The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]


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[SBLOCK=OOC]2000 gp per PC. Rinaldo will takes 2000 gp. Hogarth takes 0 as Rinaldo cover most of his spending. Rinaldo have made a lot of money with his business during this activity. Also, I'll spend some DM credit to raise in level. If I ever play again Rinaldo, he'll be lvl 12.[/SBLOCK]
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[sblock=XP Awards]Such as they are. A little disappointing, I'm afraid. This game was more cursed than Auronan.

Gem from Eleera: worth 10,000 gp. Divide as you will.

1 behir and 4 troglodytes, EL 9
Forbiddance 'trap', CR 7 let's say
Hanthar the Efreeti, CR 8

Also, 4 months time XP before the game died, or 1600 XP. Plus a bonus month for the trouble of waiting around, 400 XP.

Ashnar and Charlarn (9th): 360+270+360+1600+400 = 2990 XP
Planus (8th): 640+320+480+1600+400 = 3440 XP
Rinaldo (11th): 220+165+220+1600+400 = 2605 XP
Hogarth (9th, cohort): 2990 XP
Tenebrynn (10th): 300+200+300+1600+400 = 2800 XP.

Ashnar and Tenebrynn level up, I believe.


Judge to approve these awards?

Approved, and my thanks for finishing this off.

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