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Would you let a PC become a diety?


Are we talking full god level here? Or demigod / hero-god / quasi-deity / whatever? Straight off, the former is out but the latter should be entirely achievable. Let the character take levels in appropriate prestige classes, gain the Saint and celestial templates etc. Then become a full deity later. Or bargain for it a la Ortwine / Sepulchrave. The point of the game is to have fun, and if fun means becoming a divine being, then so be it.

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Full-on diety? No. IMC true dieties are transcendent personifications of something, linked with their generative phenomenon in ways that makes paradox throw up its arms in frustration and go home. At no point were they mortal, though they may have come about as a result of the existance of mortals - war or justice, for example. Mortals lack the perspective and intrinsic connection with universal mysteries that a true god has; it's more of an issue of what you are rather than what you have.

Ascended hero-type demigod? Sure. The how and why of how that may happen arn't set in stone - it's not a matter of insert tab A into slot B and poof you're a demigod, but hey, it's also not impossible.


First Post
Wow.. Here goes.

In Nordalia several of the "lesser deities" are ex PCs. I say "ex" because once they're raised to deityhood, they are no longer PCs, I take them over completely.

I quash any attempt to say "I want to be the deity of X" for a concept- focus on your character living the first 15 levels, and we'll talk. In short, it's my game world and I fill gaps in the pantheon when/where I think it's necessary, not when/where a player gens a character.

I do not allow PCs to kill even the tiniest of deities. At this year's "Tourney" (Our annual get-together), which coincided with GenCon, a vile artifact was used to kill a deity. PCs had to hunt it down and get it destroyed or stashed away where it couldn't be used again.

That created a hole I filled with a character, but the character was around for a couple of years before a quietly asked "At this year's Tourney I'm gonna kill your god, are you willing to give up your PC as a replacement?" ;)



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Quartz said:
Are we talking full god level here? Or demigod / hero-god / quasi-deity / whatever? Straight off, the former is out but the latter should be entirely achievable. Let the character take levels in appropriate prestige classes, gain the Saint and celestial templates etc. Then become a full deity later. Or bargain for it a la Ortwine / Sepulchrave. The point of the game is to have fun, and if fun means becoming a divine being, then so be it.

This question is of importance to me, because theres a rather large hole in the Realms pantheon that I aim to have my character fill, but not for a while now. I'm totally ok with losing my PC as long as my GM lets me set up my church and whatnot.

But I can see where GM's would repel against ascension for a variety of reasons. In this specific case, it will result in the death of another PC but he's totally ok with it, and it's just me and him in the campaign.

I was hoping to get an idea of how to go about this. I don't just wanna go "So hey, GM, I don't know if you noticed, but theres a hole shaped like my character in the FR panteon"


I've run one campaign where a PC became a deity. I wouldn't mind doing it again, but I also wouldn't run a campaign where that was a specific player goal. I don't like the idea of a character deciding to become a god the same way a wizard decides to make a magic wand.


First Post
Since some historians and archeologists suggest that many Deities were once simply heroes or heroines celebrated by song and poetry and theatre, why not? Hercules is a sort of perfect blueprint of the common man turned into Deity (though Demigod, really). Since so many of the Deities in history had very human foibles (Zeus and Hera fighting like a normal couple; Loki getting Thor to dress like a woman to fool the giants: and so on, ad infinitum), it seems in spirit with the game. I think its more a matter of whether the DM can handle the challenge. I would certainly allow it.

Another possibility is a PC being mistaken for a Deity, as happened with Fafhrd, and Brian in Monty Python's Life of Brian.


First Post
Absolutely never, ever, ever.

I am TOTALLY against the pc's "rubbing elbows" with the gods in my campaigns.

Call it a personal preference. (Need I say that I hated the "Immortals" expansion set released way back when?)


First Post
In my homebrew - Not going to happen, that isn't where gods come from. Though it is possible to ascend to being the equivelant of a saint, or descend into being a demon prince - the world uses the terms demon and devil without regard to law and chaos. Though even this is not quite true, the saint or demon is not the person, but rather people's concept of that person.

For other worlds... it depends on the setting. I will say, however, that it has never come up.

The Auld Grump

Voidrunner's Codex

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