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Yedan's Troubleshooters


Nymm 21, 998 YK

"Confound it!" exclaims Bastion. "I cannot detect any traces of the undead here. Those blowhards at the University will never believe my discovery now."

While the professor mumbles to himself, the rest of you have a chance to look around. The room here seems to be reserved for the more notable members of the family. There is an empty niche where you figure the villagers might eventually place Jaran, and there are spaces left out in the hallway as well, though soon enough the surviving Granthum's may be forced to forced to expand the crypt.

Further investigation reveals nothing else of interest, and soon enough you decide to leave the crypt and head back into the village. When you encounter Balred, he seems relieved to see that you have all returned in one piece. "I guess that's the end of it then," he says, "We'll all sleep a little easier without them spirits hanging over us. At least once folks around here have had some time to grieve for Lirev, and I suppose Jaran too."

You find Evret where you left him, and then Bastion speaks up again, saying, "Once we have rested up again, and our Cyran friend here is feeling a little steadier, it might be an idea to move on." Whyre seems to concur.

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First Post
"I suppose now we return to the mayor and report. I don't know how well she will receive the news that two civilians were struck down by the spirits of the dead in response to our meddling. We did the best we could though, and hopefully she will see fit to continue her program."

"For now I will have to rest until I am well enough to sit on a horse. These last few days have been painful, in many ways."


First Post

"I'm in two minds whether to stay or go. On the one hand we have not endeared ourselves to the villagers and so the sooner we leave the better. On the other hand, are we completely sure we have eliminated the threat. If Bastion is sure that the threat is dispelled, then I'm all for going as soon as possible."


"As far as I can tell the spirts have been exorcised by our magic and steel," says Bastion. "A pity if you ask me, but I suppose it could not be helped."

Walking Dad

First Post
Morgan Sorrowful

"In this case, we should leave as soon as possible. The situation here is to heated up for my taste. But I can only pray for another healing to move Evret."
Morgan explains.

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]
Morgan Sorrowful


HP: 11/11
AC: 18, Touch 12, Flat Footed 16
Initiative: +2
CMB: +2
CMD: 14
Fort: +4
Ref: +3
Will +5
Speed 20'

Spells prepared (save DC = 13 + spell level):
0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1 - Shillelagh, Magic Stone

Concentration Check: +6

Club (melee): +2 = +0 (BAB) +2 (Stat) (1d6+2) X2
Scimitar (melee): +2 = +0 (BAB) +2 (Stat) (1d6+2) 18-20/X2

Perception +7

dies at -14

-4 sp


First Post

"I'm with Morgan, we need to leave as soon as possible. As Evret can't move far, what say we go back to the camp ground we used last night."


First Post
"I would be fine with moving on and reporting back to the mayor with the news. If need be I can help carry some of Evret's belongings to help move us along a little faster." Colvin changes the bandages on his wounds.


First Post
Evret nods in agreement and carefully leverages himself up from the floor. He hands his meager possessions to Colvin before making his way back to the camp with the help of his allies. He grimaces as he walks. "What I would give for a Jorasco potion right now. Never thought I'd say that again, the stuff was as vile smelling as Hob-Gob's piss. Still, better than dying I suppose."

OOC- Morgan
If you could prepare cure light wounds in the morning that would get me most of the way back to full health in case we meet anything along the way.


Nymm 21, 998 YK and Nymm 22, 998 YK

Remembering that the weather is going to get ugly in the near future, you stay within Mayelkur just long enough for the worst of it to pass. A few hours past noon then you make your way to the campsite from the previous night and set up to spend an evening of rest and conversation.

Unfortunately the night seems to conspire to keep you from good rest, as thunderstorms continue throughout the night. Not just once do you wish you had bit the sling bullet and stayed within the shelter of one of the buildings, but you make it through the night. Morgan can tell that there are likely to be more storms by evening, so it would be best to make the most of the "good" weather while you can.

A couple of hours after dawn, once Morgan has had a chance to commune and fix up Evret, you get on the road, heading back East towards Amrovel. You pass the usual assortment of travellers along the way. Around noon you stop for a break in a place by the road shaded by a huge tree, and where a few others have stopped as well, farmers by the look of them. As you eat, you overhear them saying something about wolves, and folks who have gone missing, in the farmlands to the North.

Voidrunner's Codex

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