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GMs are an endangered species!


Guide of Modos
The situation is dire, friends. The world is running out of GMs, and we might never get them back. Just look at the cute, little things, in their natural habitat:

Let's look at the causes, so that we can begin to form a solution:

- Not enough Dungeon Master's Guides. Lots of games put all of the rules in one book, giving players easy access to the GM's secrets.
- Rules-light games. If there are few-to-no rules, for what do you need a rules referee? Such games also facilitate low-prep, which could also mean low-need-for-a-GM.
- Narrative moves. These let players control the story, not just their characters. Formerly a GM's job.
- Fate points. These allow PCs to say, "sorry GM. We're gonna change that," thus diminishing GM authority. See also: GM Intrusions.
- Random generators. Players can create their own unexpected content with these. (Here's looking at you, OGRE!)
- Virtual Tabletops. Who needs a GM to describe a scene, when a VTT lays everything out in PICTURES!? And sometimes animated fog-of-war...
- Gloomhaven, an RPBG (...board game), is GM-less and the second printing has about $4 million in Kickstarter pledges.

Two questions:

- Would you like to see a hard line between the GM role and the PC role?
- If not, where do you draw the line?
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Rotten DM
You too can help the endangered species. Just for pennies a day your can help restore the species. Send $99.99 to Jasper add redacted redacted. That is just 27 cents a day.
Oh who are we kidding just send DMMike 1 issue of prophylactics, 3 lipsticks, 3 pair of nylon stockings, Mickey can pay his own way to vegas.

Tony Vargas

The situation is dire, friends. The world is running out of GMs, and we might never get them back. Let's look at the causes, so that we can begin to form a solution:

- Not enough Dungeon Master's Guides. Lots of games put all of the rules in one book, giving players easy access to the GM's secrets.
Meh, encourages players to become GMs. Part of the natural player-GM-burnout-player life-cycle, really.
- Rules-light games. If there are few-to-no rules, for what do you need a rules referee?
Seriously? Filling in all the holes those rules leave open.

Seriously, (I know, hardly the thread for it, /and/ out of character for me) GM - and, especially, DM - scarcity is self-correcting. The harder the game is to GM, the scarcer GMs become, the greater the 'reward' for DMing. The easier a game is to run, the more players can hop into the GM role when there aren't enough to go around. The system will tend towards equilibrium, even if the dynamic seems to favor one or the other.

Maybe we can get Matt Mercer, Jeremy Crawford, Holly Conrad, Satine Phoenix, Chris Perkins, and a bunch of other famous DMs to do a rendition of "We are the World" as a fundraiser?

Voidrunner's Codex

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