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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


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The crowd dispersed, Montroya sees the problem. Several of the townfolk were hurt or dazed from the rush of people. The deva moves forward, and raises his staff. Sparks jump from the end of the implement before forming a crackling sphere of electricity. "Die abominations, you are a misprint in the words of life!" The sphere jumps from his staff, jetting towards the undead and exploding in their midst. The zombie staggers out of the way of the lightning but the hound can't react in time. It's fur stands on end as the electricity courses through it's dead nerves. When the creatures don't fall, the deva snarls at the townsfolk nearby, "Get out of here, while I have them distracted!"

[sblock=Actions]Move to V22. Use vanguard's lightning, centered at V24. Vs reflex: 7 vs Z 16 vs H. 9 damage. If H takes an OA is takes 4 lightning damage.
Roll Lookup

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"Daunton's a big city; you never know what you'll find around the next corner!" Andrec's voice carries his retort as he looses his shield. Keeping a wary eye on the one near him, he moves to assist Matial. With a quick series of feints and jabs, he forces the zombie to focus on him, leaving itself open to the savage warrior.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor Action: Ready Shield
Move Action: Shift 1 square to I12.
Standard Action: Commander's Strike against the zombie at J11. Matial makes a free Melee Basic attack with +1 to hit and +2 to damage. (No roll from Andrec is required)

Actually, my purpose to landing there was to prevent the zombies from moving into the crowd, locking them into their locations or getting attacks of opportunity. I think I used my standard action to move into position.[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=ooc]Eh. I am just back from gaming with Velmont and he likely went to bed. Too bad, should have pushed him to take his turn, I'd already be updating the fight! Now it will go to tomorrow evening.[/sblock]

[sblock=Andrec]When you use commander's strike or other powers that grant free attacks, roll them yourselves on your turn. That's when they occur. If you don't roll them, the next guy to post will wonder if the target is dead or not and won't be able to take an informed decision.

You probably should take notes of the basic attacks of your companion for that reason.

For this time:

Commander's strike, attack from Matlal with Flanking bonus (1d20+6+2+1=18, 1d10+4+2=14) hit
Last edited:


First Post
[sblock=Question...]Mal, can you give us the civilian's stats as well? I'm not saying I'm planning on hittiing them or anything, but it's possible I may, inadvertently of course, hit them with a weak at-will that will push them away from the zombies, if they can take.

Purely theoretically, as I said. ;)[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=DM errata]
Mesa didn't factor in the cover from the stands (-2). The attack misses by 2.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned the stands granted cover, right?

Montroya : V22 puts you in melee range and that would cause an OA. Did you want to provoke the OA to trigger the additional damage? Because that wouldn't work, the OA occurs before the power is completed so the Hound wouldn't trigger the power at that point.

PHB p.290 said:
Interrupts Target’s Action: An opportunity action
takes place before the target finishes its action.

I therefore see little reason to be in melee when you cast and much reason not to so I will assume you took the standard action first and then moved in melee to protect the civilian. You've got enough trouble as it is without throwing in pointless OA!

The trio of zombies engaged with Matlal, Andrec and Tor continue focusing obsessively on the same hero and this time the assaults start taking their tolll.

1: Andrec 2:Tor 3:Matlal (1d20+6=18, 2d6+2=11, 1d20+6=16, 2d6+2=8, 1d20+6=11, 2d6+2=9) Andrec Hit, Tor Hit, Matlal Missed

Montroya in a dire stait. His showy display of power has attracted attention of the hound and one zombie.

Hound bit vs AC 17 (1d20+7=26, 1d6+3=5) hit, knocked prone, ongoing damage 5 necrotic (Wee, resistance negates ongoing! Still noted in status because it's cool.)

Zombie Slam vs AC 17 (1d20+6+2=19, 2d6+2=10) Hit

I can guess the next power you will use with ease...

The other zombies tear apart the children and the elderly with horrifying glee. The street is running with blood and bytstanders hovering on the edge of the carnage scream in pure horror.

3 minions attack 3 civilians, DC 11 (1d20+7=25, 1d20+7=19, 1d20+7=18)
vs DC 11 (1d20+6=12)

4 civilians dead! Bad news, no more can die to get bonus XP but good new it is now doable. By taking some risks it seems possible to prevent another zombie from attacking the remaining civilians.


[sblock=Status & Monsters]
Status :

Zombie at I17: 15/40, Bloodied
Zombie at I11: 9/40, Bloodied
Gravehound : 45/54

Andrec : 11/22 [7] AP, Bloodied
Jarel Karn: 37/37 [11] AP
Matlal : 31 +8 /31 [11] AP
Mesa : 23/26 [9] AP, Beast Form
Montroya : 9/24 [8] AP, ongoing 0 (necrotic, Save Ends), Prone, bloodied
Tor : 23/31 [8] AP

Zombie Minion
Perception : 10
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 10, Will 11
Immune disease, poison
OA: Slam (Standard, at-will)
+7 vs Armor Class; 4 damage.
Pack Attack
A pack of zombies gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll if it is adjacent to at least one other zombie.

Perception 10
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA : Slam (Standard, at-will)
+6 vs Armor Class; 2d6+2 damage.

Senses Perception 11
HP 54; Bloodied 27
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 11
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA: Bite (Standard, at-will) Necrotic
+7 vs Armor Class; 1d6+3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends) and is knocked prone if it is Medium size or smaller.


First Post
[sblock=Whoops...]Yep, forgot cover. But that -2 drops my 13 to an 11, which still hits the minion's reflex, right? And with the civilians as minions, my "push them away" is out...

Whether that minion's still there or not determines my next action, so for now I'm waiting for a "yes" or "no" on crispy minion...[/sblock]


First Post
Jarel-karn, seeing the people around the statue handling the zombies, turn toward a minion who just killed a civilian. He charge the undead but barely miss, unused to handle his sword without his magic.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Move + Standard Charge Minion P23 (1d20+7=13, 1d8+2=8) Miss by 1 :/ . I miss intelligent blademaster.

Minor: Mark the minion.

Also, don't forget, Jarel-karn have 2 temporary hit point from his bedroll.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=Mal]Nope I didn't want to provoke an OA. I thought the square I pick with 10' away. Must have misread the map sorry.[/sblock]

Lieing on the ground and severlely wounded the deva stands back up. "Apoli's light burn you away!" A blast of radiant energy streams out from the deva's staff. The zombie takes the brunt of the force, and cowers away from the deva. The hound ducks under the blast, the deva's insight from past lives not helping him. Knowing he is in trouble, the invoker says a quick prayer to Apoli, strengthening his resolve.

Stand up and rebuke undead at hound and zombie. hound: 6, zombie 14, 10 radiant damage + vulnerable 5 to radiant so total 15. Roll Lookup
I'll try memory of a thousand lifetimes to make that miss a hit: Still miss(9 total). Roll Lookup
zombie is pushed two squares and dazed until the end of my next turn. Action point: Second wind. +6 hp and +2 to all defenses until start of my next turn(parentheses in stats below). If one of the creature gets bloodied I have an additional +1 to my defenses against it. [/sblock]

Init: +1
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Defenses*: AC: 17(19), Fort: 13(15) Ref: 15(17) Will: 15(17)
HP: 13/24 Bloodied: 12 Surges: 7/8(6)
AP: 0
Divine Bolts
Vanguard's Lightning
Memory of a thousand lifetimes
Preserver's Rebuke
Rebuke undead
Blades of Astral Fire

Summon Angel of Fire


First Post
Mesa saw the deva fighting for his life, and a deep growl rumbled out of his throat. Springing forward, he caught the eye of the gravehound and pulled at its will. The gravehound fought against the pull but, was unable to resist the animal compulsion to come closer to Mesa. In his mind, Mesa could feel the pain his pull inflicted on the undead beast.

He released his beast form, a feel of pressure being released in the air around him, and he was standing fully erected beside a helpless innocent. "Watch yerself," he said, calling lightning down onto another zombie towards the square.

Turning back to the gravehound, he said, "Now, pup, let's ye and I dance." It was cat versus dog, living versus dead, man versus beast, and the balance inherent in the coming fight brought a sense of satisfaction to Mesa.

[sblock=Actions]Actually, with Jaerl's actions, whether that minion is standing or not is now moot for what I can do to best help.

Move Action: Move to T20 (S,S,S,SW)
Standard Action: Cull the Herd on Gravehound (w/cover). (1d20+4-2,2d8+4=[12, 4, -2], [5, 1, 4]) Hits 14 Will for 10 psychic damage. Pull to T21.
Minor Action: Beast Form Undone. Shift granted to T19.
(AP) Standard Action: Storm Spike on Minion at M18 (w/cover). (1d20+4-2,1d8+4=[15, 4, -2], [3, 4]) Hits 17 Reflex for 7 lightning damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mesa's Combat Stats]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:23/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used

Shifter Form: +1 vs. AC, 1d4+1
Beast Form: +4 vs. REF, 1d8+4, and target is slowed TENT

Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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