Where do you market/promote RPG products?


I'm wondering what venues you guys would recommend to someone writing RPG material independently? I'm not looking to Kickstart anything, though I have heard some great advice that you should always launch on a Wednesday :) and I don't (yet) have a company/company twitter account or anything like that.

Basically, I'm new to marketing. So here are some questions I'm wondering as a little guy, but I'll take any advice and insight you sages of ENWorld can offer...

Is there a Reddit group dedicated to announcing new gaming products? For example, would it be bad form to post advertising to r/dnd or r/dndnext? If so, what is the right venue on Reddit?

Do folks recommend setting up a dedicated Facebook/Twitter account separate from my personal one? If so, does that sort of require creating a corporation as a legal "container" for my work? For now, I'm just looking to publish on DM's Guild, but depending how it goes I could expand from there.

Are there D&D-focused websites besides ENWorld that are appropriate or recommended for posting product announcements?

How does Twitter work? Now that I'm officially in my mid-30's I finally joined Twitter. And it just is totally arcane to me. If I started a new Twitter feed to announce my work would anyone even see it?

Sorry if I sound a bit clueless on this topic. It's because I am ;)

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