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RPG Attack Site Closes As Author Outs Himself


Guest 6801328

This is hilarious.

It's ironic how people will latch onto pathetic, shallow arguments they find on the Internet to justify hatred, and then think their gullibility is a sign of their innate superiority.

When those same people then do something colossally stupid, it's just funny.

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Guest 6801328

To me, it's not the hate that's surprising and disheartening. It's always been there.

It's that people are so comfortable expressing it in public. I find that shocking, and fairly new.

It's because they think that wrapping it in the pseudo-intellectual justifications they heard on YouTube makes them sound like deep philosophers rather than biggoted troglodytes.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
He's blocked me pre-emptively on Twitter for some reason. He had his account set to approved followers only, so it's not like I could ever see it, but I guess he's decided he doesn't want to see my tweets either. Never tweeted the guy or mentioned him!


Guest 6801328

He's blocked me pre-emptively on Twitter for some reason. He had his account set to approved followers only, so it's not like I could ever see it, but I guess he's decided he doesn't want to see my tweets either. Never tweeted the guy or mentioned him!

Wild guess, but I bet he had some rationalization for this other than that you might undermine the shaky ground on which his convictions stood.


Stuck in the 90s
Well, given that his company had:

I’m thinking he is the living embodiment of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Yeah, I read about the lunacy from the linked article. Still makes me curious how many people like that do it for the attention, or the 'Salmon' effect of swimming against the stream, and how many people -actually- believe the tripe. Awful either way.


Stuck in the 90s
It's that people are so comfortable expressing it in public. I find that shocking, and fairly new.

Perhaps the readily available access to the internet just makes us more aware of it. I grew up in the south in the early 80s, and the streets were littered with this sort of bigotry far more frequently than I appreciate recalling. That sort of thing wouldn't even make the paper back then. I find nothing about this shocking, just another appalling display of humanity's dying moral integrity.


The best thing about the internet is that it allows people in niche groups to reach out and connect with others like them. It's been great for LGBT teens to find out there are plenty of people just like them, those of us who love talking about RPGs suddenly have a much wider pool of people to discuss such important topics as which pretend elf is the best (the answer is dwarf), and it's given people a platform to reach an audience they never would have reached with old school media like television, newspapers, or radio.

The worst thing about the internet is that it allows people in niche groups to reach out and connect with others like them. Anti-vaxxers, racist, and conspiracy theorist go out on the internet and connect with others who reinforce their beliefs.

I think we're all still trying to adapt to this internet thing.

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