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Recruiting: DT's Sword and Sorcery Campaign (BECMI/Wilderlands)

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Deuce Traveler

Grrrr... I keep calling Fenris, Dartis and GlassEye, Silas. Anywho... I am just about done editing Dartis' character (Fenris'... there I go again!). Let me know what you think. Also, Ricardo Mantalban died today so I want to add this tribute to him, along with Red Skelton and Esther Williams:

Baby, it's cold outside Video


Queen of Everything
Here you go!

As a baby, Lola was left at the city orphanage, having been abandoned by her parents for reasons revealed only to the head mistress. She was a good child, and pretty, but every time she was considered for adoption the potential parents would leave the Mistress's office and then the orphanage without her. Over the years she was disappointed many times until hope just faded from her heart. She grew into a feisty teen, often running off and getting in trouble before being dragged back. Eventually at the age of 16 she left the orphanage and never returned.

She spent the next year living on the streets, learning how to get by. She drifted from place to place picking up unsavory skills, using her looks and charms to get out of trouble if caught. But stealing wasn't doing the job and she was often hungry and homeless. At 17 she was approached by the madam of the Naughty Nanny, who saw through the dirt and grime to her pretty looks and offered her a position there, knowing she could fetch a good price. The thought of food every night, a roof over her head, a nice room and clothes was very appealing at this point so she agreed. She quickly learned how easy it was to steal from the rich nobles and merchants who were her clients.

Six months after she started working there she met Roland Van der Vass, a handsome noble from a known and influential family, who took a liking to her. She had mostly turned off her feelings, it was important to survive this job, but Roland treated her better than any of the other inconsiderate customers she entertained. At first it took some time of longing glances before he figured out how to obtain her. After that he came to her often, frequently paying for the entire night, sometimes bringing her fancy meals or gifts, occasionally all he wanted to do the entire night was talk or sleep. It was difficult for her to keep her emotions and heart to herself; he was the only person in her life to ever really show her consideration.

One fateful night Roland was not her first customer, another noble came to her earlier in the evening. He was drunk and rough and Lola demanded him to leave. This angered him and not being used to told no, he decided to take what he wanted anyway. She tried to fend off his brutal attack but was unsuccessful. Roland had come for her that evening and when he approached her room heard her struggle. He broke down the door and seeing her so treated so badly he impulsively blasted the noble with a spell. The man turned to Roland and drew his sword but before he could attack him Lola ran her dagger through his heart and killed him. Roland quickly comforted her and without discussion he replaced her dagger with his own, taking the responsibility for the murder.

After that she didn't see him for almost two long, tortuous months. He had a trial which she heard about from other customers at the whorehouse. She was afraid she would never see him again, that he regretted his actions, that he hated her or blamed her, especially after hearing he was cast out from his family. But one night he did come to her and though he couldn't pay for her she lied to the mistress so she could see him. He professed his feelings for her, told her he wanted a future with her in it, and begged her to leave the Naughty Nanny, that it was no longer the place for her. She stiffened at talk of the future and while she didn't want to say no, she told him she needed time to think and would let him know the next day. He gave her an address where to meet him the next day.

It didn't take Lola long to know the right thing to do. He cared about her and though his feelings for her terrified her, she didn't want to lose him. She went to the Madam who was not happy with Lola leaving but she gave her no choice. She quickly packed up some of the dresses that didn't really belong to her and a few other little trinkets she had collected and hurried off into the night to find Rovan. He was surprised but very happy to see her that night and he spent the night speaking of plans of them always being together and working together to bring him back to the status he was used to, and the wealth he wanted to share with her. Lola didn't care, she just wanted to be by his side, money or not.

And so, their adventuring career would begin.


Grrrr... I keep calling Fenris, Dartis and GlassEye, Silas. Anywho... I am just about done editing Dartis' character (Fenris'... there I go again!). Let me know what you think. Also, Ricardo Mantalban died today so I want to add this tribute to him, along with Red Skelton and Esther Williams:

Baby, it's cold outside Video

;) It's Ok DT, you called us that for a long time.

Hey Glasseye. I juts realized we switched places. This game you are playing the high dex fighter and I am playing the wizard! :p Let's see if Rovan charges into as many melees as Silas. My guess, no.

Deuce Traveler

I added some notes. Tell me what you think. :) Charwoman Gene, at this point I should only need your character name, how he has been making a living, and any other notes you feel appropriate.

Deuce Traveler

;) It's Ok DT, you called us that for a long time.

Hey Glasseye. I juts realized we switched places. This game you are playing the high dex fighter and I am playing the wizard! :p Let's see if Rovan charges into as many melees as Silas. My guess, no.

You'll get your chance, and we'll see the results if you give it a go. GlassEye was selective with his charging-into-the-fray moments, and wise. I am aiming to put the initial post this weekend.


Queen of Everything
I added some notes. Tell me what you think. :)

That is perfectly awesome and just how I picture her! I love your style ;)

I am not sure if it's important or not but we figured Lola and Rovan are sharing a room somewhere now and it hasn't been long since the end of our posts, maybe like a week or so.

Deuce Traveler

That is perfectly awesome and just how I picture her! I love your style ;)

I am not sure if it's important or not but we figured Lola and Rovan are sharing a room somewhere now and it hasn't been long since the end of our posts, maybe like a week or so.


Their sleeping arrangement makes sense. I'll add that in!


;) It's Ok DT, you called us that for a long time.

Hey Glasseye. I juts realized we switched places. This game you are playing the high dex fighter and I am playing the wizard! :p Let's see if Rovan charges into as many melees as Silas. My guess, no.

Deuce said:
GlassEye was selective with his charging-into-the-fray moments, and wise.

I noticed that, too, Fenris. Wise, DT? I'm not so sure about that. :lol: Anyway, that's a spectacular pair of histories you have there, Fenris and Queenie. *looks sadly at Edvan's short history* So...Edvan and Hilmdyn are gambling buddies; I like that, DT.

Voidrunner's Codex

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