Xath and Archon: Kids in the Hall

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First Post
i disagree completely. Children should always come first. If i had to choose between staying in the army(to which i have sworn an Oath) and raising a child i would choose the child in a heartbeat. I would try and do both obviously, but if i had to choose.


First Post
so my question to the group is
"How can Archonus put his child first and not be a traitor?"
Once more, it's not a decision of the group - it's part and parcel of a contract you entered into willingly, in order to recieve some pretty sweet benefits. I'm just enforcing the rule.

yes. i am committed to the creation of suckitude. That's just silly.
That kinda sucks seeing as how my character has had to defend himself through out the entire game. This last little bout of drama was inspired by the "hey, i think it's a good idea to bring in Dara plan." Things just got crazy from there.
Bringing in Dara was not the cause of this. Reacting in a certain way to bringing in Dara (who has important information that is being ignored) is what is causing this.

You want me to compromise and say something that not only seems out of character for Archonus but would be out of character for anyone who wants to call themselves human. What good parent doesn't put their kid first?
Good parents don't enter into eternal oaths dedicating themselves to a group of adults and their above all else, either. It's not a regular situation, and it's silly to treat is as such. I have no qualms about saying that putting the child first would be *good* parenting. It absolutely is. The fact remains that it is good parenting that conflicts with the oath you chose to make.

As far as having the baby constantly around, well it might come up but most of the baby time would be off camera. The battles, the missions, the times when we'd be fighting/defending, the baby would not be a part of. Archon isn't starpping this kid to his back and leaping into battle, he just wants to be a part of his childs life.
This is what I expect as well, and the Arendorr manor discussion continues, I think you can see that we agree on this.

You guys are acting like Archonus has betrayed the group. Well he hasn't, but you still want to mark his flesh(more) and call him a traitor. I understand that the Oath rule could be interpeted that way but don't forget the golden rule.
"Fun first"
how fun is that for me? not much.
There has to be a reasonable limit, though. No matter how much you want Archon to swim through lava, you just can't do it without dying. Is this the *only* way that you can have fun with the character? It seems obvious that it is not.

This isn't fun for anyone. Nor would it be. At least of moderate importance, it would be *hell* on me. How the heck do I explain EVERYTHING that's happened in the last 4-5 game sessions if Archon broke the oath 8 months ago?

If I don't enforce the Oath for this, then it has NO consequence. No force. it was meant to prevent THIS VERY THING, and now you're telling me that I'm ruining your fun for preventing it?

There has to be a limit, and this is it.


First Post
Archon said:
i disagree completely. Children should always come first. If i had to choose between staying in the army(to which i have sworn an Oath) and raising a child i would choose the child in a heartbeat. I would try and do both obviously, but if i had to choose.
A magical oath that brands you as a traitor and potentially holds the fate of the world on its back?

Just trying to put it in perspective.


First Post
white flag

you know what, i'm tired of arguing. I'm just here to have fun and to take part in an interesting story.
I'm sorry this is such an issue, but let's pull through it and have some fun. Do what you have to do, i don't really care anymore, but let's stop with craziness and get back to kicking some draconid butt.


First Post
Archon said:
yes. i am committed to the creation of suckitude. That's just silly.
That kinda sucks seeing as how my character has had to defend himself through out the entire game. This last little bout of drama was inspired by the "hey, i think it's a good idea to bring in Dara plan." Things just got crazy from there.
I am not soley responsible for this crazy situation.
You want me to compromise and say something that not only seems out of character for Archonus but would be out of character for anyone who wants to call themselves human. What good parent doesn't put their kid first?
As far as having the baby constantly around, well it might come up but most of the baby time would be off camera. The battles, the missions, the times when we'd be fighting/defending, the baby would not be a part of. Archon isn't starpping this kid to his back and leaping into battle, he just wants to be a part of his childs life.
You guys are acting like Archonus has betrayed the group. Well he hasn't, but you still want to mark his flesh(more) and call him a traitor. I understand that the Oath rule could be interpeted that way but don't forget the golden rule.
"Fun first"
how fun is that for me? not much.
so my question to the group is
"How can Archonus put his child first and not be a traitor?"

Oh, poor Archon, how we have mistreated you!

Quit this pity me, BS. You are playing your character to the hilt and, as far as I'm concerned, it has been with little regard for group dynamics and the fun of more than yourself. You've pretty much sucked up the limelight since this thing rolled around and continue to make suboptimal decisions WHICH EFFECT THE REST OF THE GROUP. That's what's so concerning. You seem to have no ability to step back, say, this is just a game, and making X and Y decisions is clearly causing problems, therefore I'll back off the character a bit so we CAN ALL PLAY and maybe others can enjoy some time in the limelight. I dunno. I'm too old to want to hack through this kind of drama in what's supposed to be a game, a hobby, hell I don't want to do it in real life, because that sucks even more.

Kennon has been more than fair and the rest of us have been pretty damn patient, so suck it up.


First Post
OK - Just so I know what the heck is going on....

Xath's revelation of her own apparent pregnancy does change Archon's situation somewhat. He now has another child that he can care about.

But, that doesn't necessarily return the circle to the primacy the oath requires. All it does is place Xath's child on an even keel with Jaine's children, giving him another kid that he would apparently readily break his oath of Alliance for.

At the very least, that's where we were when this conversation paused so that we could all play.

SO - what I need to know is:

1) What has really changed?
2) Does it still F up the events that have occurred in game thus far?
3) If so, what can we do to make sure that it does not?


AIM-54 said:
Oh, poor Archon, how we have mistreated you!

Quit this pity me, BS. You are playing your character to the hilt and, as far as I'm concerned, it has been with little regard for group dynamics and the fun of more than yourself. You've pretty much sucked up the limelight since this thing rolled around and continue to make suboptimal decisions WHICH EFFECT THE REST OF THE GROUP. That's what's so concerning. You seem to have no ability to step back, say, this is just a game, and making X and Y decisions is clearly causing problems, therefore I'll back off the character a bit so we CAN ALL PLAY and maybe others can enjoy some time in the limelight. I dunno. I'm too old to want to hack through this kind of drama in what's supposed to be a game, a hobby, hell I don't want to do it in real life, because that sucks even more.

Kennon has been more than fair and the rest of us have been pretty damn patient, so suck it up.

I'm going to ask that we stop this dynamic now. If we have issues in person, we can work them out in person. But making accusations on the boards doesn't help anyone and it upsets plenty of people.

The_Universe said:
OK - Just so I know what the heck is going on....

Xath's revelation of her own apparent pregnancy does change Archon's situation somewhat. He now has another child that he can care about.

But, that doesn't necessarily return the circle to the primacy the oath requires. All it does is place Xath's child on an even keel with Jaine's children, giving him another kid that he would apparently readily break his oath of Alliance for.

This has been my thought from the start - if Archonus is going to stick with the whole "I put the child first" notion, this doesn't solve any problems... it just creates two barriers to his Oath instead of one. It creates a double barrier (possibly triple barrier once you take into consideration how Archonus would act towards Xath once he finds out - him being Capt. Protective and all ;)) to his Oath and to the Circle.

However, if Archonus is going to stick with the "I will evaluate as the situation arises" option - having Xath pregnant in the first place just creates an **even more** complicated situation than we started with in the first place... now - we have what would have been the perfect solution to the original problem with a whole new set of confounds to operate within.

But, Gertie - it's your charater and if you see pregnancy as a viable solution then that may have the be the way it is. :)

Xath said:
I'm going to ask that we stop this dynamic now. If we have issues in person, we can work them out in person. But making accusations on the boards doesn't help anyone and it upsets plenty of people.
We did discuss it in person... or tried to... however, it was quickly shoved to the back-burner. Hopefully we'll get it all worked out in the next couple days, though. :)

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