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Your "Unique" Expressions


I learned nerd for this.
I'm thinking of using "Have you tried ivermectin?" as a response to any medical woes.

I have a hangnail
I have leprosy
My twin is living in my torso

"Have you tried Ivermectin?" It's the cure for what ailes ya. 👍

I just realized, it might actually help with the last one.đŸ˜±đŸ˜

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Just realized that I do have an expression I use, that I don't hear others using. It's when I hear someone say something that sounds really stupid. "Ooooookay then."


“Well that’s poop” or “well, poop” or “poop” or “pooooooooooop”
When I’m flustered or something is just going bad, fast. Said most frequently when I DM and players ask me a question I had not yet considered or taken a course of action wholly unexpected ( so always)

“It is what it is” and “it’s all good” ( while not unique, I say these with an abnormal frequency)
When just accepting something and moving on in the conversation

“Please” “thank you” “I appreciate that”
Clearly these are unique because kids today don’t seem to know these terms ;)

“...and yes I -would- like fries with that”
it’s that tongue and cheek comment that I know I just did something crazy ( such as a turn in a board game that was just a series of chain reactions to give me lots and lots of points) and I’m capping it off by asking for even more ( in this case fries, as a spin on when fast food places used to always try and do the upsell and ask with any order if you want fries with that)

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM

I just know it.

(Talking about threads, of course.)

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