D&D Guide

1) That's pretty weak as far as guides go.
You give a gloss over of the base classes & vaguely touch upon their subclasses/abilities.

2) While I fully agree that Warlocks are great, beyond EB focused spam, they are not user friendly for less experienced players. Based upon almost every (5e) warlock I've ever seen played, t's very easy to make a muddled mess & get frustrated by that tiny allotment of spell slots (even if they do recharge upon a short rest). This really needs to be stressed to would be Warlock players.

3) Wizards. :(
You clearly don't understand the class & thus shouldn't be writing a guide about it

Hey, CCS. I am sorry that you did not find the guide to your liking. I believe you are right about warlocks being less friendly to new players. That is a great point. You are definitely not alone in thinking that the wizard should be higher on the list. It can be an incredibly fun class to play and many players care passionately about the spellcasting character.

Thank you for your time and have a great day.

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You feel like you have a lot to teach the D&D community.

Okay, but why do you think you have the answers? Why do you think you have it figured out?

What is your background which makes you so confident?

D&D is both a very complex game, but more importantly, a non-competitive one that it is very hard to analyze. In competitive games there will be many people with different viewpoints who believe they have the entire game figured out. Thing is, it's easy to resolve it as the ones who win are more right than the ones who lose (even the winners probably have things terribly wrong too unless it attracts heavy competition like chess, poker, M:tG, etc.)

So, why do you think you have the answers and we should trust your conclusions as gospel?


I rated the classes not to long ago and I rated the wizard low but only in tier 1 where you have things like light clerics who are better at aoe than wizards and have more resources.

Wizards kind of a semi advanced class as well. Well easy to play hard to master. The Warlock is probably the hardest class to build but I would rate it high early in it's life.


As a combat guide it leaves out stuff like Hypnotic Pattern and Banish, which tend to be much more powerful than damage in PC hands. Although ironically aoe damage spells are devastating used by enemies vs the PCs - running Princes of the Apocalypse currently and the cult priests are ridiculously powerful as they pump out fireballs or shatters.

I am definitely not seeing Fighter as top tier, though Eldritch Knight is defensively very strong due to spamming Shield spells combined with good base AC.


You could improve the article by listing the classes based on the supplements and paths of each class. For example, you have wizard in the lowest tier, but go on to say that War Caster is good. You could start the article with just the PHB paths and expand to other supplements. You could also just have the PHB if you are trying to explain to new players who do not own the other books yet.

At least you are getting a lot of feedback on how you are wrong and not doing things the way I play from others. :)

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