Parallels/Contrasts between D&D 3/5 and D20 Modern Combat

Atom Again

First Post
I would find it very helpful if y'all could assist me in compiling a list of the differences between the D&D 3.5 and D20 Modern combat systems. (The parallels are far too many to waste time listing, obviously ;) ).

Here's what I have so far...

1. D20 Modern uses nonlethal damage with the "all or nothing" mechanic; D&D 3.5 tracks nonlethal damage.

2. D20 Modern massive damage = CON score, and failing the saving throw results in hit points being reduced to -1. D&D 3.5 massive damage = 50 hit points, and failing saving throw results in death.

3. Dying in D20 Modern? Must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) to stabilize. Dying in D&D 3.5? Roll d%; 10% chance per round of stabilizing.

4. D20 Modern uses the various cover bonuses to Defense from D&D 3.0; D&D 3.5 uses a single bonus of -4 to Armor Class if the character has any cover.

Anything else? (Or anything wrong in the above list)?

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