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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


Maybe a judge could comment on the equipment issue?

I haven't completely reviewed Jarel-karn yet, but I did have a look at his equipment section, and, as far as I can tell, he complies with the current rules. We can talk about changing those rules -- and maybe we should; Mal makes a good point that JK is likely to be stronger than a level 2 character who got there by playing -- but for the moment, those are the rules, and JK's items are legal. [/sblock]

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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well, Velmont's equipment is legal so I will have to accept it for the time being.

I will make a proposal to make starting equipment more sensible. As it is, the only way to have 3 magic items at level 2 is retire and start anew because no DM in his right mind would give three items to a level 1.

I hope the proposal pass because as it stands, I will need to take this into account when awarding treasures.



Subscribe and then make your rolls with this system.
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[SBLOCK=OOC]I've followed your advice. I'm down to 2 magical item, and one of them is miscellanous item, instead to have a bread/meat/butter combo.

How could I possibly give treasures to that guy in good conscience when he is so far ahead of the power curve?

But you better give me a good magical item ;)

Initiative: 20
Temporary hp: 2 (From Restful bedroll)

Roll lookup: 1d20+2=20, 1d8=2[/SBLOCK]


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"Yer welcome." Mesa takes the bloody rag and flicks it over top of the rat's corpse. Thank ye for the gift of yer life, little brother, he thinks, before turning to follow Montroya. As he walks, he licks the blood from his hand where he had handled the rag.

"Staying now? Well, I've only been in Daunton proper for..."

He raises the now-clean hand up to the sky, measuring where the sun is and guessing where it was when he first got into the town.

"...for about a handsbreadth of day, so right now I'm staying where ever my feet happen to be standing. As ye could guess, that's not the most comfortable position to sleep in."

[sblock=Wiki Page] Ahh, never thought of people with the signatures turned off. Mesa's wiki is here: Mesa, Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1.[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Initiative Result]
Andrek: 22
Jarek & Mesa 20
Matlal : 3
Montroya 13
Tor 10
Bad Guys : 9

Initiative : Andrec, Matlal (1d20+3=22, 1d20+3=17)
Bad Guys' inititiative (1d20+2=9)

This doesn't happen often, but everyone beat the bad guys.

Zombies and Crooks on Virtual Battlemat

Screams erupt near the center of the square. At first, few people react. What could it be? A mugging? Someone discovered that his salmon was as fresh as advertised? This is a noisy market and the crowd is so dense that you can't see very far unless you are a Goliath.

But the screams are persistent and slowly people in the periphery start paying attention. What is going on? A rumour spreads through the crowd like wildfire: Zombies!

[sblock=The Map]Yep, that's not great art! But it's functional. Initially I at least wanted to paste in pretty token but the square were too small and it was uglier than simple letters.

Legend :

In Blue, the heroes:

A : Andred
E : Mesa
J : Jarek-Karn
L : Matlal
M : Montroya
T : Tor

In brown :

Z : Zombie
M : Zombie minion
H : Grave Hound

The Orange Square is the statue. Athletic DC 20 to climb the 10 feet pedestal.

The yellow square are stands and counter. Can't move through but you can jump over them: DC 15 with a running start, 30 without.

The shaded X indicate difficult terrain due to clutter; the tent, shelves, stock etc. In the case of the Raging Gull it is the tables.

None of it is that dense, though, an acrobatic 12 allows you to ignore the difficult terrain for the round.

Remember; you can't shift in difficult terrain unless you can shift more than 1 square.

Stealth : Remember, You need full cover, concealment of to be out of sight to initiate stealth. Then you need cover or concealment to maintain it as you move.

In the first round, the crowd grants such cover to everyone

After that, the yellow square can be acceptable as full cover for stealth purpose, considering the PC can crouch, but he would need full cover in regard to LOS.

[sblock=First Round rules]
People will panic in the first round and the crowd is thick. EVERY square is difficult terrain in the first round as panicked civilians are running about.

You can ignore that with a free check of Acrobatics or Athletics DC 12, as you push or wiggle your way around the crowd. A DC 17 initimidate would also give you some room. Choose just one. Failure means you have to treat all square difficult for the round.

As the crowd stampede, they may knock you down and trample you; unless you are inside a building, everyone is at risk but some spot are obviously more dangerous than others. The zombies have no such problems; people are running away from them!

LOS : You have no LOS over 5 square during the first round, and the target has cover unless in melee.

After the Zombies have acted once, I will identify a handful of civilians on the map who, for various reasons, have gotten stuck behind and can't readily flee.

You can still imagine there are other civilians running and screaming about but by this point they will have thinned out and not be a factor.

MINOR QUEST : Prevent the zombies from killing as many of these civilians as possible. Reward is relative to success but if they kill more than 5 you get nothing.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster stats]
Zombie Minion
Perception : 10
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 10, Will 11
Immune disease, poison
OA: Slam (Standard, at-will)
+7 vs Armor Class; 4 damage.
Pack Attack
A pack of zombies gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll if it is adjacent to at least one other zombie.

Perception 10
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA : Slam (Standard, at-will)
+6 vs Armor Class; 2d6+2 damage.

Senses Perception 11
HP 54; Bloodied 27
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 11
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA: Bite (Standard, at-will) Necrotic
+7 vs Armor Class; 1d6+3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends) and is knocked prone if it is Medium size or smaller.
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First Post
Mesa glanced at Montroya as the screams erupted. "That's not normal, right?" He started moving through the crowd, but for every two steps he took it seemed the crush of the crowd shifted him one back.

As he moved, he started getting glimpses of what was causing the commotion to the south. It was zombies, as some of the people around him had been saying. Well, yelling, but the effect was the same. His glimpses of the creatures were sporatic, seen through a gap between people as they ran, and he continued pushing his way through. Here was something unnatural, and his first instinct was to correct the affront to nature.

As he got deeper into the crowd, a motion to his right drew his attention. More? Great Spirits, how many of these tortured beings are there? He glanced to the sky, seeking guidance in the clouds.

[sblock=Actions]Free Action = Acrobatics Check to Move Through Crowd 1d20+4=8 (Yuck!)
Move Action = Move to X14
Standard Action = Downgrade to a Move, Move to U16[/sblock]

[sblock=Mesa stat block]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life
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First Post
Move Action: SE 5 squares (Speed:5) to square F10.
Downgrade Standard to Move Action: Attempt to jump tables. Fail. What is the result of a failed check? Is it possible to puch through from F10 to H11? If so, moving 2 squares to H12 (through difficult terrain). If not, I'm going to attempt to climb up onto the counter-top, assuming this takes my entire action.
Minor Action: Ready my sword and shield. (Can I ready both? If not, Prioritize sword first.)
[sblock=Rolls]Athletics Check to ignore Difficult Terrain;Success
Roll Lookup
Athletics Check to jump tables;Failure

[sblock=Stat Block]I'm stealing this idea from Stringbean, because I like it. Thanks!
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 17 (16 w/o shield), Fort: 16, Reflex: 14 (13 w/o shield, Will: 13, Speed: 5
HP: 22/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5. Surges Left: 7/7
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Commander's Strike, Brash Assault, Opening Shove
Inspiring Word, Battle Awareness, Hammer and Anvil (will be replaced as soon as I can get approval for Diabolic Stratagem)
Concentrated Attack [/sblock]
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Tor was quickly snapped back to reality as he realized something was wrong, the sudden panic that seemed to have washed over the crowd out of nowhere and the single word on everyones lips... Zombie.

Tors mind cleared as he drew one of his long swords and moved through the crowd but finds it more of a difficult task then he had first realized with people panicking and pushing he has to fight for every step. The thick crowds makes it hard to see but common sense tells him he will find the source if he walks in the opposite direction the crowds are running in. Drawing his second long sword he slowly makes his way only to find himself next to a zombie.

The sight of a half decayed corpse frightens him for a moment but his hunter instincts take over and he lets out a loud growl as he prepares to strike.

[sblock=actions] Free athletics roll

1d20+10 → [1,10] = (11)

Roll Lookup

Minor action= Drawing main weapon
Standard action= downgraded to a minor to draw off-hand weapon
Move action= move to H-18 [/sblock]

[sblock=Tor's stat block]
Tor- Male Longtooth Shifter Ranger 1
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13
AC:15, Fort:15, Reflex:13, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:31/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Twin Strike, Hit and run
Longtooth Shifting, Two Fanged Strike
Sudden Strike

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Tor]I forgot to mention but your PC is close enough to notice that the zombies have poured out of nearby sewer grates (the green squares)

Also, why didn't you charge and attack the Zombie instead of just stopping in front?

Minor : Draw
Move : Downgrade to Minor (draw)
Standard : Charge[/sblock]
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