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M&M - Chosen (Recruiting Closed)


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Hope this isn't too late:

Arthur King's birthday was coming up. He was excited. Having just graduated high school, looking forward to geting his own apartment and starting at Hixville Community College, and growing fairly wealthy off of the combination of graduation and birthday presents, he was anticipating a golden age in his life.

Then he got, THE PACKAGE. He figured it was just another present, so he opened it up and inside there was the most fantastic sword-replica wrapped in fine cloth with a note attached: "Happy Birthday, T.L.O.T.L"

After searching through his lexicon of text lingo, he was quite certain he didn't know who it came from, but was quite certain it was 100% pure awesome. The minute he picked it up out of the box, he KNEW it was pure awesome. He felt strong, fast, and just like when Keanu KNEW kung-fu, Arthur KNEW how to kick ass and take names with this sword. As he was examining his new gift he noticed it had a name etched into the blade-"Excalibur."

At this point, Arthur has picked up a bullet-proof vest and is attempting to fashion a super-hero costume for himself with a England, King Arthur motif. He's also researching Excalibur and trying to figure out who snet him his sword. I plan on crafting links between him and other PCs once we know who is in.

Powers: Basically, a bad-ass with a sword. He loses all of his powers if he doesn't have his sword (drawback). I am not sure if the sword should come with the mythical scabbard of invulnerability or not--it would certainly add to his survivability. In game terms: Sword would grant Strike, be fairly accurate, and maybe have a couple of interesting melee-based special attacks. If I don't have the scabbard, I'll probably also give the sword some deflection in order to give myself SOME defenses. If I do have the scabbard, it will probably give me a number of immunities and Protection that I lose if I lose the scabbard.
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Jemal, the amnesia can be worked with. I like the idea of someone who's missing their identity and who's power therefore becomes a handicap...however, there are other drawbacks that can be explored. Amnesia can be a difficult thing in a game, I realize...it puts a lot more work on the GM, and it can distance the player from the character. Clear risks.

So lets assume for now I'm going with Facade. And yes, I do mean to make sure I get it right the first time this time. :) I am much more wary of situational limits to powers now.

Since I think the drawback will be just as defining (possibly more so) than the specific powers, I'd like to focus on that for now.

Here's some ideas for possible drawbacks that I'm brainstorming:

1) Unusual metabolic requirements. Perhaps the changes to the character's body requires intake of unusual "food." Metal, perhaps, or plastics. Or maybe she has some kind of weak Drain power that she uses to "feed" on living things.

2) Copies more than faces. When she samples a person, she might absorb elements of their psyches too. This could be reflected in an ability to gain memories (perhaps a limited form of telepathy), but also in a tendency to pick up psychological weaknesses. Moreover, much like a person is vulnerable to diseases they've never had, she would have no defenses against the insecurities, fears, emotions and so on of the people she scans. This makes their impact on her disproportionately high.

3) Unusual physiological weakness. Facade's strange new body will be pretty durable, but there's something that throws it for a loop. Maybe it's like a slug, and foams and convulses when you throw salt on her, or maybe it dissolves in alcohol. Whatever it is, a relatively ordinary substance reacts with her inhuman biology to either cause damage, or inflict a debilitating reaction.


First Post
PL 8 - 120 PP

Real Name: Daisy-Lynn Lewis
Occupation: Student
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States
Other Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Hixville, Ca
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Billy-Joe Lewis (father), Mary-Elizabeth Lewis-Donaldson (mother)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Hixville, Ca
First Appearance: CHOSEN #1

Daisy-Lynn was raised into a rather standard trailer-trash family in the slums of Hixville. She was raised primarily by her father Bobby-Joe Lewis, since her mother had left the family behind when Daisy-Lynn was only 4 years old, in favor of some other man, one with more success in life. And unfortunately finances were tight for Bobby-Joe, so he was forced to spend 14 hours or more per day, in order to keep food on the table for himself and his daughter.
Now if this was a fairy tale, Daisy-Lynn would have grown up to be a beautiful young woman and she would be saved by a knight in a shining armor. But fairy tales are not real, and Daisy-Lynn was not a beauty, instead she was rather bland looking, some would even describe her as looking slightly geeky, wearing baggy clothings and with a hair that was never really easy to tame.
School was never what had her greatest interest. Mostly since she had only few friends and was one of those suffering from being teased But she also knew that if she wanted any hope of ever escaping the trailer park, she would need good grades and get some education, since chances of her finding a rich husband were almost equal to nil. Unfortunately her talents weren't really focused on school work, in fact she seemed to lack any particular talent at anything, being rather average in all subjects.
It seemed clear that Daisy-Lynn was destined to remain in the trailer park for the rest of her life, eventually finding herself a husband and breeding some children. Sure she spent most of her spare time reading about gossip, imagining herself in the shoes of celebrities, dreaming of being a famous actress or singer or perhaps a Hollywood movie star.
Daisy-Lynn's life changed a week ago, when some strange rock smashed through her window while she was sleeping, waking her up in the process. As she got up, she saw what appeared to be a normal looking rock. It appeared that someone was harrassing her for some reason, but there was not really anything she could do about it. As she was about to start cleaning up, she picked up the rock and that's when things happened.
It started glowing with blue and appeared like it was morphing itself, beginning to cover her hand, before she even had time to release it or throw it away. The next few minutes she does not remember, except that they were filled with immense pain, as the blue metallic substance covered her. She felt it forcing itself through her eyelids, inside her ears, forcing itself through her nose and mouth and even forcing itself through the pores in the skin. In the end she was fortunate enough that she passed out.
When Daisy-Lynn awoke she found herself being back to normal, though it appeared as if a tornado had ravaged her room. But she still somehow had a feeling that something was different, though she could not put her finger on it. It wasn't until after she had cleaned up, putting some cardboard in front of the window, that she somehow was able to focus on it. It was some sentence just hovering on the edge of her consciousness and with a little effort she could remember it, though she had no idea what it was meant to do. But she found out when she said it out loud, as she found the blue substance pouring out of her and covering her. She was utterly freaked out after that, but eventually calmed down and then found that she simply had to concentrate to return to normal again.
It took a few days before she tried to transform once again, realizing that when she was covered she was able to perform feats one thought was impossible, possessing a strength capable of lifting cars effortlessly. Daisy-Lynn still does not know what to do with those powers, though she's not as freaked out about them anymore.


Eyes: Blue in both forms
Hair: Normal identity - Dark brown, Powered form - Blue metallic
Skin: Normal identity - Caucasian, Powered form - Blue metallic
Height: 5'4" in both forms
Weight: Normal identity - 120 lbs, Powered identity - 600 lbs

ABILITIES: STR 30 [10] (+10), DEX 10 (+0), CON 22 [10] (+6), INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)

SKILLS: Knowledge (Art) 1 (+2), Knowledge (Business)1 (+2), Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+3), Knowledge History 1 (+2), Knowledge (Popular Culture) 6 (+7)


POWERS: [source is alien for all powers]
Density +10 (1440 lbs; +20 strength, +5 Impervious Toughness, +3 Super-Strength, +3 Immovability (Ex: Unstoppable); Ex: Duration - continuous; Fl: Duration – Permanent, PF: Innate, Accurate (unarmed) 3, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple) 39
Enhanced Constitution +12 (Ex: Impervious 6, PF: Innate) 19
Super-Strength +3 (60 str; PF: Bracing, Shockwave; AP: Leaping 6)
Immovability +3 (Ex: Unstoppable)
Immunity +13 (Life Support, starvation and thirst, sleep, critical hits)
Mind Shield (Ex: Continous) +10
Shield +5 (blocking with arms)
Enhanced Fortitude Save +7

SAVES: Toughness +11 (Impervious), Fortitude +13, Reflex +0, Will +1 [Mind Shield 10]

COMBAT: Attack +0, unarmed +6 [Unarmed 10 dmg], Defense 15 (10 flat-footed), Init +0, Grapple +16, Knockback -17

DRAWBACKS: Normal Identity (normal identity with no powers, shifts as full-round action, must be able to say transformation, common frequency, major intensity), Noticeable (density – blue metallic skin, uncommon, minor)

Trade offs - -3 dodge (5 max), +3 toughness (11 max), -2 attack (6 max), +2 damage (10 max)

Attributes 4 + Skills 3 + Feats 0 + Powers 118 + Saves 0 + Combat 0 + Drawbacks -5 = 120 PP
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
What kind of details? I've allready told everything about the campaign that your character would know at start.

Well, if I had a better idea of the link between the drawback and the powers you are aiming for, it might give me inspiration.

As is, it's a little confusing. For example, you say you want a major Drawback but you give Daredevil as an example for disability. Daredevil has a radar sense and his blindness hardly affects him at all. The book suggests that for such a character, blindness is an uncommon/minor drawback worth just 1 point, not 5. It isn't much of an inconvenient for him. About the only thing he misses out is the ability to see colours.

So can we get this sort of disabilities that are more flavours than serious hindrances? I could get behind my character being blind but having blindsight because he uses his telekinesis to 'feel out' things around him.


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Revised the above power set, so that it's now only three powers that all make sense, rather than 9 or so powers that did make some sense, but in others not.


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Is losing the sword=no powers a good enough drawback?

Also, could I build feats into the "Device-Excalibur" in order to represent what the sword grants and what all Arthur loses when he loses the sword?

I think I'll probably take Deflect, a bunch of ranks of Improved Block, and then 3 or so different attacks, probably a basic strike of some kind and then 2 alternate powers that represent different sword techniques.


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Mew. Shapeshifting, eh?

Did I pitch my idea too late?


Well. Hm.

Okay...back to the drawing board, I guess. Sorry, Bia...didn't know you were doing that.


First Post
If I'm not too late I'd like to enter a character.

Carly Pope is the 17 year old daughter of the high school therapist Meridith Gentry-Pope and Hixville's police chief Daniel Pope. An A student in the high school, she has applied for early acceptance into Dartmouth's art program, and is considering a minor in psychology.

Within the last week Carly has been noticing some strange things occuring. Whenever she gets really into something she's watching she can actually do it herself even if she never could before. It started with her younger sister's piano recital.

Power: Reflex Memory (Feats Included)


First Post
Mew. Shapeshifting, eh?

Did I pitch my idea too late?


Well. Hm.

Okay...back to the drawing board, I guess. Sorry, Bia...didn't know you were doing that.

You were doing a shape shifter? Sorry Shayuri. :( The original was idea was a living metal covering her body, but that was shot down even before it was posted. Then I thought of adding morph somewhere to the build and then the character I changed more over to become like the evil terminator. Went from 3 Shapeshift to 8 Shapeshift when I was cleaning up the build and removed the Enhanced Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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