• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

X-PATH 2 : The Forge of F.U. (Completed 15 April 2005)


8: Heigh Ho (It's Off to Work We Go)

Floyd stopped. His eyes narrowed, and he slapped his shotgun down into his palm.

"Now that's right unneighbourly." he announced. "And l'il Sadie here don't take kindly to rudeness."

All hell broke loose.

Two huge, hulking figures appeared out of thin air. They were similar in shape to the statues from the previous room, and also in their colour of their skin, which was grey and cold. They stood much taler, however, being close to eight feet in height. Each swung a mighty battleaxe, their crushing blows driving Smith to his knees. Simon tumbled away from the attackers, disappearing into the shadows on the side of the hall, while Beverly backed rapidly in the other direction, digging in her purse as she did so.

"Got it!" she yelled suddenly, and threw her make-up compact into the face of the nearest attacker. Garishly coloured creams and dusts sprayed everywhere, getting into the creature's beard, mouth and eyes. It bellowed its rage, pawing at its face with one hand as it blindly swung its axe to and fro in an attempt to fend off opponents.

Simon skulked in the darkness, moving around one of the pillars so that he could draw a bead on the nearest attacker's broad back. It was a wide and tempting target, and Simon made the most of it. The bullet caught his target near the base of the spine, drawing a howl of surprised agony as it perforated the creature's bowel.

"Ninja!" Simon exulted to himself in satisfaction. And then there was a sound behind him:


"Two can play at that game."

* * *

"It's just not the punk's day, is it, Johnson?" Patton didn't even bother with false sympathy. After all, the more blood, the more butts on seats.

"Evidently not, sir. Though I see he is still upright."

"Only because the crossbow bolt pinned him to the pillar." Patton chortled, rewinding to watch the scene again, in slow motion.

* * *

"Reckon that's all of 'em?" Floyd asked, some time later.

"Except the one that turned invisible and ran." Smith nodded. Floyd grimaced,

"Damn coward. Shoulda stood and fought like a man. This invisibility stuff is against the King's teachin's. A true believer should never be afraid to see seen."

"I guess hacking his boss to pieces in front of his eyes gave him second thoughts." Beverly twirled some gum around her finger. "How many did we get, anyway?"

"Three in the main hall, one in that smaller chamber, three more in here." Fabio ticked them off on his fingers.

"I thought you said there were gonna be five of them in here, homes? We're one short."

"I sensed five before we came in." Smith responded, emotionlessly, "The taint of their ungodly beliefs was quite distinct."

"Make it two cowards who went invisible and ran, then." Floyd shrugged, his interest elsewhere, "Did they have any good stuff?"

"Not really." Simon glanced up from where he was going through bloodied belongings of their deceased opponents, "Some coins, weapons and armour. The usual. Looks like they were forging more, in here." He swept his arm around to encompass the room, which was filled with giant furnaces, anvils and smithying tools of every description. "Looks like they were mining some kind of ore here, then bringing it to this room to make weapons."

Beverly frowned, her bottom lip sticking out.

"So what ... they sneaked past all those other monsters to come here and dig, dig, dig the whole day through?"

"Maybe digging's what they like to do." Fabio shrugged, while trying to see his own reflection in the blade of a half-finished sword. "Good exercise. Builds big muscles, like mine."

Beverly snorted.

"Hell on a manicure, though."

"We'll never know what they did it for." Smith's tone made it clear he didn't much care, either. "Let's get back to work. Simon, there's some kind of shaft over there. Go check it out ... and try not to fall in, this time."

"No problemo, homes." Simon shucked off his backpack and dug inside it for a rope. He knotted it deftly into a loop, then hooked it over one of the furnaces and pulled it tight. A few more knots, and he was secured to the other end. "I took a Ninja ropes course."

He edged his way out to the lip of the shaft and looked down, then turned and made his way back.

"Drop goes down out of sight." he reported. "There's a ledge about halfway around the shaft, with iron rungs in the wall going down from it."

"Did you go check it out?"

"Rope's not long enough to reach."

"Well son, 'no problemo'." Floyd chuckled and dumped open his guitar case. Old cookie wrappers, donut boxes and styrofoam hamburger containers spilled out onto the floor. Oblivious to the mess, Floyd dug within the mound of wrappers and pulled out a long stretch of green rope. "It was my daddy's. He wore it as a belt. One day I hope to be able to follow in his pants size."


It was a rare moment of consensus.

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9: Puff, the Magic Dragon

"What are you playing at, Johnson?"


"These last two shows. What are you playing at? You can't have an action extravaganza like the first episode, then follow it up with a limp finale like this." Patton pointed a disgusted finger at the second tape.

"But that's the way it happened, sir."

"Are we a goddamn documentary company, Johnson?"

"No sir."

"Damn straight we're not. WCX is about entertainment. I want the order of these episodes reversed, and the footage edited to make it seem like that's the order things happened. Believe me, the audience would thank us if they knew."

* * *

Voices floated in the darkness, echoing over the still, black waters of the lake.

Nightscale opened one yellow eye, then the other. Scales rasped softly on stone as the young dragon raised herself up, tongue flickering out to taste the air. The voices came again, speaking words she did not comprehend, but sending a message she understood perfectly: intruders.

Moving with surprising stealth for such a large creature, the young dragon slid into the water, her coal-black scales invisible in the dark water.

* * *

Smith clambered down the iron rungs, all the way to the base of the shaft, which lay well over a hundred feet below the previous level. After stepping off the last rung onto the stone floor he quickly scanned the area with his flashlight. Seeing no obvious dangers, he shone the light upwards and blinked it twice.

Slowly, the endless bickering of his colleagues drew nearer.

"Damn inconsiderate o' these folks not to include an elevator." Floyd was the first to appear out of the gloom, huffing and puffing as he climbed down.

"Imagine what it'll be like climbing back up." Bev's voice floated down from the darkness with the smugness of someone who weighs four pounds, soaking wet.

Floyd's reply, uttered in a gasping exhalation, was nearly as unintelligible as it was unprintable.

Eventually, all five members of the group stood at the base of the ladder. They were on a low shelf of rock, running alongside a subterranean stream. The floor was damp from condensing moisture in the air, but not smooth enough to be slippery.

Smith pointed into the darkness.

"Ninja it."

Simon moved forward, disappearing into the gloom. After a few minutes, he returned.

"There's a bridge up ahead. It crosses the stream and then the path goes along the side of a big lake."

"We could go swimming!" Beverly suggested. All three GPE cameras immediately zoomed in on her.

"Shouldn't swim in a water hole until you've checked it for 'gators." Floyd warned, "I lost my cousin like that. She were a right pretty girl, too ..." he looked wistful. Beverly looked nauseous.

"No swimming." Such an activity smacked too much of fun for Smith's tastes.

The five humans made their way across the bridge and began to explore the lake side.

"I can't believe there's nothing down here." Fabio did not frown (it causes wrinkles) but his tone was clearly unhappy.

"Seems a long way to come to find nothin'." Floyd agreed. He moved over to Simon, "You sure this place is empty?"

As he spoke, a reptilian head burst out of the water, reared backward and then vomited forth a stream of caustic yellow acid. Viscous, sticky fluid spattered over stone as Simon instinctively dropped out of its path. Floyd was not so lucky, and the acid sizzled and steamed as it etched its way into his flesh.

"Why didn't you see that before we came down?" the Elvisite demanded as his shotgun roared in defiance. Water plumed around the scaled black head as the creature ducked back out of sight.

"It's a pitch black lizard in a pitch black lake in the middle of a pitch black cave. I'm a ninja, homes, not a magician."

* * *

Voices floated in the darkness, echoing over the still, black waters of the lake.

Nightscale crawled onto the cold stone shore of her island lair. She still could not understand the intruders' speech, but their voices were frustrated and angry. Slumping wearily to the ground, she twisted her head and hissed her outrage and hatred at the darkness.

Black ichor coated her flanks, dulling the sheen of her scales as it seeped from the wounds she had sustained. The intruders had powerful magic ... more powerful than she had expected, and more powerful - though she was loathe to admit it - than she could defeat. She shifted on the rock, leaving a streak of blood as her severed claw dragged along the ground.

Malice burned in her black heart as she peered across the water, but also fear. Four times she had blasted the intruders with her acidic breath, yet none had fallen. Four times they had responded with the strange wands they carried, and her own flesh had been torn and shattered.

Sick fury burned like fire in her belly as the dragon began to gather what she could of her treasure. She must flee, before the intruders could follow.

* * *

"Man, we so got screwed on that big black lizard." Beverly complained her way back up the iron ladder, "It got away, and it didn't even have enough treasure to pay for the Gucci sweater it ruined with its icky acid. The only jacket I've got left totally doesn't go with this miniskirt."

"You look just fine from this angle." Simon's voice floated up from just below her. He sounded very sincere indeed.

* * *

"Going to throw yourself over the waterfall, again?" Smith's tone was caustic.

"Nah, already done that. Let's just take the stairs down, this time." Floyd was unperturbed, "We can check out what's down here then -" there was a slight jump in the audio track as a sample was spliced in over what he'd really said "- head back to town."

The group descended the stairs beside the waterfall, entering the caverns the Elvisite had previously dismissed as 'much less fun than the journey to get there'. The appraisal seemed accurate: the area was waterlogged and mouldy, and appeared long-abandoned.

"Nothing here." Smith glanced around, then pointed. "Just hop across that stream and check behind that stalactite, Simon, and then we'll head back."

"Ninja!" Simon leapt the stream with ease. As he did so, a single, large eye flicked open on the stalactite's side, and long sticky tendrils suddenly flailed out in all directions. Two of them wrapped around the Super-Ninja as a massive mouth opened beneath the eye, exposing giant, shard-like teeth.

"What's this?" a hollow, booming voice rolled out of the cavernous mouth, "How sweet! A dinner that delivers!"


First Post
Capellan said:
"Why didn't you see that before we came down?" the Elvisite demanded as his shotgun roared in defiance. Water plumed around the scaled black head as the creature ducked back out of sight.

"It's a pitch black lizard in a pitch black lake in the middle of a pitch black cave. I'm a ninja, homes, not a magician."

Brillant. Simply brillant. Of course, Simon's line about how Bev looks at that angle was good too. Just wish I could've been there.

For the climb up I mean. ;)



"Got it!" she yelled suddenly, and threw her make-up compact into the face of the nearest attacker. Garishly coloured creams and dusts sprayed everywhere, getting into the creature's beard, mouth and eyes. It bellowed its rage, pawing at its face with one hand as it blindly swung its axe to and fro in an attempt to fend off opponents.



Nice update! I find the multiple uses for the work "ninja" very funny. This one really cracked me up for some reason!
By the end of the weekend, we were so used to using ninja as a verb that I'd ninja a cup of coffee :)
Ropes are well known as the jokers of the dungeon community.
I didn't find it very funny :p


10: Ten Thousand Tentacles

Simon tried to struggle free of the grasping tendrils, but even as he made the attempt he felt the strength flooding out of his muscles. All of his muscles, which was highly unsanitary and even more highly embarrassing.

Smith's shotgun roared. The shell struck home, but whined harmlessly off the creature's rock-like skin.

"This is a mighty devil indeed." The Mormon's brow creased in concern as he pumped another round into the shotgun.

"Everything's got a weakness." Floyd summoned forth the blue suede shoes o' doom. The sequinned boot slammed against the monster's side - and promptly vanished with the sound of a misplayed chord.

"And what is your weakness, Mr Anderson?"

"Jelly dough - nurk!" Floyd's words were cut off as the creature lashed out with its tentacles, snaring both him and Fabio in its clutches. The Elvisite felt a tingling on his skin as the monster's poison seeped into his flesh, but there was a lot of padding between his skin and the muscles underneath, and he did not suffer the same weakening effect as Simon.

Fabio, for his part, slashed at the tentacle that had grasped him. The sword blow was weak, as his trim physique offered little to slow the poison's progress, but it was enough to loosen the hold and let him slip free once more.

Beverly dug in her purse as Smith fired a second time, the shotgun shell again glancing off the creature's skin. The monster ignored his efforts, instead raising Simon's limp body to its stony maw. It bit down, and blood cascaded over its rocky hide as the Super-Ninja's rubs were crushed between its massive teeth. Simon was no longer worried about being embarrassed: the was too busy passing out from shock.

"Here it is!" Beverly pulled a can of hair-spray from her purse.

"You will already make a fine looking corpse." Fabio assured her, as he paused to check that his own hair was still in order.

"Well, duh." Beverly tossed her head, "This isn't for me, its for him." she pointed at the creature.

"While he ain't exactly harmless, he's damn sure hairless." Floyd gasped out as he felt the creature's poison finally penetrate his copious personal cushioning.

"Like, watch and learn." Beverly threw the hairspray. The can arced across the stream and bounced harmlessly off the creature's side. As the can tumbled toward the ground, Beverly snapped up her pistol and put a round straight through it.

The can exploded in a sheet of flame, partially roasting the monster, which roared in pain and anger. Its tentacles thrashed in agony as the fire licked around it, blistering its rocky hide.

"A clever trick." Smith admitted. "How did you think of it?"

"This girl I knew? She had like, this totally uglifying accident when she was having a cigarette while styling her hair."

"I'll give you 'uglifying', bitch." the monster snarled its rage. Small fires still smouldered on its skin as it dropped Simon's broken body and lashed out at Beverly with all of its remaining tentacles.

* * *

Patton cackled.

"I'd say she really pissed it off, eh, Johnson?"

"Yes sir. I'd say it's unusually vulnerable to fire, from its reaction." Johnson watched as the screen image showed the creature wrap its tentacles around Beverly's scantily clad form. He made a quick note on his clipboard: Include tentacle footage in Asian market ad spots. Should be a big hit in Japan.

"Now it's got the pretty boy again, and it looks like fatso's wrapped up pretty tight as well." Patton frowned, concern starting to appear in his eyes. "You've got this mission properly insured, don't you, Johnson? We'll take a big hit in lost profits if they get themselves killed."

"Everything's fully insured, sir." Johnson nodded emphatically, "And I have the usual contacts set up in case they die and we need to leak a 'snuff' version to the black market."

"Well done, Johnson." his concern assuaged, Patton sat back to enjoy the rest of the show.

* * *

Smith's shotgun thundered once more, the shell this time gouging out a small portion of the monster's hide. A thick, greyish fluid oozed out of the wound, and the Mormon nodded in satisfaction.

"If it bleeds, we can kill it."

"You're never going to get the chance, flesh-bag." the creature gloated. Its two free tentacles writhed toward him, but Smith dodged aside of the first and slipped free of the other, which left a streak of greasy poison on his arm.

"The power of the Lord protects me."

"You can't keep dodging forever." the monster dropped Fabio, who sprawled helplessly on the ground. It lashed out with all four tentacles, wrapping three of them around Smith's body. The Mormon struggled mightily, tearing loose from one of the three, but the other two held firm. "I think I'll eat you first."

"You haven't beaten us yet." Beverly whispered, feebly forcing the sounds from her throat. She fumbled inside her dress, fingers weakly grasping at something inside.

"Ho, ho, ho." the thing turned its attention from Smith and instead dragged Beverly closer to its maw, "What's that you've got, my little sweetmeat?"

"It's the worst case of gas you're ever going to have, you @#$%er."

Her all but strengthless fingers twitched.

The pin came loose.

The grenade fell.

The creature swallowed, reflexively.

White phosphorous roared.

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