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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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If Koln goes to class with Clover I get to roll a d20 and if I get a 1-3 Koln slays the teacher convinced that he's some kind of demonic heretic :p

Sounds good to me, but I have two major goals for Koln over everything else. The first... is a secret! :p
The second is for him to struggle with his growing insanity, which may mean doing a few rather inhumane things, but he must never get arrested. You know what they do to guys like Koln in jail?! Or worse, do you know what Koln does to people that belong in jail... in jail?

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Um... let's not bother with class. If you take a look at Clover's schedule (conveniently posted on my profile, btw) I've actually already messed up Monday and Tuesday's classes and should actually be going back to Business 101 tonight... again...


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University Of Denver

Um... let's not bother with class. If you take a look at Clover's schedule (conveniently posted on my profile, btw) I've actually already messed up Monday and Tuesday's classes and should actually be going back to Business 101 tonight... again...

So Clover is going to English class from 7-10pm leaving Ruby and Koln to do whatever. If Koln wants to go to class with Clover then he could probably sneak in. The teacher is talking about Shakespeare which Koln would find very amusing especially since Shakespeare was supposedly Catholic in a time when it was against the law in England.


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"I'm fine thanks... slept like the dead actually... by the way, speaking of the dead-" Koln suddenly gives a sharp back-kick and leaps into the air, seemingly tackling an imaginary foe. After raining fists upon the... whatever he thinks is there, he stands and jerks his foot down, as if curb-stomping the imaginary enemy's head in. "There, that'll teach those invisible vampires to follow us! We must remain vigilant... Sorry about the mess Clover, fortunately it's invisible...and I'm a tad hungry now that I think about it. So, do you have class now Clover? Mind if I audit it? I need to make sure you're being taught the right way afterall."

Clover felt herself pale at the thought of Koln coming to class with her, "Um... wow, Koln. I bet that would be... fun. But... um... no. Yeah, I'm going to have to decline. Sorry."


First Post
University of Denver

Clover felt herself pale at the thought of Koln coming to class with her, "Um... wow, Koln. I bet that would be... fun. But... um... no. Yeah, I'm going to have to decline. Sorry."

Clover kicks Koln to the curb as she leaves her room to go off to class. Koln and Ruby are left behind in the room. Icarus the rabbit keeps looking at Ruby and you both notice that he seems to have gotten his mouth on the local newspaper recently as it sits chewed up on Clover's desk.


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Clover kicks Koln to the curb as she leaves her room to go off to class. Koln and Ruby are left behind in the room. Icarus the rabbit keeps looking at Ruby and you both notice that he seems to have gotten his mouth on the local newspaper recently as it sits chewed up on Clover's desk.
As Ruby proceeds to walk towards Icarus to see what he is chewing on she turns to Koln, something has been eating at her. "Hey Koln, how did you know to trust the professor the other night. I find it hard myself to trust him and you two seemed to get along fine within those couple minutes?"
She pet Icarus' downy white fur gingerly, always afraid she could accidentally break him. "Hey chewing that ink can't be good for you.. whats this?" she picks the paper up and reads it.


First Post
University of Denver

As Ruby proceeds to walk towards Icarus to see what he is chewing on she turns to Koln, something has been eating at her. "Hey Koln, how did you know to trust the professor the other night. I find it hard myself to trust him and you two seemed to get along fine within those couple minutes?"
She pet Icarus' downy white fur gingerly, always afraid she could accidentally break him. "Hey chewing that ink can't be good for you.. whats this?" she picks the paper up and reads it.

The newspaper has a corner chewed off of it but it's mostly still legible. You see the same article Clover was looking at last night about Roger Liverman working with David Champs in some experiment. When you look further into the newspaper another article catches your eye with the title ""Haunted" House Slated For Demolition" The article is about the Emerson Estate and how the city plans to have the house destroyed. The house, which was formerly the home of Emerson Wilkershire III who is the son of Emerson Wilkershire jr. a banker at the National Bank of Denver, is supposedly haunted and has been scaring off contractors who have been trying to restore it.

"You won't believe the crap that goes on in there, I swear it feels like you're being watched! We're going to have to tear this thing down!" is a quote in the article from one of the local contractors. The demolition is supposed to take place at the end of the month.
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[sblock=English Class]Clover's English class was no more interesting by night than it had been by day.
Most of the students in the class knew her from when she used to take day classes, and they treated her cordially enough considering she had always been the teachers pet of those classes. However, here in English class all of the students--there were only 12 in the class so there was no where to hide--were on the same dull, boring page. Clover agreed with them that this professor was just about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Remembering the incident of the Biology lecture, Clover sat down towards the back of the class and pulled out her notes. The students allowed themselves to chat themselves to a dull roar until class began. But then as soon as the professor entered the room the fun stopped and the class heaved a collective sigh.
Clover felt her eyes glaze over as the professor began to lecture. Something about Shakespeare and how some believed he might have been Catholic. And this would have been a bad thing because identifying as Catholic was not identifying with Elizabeth's Protestant religion. And as we all know, Elizabeth was very my-way-or-the-highway when it came to absolutely everything.
<insert Shakespeare lecture>
Like everyone else in her class, Clover's mind completely shut down during the lecture. But about an hour in, she realized (much to her dismay) that she had fallen prey to the same problem as the other night: completely freezing. At that point, Clover slowly shut her eyes for a moment and realized that she might very well not have blinked for... well... an hour. Luckily, she sat at the back of the class so none of her fellow classmates saw her. And her professor was just completely oblivious to anything. But it frightened her that she had managed to stay so perfectly still for so long.
Ignoring the lesson, she took a moment to move each of her joints in turn, trying to get what little blood she had left (in a manner of speaking) to move a little bit.
Speaking of blood, she thought with a melancholic drop of her head, she was feeling rather hungry. She allowed her mind to wander back to her dorm room where two beautiful, crimson bags of blood sat perched like trophies on the top shelf of her mini fridge. Yes, though would probably tide her over for a little while. But she would have to feed eventually. Speaking of feeding, when was the last time Koln had anything to eat? For some reason, Clover didn't worry too much about Ruby. Perhaps she should have offered Koln one of the bags?
She smiled ruefully to herself, remembering how adamantly she had once opposed drinking blood. And how quickly had she proven herself a hypocrite? Well, it wasn't like it hurt anyone, right? That police officer was still alive. She hadn't killed him. Mike in the alleyway? Well, maybe she had almost drained him. But he was still alive. That made it okay, right? And it wasn't like she had forced him or anything. He had allowed himself to be a victim willingly enough. She smirked a little to herself at the memory.
"Angelica? Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"
Clover's head snapped up as she heard her name. Not only the professor, but also the rest of the class was looking at her.
'Um... did I miss something?'
Their professor never called on anyone. Anyone! Why her? Why now? There must have been a reason. She tried to take a quick assessment of the situation to see what she might have been doing that would have halted the entire class. But she found no answer.
Instead, she managed a quizzical look and a startled, "I'm sorry?"
The professor looked impatient, "You were laughing?"
Everyone giggled as she sheepishly ducked her head, "Oh, right. No, nothing to share. Sorry for the interruption."
But really, everyone just looked relieved for the break from the monotony.
While she had been spacing--thinking about food--yet another hour had gone by. And soon enough, class was over with and the students could not seem to file out of the room fast enough.
Clover walked slower than the rest, her mind preoccupied with her next meal. Maybe Koln would allow her to grab a bite to eat when they got to the club later?[/sblock]


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Koln nods and responds, "Well... I knew I was able to trust him due to two things. Firstly, I deduced that he was a trustworthy person. I was trained by the Church in the classical methods of deduction, and am to apply said methods when conducting an inquisition into the purity of a target. This comes in handy if say, someone is a known Satan-worshiper and has been dragging others into his ilk, and if I got him by his cowl he suddenly starts weeping with, "WHAT?! NO I'M CHRISTIAN! YOU GOT THE WRONG PERSON! From my keen sense of deduction I am usually able to tell very quickly who is truly innocent and guilty. This is not nearly as difficult as it seems, take one look at that Mindy girl and I bet you can find at least one sin she's guilty of. However, when I saw her, I immediately saw dozens... this ability is a curse. I see a deadly sin on every street corner... in every home. And I oftentimes have to tolerate it, since modern society sees it as trivial, as commonplace...every morning noon and night..."

Koln trails off with a distant gaze, then shakes his head, regaining his senses for a moment, "Er, sorry, started to ramble there. I also knew how to trust him because I saw his aura... this is something new, allows me to see one's spirit as if it were a part of their clothing. Usually what I deduce and what their aura tells me matches... except in your case. Ruby, I deduce that you are a heretic, I know, no news there. But your aura... you are not only a good person, but you appear to walk with Grace. What's Icarus got there?"


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Ruby nods and smiles, "Thats a relief hehe. Thats a valuable power you have indeed. You could tell who is lying and who isn't. There are probably many deceptive people and kindred out there," she said with admiring gaze in her eyes.
She hands over the newspaper clipping and folds her arms. "It appears that the place is inhabited by souls that are not at peace. A bank owner's spirit is preventing the house from being destroyed or altered. Contractors are planning to destroy it soon. There must be something we can do. That soul may be lost if the house is destroyed, I feel pity upon him."

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