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Superheroes of the Trust Game Thread III


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The group verbally pounds Barrington while Optic scrambles his transmission. Barrington gives up and shuts it off.

The rest of the funeral goes mostly as planned, with the group, as well as Thess' parents, crowding around to carry the casket, which is a bit awkward considering the incredible range in strength among the group.

The Archbishop says some prayers at the graveside with the rest of the group. Hope again sees the same ghost by the graveside, who appears briefly before ceasing to maintain her barrier.

As the event ends, the group has the option to talk to the waiting reporters, or teleport out with Black and White.
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Star isn't teleporting back, so she'll be available for comments while she checks the weather for her flight back and the news.


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Hope decides to linger, to investigate the ghost, which apparently only she sees. If asked, she says she has some private business to take care of. As the others go, she wanders off to a private place, well taken care of, but remote from the reporters and pomp of the funeral.

Stephan's family plot. She sits with head bowed.

"I know you're here," she says quietly to the spirit(s)?

"What do you want?" she asked tiredly.


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Hope decides to linger, to investigate the ghost, which apparently only she sees. If asked, she says she has some private business to take care of. As the others go, she wanders off to a private place, well taken care of, but remote from the reporters and pomp of the funeral.

Stephan's family plot. She sits with head bowed.

"I know you're here," she says quietly to the spirit(s)?

"What do you want?" she asked tiredly.

A ball of purple energy appears. Within it seems to be Viridian's charm. "We are Viridian's line of power. We are her ancestors. We are Viridian. We are Maghda. We are interrupted. We are...revenge. And we are...leaving...but we will be heard."

...it disappears.


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A ball of purple energy appears. Within it seems to be Viridian's charm. "We are Viridian's line of power. We are her ancestors. We are Viridian. We are Maghda. We are interrupted. We are...revenge. And we are...leaving...but we will be heard."

...it disappears.

"Viridian was my friend," she said quietly. "She... was a better witch than I ever will be, I wish...." she closed her eyes, rubbing away tears. "Barrington is directly responsible for her death. His orders, his.... soldiers killed her. He plans on something horrible, something that will tip the balance errevocably towards evil. Many more innocents will die if he is not stopped. Innocents like... Vi." she said, softly, so softly that no one near her could hear, except the spirits themselves. "I can show you," she says. "If you will allow it," she looks up.

"We could use your help and.... In helping us, you will get your revenge." she said, waves of grief, guilt and anger seem to eminate from the deeply troubled superheroine.

"Taking your rage out on his followers will not solve anything. Those people outside the church are dupes, people who have been sucked in by his lies. They... Viridian would not want innocents hurt, however suckered they may be." she said quietly.

"Do not dishonour her memory like that," she begs. "Please," she looked at Stephan's grave. "Please, do not dishonour her memory, like I did with his," she waved her arm towards the quiet, silent mound of earth dotted with sweet smelling herbs and wild-flowers she had planted.
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Star isn't teleporting back, so she'll be available for comments while she checks the weather for her flight back and the news.

Laura Lewis, who had recently gotten the interview from Nitro and seems especially skilled at getting where other reporters can't, approaches Star and says "Great speech today. Too bad Barrington didn't stay for a debate. Reactions to what we just saw?"


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Apollo stands by her and nods, "Yeah I wish I had more to say but I feel like I barely knew her... and then she was gone."


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Nitro butts in. He notes that Laura Lewis is a stunning blond probably doesn't hurt her ability 'to get where other reporters can't'.

"Clearly Barrington was afraid to stay for a 'debate' because he has nothing to say. When you're a mass murderer trying to achieve world domination while trying to pretend that you're a disciple of Gandhi, it's pretty easy to get called out for BS and hard to keep up the act. It wouldn't have been a debate; it would be Barrington further revealed as the pond scum that he is."


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Megan takes a few tenths to wipe her eyes and compose herself. Okay, don't freak out. And Apollo and Nitro chime in. Well, I thought I was doing this... Isn't anyone teleporting back? How is Nitro going to get back on his own? And Apollo... I sort of wanted to fly back myself, get some space. You're sort of distracting... I need to get this right - I've already screwed up enough. And don't cry.

"Even if Barrington was telling the truth about Thess's death not being under his orders, that still doesn't paint a very flattering picture of his activities." Star adds. "Spraying out a large number of poisoned darts means that you're not carefully controlling what size dose the target gets, which seems like it would lead to accidental ODs. Even if more normal drug problems like allergic reactions and interactions with other drugs have been taking care of."

"And what exactly did Barrington think would happen when he projected a solid seeming holograph into the church? It's very fortunate no one was hurt. I don't know exactly how his new device works, but I bet that if he can beam the image from space (I'm assuming Optic informed everyone else once the situation was chaotic), he can put it into the air so other people are out of the line of fire or make the image fuzzy so it's much harder to mistake for a real person."

"Accidents and carelessness shouldn't go together with large scale weather control and ecological modification," Star declares. "I think that developing nations deserve a better than being the testing ground for dangerous and experimental technologies. People have already done a lot of damage to the environment just incidentally, so the unintended consequences, especially in the long term, of messing with the climate deliberately with a global network could be disastrous."

"I'm not saying that we should outlaw those sorts of technologies or hide them away. But we should move with a bit of care and deliberation, and not just have weather control machines spread around the world by a handful of people who aren't living on the planet right now."

Star finishes, then seems a bit embarassed. Umm, that was sorta long. "Is there any thing else?"
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Apollo nods, "Yeah Barrington is showing his hand, he isn't trying to help people just manipulate them. He isn't interested in improving the plight of the little guy, just himself. You get more with honey then vinegar my ma would say and he is definitely spreading that honey around but do not be fooled, he is a ruthless criminal/terrorist world threat. I am running late for an appointment, but if you want a private exclusive and I can fill you in on whatever you like... contact my people."

Apollo hands her a card with his contact information.

Voidrunner's Codex

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