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Are we talking here about "toxic geeks/fanboys"?

I don't like when the speculative fiction and the RPGs are used like propaganda weapon, for example Castilla and the inquisition in "7th Sea", bul also I have seen some pieces of social darwinism in some titles of World of Darkness by White Wolf. I don't like when those monster characters share ideas by Nietzsche about the Übermensch and the christianity as a ethic of slaves. In the cinema other examples of propaganda war are the serie "the handmaid's tale" or the movie of Assassin's Creed with a part of the plot set in the reconquest of Granada (they don't tell you Muslims started that war, and there was a civil war between the king Muley Hacen and his son the prince Boabdil the little).

We don't like to find stupid supremacists in the geek community, but reporting it isn't enough. The spirit of the RPGs is about how different people learn to work together. D&D has got lot of stories about conflicts between dwarfs and elves, or other races, but those racist predjudices are defeated when the characters learn about the good things by the other people.

If we want good vibes in the RPG community we have to do more things, not only reporting homophobic or xenophobia is wrong. We have to defend the respect of the human dignity, or we will become villains like Magneto, the archenemy of the X-men, or like in the saga of the planet of the apes where the former slaves are the new tyrants. And we should take care because when the fiction is used to promote certain ideas, the people could react. For example we could see in the future cyberpunk stories no to report abuses by megacorporations but against the wolves in sheep's clothings who defend the keynesian economy and the control of the market by the politicians.


I don't like when those monster characters share ideas by Nietzsche about the Übermensch and the christianity as a ethic of slaves.

I'm not going to comment on everything else but just want to focus on this. As with humans, with differing and sometimes opposing ideologies, why is it so strange to have that same struggle of ideas within Vampires society?

The master-slave morality is good for antagonist characters in the fiction, but it is too dangerous for main characters, or PCs in a RPG. Playing bad guys may be fun, but we should take care. Fiction or reality we can't forget we have to defend the respect of the human dignity. The saga of "song of ice and fire", Game of Thrones, is a good example of innocent people suffering because noble houses have forgotten the mercy. Joffrey Baratheon or Ramsay Bolton are good examples of "Übermensch" without that "slave morality" about mercy.

If we don't want supremacists or like this in the geek community or the rest of the real life, then we have to send to the trash Nietzsche's ideas and social darwinism and recover the true moral value like the natural law. And we should remember the oppressed later may become the oppressor, like Tleilaxu women in the Frank Herbert's Dune saga.

Marcus Tullius Cicero said:

"There exists a law, not written down anywhere but inborn in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading but by derivation and absorption and adoption from nature itself; a law which has come to us not from theory but from practice, not by instruction but by natural intuition. I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right".
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@LuisCarlos17f in D&D you can play drow and play them following Lolth or you can play them having abandoned those darker teachings. In 2e there was an adventure (I forget its name) but you played the humanoids defending your home against the evil adventurers/ heroes who were invading your home, slaying your kin and taking your treasures. In the BECMI series there was the Gazetteer Orcs of Thar which provided a table of XP for pillaging, slaying and capturing slaves.
Hell, one of the stories I'd like to run is where the main PCs are illithids protecting the elder brain from a violent uprising of of ex-thralls helped on by the Githyanki.

In Vampire, you have the opportunity of playing kindred with outrageous views, opposing mortals and the supernatural alike not only in combat, but in politics, religion and more - nevermind the inner struggle with the beast within and the effects of immortality on such mind.

To have this desire to continuously apply real life ideology to a game seems a little too righteous. Similar in some regard to someone very religious not willing to play a cleric or any similar such character because it would go against the player's actual beliefs. I find that extremely bizarre.

In a fictional world you are allowed to do some horrible actions, but when it set in our real world then the things change. For example in Game of Thrones you can destroy a cathedral with Valyrian fire but don't dare to publish a novel or script for TV where a group of black-metal fans start a fire in a temple.

Let's imagine a fan-fiction set in Vampire: the Masquerade where the anti-Spanish black legend was created by the Lasombra clan because the Spanish Empire was the best ally of the Vatican and highest support of the creation of the best vampire-hunter squads, or the Ottoman empire was ruled by supernatural/paranormal creatures (for example skrulls) because the sultan was the son of a concubine infiltrated in the harem.

You can use speculative fiction to show your own point of view about the society, but take care because you can find a awesome answer, for example a fanboy telling a cyberpunk dystopia to explain the ideas of economic Austrian school about the menace when government has a too hard control over the economy.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Any more news from this guy? I just saw that he posted something new to his kickstarter on Monday... is he still denying it's him?


I don't like when the speculative fiction and the RPGs are used like propaganda weapon, for example Castilla and the inquisition in "7th Sea", bul also I have seen some pieces of social darwinism in some titles of World of Darkness by White Wolf. I don't like when those monster characters share ideas by Nietzsche about the Übermensch and the christianity as a ethic of slaves.

One of the fascinating aspects of role playing is taking on a role that you normally wouldn't possess in real life. Player characters in Vampire: The Masquerade are supposed to be monsters. These are people who prey on human beings for their very sustenance. They're not going to think like you or I. I'm running a chronicle right now and after a few sessions I've started hammering home just how harmful their very existence is to mortals. You can have a role playing game with characters who have terrible ideas and ways of living but that isn't the same as an endorsement.

We don't like to find stupid supremacists in the geek community, but reporting it isn't enough. The spirit of the RPGs is about how different people learn to work together. D&D has got lot of stories about conflicts between dwarfs and elves, or other races, but those racist predjudices are defeated when the characters learn about the good things by the other people.

"Yeah, it's always heartwarming to see a prejudice defeated by a deeper prejudice." -- Mike Lonestar (1996)

A lot of people argue that that D&D just reinforces another form of racial prejudice with the orcs, goblins, and other fantasy races standing in as analogs for real life races. I don't necessarily agree with that but any reasons to throw in a Lonestar quote is a good thing to me.


Any more news from this guy? I just saw that he posted something new to his kickstarter on Monday... is he still denying it's him?

I've looked for anything beyond what's already been said and I don't see anything. His Twitter is still private and I'm not a follower so no idea if he's actually been talking about it there. But based on the info out there, it's either him or someone who's close to him (close to the point that they might have used the same computer or the other person might have had access to his twitter account, and lived in the same city). I doubt we'll ever know anything with any certainty beyond that.

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