You'll know

James V

First Post
he chuckles a bit upon reading, simply smiling, as he gazes on the words, puzzling them together one at a time, then slowly he begins his reply, looking at Dape with a grin, then back at the posting

His mannerisms are if not a spot match then the closest you can get to some one I think of a bit. When will you be around, perhaps We'll work something out, but you do what you must and I will wait, I find myself still questin' feelin's, where they are, if I have 'em, have I ever felt 'em. I sit here wonderin' what your doin', Dape is keepin' me company, he has a fondness of my hat aswell. We'll see each other soon, I'll hoast you up into my arms, and all will be well for that time, until then it is that word of dread that haunts so many men, yet when it happens...the hope will be alive.

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First Post
The lady passes, and pauses to read. Perhaps it was not a passing at all, but truthfully she came there, to pause. She does so, with light hearted smile, fond eyes, soft fingertips brushing down the words. So many left there, forming a strange bond that seems beyond measure of strength. In some manner it pleases her in another leaves her in wonderment. There must have been a purpose here that she had ne'er spotted. She resolves to watch harder than ever.

I do what I must, and in other times and those doing as well, I consider Dape, and his newfound friend. I'm sure he'll have a lot to tell me about you...when I catch up with you both. Your arms, aye, I remember a strength and warmth...yet a soft solution to many problems. Perhaps you'll endure mine on occassion... Soon I'll be coming searching with you. Perhaps not this sun's-day but next. Will you wait?

James V

First Post
as he does from different times, yet always seems to be on top of the posting, almost on time each day, passing by, he pauses to read it, knowing there will be something there, just simply smiling warmly as he brushes his fingers across her word, his eyes gaze at Dape for a moment then he looks back at the postings, he motions for dape to get something as he begins to post a simple reply

I'm happy because of you, and for that among many other things, I'll wait for you, as long as you wish, we live busy lives, though whats the point of living a slow life, I find it rather dreadful, I'll be waitin' with arms wide open, for 'em to be filled, neither of our days are number by the old one, by a clock of midnight strike, hmmm, you just tell me when perhaps and I'll be there waitin', I miss your eyes the most, I could gaze into them, and our problems would drift away just for that moment. I'm yours, you wish to be mine?


First Post
The elf lady grins faintly as she reads the words, letting them soak beyond her eyes into conscious and perhaps subconscious thoughts. These she orders, before placing them down in ink, pinning the note under his.

You shouldn't wait forever for just a smile. Make your own. The greatest of gifts is to share such a thing. And like me from you, the returns are tenfold. Let Dape keep you company, and whisper in your ear a great many things, perhaps what I'm thinking, perhaps not. But believe him, for he wasn't built to lie. My eyes...sometimes I wish nothing more than for them to be normal...But they are yours to look at as much as you desire, just as I am yours to rely on whenever you need me.

James V

First Post
he chuckles a bit as he reads, a light smirk rolling on his lips as he is quick to respond a post

Not sure if I have forever, by the grace of the old man I hope not, that'd be a long time, and damn...I enjoy eatin' my solids and my teeth, old people don't have 'em. Hmm, Dape here is quite a companion, He can't drink, poor lad, but he sure enjoys my hat, hidin' under it, obsebin' all sorts of things. He tells me things about you, some emotions of sorts you felt when he came to be, without speakin' a word. What have you been busy with now, this I wonder, I expect a nice story of some adventure! Hmm perhaps just a nice chat over a cup of choice, do you still have the music box, have you unlocked its secrets yet?


First Post
She passes. Looking a little worn and tired, she knows this has been negected a few days. Though not worried or stressed about it, rather it seems to calm her; a chance to relax as she finds a place to sit and write in the nature of her hand. Some words cause a smile, others a sobre face, but all the same she adds them, knowing that there's no matter without both.

I doubt few are e'er sure. And considering my concept of forever might be a little skewed, 'tis a rather quaint thing for me to say. If you lose your teeth, I'll be sure to make you some softer sugars to get you by. They're harder to make of these days I shall master that art. Dape, I hope he's been behaving himself. Sometimes, on rare occassions, he'll get up to just as much mischief as I'm sure you do. It'll shock you, so be warned. As for the story, 'tis not that interesting. Just a family musing. The box came with me, in my travels; tis curious, for no matter my mood, the sounds seem appropriate. You'll have to explain that too me. I'm a little simple sometimes.

Cup of choice, a bottle of your finest more likely.

James V

First Post
as he passes by, he lets out a light chuckle, studying a bit, then sighs softly with a light smile, as he begins to reply

Lota thanks, many more to probably come, Recently people seems to pass by, read these, ponder who you are, why I'm keepin' secrets, hmm, there really isn't a secret, its people tryin' to get to damn close, I'll be round, as for a bottle of finest, aye, I've got that taken care of, hmm, that box has a few nice compartments for use, I'm sure things will end up revealin' 'em selves, its quite an insturment if used in the right hands.


First Post
She reads his letters, the curl of her lips soft though noticable all the same. Such eyes do read, the words and the hand behind them, knowing many things, understanding some, and a curiosity to understand more. A reply is left 'neath his.

Even those who know my name still ponder who I am. 'Tis a funny thing, to be the Rose, for her story grows as she does, each thorn and barb created for a reason, though so very few ever hear the tellings. Even fewer manage to see past her petals and silk. Perhaps they are jealous, perhaps they are naieve, or perhaps they are right, in judging against someone who at best remains a shadow. It's of little concern to me, yet if it bothers you, I will stop. I'm respectful enough for that. As for the box; if it is an instrument, then I shall enjoy learning to play. But it seems almost too perfect to touch. Perhaps it was built for better hands than mine.

James V

First Post
his eyes gaze upon them, with a chuckle, taking in each word, almost immedietly with a sigh, all to full of curiousity

If anything now I've this mysterious aura around me, I'm not bothered by it at all, i'm rather fond of it, the legend of the rose, who is she, they ask, I say simply, a rose with many a thorn, mmm nay that box is yours to cherrish, destroy, hold things, relax with, what ever you wish to do, it'll unlock its secrets, do I need to buy a suit aswell for the ceremony? I only have one, it doesn't work so well thought, you'll see why, I miss holding my rose, I'm not happy, nor am I sad, nor angered nor confused about what I've been ponderin', because now its as I have been steadied, nay not happy, not lonely, not saddened, frightened, not sure there is really a word to describe an all to familiar emotion, that just seems to have come and gone many a time, but now stable, I think you know what it is as do I, they will ask, and we will let the legend grow of the rose.


First Post
The Rose passes. But the sweetest of smiles curls the petals of her lips as she leaves a reply. These words now, growing in notority, yet still as pure and simple as the note first left. She sighs softly as she writes, for in words she can relax as memory takes hold and guides her smile to a grin.

An always had an aura. It might have been a little faded and blue from time to time, but 'twas there all the same. One just needs the right eyes to ponder it, and the right smile to heed it. Perhaps mine's crooked enough to know yours. The box...she...I have decided that it's a woman, voice too pure for a mans, though it lacks the subdued lulling quality of yours. I'm not sure who I'd like to listen more...another dance might be nice. But that might wait until we find you a suit. I want to see the one you have first, though, if it bothers you so, we'll visit a seamstress I know and she'll make you into a king. With your hat of course...the hat must come, else Dape will get upset.

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