lawman with us first in case anyone else needs arresting today."

Nanuet, Kate, Jeff and Minerva head by the jail and ask Chester to come by the Lucky Lady once he is done at the jail, explaining that they want to check the place for spies as well. Before heading off with the others, Kate handed the reins of her horse to her teacher. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" she said, noting the sparkle in his eyes. "Would you let Ginnie know everything is alright and I'll be back in a little while?"

"Of course, my little sandpiper." He took the reins from her and deftly slipped a ring into her hand as he did so. "Take care." "I will. I hope your errand goes well, Mr. Gonzales. I'll be home later," she smiled, slipping the ring onto her finger and then joined Nanuet, Minerva, and Jeff. The foursome then head to the Lady and begin scoping out the surrounding area for anything suspicious.

Kate says, "If they're doing the same thing here, they'll be watching the front door. I'll go upstairs and look out the windows. I didn't spot the other man, Mr. Gonzales did. We might want to note anyone was isn't usually around as well."

Nanuet begins asking the others to help him search the Lucky Lady inside and out. "We should search every room, high and low. Then search around the perimeter of the building too. Jeff, I'll take the ladies and we'll check out the inside while you take a walk around the outside of the building and look for anything suspicious. Then we can swap and each cover each other. Don't want to miss anything. Alright then, let's get to work, I'm starving and need to eat lunch!"

Silver Moon

Chapter 129, “The Question Game”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 11:30 A.M.

Jake climbs into the saddle and says to the animal, "Are you going to let her make you look stupid and slow?" Jake kicks the horse forward and brings it up to speed. Instead of following the path that Ruby takes he makes slight variations so it easier for his horse to catch up. Ruby has a good lead but Jake is content to make steady progress. He watches her bounce a bit coming down from the jumps and guesses she is not a better rider than he. As he drives his horse to jump some sage brush he curses, "If I fall off this blasted horse and get full of cactus needles I'm going to tan her behind."

Ruby rides her horse hard and fast, jumping over any obstacles in their way. Her underclothes billow around her body, daring the wind to try to snatch them away. Her long hair flies freely behind her, dancing in flight. She stops the horse at the top of a steep hill where a cocky grin comes to her face. She urges the horse forward with confidence.

When he sees her stop to look back he kicks the horse hard and leans forward, "It sure would be nice if one of us knew how to race. Yah, yah!" Laughter escapes Ruby’s lips unbidden, the freedom of this ride overcoming her with delight. She pushes her horse forward, down to the bottom of the rolling hill and into the stream that passes by. Water flies up around them and she abruptly stops her horse in the middle of the stream, waiting for Jake to catch up. When he does he can see her chest rising and falling with heavy breathing and her face beams like a ray of sunshine.

"You look hot," he says and suddenly charges his horse into the stream spraying up water around him and onto Ruby and her horse. "Hungry yet?" Ruby lets out a playful scream as she gets sprayed with the cool water, dripping off her in spots. “Very,” she replies pushing her horse up against Jake’s. She hands him her horse’s reigns then deftly moves from her horse to his, facing him. Her bare legs rest over his and she wraps her arms around his neck. “How about you?”

He looks into her green eyes and says, "What were we talking about?" “We were talking about lunch…,” she kisses him softly, “And being hungry…,” she kisses him again, wiggling closer, “And maybe we should go back now,” she says only inches from his face. “What do you think?”
"I really like looking into your eyes." He presses his body against hers, "I like some other things too. We should get back though."

Ruby gasps softly at the warmth of Jake’s body on hers. She fights the fiery feeling growing inside her and instead of giving in she bites her lip, then sighs. “I suppose we should,” she says dramatically. “You know how to ride, take us back.” Jake chuckles slightly and starts taking them back.

Ruby rests her head against Jake’s chest and holds him tight as he rides them back to their grove. Every bump pushes their bodies together and they both enjoy the pleasurable sensations. Once back they tie up their horses and lie back down on the blanket. They eat and drink their lunch in comfortable silence. After lunch Ruby lays her head in Jake’s lap. “I want to ask you some questions. I don’t want some silly answer that isn’t really an answer answers either,” she reaches up and pinches his arm. "And I figure for every question I get to ask you can ask one too. What do you think?” "Seems fair." He says hesitantly, "Ladies go first."

“Alright,” she says smiling up at Jake, “Why did you keep that $100 bill I signed in your wallet when I first gave it to you?” "Ooh, no easy warm up questions for Silver Jake Cook. She goes right to the serious stuff." His eyebrows come together as he rubs one cheek for a moment. His face relaxes and he says, "It was the only memento I had from you at the time if you ran away. Back then, I was sure you were going to. I'll give you a bonus answer; I still carry it." It is only a second before he continues, "What did your family do to become wealthy?"

Ruby’s face immediately drops. “Wouldn’t you rather have a different question?” "I figured that was easy, what in Hades do I know?" Jake shrugs and says, "At the dawn of time the rules to the question game were set down in stone. If a question isn't answered, the game is over."

Ruby wants to smile at Jake’s comment but can’t with the question hanging over her. “Ok no easy questions for me either…” She breathes in very deeply, “It’s old money, very old money. My family is in politics.” She sees Jake’s face pushing her for more information. “Damn it!,” she mutters. “My grandfather on my father’s side is Lord Arthur West; he sits on the House of Lords.” Without looking at Jake’s reaction she continues, “My Uncle will inherit the title. He has no children. My father came here to make his own success. He was jealous of not getting the title. My father still works in politics as far as I know but he brought his very large share of inheritance with him here to America.” Ruby finally looks to Jake, “I’m their only heir.”

"Impressive." Jake affects a comic English accent. "Would you like some tea with your scone Lady West?" “Very funny,” she says with no humor in her voice. Ruby adjusts her head back and forth on Jake’s lap, trying to get comfortable before asking her next question. “If I hadn’t read your letters would you have ever told me about your sister?”

"Hmmm.... good question. I wonder," Jake looks down at her and seems thoughtful. "I'll take the question to mean not that I have a sister, but the circumstances of my leaving home. It is not something I enjoy reliving. At the risk of giving you an answer that isn't an answer I'll say I trust you enough to have told you the truth about it. If it seemed important for you to know or you had asked I would have told you." He gives her a little smirk and pulls a strand of hair off her face. "Where did the heiress West grow up?"

"Mostly New York City. Our main home is in Washington Square Park. We have, or I should say they have, an estate on Long Island and a house in Rochester. That's how I met..." Ruby pauses then continues slowly, "You know who." She pauses again pondering her next question. "Have you ever had a real girlfriend before?" "What makes a real girlfriend? No, no, that is not my question." He smiles a rather enigmatic smile and answers, "Yes. Do I have one now?"

"Yes you have one now, silly, even if she isn't very good at it. But what was she like?" Jake taps his finger on his lips and looks across the stream wondering why Ruby assumed there was only one. In the shadow of a boulder a long legged bird spears a lizard with its sharp beak reminding him of Rachael. "What was she like? She was a pretty girl, all curvy with blonde hair. A tad manipulative." He ends with a chuckle and looks back down at Ruby. "Did you ever take wedding vows?"

Ruby remains silent for a long time before answering simply, "Yes." She looks away from Jake and is quiet for another moment before asking her next question. "Pretty huh? Did you love her?"
"No." Jake says without hesitation. "No." He looks unwaveringly at her face for his next question. "Did you love him?" "No." Ruby stares back up at Jake, "Did YOU ever take marriage vows?"

Jake's face relaxes and a slight and gentle smile returns to it. "No. Never." He takes his time and reaches over and takes one of her hands in his, stroking her palm. "What happened to your grandmother?" She says, “I told you already, once the other members of my family found out she could do things they made her leave. They were scared, kind of like you are, but not tolerant. My mother is the one who told on her. Not acceptable for a family like ours, they said. After that Mother was raised by my grandfather. My grandmother left and as far as I know started traveling around the world. I wish I knew where she was.” Ruby reaches up and runs her fingers through Jake’s hair. “Did you come CLOSE to taking marriage vows?”

He laughs, "Marriage, marriage, marriage, it's all about marriage. No, not even engaged, at least from my view. How old where you when you learned you could do things?" "Oh I am just checking that there isn't any reason for me to be jealous about this... pretty, curvy blond girl. And you say not from your view, huh? In Jake speak that means from her view YES." Ruby lightly squeezes Jake's hand in hers. "I always knew I could do things, although they were always simple. When I was really young stuff would just happen when I got mad, a glass would fall off the table or the shade would fly up or something." Ruby shrugs. “Always had it in me, I just learned to control it.”

Ruby looks at Jake’s hand in hers, running her fingers over it. Then she furrows her brows, “What happened to your hand? You have a scar here I never noticed before.” She runs a finger delicately over the tiny white circular scar residing on the palm of his right hand. Jake frowns slightly and looks at his hand that Ruby is holding open...

Jake reflects back to his childhood. Edna Cooke always told young Jacob that the gods worked their wills through humans great or small. He believed that, much like he believed in fairy god mothers, enchanted swords and dragons. Jacob was a curious boy and always had a constant barrage of questions. As the years passed the unsatisfactory answers accumulated to a pile as high as the legendary dragon's treasure, his childhood beliefs were shredded and slain by the sharp sword of logic, glittering dreams were returned back to their common components as if by a wave of a magic wand. The gods voices remained silent. Such was the state of young Jacob Cooke's beliefs when he entered his teenage years.

Then the dreams started. Simple dreams picturing him performing some simple act or speaking to someone. The dreams always ended the same way, images of dire consequences if Jacob did not comply. Morning came and the dreams were still vivid in his mind, so vivid he almost believed he was actually there. It took some time to understand, but with experience he learned that his sleep would be increasingly troubled to the point of sleepless terror if he didn't comply. Jacob chose to comply. The dreams were infrequent and harmless so he kept them his secret.

Some time after Jacob Cooke's fourteenth birthday something changed. Although the dreams did not become more frequent, what they asked of him became more challenging and sometimes even dangerous. Ever rebellious, Jacob was troubled by this change and tried hard to comprehend it. When he finally gathered together his memories and mulled it over several things became apparent. The tasks set before him always used his innate talents of a quick hand, quick wit or silver tongue. The were a small number of people who were the repeated benefactors from his tasks. His dreams always contained fleeting images of a man with winged sandals, a broad-brimmed hat and a staff. Determined to understand the dreams fully he left pen, ink and paper by his bed side to make detailed notes of his next dream.

Weeks went by before, unheralded, Jake received another dream. He was to steal a wallet from a teacher and hide it in another student's jacket. Jacob wrote detailed notes of his dream before going to school. Even at this young age, Jacob had already learned how to deftly use his hands to remove items from people without their knowledge, and had used this talent for his own greedy ends. At school he was able to complete the transfer easily and unnoticed. The victim of the prank was a class bully. This bully frequently threatened a promising student who was a mousy young man and never stood up to his intimidator. Jake had on several previous occasions rescued the mousy boy with dream instructed action. The wallet was discovered missing, the class room searched and the bully was soon expelled. The teacher did not believe the bully's plea of innocence.

Back home from school Jacob read his notes eagerly looking for clues to his mysterious dreams. Two snakes wrapped four times around a staff, he read his own handwriting from the night before and it called to mind words he had heard in church. The fleeting man in the dream with the winged sandals and broad brimmed hat carried the Kerykeion! "You are mad, an idiot or both Jacob Cooke," he said to himself out loud, "Hermes in my dreams?"

Late that night Jacob hesitantly shared his story with his sister, Virginia. She was alternately incredulous, excited and afraid. She insisted that he tell their mother, but Jacob would have none of that and swore her to secrecy. She eventually convinced him to visit the church and see the priest. Much later that same night, young Jacob once again snuck out of the house as he was want to do but this time he was headed to church. The irony of sneaking out of the house to go to church was not lost on the youngest Cooke. On the way, he lost his nerve to speak to the priest, and rationalized that the priest would be sleeping at this late hour anyway. Once again, like in years before Jacob Cooke found himself standing in the alcove that housed the familiar statue of Hermes, the messenger of the gods.

He had a thousand questions buy couldn't articulate any of them. After standing there for a long time in the dark and echo prone church Jacob finally muttered in a voice both quiet and afraid, "Why me?" An indeterminable amount of time passes and there was no answer. Apprehensive and ashamed, he went home not the least bit wiser. He never spoke again to his sister of his dreams though she asked him many times.

As time went on he began to feel infantile and foolish for giving in to strange dreams, and his teenage rebellion soon overwhelmed his fear of the dreams and he resolved to deny the next dream. The Jacob Cooke most people knew was lazy and avoided work. He could be stubborn and tenacious on those rare times he chose to be, and this was one of those times. For a score of evenings he denied the dreams, suffered the increasing terrors each night after sleepless night. Eventually the dreams ended; he had persevered and triumphed! The day after the first blissfully pleasant nights sleep he was ecstatic. Whatever caused the dream could be denied, no one could control Jacob Alistair Cooke. That sunny afternoon during a trip to the outdoor market for his mother, feeling confident, arrogant and impervious he decided to pick up some pocket money for his own entertainment. As he had done a dozen times before, he selected a mark and performed his routine. He waited until he had to squeeze by the man in the crowd, quickly and deftly he bumped the man and grabbed the contents of a pocket.

A sharp pain stung his hand as he pulled away. He hid his pain and concealed his hand until he could duck down a nearby alleyway. There he opened his fingers to see blood dripping from his hand, his prize an ornate pin which had stuck deeply into his palm. He quickly removed the pin and bound his hand with his handkerchief. Alone in that alleyway cursing himself and his luck, he finally noticed the emblem that adorned the pin. It was the familiar Kerykeion! Shaken, he went home and hid the pin deep in a dresser drawer.

Over the next two weeks Jacob suffered as his hand became infected and it took several unpleasant medical treatments to cure. Some days after his hand was well he gained the courage and the pent up rage to sneak out of the house during the night and visit the church again. Standing in the alcove he stared at his open hand, the pin resting next to the white scar in his palm. Finally he spoke in a sarcastic tone, "So you made your point." Jacob gazed up at the face of the statue a moment before continuing. "Even if I can't gain from any of this at least tell me why." The church was quiet and the young man's heart beat fast in his ears.

"Each must contribute back the gifts the gods have given them," a deep and resonating voice sounded in young Cooke's ears. His eyes bulged, his pulse raced and he slowly backed away from the statue. He looked hard at the shadow hidden face of the statue, were the lips moving? He turned to flee and ran smack into a mountain of a man garbed in long loose robes. Jacob lost his balance and fell to the ground hard, his hand closing instinctively around the pin. "You may not see how you gain," the large man continued, "for the gods plans are more complicated that our mere mortal minds can comprehend. If the messenger of the gods calls to you, then you have his gifts and need to repay him with your service. You may never understand how it benefits you. Serve him well and you will walk in his grace."

The fright receding to be replaced by embarrassment, Jacob Cooke stood up and brushed off his clothes. He forced a bravado to his voice and replied, "Heh. That's horse crap." Saying no more the young man stomped out of the church. When he got home he hid the pin back in his dresser drawer. The next time a dream came to him, Jacob followed the instructions.

A year goes by and as do several dreams. Jacob follows the instructions each time but for days after is surly and quick to anger. Shortly after his fifteenth birthday, fights begin between his sister Virginia and their father. At first Jacob is unaware of them, having worn down his parents resolve he is spending more and more time away from the house on his own. One night during dinner Hiram Cooke and his daughter exchange harsh words and the girl flees the table in tears. Thus Jacob learns of his sister's dilemma of an arranged marriage and is distraught over it. Not knowing where to turn for help he does something he has never down before, Jacob Alistair Cooke gets down on his knees and prays to Hermes for guidance.

The youngest Cooke was not above stealing what he desired, but he was too proud to beg. Praying for guidance he reasoned, was not the same as praying for deliverance. Besides, had he not done the god's bidding for several years? This was merely his reward for services rendered. So he prayed and went to sleep waiting for the dream. The dream did not come that night, nor did it come the next twelve nights no matter how hard or long he prayed. In five days the engagement would be announced, Hiram Cooke's only daughter was to be traded off to the miserable son of a wealthy Grosvenor in exchange for connections to improve the family name. Virginia was in tears every day and night. Jacob felt helpless. His worry for his sister gnawed at his heart and darkened his soul with anger. That night he went back to the church and knelt down in the familiar alcove.

"I have never asked anything of you, except to tell me why. You chose not to grant that." He prayed aloud and two thin lines of tears rolled down his cheeks. "Ask what you want of me, anything at all. In return I just ask that you give me guidance, like you have before. I will follow your guidance, please wise Hermes, show me how to save Virginia from this unjust marriage."

Jacob woke the next morning from a fitful night of sleep, a night of sleep that was free of dreams.
He did not even pretend to attend school this day, using none of his tricks or falsehoods to cover his absence. Instead he went to the church again, back to the familiar alcove.

"You heartless bastard!" He pointed at the statue and screamed. The few weekday church goers and lowly acolytes turned their heads towards him. "You take, and you take, and you take, and you give nothing in return! You care nothing for justice! You care nothing for those you use! What has she ever done to deserve this?" Jacob stops his tirade and composes himself. His eyes go cold, his face becomes hard, but there is a white hot anger in his chest. "Fine then, have it your way. Not like I have any choice in the matter." He turns to leave and says without looking back, "I am done with hope. I can't wait for your guidance. I am done being used." Outside he pats the hidden hunting knife in his jacket and says to himself, "Perhaps that Grosvener fellow will have some sense when I show him the knife, because if we have to meet a second time it won't be to show it to him."

That night the pending engagement was called off. That night Hiram Cooke turned his son Jacob away from home while the whole family watched, while Virginia cried. That night Jacob met his sister Virginia secretly to say goodbye. He refused her entreaties to stay, and though her tears rent his heart he knew he must leave. "Marry who you choose, he will not dare arrange a marriage for you again. Just tell him I am watching."

He decided not to spend another night in the city of his childhood. He chose to flee Philadelphia that very night leaving behind the only person he cared about. The last building Jacob Cooke entered before leaving the city was his familiar local church. His feet knew the way to the alcove but no words were spoken. He didn't even glace up at the statue when he unceremoniously dropped the pin, silver and gold with the twined snakes around a staff, into the offering plate. His fear and frustration, his hate and anger, all his emotions were spent. He left the church empty. He left Philadelphia heading west, leaving his dreams and childhood behind.

Although it has only been a few seconds Jake realizes he was day dreaming and quickly responds, "Um, I was about fourteen and feeling cocky over some teenage exploit and decided I could do anything. Well anything that day was to pick some guy's pocket in broad day light at the market. I was pretty good, and got away with it. Unfortunately it was an ornate piece of jewelry with a long sharp pin and it embedded in my tender palm when I grabbed it. To make a long story shorter, it got infected, I suffered and got better, earned a scar and learned a hard lesson." He flexes his hand a couple of times and says, "Do you hate your parents?"

Ruby is quiet as she kisses Jake's scar gently. "Hate is a strong word." Ruby is then silent again and Jake is about to speak but suddenly Ruby starts talking, "Yes, I hate them. There is nothing nice or kind about them. They never loved me, they always wished I was someone different. And they ALWAYS find a way to get their way. You know how your parents wanted to get into society? Well, my parents ARE society. Back stabbing, fake, manipulative, greedy people. I learned some things from them, how to get things I want. That's about it." Silence again. "And if they find me and want me to come home, they will find a way to make me, Jake." Jake can feel Ruby's body tense and shiver at the thought.

Silver Moon

Chapter 130, “A Lazy Afternoon”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 12:15 P.M.

There is more silence but eventually Ruby relaxes again. “What do you think of each of our friends? I’m curious.” "Oh, no." Jake responds with a laugh, "Now you are abusing the question game. It really is supposed to be yes or no questions. It's fine that we broke that rule but now you think you are getting all those answers with one question? I'm not falling for that." He punctuates his last statement with a gentle poke on her nose. "Invalid question, ask again."

Ruby playfully acts shocked, "Abusing! Why I never... Ok, how about this one... what’s your favorite thing about me?" "May the gods have mercy upon my degenerate soul if I get this one wrong,” Jake says comically with eyes bulging. He taps his finger on her hand a number of times before he says, “You are more alive than anyone I have ever met." He stops tapping and smiles as if to say don't ask me to explain. The smile on his face slowly fades and a serious expression takes over. "Is your husband dead?"

“Yes, he’s dead,” she responds without much emotion. Ruby laughs at something unknown then continues, “And I only meant if you liked my butt or my lips or my something else…,” she smiles mischievously, “Better. Not all this deep stuff,” she giggles. “So what was this girl’s name? It wasn’t Mattie, was it?” "No, it wasn't Mattie." Jake laughs too. "No, not Mattie. Her name was Rachael." Jake goes back to tapping on her hand with his finger. "I'll give you a free question, I've suddenly lost the desire to ask any more today."

"How come?" Ruby asks curiously. "Wait! That's not my question. But I still want to know why... My question is... Will you take a photograph with me later this week...ppllleeesssseeeee...." Ruby gives Jake a huge grin and big green pleading eyes while she reaches up with both hands behind his neck and pulls his face towards hers, "Plleeeaaasssseeee, bbaaabbbyyyyy," she giggles. “Another unfair use of the question game," Jake laughs and throws her off his lap. "Cheater!" He cries. "Game over, I'll submit to having my picture taken but no more of this abuse of the sanctity of the question game."

“Heeeyyy…,” Ruby laughs as Jake pushes her. Her huge grin turns into a genuine smile as she looks back at him over her shoulder, “Good, I really wanted one, a picture of you and me. Now let me give you something you really want.” Ruby moves closer then pushes Jake gently down onto the blanket, face down. She straddles him and starts giving him a back massage. “Why don’t you just close your eyes and enjoy the nice weather? A nap would be so nice…” Once again, Jake doesn't resist.

Ruby slowly and deeply rubs the muscles in Jake’s back, eliciting some contented moans and sighs, herself taking satisfaction in making Jake happy and relaxed. It’s not long before she hears the soft familiar snoring that she loves so much. She keeps running her fingers over his back for a while before she climbs off gently and without waking him. She lays next to him, watching him sleep, brushing the hair off his face so she can admire him. She had been really scared the day before that they were not going to be together anymore and she really needed last night and today to get back to herself after the crazy week. Eventually last nights antics catch up to her and she falls asleep too.

Ruby wakes first after a short nap and again watches Jake, still sleeping soundly. She rises off the blanket and quietly goes about picking wildflowers. Humming to herself, she gathers a large bouquet full of variety, each flower seeming to be more full of scent and color than the last. She takes her time, enjoying the simple task, occasionally stopping to look back and smile at the sleeping Jake. Finally she sits on the edge of the blanket, her skirts pulled up again to enjoy the sunlight. She carefully places flowers up in her hair, occasionally stopping to smell one or run a soft flower over her lips.

Jake eventually wakes but he doesn't open his eyes. He can feel the sun penetrating the trees and its rays reaching his back. The sounds of the stream, birds and light wind are all soothing. He can also hear the slight rustle of someone sitting next to him and the aroma of flowers. If I open my eyes will it go away? He pops an eye open and watches Ruby. Her thick red hair burning over her white undergarments was striking. There was something peaceful and special about the look on her face, the flowers that adorned her and the way the sunlight danced on and around her this day. And as much as Jake admired and lusted after her shapely form, it was her face that always captivated him. He admired her high and delicate cheek bones, full rich lips that were almost as expressive as her eyes, and those eyes shaped like rich almonds that today contained dark emeralds that glittered and twinkled. He kept his breathing constant and moved not an inch, knowing eventually she would see he was awake but wanting to cherish the scene for a little longer.

Ruby watches as a pair of birds fly together, dancing around each other to some melody she couldn’t hear and it made her smile. So far today had been so different from yesterday, so peaceful and relaxing and calm and full of happiness and laughter. She glances back over at her Jake, he would awake soon. Ruby quietly moves closer to him, trying to let his peaceful slumber remain a few moments longer. She lay next to him on the blanket, stretching out her legs then turning on her side to face him. She has a single flower in her hand and is smelling it when she catches Jake opening his eyes. She caresses his face with the flower as he yawns. “Hello sleepy head,” she says softly. “How was your nap?”

"Pleasant and rejuvenating. Quite a decadent treat for a saloon rat to lay about in the open air."
Ruby listens intently to Jake’s answer but remains silent. They lay there just staring into each other’s eyes. Finally Ruby speaks. “Baby, will you do something for me?” She pushes some hair off his face, “You once told me that I was yours, I want to hear it again. Tell me you’re mine, that you belong to me and that I belong to you. I want to hear you say it.”

"Ruby West, you are my girl." Jake replies without blinking. "I don't want anybody else. I am your man." Ruby smiles softly at his words. “I am your girl. I don’t want anybody else either. And I don’t want to think about a time when that won’t be true.” Ruby reaches out her hand and cups Jake’s face, her thumb caressing his cheek. She leans forward and kisses him gently, pulling away so slowly that their lips stick together after the kiss is over. Jake senses something different in Ruby, in her stare and in her voice, a tenderness he hasn’t seen before and even vulnerability. She stares up at Jake with big eyes, her emotions plain for him to see. “Will you make love to me Jake?” "Yes," he whispers and tenderly pulls her close, "Yes, of course."

Ruby kisses him again, taking much pleasure in the feel of his lips on hers. Jake runs his hand up and down Ruby’s thigh as they kiss. He puts his hand behind the crook of her knee and suddenly pulls it up to his waist, pulling her leg over his and forcing her closer. She pushes her body the rest of the way so she is leaning up against him. Ruby fights the fiery desire welling up in her again, and tries to hold back the longing to just take what she, and what she knows he, wants. These moments feel unreal to Ruby, like she is lost in some sort of dream or she is under a magic spell. Time is stopped and no one else exists but the two of them. Everything around them seems in slow motion, from the soft song of the birds being sung just for them to the leaves and flowers gently falling off the trees, drifting in the air weightless.

She takes Jake’s hand and puts it on her face, then guides it down her neck, ending between her breasts, over her heart. Jake can feel it pounding, and the beating grows with his touch on her. “I am so crazy about you, baby,” she whispers, “Whenever I feel like I should run away all I want to do is run to you; everything is right in your arms. I would do anything for you; do anything you asked of me. I never thought I would feel this way but I can’t help myself. I am so in love with you…” she says each word slowly and deliberately, “Jacob Alistair Cook.”

He pulls her over on top of him and kisses her lips hungrily. "Maybe the sun," he says panting slightly and nostrils flaring, "Will just freeze there in the sky for us... and let this go on forever." His hands slide smoothly under the garments covering her back. "Either way, I'm going to have to... give that clerk... a bigger tip." With his hands gripped tightly on her back, Jake’s hunger for her finally takes over and Ruby gives in to both of their desires, and they make love until early afternoon.

Resting afterwards contented in each other’s arms, Ruby runs her fingers across Jake’s chest, as she always does. “I will always remember this perfect moment with you Jake.” She seals her promise to Jake and herself with a romantic kiss. “I hope you will too.” He kisses her fingers, "It would be hard to forget." They linger lazily for some time before they reluctantly dress, pack and ride slowly back to Tombstone. As they ride away Ruby glances back at the grove over her shoulder and smiles.

Once back at the Grand Ruby and Jake tie up their horses out front and head back inside. Ruby stops at the desk and asks the clerk to get someone to draw a bath for her. The clerk indicates there is no note for her and she heads upstairs.

She arranges a fresh dress on the bed for after her bath and starts getting her new dress and accessories ready for this evening. Once the bath is drawn Ruby slips slowly into the hot water and bubbles. "I wish I had a bath in our room at the Lucky Lady," she say out loud to herself before leaning back. She glances at Jake but says nothing to him. After her bath is over and she is nice and clean and dressed Ruby suggests, "Let's check again downstairs if there is any notes for us, if not let's go over to the jail and find out if there is any new information."

There are no notes downstairs. They hear the train whistle in the background and the clock reads 4:30 PM, indicating that the train that had arrived from Tucson is now leaving to return to there. As Jake and Ruby go to head out of the front door of the Grand Hotel they nearly collide with Helen Barker, who is coming back into the hotel. She is wearing traveling clothes and carrying a large cloth travel bag with a paisley design on it. Jake is polite, "Mrs. Barker, Good afternoon," and he tips his hat.

"Helen," Ruby says curtly. "Send George off with a proper farewell?" She replies, "Yes, as a matter of fact I did. He departed from Tucson on an westbound train at noon. He's probably out of the Territory by now. I told you yesterday that your scheme has failed. I can now guarantee that it has. It is safe to say that you won't be seeing Georgie ever again."

"You SO sure it has failed, Mrs. Barker?" Ruby grabs Jake by the belt and kisses him very passionately in front of Helen. "Hear that baby? We don't ever have to see him again. If only I could say the same about Helen here." Helen marches indignantly into the Grand Hotel without responding.

Jake and Ruby heard over to the Marshall's Office and Jail. The building is locked and dark inside. Nobody appears to be around. They knock, to double check that no one is there. After that they head over to Fly's to try to find Cassidy and Fly and get the information from them.

Mary Edith Goodrich and Camillus Sidney Fly invite Jake and Ruby in. In response to the inquiry they say, "No, they left a few hours ago, we haven't seen them since." As Ruby and Jake are leaving Mary Edith says, "And call us Mollie and Buck, everybody else does." "Thanks Mollie!" Ruby calls back over her shoulder.

Next they head to the Crystal Palace Saloon and the office on the second floor. There are three offices on the second floor. One belongs to the Circuit Judge, the second to Sheriff and the third to Marshall. The Marshall's is the only one open at the moment, with Marshall Virgil Earp sitting behind the desk.

"Good afternoon Marshall. My condolences to your family on your loss. I was looking for Wyatt." Jake says solemnly. Virgil looks up and says, "And exactly who are you again?" He replies, "Ah, yes, forgive me. I am Jake Cook and this is Miss Ruby West. We own a saloon over in Promise City."

Virgil says, "Oh, yes. You looked familiar. Morgan introduced me to you at the train station a couple of months back. Mr. Cook, I know that Wyatt has said before that he trusts you, and normally that alone would be good enough for me. But under the present circumstances I'm not inclined to trust lots of the people I know. You're a stranger to me."

"Quite understandable given the circumstances. You will not be offended then if I admit the same for you. We will make ourselves available to you when you feel comfortable then, we are staying at the Grand." Jake looks at Ruby for a brief moment and then back to Virgil.

"I have information to share with Wyatt regarding the Cowboy gang, I am a member of the Merchants Committee sent from Promise City to speak to Wyatt, and I was the one who told Deputy Williams to keep his little problem secret this morning until you and your brother arrived back in town to decide what to do about it." Jake offers his arm to Ruby. "I might add I am probably the most sympathetic member of the Merchants Committee that was sent to speak to your brother."

Virgil looks Jake in the eye and says, "I don't know where he is Mr. Cook. That's the truth. That's how Wyatt wants it. He's trying to keep me out of this so that I can continue to do my job here." Jake answers, "I'll take your word for it. Unless you wish to suddenly have some trust in me, let me know when we can talk. I can appreciate your caution, I have had too many close calls with the Cowboy gang in the last week myself." He turns to Ruby, "An early dinner at the Grand then?" "Certainly." She takes Jake's arm. "Goodbye Marshal Earp." She nods to him.

Once outside the Saloon, "Where else can we look? Maybe the train station? Or do you really just want to go for dinner?" He says, "Williams, Fly, Cassidy and now the Earps all know where to find us now. All of Cochise country probably does. If they want or need us, they will find us. Just because Virgil doesn't know where Wyatt is, doesn't mean he doesn't know how to get word to him. Let's have a leisurely dinner."

Jake guides her towards the hotel. "What scheme?" "You're right baby, as usual. Let's have a nice dinner." She pauses the blurts out, "But I'm not dressed for dinner yet!" "Scheme? What are you talking about?" He replies, "We have plenty of time, you can take your time getting dressed." They take some more steps quietly and says, "Helen said something about a scheme. Of course it did get me a rather forceful kiss, for which I am grateful."

"You like forceful kisses? No, not MY Mr. Cook..." Ruby smiles and takes Jake's hand as they walk. "You wanted to be rid of Mr. Eastman, right? I really didn't come here to see George, even though you don't believe me," Ruby doesn't let Jake interrupt her, "But it seemed as good a time as any to deal with this. I don’t want you and I to fight about it anymore."

Ruby pushes some stray hair off her face, "Helen thinks we're grifters, trying to con George out of his $50,000. She threatened me, said she didn't like what we were doing and wasn't going to allow it. I reminded her of an incident we had when we were younger and she denied it. Got defensive. She was already my enemy, Jake, she put herself in that position. Stanley was never coming back to the Lucky Lady and neither was she. She invited George here to prove what a bad wife I'd be. She challenged me by saying that I had lost this hand."

"So in the end, I scared her by telling her I was going to love being cousins with her." Ruby laughs. "It got her to wire him to make sure he never comes back, just in case. Of course, she didn't realize that was the goal all along."

He answers, "Don't be so defensive yourself. Someone walks up to us and says our scheme isn't working might just catch my attention. Some places put you in prison for schemes." He pinches her on the behind. "I have tried hard to avoid prison. I am not going to lament the loss of Helen Barker as a customer. What's done is done. We do have a business to consider, so we just need to minimize any bad blood or problems she could cause. There are other folks who want to spend their money at the Lucky Lady, they just don't know it yet. Who wouldn't want to hear Ruby West's golden voice?"

Ruby squeal at the pinch and giggles. "Right... who wouldn't want to hear me sing." She is quiet then until they get back to their room. Finally she asks, "You don't have any comment about Mr. Eastman? I thought you would be pleased." He says, "Ruby, what do you wish me to say? I AM pleased that he's gone. I AM glad you took care of it. It just seems whenever we even talk about that guy there is trouble between us. I AM trying to make this a pleasant trip away for you, for us. I am happy to just have him fade away."

Ruby sighs. "You wanted him gone and I made him leave. Yes, I thought you would be happy. I wanted him gone too, for us. You'll probably get mad but I want to tell you one final story about George Eastman, but it’s really a story about me." Before Jake can interrupt, she pushes him down in the chair. "Just hear me out ok?"

"When I was a child, I was always surrounded by people being fake, wanting to be around me for my parents money or because they wanted something, you know... boys," she laughs, "They were always pestering me. When I was twelve, they would follow me around like little puppy dogs. Hoping to get on my good side so they could marry into the family fortune I suppose. Not that I cared much, but it kept me from having any time alone or pursuing other activities not proper for a young lady with my heritage."

Ruby starts to dress as she speaks. "So one day, there were about six boys over. And I wanted them to leave me alone. So I took off my platinum ring, the one inscribed with a C, and threw it in the lake. I declared that whoever found it, I would marry. Well, they all dived in and tried to find it, including George. And they all gave up after not too long, the pursuit boring them I guess, or me just not being important enough," she shrugs and laughs. "But not George. He came back, every single day that summer, swimming in the lake, looking for that ring." Ruby has a far off look in her eyes. "No one ever found it."

"The point is," Ruby steps up to the mirror, smoothing out her dress, "that before YOU, George was the only one who truly cared about me, even if he cared about someone he didn't know anything about. In my life there haven’t been many I ever felt really cared me. How could I disregard that, however misguided the feelings were? That is the reason why I can't hate Mr. Eastman.” She pins her hair up into a fancy style. “I know you are jealous and you don’t believe me, but you have no reason to fear him anymore, actually you never did. I never loved him and I never will.” Ruby walks over to her bag, taking out Jake’s tiara. She places it on her head and pins it on. “And now he is gone and we have no reason to ever talk about him again.”

“And I am here with you. YOU are the only one to ever really care about ME, you know me, who I really am, you look out for me, you do things no one else ever has. And I love YOU. I can only hope that one day you would jump in that lake looking for my ring.” She turns to face Jake, her new rose colored gown in place. Besides the tiara she wears her heart shaped earrings and the diamond ring on her right hand. She approaches him and puts a finger under his chin, gently forcing his face up to look at her. “I told you earlier today I would do anything for you. YOU are my knight in shining armor. And now,” she smiles at him, “It’s just us, a fairy tale knight and his princess.” Jake sits there quiet for a while just looking at her, looking for something to say. Finally all he can say is, "You look lovely, every bit the princess that you are."

Voidrunner's Codex

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