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Xath and Archon: Kids in the Hall

((I don't think Archonus should ever take the path that "we guys" want him to take... however, the Oath breaking is a cool story point...

Also - no one says the baby is expendable - it's just been stated that if the war isn't won, there's not much she can do for the Cause. No one doubts the importance of the child, but Justice does doubt putting the child above the war... however, if Archonus' chooses to do that, it's totally justified... and, with some creative talking, she could be convinced to cast Atonement (if I'm powerful enough, now) or to find someone that can cast it... but, even then, he'd just be back to normal and still fighting "outside" the Circle...))

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First Post
Archon said:
ooc- i don't think an oath breaking Archonus would be cool, but if that's what you guys want, whatever. It was never his or my intention. It's been an emotional day for Archonus. First you bring in the first woman he ever loved as the woman he currently loves stands in the same room, then you tell him to his face that his child is just another expendable, and now you're acusing him of betraying the cause and the circle.
Give the guy a second to breath :) the dude's got a lot on his plate.

Hopefully this is not for everyone or even most :p

And personally I would hate to see an oath breaking AA, but he's your PC. Also I love the idea totally OOC af having the kid with us- I like that it would change things and ask questions of people, and such.

But anyways back to the point at hand..... :)


First Post
make a ruling then. Archon is still loyal, but if he has to choose later on down the road, *then* he will. If you guys think this makes him a traitor now then do what you have to. I'd prefer a vote on it or something but whatever.
the question is, "Is it worth it to exile Archonus?"


First Post
Archon said:
make a ruling then. Archon is still loyal, but if he has to choose later on down the road, *then* he will.
But has he already chosen for that possibility? If a potential conflict WILL go in favor of the child, the oath is broken. If he will weigh the options AT THAT TIME, and THEN choose, he has not.

If you guys think this makes him a traitor now then do what you have to. I'd prefer a vote on it or something but whatever.
the question is, "Is it worth it to exile Archonus?"
This is not a matter of opinion. It is an oath that you swore to uphold that you may have broken. The circle could all say, "he was justified in choosing the child over us, as a father at least," and the oath would still be broken.

If it's opinion-based, then EVERY TIME you disagreed, you would have been branded and cast out of the oath. It's not. It is merely to dedicate yourself to the cause and the circle above ALL things. I'm willing to accept that he may not know what he'd choose - if so, he might break it later, but not now. That's fine. But if the choice has already been made, the oath is broken.

This is NOT the circle exiling Archon. This is magic of a sacred oath enforcing itself upon one who willingly and freely took part in it (even helped to author it). Just as Justice could not choose Varis over the cause, Just as L'Aurel could not choose Jansten over the cause, Just as Xath could not choose Archon over the cause, so too can Archon not choose the child over the cause.


If winning the war hinged on the death of his daughter, would he allow her to die? I think that's the key to the oath. The members of the circle have said they would lay their lives down for her. Now it's just whether Archonus thinks she is more important than the war itself.


First Post
He does. If it came down to the Circle having to sacrifice the child to end the war, *then* the Circle would have to face Archonus.


First Post
Bringing the child with you would not break the oath, either. It may have to come with you, at times. But there may be times when it needs to be left behind and cared for, even for months at a time. These are the risks you took when you made the oaths.

This is not a matter of group consensus. If he had not stated that the child would win out in all cases explicitly, it would not even be an issue. It's a matter of a very specific oath. ONLY if the choice has already been made in favor the child is the oath broken.


I think the likelyhood of these major decisions ever coming into play is slim.

1) Tain's not going to say, "If you kill that little girl, you can win the war."

2) It's highly unlikely that a BBEG is going to have the circle and Archon's daughter suspended over a pit of lava and make him choose between them.

3) Even if an immediate choice forced Archonus to protect one over the other, he would do so with the knowledge that the circle member is capable of defending his or herself and the child is not.
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First Post
Archon said:
He does. If it came down to the Circle having to sacrifice the child to end the war, *then* the Circle would have to face Archonus.
OK. If the choice has already been made, the oath has been broken. Archon disappears from the link, and a mark burns its way across his forehead. You'll take the penalty to saves, not skill checks.

A cold and harsh wind seems to blow into the narrow hallway, surrounding Archonus, and the shadows seem to draw around him, shrouding him for a moment, and then bursting into the air around him. As you can see him once more, he seems weakened, lesser. A man with love...but not honor.

[unless I misunderstood that post. If so, nevermind. :)]

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